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Still at Marimar's House

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:30 am
by lovebirdjo*
It was definitely past time to get the hell out of this place. She had had enough. Her best friend had just tried to gut her her with a steak knife. Connely dove for cover as her supposed "BFF" swung at her with said knife. Just escaping underneath the kitchen table, the girl crawled swiftly out from under her momentary safehaven, heading for the upstairs. Her tall, lanky frame made her a little clumsy, and climbing up the stairs was both easy and difficult all at once. Tears had long since stopped flowing. She wasn't simply confused with Heather, she was furious. Practically throwing herself into the bathroom, Connely threw the door into the oncoming face of a crazed Heather, locking it as fast as possible.

Breathing out a sigh of bittersweet relief, Connely looked at herself for what may have been the last time. She hadn't changed since her last vanity view, although she was certainly flushed. Her light olive skin was pure of markings, and although her makeup had smeared, eyeliner dripping down her cheeks, she was still the same girl. The dark curls still bounced as she shook her head free of the unnecessary thoughts. The time had come, and fierce determination appeared in her natural brown eyes. She couldn't bear to think of what would happen when she opened the door. Most likely her pale blonde friend would viciously tackle her to the ground and attempt to make a biology experiment out of her. That was fine, but-

The sudden noise snapped Lee-Ann out of her literary reverie, and annoyed, she sat up on the bed. "Marimar! Laura! What happened?!" the blonde yelled, wanting an explanation for the interruption of such a crucial point in her book. Not getting an answer, she stood up; the long red gown she wore fluttering at her ankles. Marimar's room was nice and comfortable, but it had taken about an hour to get used to it fully. Though Lee-Ann loved the feel, the aquatic theme that had at first sparked fascination kind of irked her after the first few minutes. Now it was quaint, but nothing like her earthy haven of peace and tranquility.

Slipping on her red slippers, the semi-large girl walked out of her new friend's room dead set on giving the two girls a piece of her mind. The commotion had sounded like the slamming of a door, or something heavy hitting the floor. Earlier Marimar had decided she would greatly like to braid Lee-Ann's long hair, and after a long period of shrill whining and a death threat from Laura, the blonde had ended up with three interestingly placed braids of pale gold hanging and during her walk down the hallway to the stairs, swinging like a pendulum. There was a certain point, kind of midway to the stairs that Lee-Ann kind of freaked out. What if Laura and Marimar were going at it like Connely and Heather?

'That would put an interesting twist on things.' she thought, 'The two trying to hold my emotions into place having a royal rumble downstairs.' In all actuality, it seemed plausible what with Laura's hatred of fuzzy and nice, things Marimar seemed to pee. Giggling nervously at the mental image of the sea princess surrounded by stuffed animals in a public restroom, Lee-Ann took the steps two at a time until she had reached the floor. The entire house was silent. What had happened to Marimar's parent? Laura perhaps? Goosebumps had long covered her flesh, and the hairs on the back of her kneck were vertically on end. At this point the blonde was so jumpy that had the sleeping kitten upstairs bounded onto her foot she wouldn't need a pole to vault twelve feet into the air.

Attempting to tiptoe in her slippers, the braided blonde found herself kind of cringing as she walked towards the kitchen. Images of a sprawled out Marimar on the floor came to mind, the brunette impaled through the heart with some random knife, a pool of blood outlining her lifeless skin, with Laura laughing maniacally above all of this, drenched in the crimson life force of her victim. This thought was a simple flash, ending before it could truly affect Lee-Ann. Generally she was pretty nonchalant about gory, horror movie things, but this image basically was a preview of what might have happened, as unrealistic as it probably seemed. Having just reached the kitchen door, the girl paused to put clean her glasses off with the blue handkerchief she had received earlier that evening. Slipping the brass spectacles back into position on her face, she sucked in a breath before reaching for the doorknob.

Re: Still at Marimar's House

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:30 am
by Shula*
Lee-Ann was still upstairs reading some book or another. Marimar had gone…somewhere, perhaps the bathroom, or something. Maybe she turned back into a mermaid and is hiding in the tub. While those two were otherwise occupied, Laura made her way down to the kitchen to make herself some tea. For whatever reason, she had deemed it necessary to remain at least somewhat quiet. (for what reason, she didn't know: nobody was asleep.) And so Laura found a kettle, filled it with water, and heated it up on the stove.

It only then occurred to her that there was, in fact, a chance that Marimar didn't have teabags in the house. Well, hot water was still drinkable without the flavoring. Heedless of courtesy, Laura began rummaging around the kitchen in search of tea bags. She really did like Earl Grey, but what's the use in being picky?

