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Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:19 pm
by Rocky*
(Reiko Ishida continued from My Mild Traumatic Brain Injury)

Reiko never felt more alive then when she was on the ice.

It was Saturday afternoon, about two weeks after Reiko's fateful accident. Not fateful in a bad way of course. Either way, she had finally been cleared by her doctor to resume her usual routine, which had been a pain for the young figure skater, not being allowed to do anything more than walk for two weeks. For a girl who was used to wheels on her feet when outside, it had been absolute torture. Thankfully, the vertigo was all but gone, which was a huge relief for Reiko.

Sitting on the bench, she watched some of the other patrons of the rink. It was a free skating day, so there were a lot of families with their little ones, taking their first steps, or rather, spills, in the brave new world of ice skating. Dotted throughout these families were other high schoolers with their friends, and the odd couple here and there.

It was odd really, Reiko thought as she tightened the laces of her purple and red skates. Just a couple weeks ago she had never even heard of Sarah Xu, and now she couldn't get her out of her head. Then again, giving someone a concussion on your first meeting isn't something you forget easily, but it was something... more. Reiko had seen the other girl on occasion at school since the incident, and every time she would have this irrational urge to hide, not a hard feat for someone of her stature. It was just the why that bothered her. Why did she feel this need to hide? It's not like Sarah had harboured any ill will towards her, at least she didn't think so. She even agreed to go to prom together, something Reiko was looking forward to.

Shaking her head, Reiko dispelled the thoughts from her head. Perhaps she was just thinking too hard into things. Possibly she wasn't as recovered as she thought. One way or the other, all thought would dispel once the sharp blade of her skated contacted the smooth surface of the ice, the one place where she could be herself.

This rink was truly her sanctuary.

Re: Sanctuary

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:19 pm
by KamiKaze
((Remy Kim introduction))

Take it easy... it should not be that difficult... oh hell, it looks difficult. Oh crap.

Remy stared at the various families skating about. Well, little kids much younger than him were doing it. But, little kids were, well, little kids. It would be embarrassing to have small children be better at it than him!

He had been stressed out lately, due to baseball and drama practice, prom preparation, finals, and so on. So, obviously, he needed to unwind a bit. He also wanted to try something new. So, here he was, at the ice skating rink, and probably failing at ice skating in the worst way possible. He was fit, sure, so getting exhausted quickly wasn't the problem, even though comparing baseball and ice skating was like comparing a mouse to a shark. It was the fact that he slipped and fell. But, he wanted to try something new, and he got it. Remy had rented out a pair of skates and everything.

And now he was on the ice. Clutching the side of the rink. And slipping and sliding.

He had tried a few times to stay steady, but he was not able to. Remy kept falling and soon was holding himself against the side of the rink, close to the "entrance", trying to stay up. But, even with that, his feet wobbled, and at times completely slipped out. Maybe he should have started with classes first. Maybe. He was not sure if he was coming back again after this, but it would have helped, obviously.

Remy stared out at the crowd of people. How did they do it? What was the trick?

Wait a second... was that Reiko Ishida?

Although he did not know either of them very well, he was aware of the Ishida twins. Reiko, was, in a way, well-known around the school. Many people admired her, actually. Unfortunately, he had heard rumors that she and Sarah Xu had gotten into some kind of accident. She seemed to be getting better, though, judging by the fact that she was out and about, and getting ready to skate, which of course was a good thing. Here, from where he was standing, he could see her sitting on a bench and putting on her skates, not too far off.

He gave her a small, shy wave, and tried his best to smile to her in spite of himself. Remy prayed to god she wasn't the type to try to help him. After all, she was recovering, and... well, he did not want to be helped that much. But, the fact that she was just recently injured was most of the problem. Maybe he could talk to her, perhaps. After all, he did not know her or her sister very well, and although Remy always had some degree of problems talking to people, it was nice to get to know new people, especially if they were pleasant.

Re: Sanctuary

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:20 pm
by Rocky*
Reiko stood from her spot, feeling the familiar sensation of the skates hugging her tiny feet. Rocking lightly on the blades, she looked up in time to see a boy wave at her. Something about him seemed someone familiar about him, probably one of the students at Bayview. From the look of it, he had no idea what he was doing out on the ice, clinging helplessly to the sides, trying to stay on his feet. It was a sad and amusing sight to see someone his age struggle so much at such a simple task. But enough laughing, Reiko decided to go help out the hapless boy.

