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Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 2:11 am
by Courtography
(G033: Kelly Peterson START)

Kelly let out another angry scream as she kicked away another piece of the underbrush. Her jeans were now scraped and her right foot hurt with how she had repeatedly kicked the plant life of the area.

But she didn't care about that right now.

What she did care about was being kidnapped. It completely violated her rights. Not to mention the government had promised this thing had come to an end. Her dad would have probably told her "well what could you expect from a Democrat?" but Kelly didn't care who was in charge of the screw-up, she just hated it for happening.

Especially to her.

Her bag was a short distance away. She hadn't bothered to look through it yet. She knew there probably wasn't anything to help her survive in this tropical hellhole. The water in the nearby pond looked nice, but she couldn't help the idea that there was something in there, waiting to eat her. She knew it was a silly idea, but it was unshakable.

She kicked a prickly bush for the second time.

She was still mad, but her foot was hurting too much now to continue to take it out on stupid plants.

She needed to make a plan.

Too bad she wasn't good at making them.

Re: Anger

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:00 am
by JamesRenard*
B006: Darren Fox - Start

"Ughhhh..." That was the only sound Darren's mouth was capable of making at first, his body and mind struggling to wake up. He slowly rolled from his side onto his back and yawned deeply, the intake of oxygen helping to kickstart his brain. Errrf... what a freaking nightmare. Aw man, what's that noise, and why does it feel like I'm lying outside?

Darren opened his eyes and was very nearly blinded by the morning sun that shone down on him. "Owww, ow ow," he hissed, scrunching them shut again. He reopened them, slowly enough so that he didn't fry his retinas. Once his eyelids were open enough for him to actually see anything, Darren pushed himself up and saw that he indeed had been lying outside.

"Oh... okay then," Darren mumbled, still a little woozy from waking up. He looked around and saw a few bushes and plants nearby, his ears picking up the gentle sound of water splashing in the distance.

A couple of seconds passed before it clicked. Wait a mo... what am I doing here? What the hell's going on- And that's when it finally dawned on him.

"FUCK!" he exclaimed, finally realising the events from the previous night were not a figment of his subconscious. "Oh God... oh God." He rolled onto his front and crawled towards the nearest bush, attempting to hide within it. Unable to do so, he just curled up into a ball with his back to the plant and trembled like crazy. Warm tears were already streaking down his face, and his heart beat heavily in his chest. No, no, this is wrong, this is just wrong. I shouldn't be here! I can't be here!

Someone was screaming angrily somewhere not too far from him.

Darren couldn't cope with it all and threw up off to the side.

Re: Anger

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:01 am
by Courtography
Screw plans, now she was suspicious.

That nearby sound of another person, or at least she thought of another person. They didn't sound well, but Kelly didn't care, why would they sneak up on her like that?

"Who's there?" she yelled out into the nearby area.

She waited a moment, stamping her foot into the ground.

"I can hear you, you know."

She turned in the direction of the sound.

If some creep thought they could get the jump on her, they were quite mistaken. After all, she was going to make those responsible pay for this, and there was no way her classmates could get in the way of that.

It was impossible.

Re: Anger

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:01 am
by JamesRenard*
Darren heaved twice, shutting his eyes tight so he didn't have to see the vomit splattering on the ground beneath him. Oh god make it stop, make it stop! Fortunately, the puke did stop coming up shortly after, leaving the boy coughing and gasping for breath. His throat was left stinging, and there was a disgusting bitter taste in his mouth. That was the least of his problems, though.

A girl, possibly that same person screaming earlier, was now shouting out to him rather angrily, causing an icy chill to work its way through his body. Oh crap, crap, someone heard me! Darren looked side to side, hoping to catch sight of anyone while his breathing intensified. His vision was limited due to his low height and the vegetation, however. While he couldn't see anyone from his position, he did notice a black duffel back a few feet away to his left, 'B6' marked on its side in white lettering. Is that mine or something? Darren would have to check that out later, as he had a much more pressing issue to deal with, namely that girl lurking nearby.

