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Darren Bowen

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:26 pm
by Polybius
Name: Darren Bowen
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Reading (anything, really), trombone

Appearance: At first glance, anyone could guess that Darren Bowen is a person who doesn't take good care of himself. He has a lanky figure; standing at 6'3", taller than a good majority of adult men. He also has a thin, boney body, nose, and facial structure than average; he's never eaten as much as someone usually should. Darren's head could be considered raggedy. His thick, curly brown hair covers a large portion of his head and goes about halfway down his neck. His face has a dark shade of stubble on it, and he has large blue, wide-open looking eyes. He prefers wearing baggy clothing, so on the trip he wore a hoodie and loose shorts.

Biography: Darren is the only child born to Andrew and Karen Bowen, who were both born and raised in St. Paul, along with him. Both of his parents had relatively high-paying office jobs; they were around upper-middle class, so Darren was given whatever he wanted for most of his early life. When he was 6, however, his father was laid off. His parents had argued often beforehand, and losing his job depressed him enough to ruin their marriage completely. He moved out within the following months, and the separation became more permanent when Andrew moved to California when Darren was 9. After the divorce, Karen started focusing more on her work, straining her and Darren's relationship.

Darren's school life wasn't much better than his home life. He never had much interest in making friends with many of his classmates; Darren usually was nervous around people that he didn't know well, and he made horrible first impressions. As a result, Darren quickly decided to stop trying to socialize with those outside his comfort zone. The majority of the time, he enjoyed reading during school and simply reading or watching television instead of being in the company of others.

His personality and social standing with his classmates has barely changed since elementary school. In addition to his lack of social activity, Darren often shows a lack of maturity and naivety. Most of the time, he outright refuses to believe that anything dangerous or depressing exists; any rumors about crime, such as extreme violence and drug use among with anyone he interacts with will be quickly denied by him. Even when he is directly involved in a serious situation, he shows complete apathy towards the event. Some of the people around him are driven away by his uncaring attitude, taking him as a jerk and possibly depressed.

On the topic of his enjoyment of reading; Darren quickly goes through books, and he constantly searches for interesting things on the internet. He is willing to read anything and everything that he thinks is fun reading, and passes time. This results in him surfing internet databases and search engines reading about passing interests. During classes, he barely focuses on the subject, instead thinking of various topics and scenarios, such as what he would do if he was held hostage at gunpoint, and what his plan would be if he was in Survival of the Fittest. He never takes this thinking and strategizing seriousily; he doesn't think any of those things could ever happen to him and uses it more as a way to pass time in class

Even considering this, Darren isn't completely devoid of a social life, at the urge of his mother; he took up the trombone and joined the school band in 5th grade. Though initially resenting it, he still stayed in the band for eight years. He's made a few friends, mostly passing friends, in the band.

Advantages: He thinks through all of his actions, and has a few plans for the game. He isn't quick to trust anyone, especially those that he thinks will be players.
Disadvantages: Constantly overthinking sitiuations could get him killed. It will be hard for him to gather allies due to his vision in the eyes of other students. Also, Darren is underweight and out of shape, with little physical activity.