Celeste Evans*

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Celeste Evans*


Post by Evenni* »

Name: Celeste Evans
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12th Grade
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Chatting to everyone about everything, going out with friends, obscure local bands.

Appearance: Celeste is a little on the chunky side, being 5'7 and nearly 165 lbs. Luckily for her, most of her excess weight is carried around her bust and hips, giving her a curvaceous hourglass figure. She does have a slightly pudgy stomach, but it doesn't bother enough to stop her from wearing the tight graphic T-Shirts that she adores.

Her oval shaped face is framed by her dirty blonde hair, which she wears just past chin length. She has light brown, almond shaped eyes, which are fairly deeply set. Her cheekbones are quite prominent and the light skin on her cheeks is often covered with acne, as is her small button nose. She sports a piercing in her left nostril. Compared to most girls her age, she has slightly bushy eyebrows, but she refuses to pluck them on account of the fact that it's too painful for her to bother with. However, this argument did not get her out of having to have braces to correct her crooked teeth.

Typically, Celeste gets around in boot cut jeans and tight T-Shirts that bear funny slogans or cartoons. She likes to use v-neck shirts to show off her D cup bust and is completely confident about her appearance.

Biography: Celeste has lived in St. Paul for all her life. Her parents both work as elementary schoolteachers and they never saw any reason to move out of what was a genuinely nice place for their family. She was the first child to be born in the Evans family and, while she was often in day care, she never lacked attention. Right from when she started learning to socialise with other kids, she found it very easy to make and maintain friendships. She was outgoing and overtly friendly, always trying to involve every child present in whatever game she happened to be playing. This wasn't because she wanted everyone to feel included, though. It was just because everyone had to play with her, and that was that.

Shortly before it was time for her to begin elementary school, her brother Freddie was born. Celeste was excited at first, but was disappointed by the baby's inability to play ‘duck, duck, goose' with her. She got over it though. The excitement of meeting new children in school was enough for her.

Even though she had two teachers as parents, she never achieved outstanding academic results. She was quite content to maintain a C average (with the exception of the Bs she got in third and eighth grades) if it meant she had more free time to enjoy life. She didn't see the sense in working when she could be munching on a leftover pastry from the bakery or recruiting new friends into her life.

As Freddie got older, she began to realise how much fun it could be to have a younger child around the house. He was soon enlisted into Celeste's growing group of ‘minions', as she liked to call them. Popularity was a breeze for her. Sure, there were a few people who refused to be seen around the chubby girl, but she decided that these people weren't worth bothering with. Ironically, the more these people tried to make her feel bad about herself, the more satisfied she felt. The way she saw things, if people didn't want to be nice to her as she was, it was their loss.

In her early teenage years, her friends started bringing her along to local shows. After the first few gigs, she decided that it was something she liked doing. There was no downside; she got to hang out with her friends for a few hours, hear new music and possibly even mingle with cute, local boys. At fifteen, she had met her first boyfriend in the audience of one of these shows. The relationship lasted for two weeks. She caught him making out with another girl and told him, in no uncertain terms, that it was over. Since that time, she's had a string of boyfriends, but is single at the time of kidnapping.

As most children are, she was nervous about the change from middle school to high school, but she breezed through it and soon returned to her carefree self. In the beginning, she had a habit of trying to complete entire assignments in a fifteen minute period before the class she was meant to hand them in. She learned that this was not a good way to do things, so she begrudgingly started to make time for homework. Of course, this cut into time she could spend out having fun, but she eventually accepted that it was a price she had to pay if she didn't want her parents to ground her for horrible grades.

Celeste has no career related ambitions. She has tried to think about what she would like to do with her life, but she has never came to any real conclusion. It doesn't bother her, though. Celeste is a confident and outgoing girl whose only focus in life is to live it to the fullest.

Advantages: Although she may not be in top physical condition, Celeste has a fair bit of strength in her body. Having a fair few friends could help her a lot. Even if she can't find her friends, she may find it easy to make alliances. Her optimistic take on life could also keep her from reaching breaking point for a while.
Disadvantages: She has never even tried to keep herself fit. She would find it exceedingly difficult to run from an assailant. She has no survival skills whatsoever. She would also have a hard time taking the game seriously enough to keep herself alive. There would also be a few people who might find her cheery outlook irritating.
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