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Class. Eat. Study.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:33 pm
by Jotun*
Class ended. Seth joined his class in filing out of the room to go on lunch break, where Seth would eat a decent meal before half-heartedly returning to his studies. Of ocurse, everything he did seemed half-hearted, but Seth already knew the material and so studying was vastly unnecessary. Regardless, there was nothing else to do, and eating was a critical part of his life, naturally. So it continued as always.

Despite making an important leap up to the prestigious school of P.J Gilroy, Seth's life had not changed in the least. No new friends, no activities he was interested in, just the ho-hum of going through life carelessly to an uncertain and probably equally dull future. Of course, Seth could do anything he wanted, his talent for everything he attempted was remarkable. But he saw no reason to do anything. Nothing would really change, except maybe a bigger paycheque to buy more things he didn't care about.

Well, that was in the vague future. Here, today, it was time to eat.

Leaving the pristine carpeted hallways Seth found his way into the courtyard, stand-out for it's tall trees and minature gardens. Finding his way to an unoccupied picnic table -all of them were unoccupied as Seth was nearly the first one outside- Seth dropped his books on the bench next to him and his lunch on the table.

Re: Class. Eat. Study.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:33 pm
by laZardo*
Three boys, all dressed in their neat school uniforms, step out of the building and onto the courtyard in formation.

The leader, Marvin Hendrick was actually in a mood today, and not a very good one.

The past few days have taken its toll on him, and more importantly, his reputation. And it all started with that psycho blonde bitch. After trying and failing to offer her a position as one of his associates, his own boss decides to let her go - with Damien, his favorite victim - to save the life of one of his own associates. A private confrontation with her managed to scare her off (at least in his mind), but the damage had been done. All of this reflected in the presence of his own circle of friends as well as the rest of the student body.

Pretty much all of the associates were still loyal to Renee, but they were starting to lose confidence in Marvin, her second in command. As for the student body, they didn't seem as afraid of the clique in general since the encounter. Maybe that was why there were only two of them with Marvin at present. He needed to get rid of this upstart whore before she really wreaked some havoc...but she had rarely been seen about campus since. For now Marvin sought the opportunity to..."re-establish" his gan's presence in school.

And then there was his home life. Sure it was the usual, his CEO father extolling the virtues of his older brother Richard, at home for the weekend from his equally-luxurious college, while lavishing only enough on Marvin so as not to appear neglectful. Then came the shocker: his dad suggested that Richard spend some time with Marvin next time he came to visit.

If it weren't enough that his dad was inadvertantly making Marvin feel bad, now Richard - whom he oddly didn't know much about given that he was away most of the time - was likely to start rubbing it in on him.

Marvin and his boys plop down at an empty table, setting their lunches in front of them. At least the food was presentable in a school as rich as this. The acting boss of the clique takes another good look at his surroundings. The guy sitting at the table closest to the group seems quite ordinary. And unassuming.


Re: Class. Eat. Study.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:34 pm
by Jotun*
Lunch was identical every day. A ham sandwich with lettuce and tomato. There was rather a lot of ham as it took more food to satisfy his hunger. Midway through his sandwich, Seth noticed a trio of boys enter the courtyard,   the first of the lunch break rush that came after the people who got out of class early showed up. Collectively, they made up the twenty-first, twenty-second and twenty-third people to come by since Seth sat down.

After the sandwhich was the apple. The sour kind, but Seth's parents preferred them and Seth himself had no preference. He set about eating it, a fairly slow process. The trio, led by Marvin Hendrick, whom Seth knew only by reputation, had sat not far away from Seth's table. Seth was thirsty. His beverage of choice, today and every other day, was apple juice, in one of those plastic children's box-cartons, but jumbo sized.

Seth was no longer hungry after his apple. Seth tossed his apple core in the nearest garden. Seth contemplated it growing into an apple tree, when he noticed Marvin's eyes land on him. Seth returned the gaze for only a second before opening his books, undisturbed and unconcerned.

Re: Class. Eat. Study.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:35 pm
by laZardo*
After assessing the target, Marvin returns his attention to his trio. It appears that he doesn't even mind the target sitting there. But a guy like Seth tends to linger in one's thoughts, and that's a good thing for Marvin as he and his boys seem to lean forward, in a sort of group huddle. A boastful grin starts spreading across his face as he perks his head up one more time, just to see if there any faculty around. So far, there only seems to be one.

So there wasn't much time to do this before another arrived.

"Okay, here's the plan..."

What follows are a series of whispers and mutterings inaudible to anyone outside the group unless they are curious enough to wander in close. And fortunately for Marvin, nobody in recent memory has ever come in that close to a little huddle, let alone listened in, and escaped unharmed. It seems he's doing most, if not all of the talking, with his henchmen nodding their head in approval once in a while. At the end of their "timeout," Marvin reaches out his arms and gives both of them a pat on the shoulder.

He smiles once again, briefly, at Seth. Today I redeem myself, and to hell with anyone who stands in our way.