"I-it's Darren," stammered the redhead as loud he could, his eyes still resting on the pack that lay nearby. He winced, his throat hurting slightly more when he tried to speak. He was also trembling uncontrollably. "I'm unarmed, I'm friendly, just... don't hurt me."

Re: Anger

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:03 am
by Courtography
Kelly relaxed a bit at hearing who it was. If she was thinking of the right person, she had no need to be afraid of that ginger. She was about as tall as he was anyway. Part of her brain warned her that anyone could be dangerous here, but she opted not to listen.

"Why'd you sneak up on me?" she called in the direction of the voice as she made her way over to where the bags had been laying when she woke up.

She figured it'd be best to check her own bag first, get any anger of having her stuff taken out of the way quickly. At least, she thought they might take something, she really wasn't sure.

She unzipped the duffel, waiting for a reply.

Re: Anger

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:04 am
by JamesRenard*
"Sneak up on you?" Darren questioned aloud, staying crouched down next to the bush. "N-no, I only just woke up, maybe... four or five minutes ago? I've been here the whole time... at least after someone moved me here while I was out cold, I dunno?"

Darren then realised that the girl, whose voice he couldn't quite put a face to, hadn't informed him of her own motives. Is she actually going to do something? Darren quickly dismissed that thought as quick as it came about. No. Get a grip, she can't be up to something. She's not some random stranger on the street, she goes to my school for crying out loud! Darren looked back to the black duffel bag close to him and debated going through it just to see what he got, but decided to wait it out for a moment. He'd told the girl he was unarmed; it would look pretty bad if he was to suddenly have a weapon on his person, or appear to be actively looking for one.

He got to his feet, careful to avoid placing a foot in the fresh pool of vomit, and poked his head above the bush. He caught sight of the other student, and he calmed down a bit upon seeing her. He knew the girl relatively well and he considered himself on good terms with her, especially as he wasn't one of the rowdy types who went to parties, got hammered and/or slept around a lot.

"Hey, Kelly," he called out, still sounding slightly nervous as he spoke.

Re: Anger

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:04 am
by Courtography
Kelly was pissed that they had taken her notebook and pens. Sure, she didn't need them, but still, that stuff was hers and they didn't have a right to take it from her.

She swore under her breath while Darren explained that he had not been sneaking up on her, apparently.

She unzipped the bag the kidnappers had given her, seeing a red plastic object on top. She wondered briefly what it was before hearing Darren's question.

"Huh, what's that Darren?" she responded, distracted.

Re: Anger

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:04 am
by JamesRenard*
"Oh, just saying..., well, hello. I guess," Darren replied, unsure if Kelly had actually heard him. His voice was naturally quiet, but it had a habit of giving out on him when he was simply nervous; in the kind of situation he found himself in, he was surprised he hadn't already gone completely mute. if He stood up fully, able to see Kelly more clearly while she went through her own bag. I guess it's safe to look through my bag if she's doing the same with hers.

Darren turned to face his own black bag him and walked the short distance towards it. He knelt down and unzipped it, peering inside at what contents it held. He saw a couple of survival bars right off the bat and picked one up to inspect it - he made a note to have one of those later on, as he was only peckish at that point in time. There was also at least one water bottle inside the bag, and a map was just visible.

Hold it, what's that thing?

His arm was shaking as he reached for the silvery object that was partially hidden underneath the map. Believing it to be his assigned weapon, his fingers curled around the object, and he pulled it out into view. The item - some kind of small metal stake of sorts - had a piece of paper taped to it. When Darren read the text written on it, he nearly threw his weapon to the ground in disgust.

"A railway spike? Really?" he moaned loudly, then sighed deeply in frustration. Had he not been in such a serious situation, he would have laughed at the ironiy of it all. Trust the train fanatic to end up with a piece of railway... junk.