The blades of her skates made contact with the smooth surface of the rink, and Reiko felt herself let go. There was something about being on the ice, dressed in a simple pair of black pants and a light weight jacket, nothing but a few centimeters of metal contacting the cold, frictionless surface below. The rush of pure adrenaline that came across Reiko as the still air around her was forced into small currents, being broken from it's peaceful slumber by her tiny frame, nothing made her feel more alive. The boy who had waved to her was on the other side of the rink, so Reiko made her way over. She stopped hard in front of him "accidentally" spraying him with small ice shavings. Reiko played innocent, as if she didn't realize what she just did.

"Well hey there!" she said in a mock-friendly tone. Not that she wasn't trying to be friendly, she just never spoke seriously the first time she met someone. "You seem to be having some issues there."

Re: Sanctuary

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:20 pm
by KamiKaze
After waving to Reiko, he moved out a bit more. Where, he did not know. All he knew was that he was still clinging to the wall as if for dear life.

However, he felt a mist of ice shards going in his direction, and some kind of mock cheerful voice asking him if he needed help.


In response, Remy collapsed to the floor, falling on his rear end. Okay, what was going on?

Oh, Reiko. At this point, Remy remembered that the reason why she was so admired was because she was an excellent ice skater, to the point of winning awards in competitions. He suddenly felt a little more embarrassed at his own half-assed attempts at it. Here, he was acting more like a dog in a moving van if anything.

In response to her question, well, he did not want any help. Maybe he "needed" it, but he did not "want" it. Again, it was... well, it was kind of embarrassing that he was slipping around like this.

"Oh... I'm fine. Just a beginner....", he started as he stared up at Reiko.

Oh! She must have come over because he waved in the first place. Remy should clarify why he did that. Obviously, he knew her a tiny bit from school, but he was not sure if she knew about him. Heck, the average Bayview student, at the most, knew three things about him; one, he was on the baseball team. Two, he also participated in drama. And three, he was Josée Trembley's twin brother. It was always those three, for some reason. To be fair, it was not as if there was anything else of note to the average person.

"I think we go to the same school. You're Reiko, right? Ishida?"

Re: Sanctuary

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:20 pm
by Rocky*
Reiko had to try hard not to laugh at watching Remy flopping around on the ice like a fish out of the proverbial water. Then again, he more or less was, having never skated before in his life, at least by the looks of it. He fit in rather well with the four year olds who were also flopping around on the ice. She supposed she was like that one time, long ago. That was a long time ago, and to be quite honest, she couldn't remember that time when she was so utterly horrible. Either way, Reiko wasn't about to go out of her way to help him up, partly because she still wasn't one hundred percent, and part because it was just way too funny to watch his struggles.

"Oh, so you've heard of me too huh?" Reiko said in a playful tone.

This was something she was admittedly still getting used to. It had been 2 years since she had competed in that competition, and having placed so well had made her something of a home town hero, at least in the eyes of some. The attention was nice, but sometimes it got annoying that everyone knew your name. That, or they confused her for her sister Reika, which was equally as annoying. As Remy slowly worked his way to a standing position, Reiko started to idly spin in place, at least until a couple rotations cause a sharp pain in her head. Her gloved hand immediately shot up to her forehead, as a brief wave of vertigo hit her. Using her other hand to steady herself on the wall, she waited for the sensation to pass.

Okay... BAD idea.

Re: Sanctuary

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:20 pm
by KamiKaze
As Remy struggled to get to his feet and grasp the wall again, he could hear Reiko speaking.

Well, of course he had heard of her! Some of the students talked about her when they were... okay, pretty much everywhere. In any case, she was a household name at Bayview. He should tell her his name, though, even if it would not ring a bell. After all, it must be weird to have someone suddenly know your name, but you don't know theirs.

"Yup", he said. "I guess I should introduce myself, then. My name is-"

As he spoke, he was almost back to his feet again. But, at this point Reiko was spinning around in place, as if bored. It certainly felt weird, trying to talk to something who was spinning. But, here he was, talking to someone spinning around on the ice, which he had never been before. This... was an interesting new experience, to say the least. And so, he tried again.

