Tilles Court

Important Location Info!

Located on the west side of town, Tilles Court has been around almost as long as the city itself. Most of the homes are older and need a lot of fixing up. This makes them cheap, and so Tilles has become a haven for the lower class. It's also home to Tilles Park, a place not to be caught in at night. Sadly, the police don't bother patrolling this neighborhood much anymore.
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Tilles Court


Post by Megami* »

Tilles Court has been around almost as long as the city itself. Many of the houses in this district are old, some build as long ago as 1912 and simply renovated to fit today's minimal standards. Others are a bit newer, but still quite antiquated by today's standards, and were built in the 1970's and 1980's. Tilles Court itself is actually a rather quiet community, and is filled with low-income families, the elderly, and the occassional bad egg that stirs up trouble in the neighborhood.

Tilles Park lies within Tilles Court, but they say it's a place you're better off not going to after dark. There's a walking trail there. It's a bit overgrown, and isn't very well-lit, so it's rare that you see anybody walking down it, but the fact remains that it's there. There's also an old basketball court in the area. The local kids often play there, and often risk cuts and bruises from the broken bottles and other substances that have been thrown carelessly on the broken concrete.

The entire area seems to be virtually uninhabited by law enforcement, though a police officer occassionally shows up after a domestic disturbance or a robbery has occurred. They're often called to the park during the evening when someone failed to take heed of the warnings and ventured there anyway. Many a time have people come up mugged and beaten from that park. They say a girl was even raped there once, several years ago.

Many vandals and thugs seem to hang out in this neighborhood. Some call it home. Others know the police won't bother messing with them if they're on this side of town. After all, according to law enforcement, that's the only kind of people over here anyway. For the most part the people of Tilles Court live normal lives and aren't too wary of robbery or being mugged. For the most part, they wouldn't have any money or valuables to give a robber anyway.
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