Then one of them gets up out of his seat and starts toward the lone faculty member standing around the field.

As Marvin watches his friend work his magic, he gets to thinking again. Reneé's gonna be so proud. And taking this guy down will certainly help him on his way to getting back at Kristey...and back to Damien. It certainly took his thoughts off his older brother. God, I'm sick of that guy.

Marvin watched as the guy managed to persuade the teacher to leave. The henchman goes with her, of course, just to keep her distracted. All according to plan. As soon as she's out of their view (and logically, they're out of her field of vision), Marvin and sidekick get up and - taking their lunches, oddly - approach Seth's table. Marvin decides to sit down across from Seth, while the other sets down his lunch beside the boy, but stands up. I've seen the Godfather, I'm not about to let it end that way!

"Hi there." Marvin begins, amiably. His smile seems to have shifted into something more...friendly. Even cheery.

Re: Class. Eat. Study.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:36 pm
by Jotun*
Marvin Hendrick hat sat down across from Seth, and greeted him. Seth would rather he didn't, as he was completing an assignment he had been givin that morning. Seth took his time to respond, preferring more to finish the short answer he was writing. When he had finished, Seth placed his pen next to the paper in his binder and looked up at Marvin.

"Hello. Can I help you with something?" Seth did not match Marvin's faux friendliness. Even his friendly greeting seemed to float through the air with ice, instead of an offer to help, it was the polite way of asking what Marvin wanted.

Re: Class. Eat. Study.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:37 pm
by laZardo*
Jesus, this kid is dull. The audacity of this kid to take his time replying to him as well as use that...disrespectful...tone of voice made Marvin's eye twitch just a bit. Still, he didn't want to come off as overly - recklessly - intimidating, that's how Sonny Corleone met his end at that tollbooth.

The eye twitching causes Marvin's friend to move directly behind Seth and crack his knuckles. Gilroyals weren't as bulky or muscular as their "inferior" counterparts in the schools nearby, but that didn't mean their wealth couldn't afford them sophisticated ways to inflict harm without the use of firearms (an easy way for the impoverished to solve things, according to Marv, even if Hendrick Industries dabbled in "defense" technologies from time to time.)

"Yes, I believe you could definitely help me with something." Marvin begins with a grin. "But first, I believe we should get to know each other better. My name's Marvin Hendrick. You can call me...Marv." Marv's voice has the air of a salesman or politician trying to get friendly with a customer. And he was not above making an offer the customer couldn't refuse.

Re: Class. Eat. Study.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:37 pm
by Jotun*
(Geez, ruin the movie for me! Naw, kidding.)

Seth could see he had irritated Marvin. His eye twitched, which definately meant something about Seth had shook him. Seth was put on his guard, however, when Marvin's cohort decided he'd prefer to stand behind Seth. He'd heard the boy's knuckles cracking. There was a threat here.

Seth tensed himself, he'd never truly been in a fight before, but for some reason the thought of physical pain wasn't frightening. Seth felt he would be able to defend himself. Marvin introduced himself unnecessarily, with a grin on his face. Seth felt no need to change his tone.

"My name is Seth. You can call me Seth." Not letting his guard down, Seth picked up his pen, hoping he appeared impatient.

Re: Class. Eat. Study.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:38 pm
by laZardo*
(Sorry this post is really crappy, and sorry it took so long. This is my first time roleplaying Marvin actually (and hopefully) administering some pain.)

Marvin didn't see Seth as impatient. He saw that bored prick as being downright insubordinate. His eyes twitch again, but the goon behind him doesn't respond. But that's okay, the third student appears to have returned from his distraction, the chaperone safely indisposed for the time being.

"I'll let that slide seeing as how we've technically just met." Marvin's smile slowly fades. "But right now, let me get down to business."

Marvin's two friends are now standing to either side of Seth. They appear ready to lift this sorry sack out of his seat and drag him behind some nearby bushes.

"I've been hearing some rather unsettling things about me. That I'm a softie. A pushover. I don't like to think that, and I don't want you to think that either. What happened in that hallway was beyond my control."

(Do I somehow see parallels between this confrontation and the one between Kiriyama and Numai's gang in the movie? I'll let you decide. XD)

Re: Class. Eat. Study.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:39 pm
by Jotun*
(If you think that's crappy then you need to hang out on Gaia more. Aside from the past-present tense switch, it's fine.)

Seth would have been outright oblivious if he hadn't picked up on the threat by now, with Marvin getting irritated about something or other that Seth did not know or care about, and how people thought he was inadequate. Seth had never had any trouble staying out of the way of people who might attempt to harm him, so he was bewildered as to how to prevent an assault. Gripping his pen, Seth tried to sooth Marvin.

"Okay, I believe you." Seth did not sound soothing, or even friendly. It did not help that Seth had no idea of what happened in any hallway. "I don't even know you. I'd be happy to take your word that you're not a... pushover." Seth only vagualy considered he had done nothing to help his situation. Gripping his pen tightly, Seth did his best to appear frightened, hopeing that would dissuade his aggressor.