"Name is-"

He stopped mid-sentence again, as Reiko suddenly clutched her head, as if in pain, and clutched the wall herself. What was happening? She seemed as if she got dizzy or something, but she seemed to be in pain. Remy remembered again that apparently she was still recovering from that accident, and although she was out and about, she might be suffering some side effects, though he did not know how she was hurt at all. In any case, dizzy or not, he had to ask, just because it was kind of the right thing to do here.

"Reiko, are you alright?"

Re: Sanctuary

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:20 pm
by Rocky*
The pain was gone as quickly as it had come, so that by the time Remy had asked her if she was okay, it had passed. Removing her hand from her head, she shook her head lightly, dispelling the last remnant of the blurriness. Remy had finally stood up, and had a concerned look on his face. This slightly bothered Reiko, as she never liked seeing that look from anyone. Her sister got a free pass, but anyone else got a dirty look.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it. At least you're on your feet now."

Normally, Reiko would just leave it at that, and try to end the conversation, since it wasn't really going anywhere. Today however, she was feeling generous. Maybe it was the concussion, but the fact Remy had showed some concern for her made her feel like helping him out somewhat. Turning 180 degrees, Reiko skated until she was in front of the young man, holding her gloved hands out.

"Come on, I'll help you out a bit." For giving a damn. she thought in her head, but didn't say out loud.

Re: Sanctuary

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:20 pm
by KamiKaze
She was fine?

Remy smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. Good! He did not know what he would do if she had passed out right then and there or something. Probably get her off the ice and possibly get an ambulance. But, it wasn't worth pondering what could have happened, and concentrate on what was happening right at this moment.

Wait, he was on his feet? He looked down, and, although he was stilling wobbling a little bit, he was a little more steady than before. It seemed as though Remy was slowly improving, though only by a tiny bit. So, maybe he was not that hopeless. Just without what would be considered "beginner's luck".

Reiko then offered to help him out a bit. Remy hesitated. What if what happened just now happened again? He did not want to put any more strain on her, right? But, she seemed as if she wanted to? And, it would be impolite to just, you know, refuse?

Remy soon found himself raising his hand to Reiko's, silently regretting how much of a doormat he could be when talking to people. But, he did not want to come off as rude, not one bit.

"Oh! Name's Remy", he said, finishing what he was trying to say earlier.

Re: Sanctuary

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:20 pm
by Rocky*
"Remy huh?" Reiko repeated as he put his hands in hers. "Well, you already know my name. Stand up as straight as you can. We're going to work on your balance first."

And with nothing more than that as a warning, Reiko began to skate backwards, dragging a hapless Remy along with her. The ice allowed her to pull his weight with relative ease, so as to not have to put too much force in pulling him. This would allow him to concentrate on keeping his balance while Reiko worried about where they were going. She just hoped he didn't fall.

Re: Sanctuary

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:20 pm
by KamiKaze
At Reiko's request, he immediately straightened out his spine, and let himself be dragged along. Remy felt a bit like a rag doll, being dragged around by a small child. He noticed at this point that Reiko was much shorter than him. Granted, Remy definitely was not the tallest boy at school, but Reiko was still shorter. It was... interesting, to say the least. He knew some of the girls at school were short, especially considering some of the males' heights, but Reiko was probably among the tiniest.

As he let himself be carried off by her, he felt himself wobble further, and suddenly Remy felt concerned. What if he were to slip and fall, dragging Reiko down with him? That would be awkward. Actually, "awkward" would be an understatement here. It would be even more humiliating, though, especially if it was the cheesy kind of fall that always occurred in those weird Japanese animated shows or romantic comedies where one person ended up on top of another in a suggestive position. Hopefully, that would never be a problem, in any way, shape or form. Heck, he didn't even what to think about things ending up like that, or he really would fall yet again.

But, he seemed to be slowly but surely getting a hang of it. He just needed... you know, practice. Like balance and stuff. He didn't have beginner's luck, but he had... well, help.

After a while, he said "I... think I might be getting a little better at the balance thing. Not sure, though."

Re: Sanctuary

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:20 pm
by Rocky*
As Reiko helped Remy along at a slow, sure pace, she realized they probably look a little silly. For one he was taller than her, and while she had come to terms with the fact that people would be taller than her most of her life, it was situations like this that her size was really noticeable. Here she was, dragging someone at least six inches taller than her, along the smooth surface of the ice, who had apparently never skated in his life.

