Kensington Heights

Important Location Info!

A ritzy, upper-class subdivision located on the south side of town. Kensington Heights, which rests atop a large hill overlooking the Fairway golf course, boasts some of the priciest and most stunning houses in the entire area. Exclusive in all aspects, it also boasts private grocery stores and shopping outlets for its residents.
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Kensington Heights


Post by Megami* »

In 1978, William Kensington, founder of Kensington Country Club and the beautiful Fairway golf course on which it was built, established Kensington Heights. This beautiful neighborhood sits atop a large hill on the south side of town and overlooks the golf course. The city view provided from the top of the hill is described as nothing less than stunning. Following Kensington's instructions, Udouj Realty began custom-building some of the most gorgeous and glamourous houses that Denton citizens had ever seen on top of the hill, and soon after, this gorgeous neighborhood was given prestige and recognition.

Many of the town officials call Kensington Heights home, as well as several prominant doctors, lawyers, realtors, and other wealthy businessmen and businesswomen in the area. Kensington Heights is an elitist neighborhood with high security, and crime in this sort of neighborhood is almost unheard of.

Being an elitist neighborhood, Kensington Heights boasts it's own church, grocery store, bank, and even small restaurants and the like at the bottom of the hill, right off of the Fairway golf course. Most of Kensington's residents are also members of the country club, and it is not unsual to see them driving golf carts through this elaborate and decorated neighborhood at all hours of the day.
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