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Brandon Connolly*

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:36 pm
by Deleted User (V4)
Name: Brandon Connolly
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Art, sketching, sports

Appearance: Brandon is 5'11" with a slim, trim and healthy figure. He is dark-skinned and handsome (except for his particularly large nose) with well-toned muscles, particularly his abdominals, arms and legs, but not to a huge degree; he looks more like an athlete than a bodybuilder. Despite this, he tends to keep his figure hidden under very baggy sweatshirts and jeans for personal reasons. He keeps his curly black hair trimmed short to the point where it is possible to see his scalp underneath; it also gives you a good view of a large scar on the crown of his head. He also has a small scar on his abdomen.

Biography: Biography: With his parents divorced soon after his birth, Brandon was left under the care of his mother who pampered him constantly. The divorce, which was almost entirely instigated by her husband, hit her pretty hard and left her unable to really put it behind her. Brandon's father had been a successful athlete, so she was quick to force her dreams of carrying on his legacy onto her son in a vague attempt to fill what she felt was a gap in her life; from a very young age she roped him into participating in as many sports-related clubs as she could find, constantly pushing him to win no matter what. At first he went along with it due to having no other choice and became extremely talented at a variety of sports and physical activities. In school he was always top of the class at gym and PE, and was all the more popular amongst his classmates for it.

However by the time he was in high school, Brandon started to realise that his interest in sports was very limited. While he enjoyed them as a hobby, he had no intention of making a career out of them. Instead he had started to become interested in art, particularly drawing and painting, and was beginning to consider that as a possible career path. Unfortunately any time he tried to admit to his mother that he would much prefer to do that, she refused to hear any of it. As far as she was concerned, mother always knew best, so he was going to do exactly as she said if he wanted to become any kind of success... Not that Brandon was particularly interested in being successful either, but he did not dare tell her that too. He took as many art classes as he could to satisfy himself, but deep down he knew that there was no way he was going to follow his own dream without breaking his mother's heart...

On top of this, Brandon started to realise that most of the friends he had made at elementary school and later at high school were only his friends because of his athletic skill, because they knew that as long as they stayed on his good side he would win all those sports days and championships for them. Other than a few close friends, no-one he knew supported his decision to go into art instead of sports simply because they knew it would mean the end of their winning streak. He lost quite a few "friends" that way.

The two scars on his body were inflicted upon him on two different occasions. He received the first, the scar on his scalp, from a bad cycling accident when he was 15 that split his skull open. He was lucky enough to be hospitalized as soon as possible. The second, a small scar on his stomach, was received when he was mugged on returning home from school one day. His attempts to overpower his assailant only resulted in him getting a knife embedded in his abdomen. He was lucky enough not to have any lasting damage, as the knife missed his major organs.

Brandon is someone who goes out of his way to be a nice guy. He is generous to a fault and is always trying to make some real friends who will appreciate him for something other than just his sporting prowess. Despite his lack of interest in following athleticism as a career, he is a firm believer in healthy living and both exercises regularly and eats only the healthiest food that is available. He is teetotal and doesn't smoke, but he tries not to force these practices on other people who don't agree with him. He is also sexually abstinent, as he believes in only having sex with those that he wishes to have a serious relationship with. Despite all this, he tries not to preach his personal philosophy around a lot and lets people live how they want to; he thinks he may as well give them a luxury that his mother cannot afford him.

Advantages: Brandon is very athletic and well-built, not to mention intelligent. He should find it quite easy to navigate through the dense woodland at a quick rate, as long as he stays well hydrated. His physical fitness should also help him overpower someone in close quarters should it come to it. He is trusting, so will hopefully be able to make allies easily.
Disadvantages: Speaking of trusting, Brandon is perhaps too trusting and honest for his own good... In a game where people are bound to lie and cheat at every opportunity, his nature could very well prove to be a massive hinderance. Whether he could really bring himself to take a life is up for question, considering his very strict morals.