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Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:50 pm
by Moth*
(Celeste Beaumont continued from Personal Victory )

It was time she got sexier.

Celeste wandered through one of the stores, looking for something that was appropriate for a woman her age. And sexy--something that showed skin but not to much, something to tease the men with. After her recent adventure, Celeste had decided that since she was officially a woman, why not go and dress up for the boys? Give them something to look at. Or look for, in her case.

"Aw, damn it," she grumbled, putting the shirt she'd found back on the rack. It was still too big...Why was everything so big in here?! it was getting a bit hard to find the smaller sizes...Celeste doubted that they were all taken.

At this rate she'd have to go downstairs to the tween department. And there was no way in hell she was going down there. Celeste found another nice-looking shirt, deep red and low-cut, and held it against her. Way too big. "God damn it," she growled under her breath, slamming the shirt back. The force of it shook the clothes on the rest of the rack, but she didn't care.

Re: Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:50 pm
by Rocky*
(Bridget Connolly introduction)

Bridget loved the mall. Which was not to say she was a mallrat or anything... ok well, maybe she was to a degree. She did spend a lot of time there after all. Then again, she had her reasons. Holding a pair of brown paper bags, she made her way across second floor, heading towards a particular store on said floor.

As she was walking, she noticed a small girl in one of the stores getting frustrated at a clothing rack for some reason. Judging by the size of the girl, she looked like a freshman, but Bridget knew better than to judge someone based on their size. After all, she wasn't much taller than the girl she was looking at. Either way, she was definitely in either the wrong section, or the wrong store.

Walking up to the other girl, not trying to be sneaky but possibly going unnoticed, she spoke to the girl. "You know there's a store that specializes in what you're looking for in your size."

Re: Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:50 pm
by Moth*
"You know there's a store that specializes in what you're looking for in your size."

Celeste jumped in shock, whirling around and giving the girl a mild glare. Her expression softened a bit when she saw that the girl probably meant no harm by it...In fact, she actually felt an odd sense of camaraderie. The girl was almost as short as she was...probably in here for the same reason. Celeste couldn't stay mad at someone for that.

"If you're talking about the lower level stores, you can forget it," she muttered bitterly, pushing aside more shirts. Damn it, there had to be something in a smaller size. Weren't the stores supposed to do that anyway? "Those stores don't have nearly as hot-looking stuff.Except for the jeans. Maybe," she added at the last minute. If she bought a pair of pants from the first level, in a size slightly smaller than she wore, then they could show off her legs and ass quite nicely...But she was here for a shirt; she had plenty of jeans.

"I take it you're looking for something good, too?" she asked the girl.

Re: Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:50 pm
by Rocky*
Bridget couldn't help but to smile as the girl on front of her started talking about having to go down one floor, where all the clothing for younger people were kept. In fact, she had shopped down there a few times herself. At least, she used to.

"No, I'm not talking about the pre-teen section." Bridget said with a smile. "and I'm not in here for the clothes. I just say you struggling and felt the need to help you out. Afterall I feel you pain. My sister owns a clothing store down on this floor a bit. She specializes on clothing for the vertically challenged. If you can't find what you want in the store, you may be able to special order it."

Bridget began to walk at this point. "Come on, I was on my way there now. I can show you where it is."

Re: Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:50 pm
by Moth*
Celeste listened to the girl, first impatiently as she went on about not here for clothes, and then with a bit of excitement at the last part. A clothing store for short girls?! And she could special order something she wanted that they didn't? VICTORY! "Are you serious?" she squeaked, unable to hide her excitement.

The girl began to walk at this point. "Come on, I was on my way there now. I can show you where it is."

"Oh, God, thank you!" Celeste sighed as she put the next shirt back, following after the girl. "You've no idea how--" She stopped herself short. No, the girl most definitely knew how hard it was to find a nice outfit in her size...they were almost the same size, after all, give or take a few inches. Celeste sped up a bit until she was walking beside her.

"Name's Celeste," she offered, sticking one hand out. "And you....look vaguely familiar."

Re: Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:50 pm
by Rocky*
"Bridget is the name. You go to Bayview?" Bridget responded to Celeste, as she continued to walk her way towards the store in question.

Entering the store, Bridget was greeted, as always, by her eldest sister, who by the fact she kept glancing at the bags in Bridget's hand, was probably hungry. Not to say she didn't notice a potential customer. "About time you got here Brid- Oh hello!" the last part of this sentence directed towards Celeste. "Welcome. Is there anything I can get you?"

Bridget smiled as her sister Jessica began helping out Celeste. Bridget filled the empty space behind the counter just in case anyone else happened to enter. Jessica liked to spend alot of time with her customers.

(OOC: Feel free to use Jessica for whatever you need. She is here to serve :))

Re: Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:50 pm
by Moth*
"Yeah...I'm a senior," Celeste felt compelled to say, just to see the reaction. Much as she hated looking so young, it was actually kinda funny to see how others responded when they found out what year she was in.

