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Adam Tenser

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:44 pm
by Order of Strife*
Name: Adam Tenser
Gender: Male
School: Bayview Secondary
Grade: 12
Age: 18
Mental Disorder: Asperger's Syndrome
Hobbies and Interests: Martial Arts, Paintball, Studying Human Emotion

Height: 5"11
Weight: 178 lbs, very little fat

Adam has relatively short dark blonde hair with the unkempt nature of someone who doesn't care what others think. His facial features might actually be considered handsome if it weren't for the ever present look of someone bored out of their mind. His emerald green eyes seem somewhat dull and uninterested, usually prefering to stare off in the distance during conversation rather than make eye contact. On the rare occasion that he smiles, usually when laughing, his right cheek displays a rather prominent dimple that is almost impossible to miss.

A creature of habit, Adam can usually be found wearing the same or similar items. He's always wearing a hoody or jacket and cannot stand going without some manner of sleeve on his arm, even in the warm summer weather.


When Adam was in the fourth grade, he was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. In depth conversations between Adam and his psychiatrists revealed that, to Adam, Asperger's could best be described as, "Seeing the world from an entirely different perspective. Like a thick fog was lifted and you could see the harbor more clearly." After much effort and persuading, Adam finally managed to take his leave of "that god forsaken" autism research facility as it had come to be known to him and be admitted into the public system for his freshmen year in high school. He often described it as "finally seeing how different he was from everyone else." Adam watched from the sidelines as his fellow teenagers succumbed to what he fondly called 'Emotional Whiplash.' To his observations, his classmates would get into relationships that led to gossip and rumours. They would backstab and betray each other's trust just because they felt it was enjoyable. To Adam, it all felt so... animalistic... The pointlessness of it all was so abundantly clear to him, and he would often become frustrated and angry because "they couldn't see the truth." The fact that they based their decision making processes on such unreliable factors as love or anger turned out to be genuinely confusing and very annoying to Adam. At one point, he was found saying, "Do you know how annoying it is to have a best friend with a controlling and abusive girlfriend, and not being able to convince him to stop seeing her simply because "He loves her?" Suffice to say it's not a problem anymore, because they're not friends anymore."

Despite and even possibly because of his distaste for overly emotional drama, Adam has always exhibited a profound curiosity with the emotional and mental capacities of his fellow humans, often making friends with those that display prominent psychological traits he has never witnessed before. He is more than willing to engage in activities that would allow him to further study the oddities of these individuals. One such instance was when he made friends with a girl to study how her natural shyness interacted with her biting fetish. Hilarity and personal injury often accompany these adventures.

Although he doesn't like to admit it, Adam's autism sometimes crosses over into his day to day activities. His Paintball games are of interesting example. Adam is extremely impatient, and prefers to always be on the move during active play. If he doesn't know where his opponent is, he steadies himself long enough to attempt in getting a fix on their location. Once satisfied that he has either found his adversary or unable to find them within a specific timeframe (Usually no more than a minute) Adam's next decision is to either flush them out of their hiding spot or re-attempt to get a fix on their location. Retreat is always an option if he believes he cannot find his opponent. Speed is everything to Adam as he does his best thinking on the spur of the moment. Without the energy to maintain such speed his advantage is lost.

Adam can be considered rather fond of his little half sister Samantha. They share a particular bond that's hard to describe, kind of like the bond that twins share. They can always seem to tell what's on each others minds just by the looks on their faces. Samantha listens to Adam's "enlightened" advice of the world and he listens to her never ending talk of the goings on of the days activities.

Adam has never really enjoyed the company of his step father despite the fact that he loves his younger sister Samantha to death. The feeling it sometimes seems was mutual. What activity the two actually share in common was the practice of martial arts. On the insistence of both his mother and Samantha, Adam would sometimes get together with his step father and practice Kung Fu. Despite the obvious tension that could be found permeating the air between them, Adam and his step father could be found practicing and even sparring once or twice a week. Adam also enjoys practicing with the British Longsword, usually by himself with no real tutelage from a master. He got a replica for his birthday and enjoyed the feel of practicing with it.

Adam has played a lot of paintball and taken a martial arts class or two in his time. If anything, these activities have taught him how his body works. Adam can't be considered the strongest or toughest competitor, but he is fast, and he knows it too. Adam can weave in and out of the toughest terrain with relative ease while his opponent struggles against the merciless tide of obstacles often left behind in Adam's wake.

Adam is fairly impatient. He cannot stand waiting in silence for any length of time unless something is holding his attention, which tends to wander about quite a fair amount. He does his best thinking on the spur of the moment but when things slow down his mind will usually, with the rare exception, not follow suite. Adam has a fair amount of innate curiosity concerning how the emotions of the human mind tend to work. This can sometimes get him into trouble, depending on the nature of the emotion he is studying.