Eventually she did find tea, green tea (why did that not come as a surprise?) and a mug. The kettle started to steam, and before it could get a chance to actually whistle, Laura took it off the flame. Damn! That's hot! Who in their right mind put a metal handle on a kettle? Who in their right mind leaves the mug on the other side of the kitchen?

Looking down so as to watch where she was going, Laura saw it as it happened. The front of her foot caught on the hem of her too-long pants and she lost her balance. Funny, how time slows down exactly when you don't want it to. The floor came up to meet her, but her hands were more than occupied trying to let go of the kettle, which also seemed to have a vendetta against her, as it crashed on top of Laura, dousing her in just-under-boiling hot water.

Under normal circumstances, those being when a person is imagining such scenarios, it might be thought that a painful scream would be heard in the aftermath. In actuality however, a scream can only be let out if air is being taken into the lungs. Hyperventilating, Laura wasn't doing anything of the kind.

Her shoulder felt almost icy, a good sign that she was in the process of getting a strong first degree burn. But her face…FUCK, that hurts. Without thinking properly (really, who would?) She brought her also wet hands to her face to try to wipe off the burning water, succeeding doing about nothing.

A different kind of burning filled her lungs as the continued hyperventilation denied sufficient air to the cells.  Soon that burning became more of a focus than the slowly cooling water. Actually, her vision wasn't exactly clear, but he thought she saw the door opening. Of course, she lay passed out on the kitchen floor before she could determine if that was only her imagination or not.

Re: Still at Marimar's House

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:31 am
by lovebirdjo*
The swinging of the door's frame seemed to drag on forever, and although the unsuspecting heroine was expecting Marimar to be dead or hurt, when she saw Laura's knocked out form sprawled form on the kitchen floor, it shocked her. Not like her previous car experience though, more along the lines of "Oh my god." with a fish gape plastered on her slightly pudgy face. Quickly though she realized that the situation was real and not some off mental image. She needed to find out what had happened, and fast. Lee-Ann first noted the kettle's overturned displacement near her unconscious friend. She also saw the still-glowing hot eye of the stove and then looked slowly at the reddened marks on Laura's arms. She immediately did what came to mind; she screamed.

"HELP!!!!" she let out shrilly into the air of the quiet kitchen, near tears with the need for someone to help out. A few more of the loud screeches did nothing to aid her, and it crossed her panicked brain that she would have to take care of her friend by herself. Quite frankly, Lee-Ann was clueless. Burns had never been a big issue, since the blonde had always strayed from any sort of activity that would cause them. Thinking back to her Anatomy class from ninth grade, she remembered something her teacher, Mrs. Crane, had explained. "Never use ice water or cold water on a first degree burn, simply use something available, like cool water or... if it comes to it... saliva." This bit of advice wasn't popular among the class, and if Laura ever found out that she had even thought of spitting on her, then Lee-Ann wouldn't have to worry about walking since she would be in the hospital forever.

"Oh God. I can't believe I'm doing this." the girl said out loud, almost in hopeless abandon. Quickly and carefully, she grasped Laura by her right shoulder and left hip and flipped the heated girl over. Nervous though she was, and serious the situation may have been, Lee-Ann found herself insanely giggling at the thought of what she was about to do. 'I'm about to spit on Laura Diesen of all people. How hilarious is that?' she thought, and without further abandon, she let loose the first stream of moist fluid from her throat and mouth onto the girl lying on the floor. Quickly it hit Laura's arm, and even more swiftly Lee-Ann gently massaged her own spit onto the reddened markings along the length of her friend's appendage.

Soon the girl's work had paid off, and even though Laura was glistening with another human's saliva, her burns seemed to be less red and more a bright pink contrasting with the paleness of her untouched skin. The girl hadn't woken up yet, and Lee-Ann was fighting the urge to call 911. She had heard that sometimes Denton's ambulance services were less than satisfactory via her parents, so she debated whether or not to risk it. Then the big question hit her like a ton of bricks; "Where the hell are Marimar and her parents?!" The outward thought caught her off guard, mainly because of her inability to swear under normal circumstances. She decided it was better to look for bandages than to just sit and wait for the girl to regain consciousness without some sort of painkillers and coverings for the burns. That said, she set off in search of bandages, leaving her friend unattended for the moment.

Re: Still at Marimar's House

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:33 am
by Kris*
"What happened!" Marimar emerged from den with a movie in her hand. The video dropped to the floor when she was laura unconsious on the floor. She had to hold back her scream on the shock of the situation, what on earth ahd happened here? Marimar was searching for a movie to watch with Lee-Ann and Laura, after deciding to pick on The Little Mermaid' or Selena she decided to choose Selena and then suddenly heard a cry of help from the kitchen. And now there she was.

