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Darius Wright

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:26 pm
by Evenni*
I hope Dar-bear's alright Image I went to town a little on his life story. Sorry about that, haha. Also, I hope I'm allowed to say that he's joined a club before he's been approved.

Name: Darius Wright
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 12th Grade
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Hair, anime, fantasy novels, ‘emo' and ‘scene' boys and girls.

Appearance: Darius stands at around 5'3 and weighs around 125 lbs. He spends next to no time outside, making his already pale skin even paler. The paleness of his skin is accentuated even more by his dyed-black hair, which he spends half an hour a day styling and blow-drying. There are many self-done bleached streaks in his hair, including two in his swooping fringe that he often puts blue dye into. He works hard to make his light brown roots hard to notice. His big, icy blue eyes are normally ringed with black eyeliner. His wardrobe consists of mainly pairs of black skinny jeans and skintight t-shirts, though he refuses to wear studded bracelets, saying they look cheap. At first glance, he looks like a stereotypical ‘emo' kid.

Biography: Born into a well-off family as the youngest of three, Darius lived a fairly comfortable childhood. His sisters, Elizabeth and Shauna (four and two years older than him, respectively), made sure he was never lonely. At times, they treated him like their dolly, dressing him up and doing his hair in sparkly bows. Most little boys might hate this, but Darius revelled in all the attention. His dream of opening his own hair salon stems back to these early days.

In his first few years, his communicational skills developed exceptionally quickly. When they realised he was reading at Elizabeth's level at three years old, his parents called in a psychologist to find out just what was going on. The psychologist was happy to inform them that their son was gifted, something which they had no trouble accepting.

At first, Darius adored school. His favourite thing in the world to do was read about faraway places. At the end of first grade, his teachers approached his parents, requesting that he skip second grade. Ecstatic, they were quick to accept. He was very happy with the idea at first and wasted no time telling all of his friends. This quickly backfired on him, however, as they started calling him a ‘cheater' and a ‘nerd'. He had no idea what a nerd was at the time.

By the time he'd finished third grade, Darius was very unhappy at his school. The children made life very hard for him. On top of making fun of his great marks, they also made fun of how tiny he was. When they found out he was an atheist, they spent a week trying to convince him he was going to hell. He saw the irony in this even though he hadn't yet learned what irony meant.

It was a great relief when his family came to the decision to move houses. At his new school in the new suburb of St. Paul, he told no one that he skipped a grade and tried not to draw too much attention to himself. He was a bit of a loner, but he was okay with that. He had his books and, to him, that was all that mattered. Occasionally, a student would find it funny to point out that he had ‘long hair like a girl', but he would pretend to laugh with them. He was never a great sportsman, but he learned that he was good at dodgeball, which his class played on a regular basis. It was the one sport he was content to play.

When he was twelve, he discovered the wonders of the internet. It didn't take long for Shauna to teach him how to use it. What Shauna didn't show him, he taught himself. He quickly found that he could watch TV shows online and eventually got into anime. The style of animation was an amazing new thing for him. He really enjoyed it. In fact, he joined the Anime Club as soon as he could.

All through high school, Darius taught himself to cut his own hair. Fortunately for him, his parents were quite happy to let him do whatever he wanted with it. He realises how lucky he is and is very grateful. After finding out about some of the teenagers on MySpace and PhotoBucket, he fell in love with the ‘emo' look. Within months, he went from a normal looking teenager with slightly long hair to full blown emo.

Around people he doesn't know very well, Darius is shy. This is mistaken for arrogance by a lot of people, though, as he's loud and rambunctious when he's with his friends, and people notice that. He's quick to make a joke, but he is often taken too seriously and as such has annoyed quite a few people. Instead of going out to parties, he's content to just sit at home reading a book, watching anime, playing with his hair or even just trolling the internet. He thinks cigarettes are disgusting and is quick to tell people this.

Advantages: Being a gifted child, he may find it easier to think of survival strategies. He is quite capable of dodging objects that are thrown his way from his dodgeball enthusiasm as a child. He also knows all of the best spots to go for when defending himself, although this could lead to overconfidence. He's likely to read the survival guide as soon as he thinks he's safe, and he'll remember most of what he reads in there.

Disadvantages: Darius is, despite his figure, quite unfit and will find it hard to endure much physical strain. He is quite likely to overestimate his ability to fight someone off, due to the fact that he knows what spots to go for in a fight. He has never been in a physical fight in his life. He'll probably get himself killed or badly wounded fairly early on. Also, he has a tendency to be completely oblivious to the world, and the people, around him. If he's lucky, he'll be spooked into taking SotF seriously in the first few hours.