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Alex Cann

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:43 pm
by Polybius
Name: Alexander "Alex" Cann
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Debate Club, reality TV game shows; such as Survivor and SOTF

Appearance: Relatively tall at 5' 11", he's also skinny and pale due to the fact that he lacks any frequent physical activity, and he's the kind of person who prefers staying indoors all day. His face has no visible scars and few blemishes, and he has brown eyes that are always squinting. He has long, dark brown hair that extends halfway down his neck. As for clothes; Alex doesn't wear anything out of the ordinary. Alex usually wears a light colored polo shirt, with plain old blue jeans and sneakers.

Biography: Alex has always been bored with his life. Born to two loving parents in a quiet suburban area of New Jersey, he has always been looking for more excitement. From an early age, he has been fascinated with reality TV game shows such as Survivor and eventually Survival of the Fittest; he enjoyed how much plotting and backstabbing the contestants were willing to do to win. In school, he was always quiet; he usually just sat and read whenever he had any free time. He had no interest in sports; he was shorter than most of his classmates, and combined with his lack of muscle made him horrible at them. He found no interest in anything other than reading, and he was utterly bored with his school life.

Alex and his family moved to St. Paul in the December of 2005. He was disappointed to find that it was just as boring has his last home. He tried to make his school life more enjoyable by spreading false rumors, eavesdropping, etc., basically screwing around with things that teenagers care about. Unfortunately, it always ended with him being called out, and he got a reputation in Bayview for being a liar and a jackass. The rest of the students started hating him, and he was back to where he started.

In eleventh grade, he became more social. He joined the debate club to do something he actually enjoyed: arguing. He grew three inches in his sophomore year and girls became more interested in him. However, the girls he dated stopped doing so when they realized what he really was like; rude, cynical, and basically an asshole. This has continued into his senior year and he's more or less faded into the background to everyone who's not in the debate club.

Part of his reputation is true, as he instinctively picks out the flaws in people other then himself, which makes him come off as rude and egotistical, which he most likely is. Still, Alex stays out of the lives of others nowadays, and he minds it much less than he did one or two years ago.

Advantages: He's pretty persuasive and can make allies with many students that he doesn't know. He has an above average intelligence, which can help him against those less smart than he is. He doesn't trust others easily, something that coulld save his life against players. Finally, he's a good liar.

Disadvantages: He's never handled any type of weapon in his life. He's never been athletic, and he's never been in the wild before, so it will be hard to survive. Instead of helping him, his distrust could lose him quite a few allies. Lastly, he's made some enemies in school, and a portion of students, even ones he's never met, dislike him.