Marimar kneeled beside Laura who was knocked out like a light. Touch her skin, it was very very warm. Looking up she saw an overturned tea kettle which lead her to beleive that she accidentally spilled hot boiling water all over her. "Oh no, I'll warm a rag with cool water!" cried Marimar. She ran over to a drawer at the counter and pulled out a white rag. The Mermaid than went over to the sink and soaked it with cool water. Kneeling down, resting Lauras head in her lap she gently wiped and messaged her face with the cool wet rag hoping to make things better.

"Ouch! Ouch! Its burns!!!!" Marimar screamed as she ran around blindly in the small kitchen of her grandparents cottage. "Whats going on?" asked her grandmother coming from the front room when she let out a soft gasp. Young Marimar was trying to taste her favorite honey flavored tea that her grandmother made so well. As she left the tea kettle on the stove to cool a bit she went out of the kitchen for a moment. This gave Marimar an oppertunity to get a little taste. Unaware that is was hot as well as not flavored and what she was about to drink is only boiling water Marimar carefully poured herself a cup. The Sea Princess brought the cup to her lips, tipped the cup and a raging sheer of pain shot thorugh her mouth when the water reached her tongue. In a scream Marimar threw the cup causing it to spill all over here.

"Calm down Marimar!" said her Grandmother  taking a rag and soaking it with cool water. She quickly came over to her oceanic grandaughter and layed her on the soft couch. The little girl was crying her eyes out as her Grandmother told her to relax. She gently doused her face with cool water, which to Marimar surprised relaxed her a tad. "It hurts!" she yelped as she felt a sting go through her face.  "Marimar why didn't you wait until it was ready. You know I always alert you when tea is ready." "W-Well I just wanted a taste." Her Grandmother gave a slight chuckle. "Good things come to those who wait.  At least you know now what to do just incase your daughter does the same thing." she said with a smile as she continued to wipe Marimars face.

"Well she isn't my daughter but I'll still help in anyway I can." she whispered as she continued to wipe her face and arms with her rag trying to cool Lauras body down. "I wonder where Lee-Ann went off to..." she muttered to herself as she nursed Laura on her kitchen floor.

Re: Still at Marimar's House

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:35 am
by lovebirdjo*
Lee-Ann searched in vain all over the house for Marimar, starting with the upstairs and ending up in the downstairs bathroom. She had eventually found a small first aid kit courtesy of the upstairs bathroom, and had been dragging it along through the house. In a huff, the brainy(though not at the moment) blonde rushed back to the kitchen. Rounding the corner into the kitchen, she noticed the brunette femme that she had been in pursuit of kneeling over their sprawled out friend with a cup of water in hand. Stopping for a moment, she realized that Marimar was attempting to help Laura regain consciousness. 'You idiot.' she told herself in thought, 'That's what you should have done.' Holding the girl's head up to where she wouldn't die, Marimar gently brought the cup to Laura's lips and dipped it.

Throughout this, Lee-Ann stood perfectly still in the doorway, holding her breath slightly as the water poured into her unconscious friend's mouth. In a few seconds the moment of silence ended as Laura woke up slightly confused. Instead of saying anything, she just looked up at Marimar's smiling face and kind of grimaced before turning to look up at Lee-Ann's stoic profile. She didn't smile, but she didn't frown either. Keeping an even face, Laura got up into a sitting position. Marimar backed slightly off, and Lee-Ann let her unpleasant resolve drop. Dropping the first aid kit, she burst out laughing. The sheer hilarity of the entire situation seemed completely ludicrous to her, and soon she had tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. Halfway through her giggle fest Marimar had joined in, although probably not for the same reason. Laura didn't laugh, but chuckled slightly in embarrassment given the circumstances.

Two hours later found all three girls watching The Little Mermaid on Marimar's bed, the newly named kitten, George, tickling their feet and making Lee-Ann's side hurt again. Laura was still slightly pink, and she winced a bit when she moved, but other than a bit of an explicative every now and again she seemed to be fine. Marimar kept her overly pleasant attitude as usual, even going so far as to suggest they all dance to some random pop music. Nervous at first, Lee-Ann warmed up to the idea. Laura, however, did not. So instead, the girls decided to just watch a movie. Leisuring on the brunette mermaid's bed was tiring for all three, and soon sleep caught them after the exhausting day.

At seven that morning, the most annoying sound Lee-Ann could think of filled her ears: the exact song that Marimar had rewound four times to hear again during the movie: Under the Sea. Immediately springing up out of the bed, Lee-Ann noted both Laura and Marimar's absence from the room. George had settled into Lee-Ann's bosom, and with the blonde's sudden upsling, the tabby had ended up flying across the bed to land at the foot, his hair standing straight up. Of course, Lee-Ann couldn't see this, and blurrily looking around with her right eye, she sought out the assailant of her ears. Finally finding the demonic device, she summoned up a fireball and destroyed the accursed machine. Well, really she grabbed a pillow and threw it in vain at the horrid thing causing such despicable music. After a few moments of defiant pouting, the larger girl pushed herself off the bed and set to getting the now recognized alarm clock to shut up.