Re: Class. Eat. Study.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:39 pm
by laZardo*
Marvin did not like Seth's tone of voice at all. Especially the way his non-chalant pronounciation of the word pushover seemed to stand out by its separation from the rest of the sentence without a change in tone. He stood up from his seat just a bit so he's supported by his arms. One of which is used to rub his forehead in frustration.

Seth looking like he was afraid certainly didn't dissuade Marvin. Of course, Marvin had essentially planned this encounter from start to finish, barring the blindingly slim chance that this kid would somehow be able to take down all three with some magical martial art that he possessed. How he'd even managed to consider that chance was not much of a mystery. He'd seen enough movies to know not to mess with that most dull, unassuming kid unless you've got serious skills (let alone a deathwish), and it was already given by his "incident" that sometimes there really were threats to his members' safety.

"Look, I really don't want any trouble. But if you don't start showing us some respect, I'm afraid I'm going to have to personally prove that we're not pushovers." Marvin knows it's the final warning. Time actually is running out for him, too.

One of the goons cracks his knuckles again.

Re: Class. Eat. Study.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:40 pm
by Jotun*
Marvin seemed determined to earn Seth's respect through intimidation. Seth did not see why he could not just show Marvin respect, nor how he wasn't already. Try as he could, Seth couldn't really see what else he could do.

"What do you want me to do? I don't even know you."

Seth did his best to find some way to compromise with Marvin, but seeing that what little negotiation ability he had was not working, Seth prepared for a blow, or a grab, or however they intended to start a fight with him. Making a final attempt, Seth spat out his last idea.

"If you really just want a fight, I could lose to you on purpose if it'll make you feel good."

(Oooh, burn.)

Re: Class. Eat. Study.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:40 pm
by laZardo*
Marvin was now so frustrated that he actually laughs. "Even if you fought your best, it would be like you let me win anyway." That part of his mind that suspected that this kid could bust out some serious kung-fu magic was actually starting to grow, but his confidence (read cockiness) kept that ominous feeling down.

"In fact, I'll let you have your chance right about now." Marvin now stood fully erect, and after concluding his 'offer,' snaps his fingers.

On cue, his two accomplices thrusted their arms underneath Seth's armpits to hold him secure, intending to drag him out of his seat.

"Let's go for a walk."

Re: Class. Eat. Study.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:41 pm
by Jotun*
((laZardo wrote the green text.)

Picking up the garbage left over from his lunch, Seth tossed it into a wastebasket near the table, and, closing his binder, and keeping hold of his pen, he stood up without assistance, but remaining bound by Marvin's cohorts.

"I really don't want trouble with you, you know." Seth did not know how to plead but hoped he somehow managed it. There was nothing to be gained by a physical confrontation, and so Seth was hoping to avoid once entirely.

And today, Seth would be quite lucky. For out of the corner of Marvin's eye was spotted a very discouraging signal. It was the next teacher to arrive to supervise the lunch break. That and it seemed the distracted teacher was approaching her from wherever Marvin's goon had lead her. This would leave Marvin alone with Seth, because dealing with these two birds would take two stones. Their presence caused Marvin to curl in his lips, then take a very frustrated sigh.

"Let him go." he mutters, and his goons, despite being perplexed, follow that order.

Marvin takes the opportunity to point a very angry finger at Seth's chest. "You got lucky today, Seth. Don't think for one minute that this is over. Who knows, maybe we just might find a new Damien in you." he says, forcing a smirk before turning to his friends. "C'mon guys."

With that the three head solemnly back to their table and continue with their lunches which, thankfully, nobody obviously had the guts to steal.

Seth moved on nonchalently, subtly returning his pen to his binder. He would need a new place to eat to avoid further incidents, as Marvin had promised to return.

Seth had found the remark on Damien worth minor interest. Seth knew of Damien's reputation, and his mothers, mostly through word of mouth. He found himself caring very little for the boy's plight oftentimes, but why would Marvin need a new Damien? Surely, Damien was just as small as he'd ever been, and Seth did not have a very influential mother to be harassed about.

To Seth, Marvin's insecurity seemed plain and insignificant, but he was also aware of the threat now that Marvin had set his eyes on him, and briefly considered telling a teacher, and then resolving to do so should another incident occur. Seth had no desire to be suspended, or to suffer any sort of punishment for defending himself from some assault. Seth moved on to his locker to prepare for his next class...

Re: Class. Eat. Study.

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:45 am
by Jun*
(I'm not sure where to start)

Quietly finishing up a roast beef sandwich in his right hand. His history text book in the other hand. John was studying for World War I test he has next period. 'It isn't that hard but Teach likes to throw curve balls from the text.' He was thinking. He adjusted the collar again on his oxford shirt it was agitating him constantly. Sighing swing his backpack onto his shoulder and gets up throws away his trash. He looks around him watching the other students leaving heading for their lockers. He likes to carry his books in his backpack to avoid stopping. He sighs hearing such idle chatter he sends out a text to a friend in NYC then turns it off and sits down at his seat near back for history.