As they entered the store, Celeste couldn't help but smile. She wasn't close enough to the racks to see the exact sizes, but everything there looked...little. Like it'd be in her size! Haha, victory! Celeste would have to thank this Bridget girl. Celeste caught sight of an older woman behind the counter. Must be Bridget's sister. "About time you got here Brid- Oh hello!" the last part of this sentence directed towards Celeste. "Welcome. Is there anything I can get you?"

"Yeah, hi," Celeste smiled, lifting a hand up in greeting. She walked towards the older woman, unable to stop staring at the clothes. Those are small, those are small...these look small, too... "I heard you had some nice shirts in smaller sizes...So, ah..." Hmm...Celeste had to think a moment. What was a good, sexy color? "Oh! You have anything in red?"

Bridget's sister smiled. "Sure do! But what exactly are you looking for? V-necks, tees, sweaters..."

Ohhhhhhh....shit. Celeste mentally face-palmed as she tried to figure that out, too. "Well, I need You know?" Slightly confused, she looked over her shoulder towards Bridget. This was her sister, so Bridget must frequent here....right? Maybe Bridget could help out too? "See," she addressed Jessica again. "I kinda had this date, and I need to look hot for him..."

Re: Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:50 pm
by Moth*
"Yeah...I'm a senior," Celeste felt compelled to say, just to see the reaction. Much as she hated looking so young, it was actually kinda funny to see how others responded when they found out what year she was in.

As they entered the store, Celeste couldn't help but smile. She wasn't close enough to the racks to see the exact sizes, but everything there looked...little. Like it'd be in her size! Haha, victory! Celeste would have to thank this Bridget girl. Celeste caught sight of an older woman behind the counter. Must be Bridget's sister. "About time you got here Brid- Oh hello!" the last part of this sentence directed towards Celeste. "Welcome. Is there anything I can get you?"

"Yeah, hi," Celeste smiled, lifting a hand up in greeting. She walked towards the older woman, unable to stop staring at the clothes. Those are small, those are small...these look small, too... "I heard you had some nice shirts in smaller sizes...So, ah..." Hmm...Celeste had to think a moment. What was a good, sexy color? "Oh! You have anything in red?"

Bridget's sister smiled. "Sure do! But what exactly are you looking for? V-necks, tees, sweaters..."

Ohhhhhhh....shit. Celeste mentally face-palmed as she tried to figure that out, too. "Well, I need You know?" Slightly confused, she looked over her shoulder towards Bridget. This was her sister, so Bridget must frequent here....right? Maybe Bridget could help out too? "See," she addressed Jessica again. "I kinda had this date, and I need to look hot for him..."

Re: Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:50 pm
by Rocky*
"Senior huh? Looks like we got more in common then I thought." Bridget said with a wink.

Inside the store, Bridget watched from the counter as Jessica helped out Celeste, who said she was looking for something "hot", something that usually didn't describe the type of clothing people their size would be able to find. Thankfully, Jessica had been through the same thing during high school, and after graduating from college, opened up a store specifically for this type of clothing.

"Hmm let's see... you're about the same height as Bridget, I'm guessing... four ten?" Jessica asked Celeste. "I'll also need your measurements, so I can see if I can find just the right thing for your hot date." the last part was said with a wink and a smile. "and of course, if you can't find anything you like in the store, we have a catalog you can look through to find just what you want. Shipped in 3 days or it's free, that's the Connolly guarantee."

Re: Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:50 pm
by Moth*
Celeste stared wide-eyed, trying to take this all in. Wow. So far, Jessica hadn't spoken down to her, teased her, or looked at her strangely for wanting to be hot. Damn, this was a good store!

"Yeah, I'm about that're off by one inch, but that's fine," she chuckled a little. And Jessica had said she needed measurements...her hips and waist? But it seemed obvious that Celeste had very little curves to speak of; her figure looked more like a slightly bent ruler. "And...well, I'm an A-Cup." She shrugged. "Really little A-Cup." She looked nervously at Jessica, a little nervous about having another girl touch her chest. "You still need to measure me?"

Re: Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:50 pm
by Rocky*
Jessica fully understood where Celeste was coming from. One of the most awkward situations when clothes shopping was taking measurements.

"Well, if you know your exact measurements, then we can skip that part. Knowing your measurements helps me find a shirt made just for you. That way, it will be a perfect fit. I like to take care of my customers." she said in an attempt to make Celeste feel at ease.

Re: Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:50 pm
by Moth*
The attempt worked pretty nicely. Celeste breathed a sigh of relief, a much more relaxed grin on her face. "Well, thanks a ton, then," she said with a nod. She meant that; she wasn't being sarcastic in the slightest.