In seconds the device was off, and gloriously Lee-Ann ran back to her safehaven of sleep. Unfortunately, halfway there in her blind rush she slipped on one of the missing girl's discarded garment, and the blonde found her face greeting the floor. Too tired to get up, Lee-Ann just lied there in the middle of Marimar's floor, grumpily wishing she was deaf instead of blind. It was kind of ironic to her in a really horrid way, but she instead found herself grinning maniacally as multiple ideas flooded her brain. The heavy girl pushed herself up off of the carpeted floor with shaky hands, and walking carefully over to the bedside table, plucked up her glasses. Placing the brass spectacles into place on her nose, she walked out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen.

Reaching the kitchen without any unnecessary accidents, the silently cackling female crept in quietly in hopes of scaring the pants off of her friends. Inside, she found noone, and Lee-Ann suddenly had the feeling of strong deja vu. In confusion, the girl kind of tip-toed around to the other side of the room. The hairs on the back of the blonde's neck had familiarly begun to stand up, and she subconsciously hoped the deja vu wasn't an offset repeat of the previous night's events. That was when Marimar decided to whisper in her ear, "Why are you being so quiet?" Well, Lee-Ann did the first thing that came to her mind. She shrieked and jumped into the air. "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!" The brunette before her looked both confused and happy at the same time, and paired with the kind of smirk planted on Laura(who was coming through the door)'s face Lee-Ann immediately blushed a deep crimson and flailed about waving her arms in an attempt to stop herself from being all jumpy. "Don't do that!!!" she squawked at Marimar shrilly, her voice still caught. "It's seven in the morning, and you're creeping around the kitchen like a crazy person." was the input from a scowling Laura, who obviously wasn't much of a morning person either. Marimar smiled sweetly before rushing over and grabbing Lee-Ann's still-shaking hand. Pulling her along, Lee-Ann ended up in the living room with the other two watching another movie: Aquamarine.

Halfway through the movie, Lee-Ann remembered something very important: Jan. Jan was supposed to be going home today, and she hadn't thought a bit about it. She was quick to make an excuse to leave, and after packing and getting dressed well enough to not be offered money on the street, she bid the girls farewell, heading quickly home to call her teacher. In about twenty minutes, the girl was on her bed nearly in tears. Jan had left without saying anything, but her teacher had said over the phone that the boy had left her a note with his e-mail and home address. She was so stupid! How could she have forgotten that the guy that had kissed her the day before was going home today!? She was sad, but eventually she ended up calling Marimar to apologize for her rush. After explaining, Marimar said she had thought of something that might cheer her up, but she needed Laura too. Whatever it was, Lee-Ann didn't want to know.

((Slightly and humorously continued in SOTF Dream Dates From Hell before going into For Whom the (Lunch) Bell Tolls ))

Re: Still at Marimar's House

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:27 pm
by Kris*
Its been a very fun sleep over, especially for a first timer like Marimar. The night when smoothly as she became a little closer friends with Laura. Its really Lee-Ann whose been acting all strange latley. After Aquamarine Lee-Ann rushed to leave for some reason leaving an unexpected Laura alone with her. She suggested they go up to her room and try to find something else to do.

When she got to room she ended up finding her exclusive Little mermaid clock on the floor. Marumar quickly picked up with care and examined it hoping it wasn't damaged. The clock was a birthday gift from her grandfather, it was one of the rare collectibles that played Under the Sea everytime the alarm went on. Marimar really however wants the clock that plays Part of Your World.

After another day of fun went fast.  Later on, Marimar received a call from Lee-Ann apologizing for her recent rush. The Sea Princess who was naturally worried about Lee-Ann decided to give her a website to cheer her up. B*My*Valentine, Inc. was a dating site Marimar found on the web while surfing the web one day, she thought Lee-Ann would feel better if she met some people, maybe even get togeather with one of them.

Of course when Laura heard this she forced Marimar to come with her to Lee-Anns house to see Lee-Ann interact with the various "losers" and "pervs" as Laura put it. And so the mermaid found herself in the window of Lee-Anns room, however now they've been locked out by her. Standing outside of Lee-Anns window she consulted Laura on what to do.

"You know I really hope this site helps her. Lee-Anns been acting so weird latley. I'm kind of worried." she said looking at the closed window and the curtain that shielded lee-Ann from the dynamic duo.

Marimar and Laura spent the rest of the day hanging out at her house and then she went home. Laura decided to call Lee-Ann and she how she was doing but no one answered. Probably busy with the website. That night Marimar went to bed, she had a smile on her face. This is  the most fun she's had in years.
