Carrington Pointe

Important Location Info!

Carrington Pointe, located in the eastern district, is a lovely neighborhood which serves as home to many middle-class families. Carrington is home to citizens of all shapes, sizes, and colors, and proudly boasts their neighborhood watch program. It sits atop a hill and gives off a beautiful view of the nearby beach.
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Carrington Pointe


Post by Megami* »

This quiet and peaceful neighborhood sits atop a small cliff overlooking Denton's shoreline, as well as the large amusement park that has been built on it. Despite the occassional noise from the amusement park, this neighborhood is pretty quiet most of the time. Being a pre-dominantly middle-class neighborhood, many growing families live here. Indeed, this is the neighborhood of 2.5 children and white picket fences.

Several of the local mothers from this neighborhood meet once a week at various houses, be it to discuss their latest literary find or to compare recipes on their latest homemade creation. The fathers, too, seem too meet up for the occassional cookout or football game. Most of the kids in the neighborhood know one another and often play together, and it isn't unusual to see one of the local parents acting as a surrogate mother or father figure to one of the children.

Indeed, this neighborhood is the place of dreams for many, and the residents of Carrington Pointe are very devoted to keeping it that way. They proudly boast the fact that they are a tightly-knit neighborhood watch community, and they treat the other residents of the neighborhood as though they were family. Of course, there were always exceptions to this rule.

A while back, a known child molester deemed this neighborhood his new home, much to the dismay and outrage of Carrington's residents. The combined efforts of the residents created such a stink that the man was forced to move out of their neighborhood within a matter of weeks.
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