Re: Anger

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:05 am
by Courtography
"Oh right, hey," she replied to Darren as she pulled the plastic from her bag.

She turned it over, seeing the label. "Oh Jesus, Legos? Freakin' crazy."

She heard Darren's complaint about the railroad spike. "Well at least it's a spike," she responded, "the worst I could do is let people step on these."

Although that would hurt, she'd stepped on her brothers' Legos before. It hurt like heck, it definitely wasn't an experience she wanted to repeat...again, after multiple times of doing it.

"So what's the plan, man?" she asked Darren as a way of taking her mind off her family. She didn't want to think of how they must be doing at this point.

Re: Anger

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:05 am
by JamesRenard*
Legos? They gave Kelly some Legos as a weapon?! Geez, and thought they had it in for me! Darren sighed and examined the spike in his hands some more, taking in Kelly's words while he sat down next to his bag. "Yeah, she's right, it's a spike. Not that I'll be using it to stab people though," he mumbled to himself. He then spoke louder, "you could maybe, I dunno, build something like a stick or some kind of staff? And... erm... poke people with it if they try to attack you?"

Yeah right...

Holding the spike in his right hand, he began to absent-mindedly scratch into the dirt with the sharp end, creating a small line in the ground. This is so messed up. I got a pathetic excuse for a knife and Kelly over there got some building blocks. What the hell are we supposed to do? Darren looked down at the line he was digging into the soil, then had an idea. He continued to scratch into the ground, creating different lines that criss-crossed each other. Kelly spoke to him, and he replied without looking up from the ground.

"Honestly? I have no real idea, Kelly," Darren muttered. "I don't even know what we can do. I guess maybe we find other people and put our heads together? I don't think many of us, heck, I don't even think any of us would have it in us to take part in all this. What say you?" A short while later, he stopped scratching away and stood back up to admire his handiwork. A message was now scrawled in the dirt at his feet:



Re: Anger

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:05 am
by Courtography
Kelly had to smile a bit at the image of her poking at someone with some big Lego stick. Yeah, somehow she didn't think that was going to work very well. Because well, last she checked, Legos weren't sharp or all that heavy.

She nodded along with Darren's logic. It made sense to her, she wasn't out to kill anyone, and even as stupid as many of her classmates were, she doubted many of them would be out to kill her either.

She laughed a bit at the message Darren had put in the dirt. "Nice," she responded.

She waited a moment. "Alright, I guess we better find those other people now, right?"

She put the Legos back in her bag and put the bag on her shoulders. It looked like it'd be quite the hike to get away from the lagoon-lake-thing.

She started to head for the upward slope.

But she had a plan now.

(Kelly Peterson continued in Fear)

Re: Anger

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:06 am
by JamesRenard*
"Thanks," Darren responded, still gazing down at the wording carved beneath him. "It's probably the best use I'll be able to find with this thing," he added, tossing the railway spike up and watching it spin in the air. He attempted to catch it as it fell back down, but it bounced off his palm, slipped out of his fingers and landed on the ground. "Gah," he remarked as he leant down to reclaim it, then shoved it quickly into his jeans pocket. "I'm normally a better catch than that," he spoke, turning round to see Kelly had already started to walk away from the lagoon.

"Oh, w-wait for me!" Darren called after her, feeling slightly startled. He bent over to grab his duffel bag up by the handle and retrieved the island map from inside it. He went to walk away and follow Kelly, then remembered his grey rucksack was still lying nearby. He doubled back to grab it, accidentally stepping in the puddle of vomit he had tried so desperately to avoid previously. "Ewww..." he groaned, wiping the sick off against a nearby plant.

"Okay, sorry 'bout that, I'm good to go now," he said, jogging towards the incline to catch up with Kelly. He just hoped that they'd find other people sooner rather than later, and that they'd have the same mindset as the both of them.

((Darren Fox contined in Fear))