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Chloe Strong

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:29 pm
by Danorum*
Name: Chloe Strong
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School

Hobbies and Interests: Cooking, Musical Theatre, Video Games, Dogs

Appearance: Everything about Chloe is round, from her blue eyes, to her nose, to her overall body shape. Standing at 5'3 and weighing 160 pounds, she is heavier than most girls her age. Her rotund figure is mostly attributed not by an unhealthy appetite; she rarely, if ever eats junk food. It is caused by a slow metabolism and mostly sedentary lifestyle. Due to hours spent in the kitchen each day, Chloe has to keep very clean, which shows on her visibly acne-free face. Her straight red hair is kept just above her shoulders for convenience (shorter hair is much easier to fit into a hairnet) and is usually adorned with a light blue hairband.

A very well-endowed girl, Chloe's breasts have caused back problems, which have been temporarily relieved with pain killers. Her doctor has recommended she have her breasts reduced in size through surgery, but since she has been failing her classes, she can't afford to lose any more class time. A surgery has been scheduled two weeks after school finishes.

Chloe is often clad in turtlenecks and dark coloured jeans, usually brown. She covers as much skin as she can, as she is sensitive about the stretch marks decorating her body.

Biography: Chloe is a jolly and outgoing girl who is not afraid to talk to people she doesn't know. This is a positive trait, considering she's bound to forget your name ten minutes after an introduction. She isn't very intelligent, which shows on her report cards, and she has an awful memory when it comes to things she is uninterested in. This is not to say that she doesn't like people; on the contrary, she loves nothing more than long conversations. She does, however, only remember the names of people she genuinely likes and plans to talk with in the future. Though she is noticeably sensitive about her weight, she is able to make fun of herself and has learned to laugh off whatever comments come her way regarding her size.

Being the daughter of two chefs and being a very talented cook at a young age, Chloe's career path has almost been drawn out for her with almost no effort on her part. After sufficient funds have been gathered, she plans to go to France to advance her skills in the culinary arts, as both her parents did. Though she is doubts her confidence, thinking that she may only be going in the food industry to please her parents, she is convinced she has no other career making talents.

Chloe is the clear favourite of her parents, Clara and John; a position coveted by her sister, Gabby, and brother, Lucas. Ever since her childhood, her siblings, a pair of twins, have excluded her in all their activities. Though she doesn't particularly care, it seems her parents did and, in order to save her from "the mental anguish of rejection," they bought her a pet dog. The bulldog, which she named Pikachu after the Pokémon, became her best friend and loyal companion. For eight years, she cared for this dog more than she had ever cared for any other person, mostly since, while growing up, she has difficulty making friends, often being teased because of her weight.

Concerned for her own health, Chloe has made an effort to lose weight. She has been making slow steps toward progress, swapping her usual Playstation controller for a Dance Dance Revolution mat and taking Pikachu for longer walks. Her goal is to drop fifteen pounds by the end of summer.

Though she has a terrible memory when it comes to school, Chloe can memorize the choreography and lyrics to her favourite musicals. She is surprisingly theatrical, being good at singing and acting. However, due to her lack of fitness, she is a mediocre dancer. Preferring to work behind the scenes, she has never even auditioned for any of the school's plays before, much to her own dismay.

Advantages: The only thing Chloe has going for her is good karma; she has been nothing but pleasant to people.
Disadvantages: Slow, large and unfit makes Chloe an easy target. She is also long overdue for breast reduction surgery, meaning her back is an obvious weakness