Man, this chick's helpful...Wonder how many customers this store actually gets, though? Celeste couldn't help but wonder. There were other girls around her size, weren't there? And this thin? Oh, the measurements. Celeste blushed as she rattled them off in a low voice, realizing that, when she mentioned them, her small chest just seemed even smaller.

"Ahem...anyhow!" she said in a louder voice, wanting to get off the subject of her chest as soon as possible. "I was kinda hoping for something low-cut, like a said. V-neck, maybe, something tight...And long-sleeves, I like long sleeves," she began rambling, aimlessly wandering to the nearest rack and looking through the clothes. She wasn't actually looking at them, however, and failed to notice she was looking through thick, unflattering turtlenecks.

Re: Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:51 pm
by Rocky*
Jessica couldn't help but let out an amused laugh at Celeste's embarrassment. "There's no need to be embarrassed, we're all ladies here. And besides, I know how to make anyone look sexy. I mean look at Bridget. Total tomboy, flat as a board, and that scar on her forehead isn't very flattering, but you should see her when I'm through with her."

Bridget remembered that day rather well. She had all but been ambushed by her sisters and forced to model some of the clothes Jessica would soon be selling in her store she just opened. She would never admit it out loud, but Bridget had to say she looked rather good in the tanktop and jeans, that had somehow brought out curves that she didn't even know existed. She still had the outfit in her room, and she was saving it for a special occasion.

Of course, Jessica's thinly veiled jabs didn't go unnoticed by Bridget. Sitting at the counter, eating the ham and cheese sandwich she had made for herself, she gave a sarcastic smile to Jessica, followed by a thinly veiled middle finger, under the guise of scratching her nose.

Jessica turned her attention back to Celeste, who had wandered towards on of the clothing racks, one filled with some leftover stock from the winter months. "You won't find what you're looking for over there." Jessica said to Celeste. "Let's see..." walking towards one of the other racks, she started going through the clothes. "V-neck, long sleeved, and you said in red? Personally I'd say you'd look good in a nice blue..." pulling down two shirts of the same design, one in red, and one in blue, Jessica handed them to Celeste and pointed to the change rooms. "Feel free to try these on and see how you like them."

Re: Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:51 pm
by Moth*
"Blue, you think?" Celeste murmured, eying the shift Jessica had. Hmmm...she'd never really thought about wearing blue all that much, except for jeans. She didn't know why, it was just...well, her sister had worn red, she'd seen models in red, so Celeste had assumed she'd look great in it. Maybe she was wrong? Well, times like this, you gotta try trusting the saleslady at least once.

She sighed and nodded, wordlessly accepting the shirts Jessica gave her. "Feel free to try these on and see how you like them."

"Nooo problemo," Celeste answered, walking towards the rooms. She shut the door and locked it behind her before trying the red shirt on first. Just a habit, she really liked red...Turning several times and admiring how the color looked on her, she turned her attention back to the blue. really wouldn't hurt to try, would it? And it was a nice blue, after all...a dark, deep one that made her think of skies and oceans.

"Ah, what the hell..." Celeste grumbled as she tossed the red shirt away into the corner, slipping the blue one on instead. Turning to look at herself, she froze, eyebrows raising. Wow, Jessica'd been right...The blue did look great! Celeste found it went with her hair color a lot better, and offset her pale skin much better than the red. Celeste's lips curved into a wide smile. Now this was a good shirt.

"Hey, Jess!" she called out, waltzing out of the stall with the red shirt in her arms, blue on her body. "You were right! I like this one!" She handed the shirt back with a broad smile, turning towards Bridget. She pointed to the older woman, eyes wide, and mouthed 'This chick's awesome!'

Re: Looking For Something?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:51 pm
by Rocky*
As Celeste was trying on the shirts, Jessica stood by the counter, taking the few moments she would be trying them on to grab some of the food Bridget had brought. Biting into the ham and cheese sandwich, her personal favorite, finally getting some food in her.

"So.." Jessica said to Bridget. "You two go to school together?"

Bridget nodded her head. "Although I didn't meet her til just now. Found her in one of the other stores looking for clothes. Of course, they didn't have anything in her size."

"Ah, so you brought her here. Good job."

Their brief conversation was cut short by a very excited Celeste coming out of the change room, red shirt in hand. Much as Jessica had guessed, she looked absolutely stunning in the blue shirt. Jessica smiled at Celeste as she took the red shirt back and hung it back up on it's rack.

"You just gotta know what works with you. The darker blue with your hair really brings out your eyes, and your skin meshes really well, and if anyone knows about pale skin, it's us."

Bridget meanwhile continued eating her sandwich, smiling and mouthing back "I know" when Celeste communicated with her. Jessica turned to Bridget and smiled, before going back to Celeste.

"So will that be all, or would you like to look through the rest of our inventory? We have pants, shoes, and various accessories as well."