"You're doing pretty good so far. Now let's see how you can do on your own."

With that, Reiko would release Remy's hands and skate around until she was beside him. He seemed to have the balance more or less down, now all he needed was to learn how to move on his own. It wasn't too hard, although Reiko anticipated a couple spills on the way.

"Okay, next you're going to learn how to move on your own so I don't have to drag you everwhere." She began. "The key is you need to use one skate to propel yourself forward. If you just try to walk, well, you're going to wind up saying hi to the ground pretty fast. So the key here..." holding out one of her skates, she planted it on the ice at a slight angle. "Is to use your skate to make a sort of grip by angling it, and pushing yourself with that, letting your other skate just slide on the ice." Here she would do just that, to show how it was done. "After that, just do it again with your other foot, and bam! you're skating."

Re: Sanctuary

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:20 pm
by KamiKaze
Oh no.

Now he was pretty much on his own, judging by Reiko's comment. Could he handle not being dragged around? Well, probably. It was kind of awkward being dragged around by someone much shorter than you, after all. But, could he manage to stay up? He could if he just tried, and actually went out and did it. Just the fact that he was even trying matter, actually!

Reiko gave some helpful pointers, though. Let's see... don't try to walk, you'll only fall... move the skate at an angle... and only one at a time... now, let's see if he could do it by the letter.

Remy tried his best to do what she said, and found himself making small movements with his feet, propelling himself slightly. It was almost as if he was learning how to move with his feet again. An awkward experience, that. But, he was soon figuring it out, though with a tiny bit of wobbling. Hopefully, he would know how to do things... properly.

"Hey... Reiko, do you think I am improving?"

Re: Sanctuary

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:20 pm
by Rocky*
Reiko watched as Remy made steady progress. Sure, he still looked like he was five from his movements, but at least he hadn't fallen on his face again, hilarious as that would be. His small shuffling strides were working though, even if his forward movement was slow. Reiko couldn't be helped but to be reminded of a certain tortoise at that moment as Remy asked how he was doing.

"You're doing great so far. Just remember slow and steady wins the race." Did she just say that out loud? Oh well, the message was there.

Reiko continued to watch Remy progress, slowing her pace to match his as his awkward shuffling steps continued to make their slow, steady way forward.

Re: Sanctuary

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:20 pm
by KamiKaze
Oh good! He was doing great!

Remy smiled, as he continued shuffling.

Slow and steady, huh? Well! I guess it means that I should keep it slow!, he thought to himself, sliding himself forward.

But, what was the Hare, then? The hare... well, it was probably what he was doing before. Or maybe it's something else. Remy had a feeling Reiko wanted him to go faster, though. After all, being compared to a turtle wasn't exactly a compliment. Usually, when he heard that definition, it was used to describe old people. But, then again, "slow and steady" was generally used as a moral.

He could speed things up a bit. But he might need a little more practice. After all, it isn't like he would become a speed-racer or something almost immediately.

After a bit of thought, he moved his feet in further sweeps, in an attempt to go a tiny bit faster. But, only a tiny bit. After all, as Reiko said, slow and steady wins.

"Slow and steady..." he reminded himself, not realizing he said that aloud.

Re: Sanctuary

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:20 pm
by Rocky*
Reiko watched the slow, steady strides Remy made as he gained more and more confidence in himself. His pace for learning was rather impressive, considering when they met he was clinging haplessly to the barriers surrounding the icy surface of the rink. Of course, now they were making there way towards one of the gentle turns, bringing with it it's next lesson.

"Okay, not bad so far, but now comes one of the hard parts; turning." She began, executing a swift 180 degree turn so she was once again facing the same direction as Remy. "To turn, you simply lean in the direction you want to go. In this case, you want to go left. So just put your weight in your left leg, and you'll turn, but don't try to lean too far over, or you'll fall. Slow and steady." Huh. She said it again. Oh well, it worked so far.

After her explanation, she gave a demonstration, smoothly making the turn before spinning 180 degrees again to watch how Remy did. It occurred somewhere in her mind that she should really stop spinning like that, for fear of her equilibrium being thrown off again.