Accelerated English

Hobbsborough is a combination of two schools. A public and a Catholic school. You can just feel the tension in the air.
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Accelerated English


Post by lovebirdjo* »

After leaving Mrs. Saranna's room, Corey had gone to his other classes, taking notes and answering questions. He then found himself inside Mrs. Hall's class. The small teacher was an older woman, probably in her late fifties, but not so old to where she was a downer. If anything, the bright redheaded woman was nothing short of a spiritual upbringing. She had decorated her room with plenty of color and posters, most depicting some form of literary humor. Her walls were the same color white as most other rooms, but only in a couple of places could it actually be seen. In fact, the first few days had taken some time to get used to the collage of interesting things. Only the windows were free of the assorted tapestries and the like. This was due to Mrs. Hall's firm belief in what she called "brain seizures" that the lights around the school gave the students. Instead, she used the sun's natural light and some Christmas lights around the room. In one corner of the room the short woman had decided to set up a small café for her students, providing all the necessary items to make tea, coffee, or hot cocoa such as a coffee pot, bottled water, cups, and a small microwave.

Besides the obvious reasons why the students enjoyed her class, there was also the matter of her teaching method. She was a hands-on kind of teacher, preferring to give everything in a way that her students could understand it. For instance, when the class had read Beowulf, she had assigned people each day to get up and act out the epic in a way that a normal person would understand it. Basically, in a more "hip fashion. So every time one of the boys or girls was in her class, they looked forward to its easiness and the way that the concepts were easy to grasp. The only thing that students didn't like was the way that their teacher loved to spring a pop quiz on them nearly every day. Corey, different from the others, looked forward to it. The class was his only accelerated class, and he tried his best in there. In Mrs. Hall's room, he could let his imagination go and just concentrate on making things his own. Whenever their teacher would assign a paper, the brunette boy would go out of his way to describe every detail of what the paper entitled in the best possible fashion.

On this particular day, though, nothing was to be happening besides the class's continuation of "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer. It was a good book, Corey knew, but he just didn't feel like following along with the class. Instead he pulled out his copy of "Briar's Book" and turned to page one hundred and eleven where his sword-shaped bookmark rested. Pulling the small blade by its chain, the brown-eyed boy began to read. He was a master at multi-tasking, and even as he read, he was also paying attention to the words of his teacher. He knew the woman wouldn't bother him, since his grades in the class were exceptional. Instead, the woman smiled at him and continued teaching, leaving the boy inside his imaginary world of magic and battle.
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