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Breaking Pains

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:50 pm
by Kris*
"I wanted to talk to you." Venus sat in one of the booths twirling her strawberry lemonade around with her straw. Her golden blonde hair was down and she wore a white tube top with a light blue skirt. The girl looked pretty normal, beautiful as always. It was a fine day, sun poured thorugh the blinds and reflected off Venus' hair giving her a rather glowing halo.

Across from the lovley goddess of love was a more rough, kind of guy. He had straight blonde surfer kind of hair. He wore a letterman jacket of Bathurst as well as a t-shirt and jeans. The name of this boy was Kurt Cassilda. Kurt Cassilda was a student at Bathurst, as well as a football player. And the lovley girl sitting across from him was his girlfriend.

As usual Benson's was filled with students. Gossiping, studying, eating, the works. Who knows where Ali was, probably with the latest guy she's found intrest in. And Venus didn't even begun to think where Carmen was. The Sisterhood was scattered today, and when the group is scattered it usually means Ali has her own memo for the day. That was a good thing, because this left the oppertunity for this special occasion.

"As you may very well know, I've been getting involved in all kinds of singing, dance, and acting programs. I've decided to do all three for my future career. I've been so busy going to rehearsals that I barley get to see you anymore..."

Kurt looked at her with a puzzled expression. "So? I knew that. Is there something wrong with that?" he asked. Venus stopped stirring her strawverry lemonade and looked down at the shiny table.

Gently Venus.....Gently.....

"You see....Because of this I don't think we should see each other anymore...." Dead silence filled the air. Venus didn't dare look up, she knew what kind of person Kurt was. She didn't know why she got with him in the first place. Sure he was cute but too slow, maybe the two major productions she was doing at the time had something to do with. Often when Venus has a play or preformance to focus on she won't pay attention to the minor yet extremley obvious details.

"What do you mean baby?! Who cares if we see each other, we still got a connection." "I just think it would be better...." Venus continued to look down, she felt the rising anger in Kurts voice. Just her luck to get with a guy with anger management issues. "I thought I was different. Different from all the other losers you dated!" "Of course you are! Your one of the sweetest people I've ever had a relationship with."

Sure your sweet, sweet enough to give me a headache..

"Then why!?" "Well I'm moving so fast and I don't want to let that get in the way of your football. Going to fast could distract you and mess you up at games. Its me not you." Venus looked up as she said this. She had a compassionate look in her eyes, hopefully it'll soothe this brute.

"Whose the other guy?" Kurts voice was now low and serious. This caught Venus off guard, she never got this kind of reply before. Nobody ever thought of her as a common whore. "What are you talking about? I never cheated on you." "I said who is the other guy." Kurt started to raise from his seat, he stared at Venus expecting an answer immediatly.

Ok great, time for Plan B then....

Plan A failed, being sweet didn't work this time. Looks like she would have to get a little rough edged in order to lose this guy. "I don't have time for this. I'm leaving. Don't bother coming after me because I won't take you back." she said grabbing her purse while getting up. Venus' tone was annoyed. Annoyed by this idiotic meathead.

As she got up and started walking Kurt grabbed Venus' arm. "Nobody leaves Kurt Cassilda." he said . "Have you gone completley insane? Get your hands off of me!" Venus tryed to wrench her arm away from him. She could feel the curious stares from everybody in the resteraunt. This is something Venus did not want, the worse possible case senerio was to cause a scene.

"Your nothing but a slut!" he shot back at her. Venus opened her mouth agape. There was no way that this guy just called her what she thought he just called her. Nobody has ever called her a slut before,  it felt like a blow between the eyes. This was not happening. This wasn't according to plan.

"I said get your hands off of me!!" yelled Venus slapping Kurt across the face with her other hand. Kurt griped Venus' arm harder as she tried to remove herself from him.  Today was just not a good day.

Re: Breaking Pains

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:51 pm
by Jotun*
((I've got permission to write for Kurt nobody, promise.))

Though he did feel something a loser eating alone, Felix had chosen Benson's for the food, not the company. He had been thinking it better to spend his time someplace where he could blend in nowadays, and the food at Benson's was a personal favorite of his, anyway. Seated in the corner and waiting for his meal, Felix couldn't help but think he was in for a show when a gorgeous, incredibly all-american girl sat down with her equally all-american boyfrend. While not initially interesting, the first thing the blonde said gave away why the couple was there. Felix could only smile for entertainment while waiting for his food.

The male half of the equation before him proved to be exactly what Felix anticipated; somewhat slow with no idea what was going on and when did catch on it was like he got slapped. To match his predictable behaviour, he had a temper. And then he accused her of cheating. She denied it, Felix could tell she was truthful. A wonderful idea occurred to him. This blonde was definately attractive, committed to multiple projects meaning she was likely very talented, and seemed to have the entire world laid out for her. Let's wreck it. was his only worded thought. Felix kept watching the two... for signs of oppurtunity. The boy insisted she was cheating. Felix already saw an opening.

She tried to leave, he got aggressive. She struggled, he was disillusioned and not handling it well. She slapped him, he didn't let go. Felix got up for the perfect moment, keeping his cane in his left hand.

"Excuse me." Felix made to gently cut betwen the two. He used his free arm to 'gently' push the boy back - but by tensing all his muscles, using them all to push his hand into the boy with the smallest of movements, the boy recoiled as though shocked, painfully. Felix didn't move. "Hey."

"Who are you?" Said the all-american football brat.

"Me?" Felix looked around innocently, locked eyes with the blonde, and smiled. Turning back and and looking at the boy, his eyes finding the light in the room to accentuate his look of creeping innoconce. "I'm the other guy." His cane in front of him, Felix leaned forward, lowering his eyes but not breaking his gaze. Intentionally, his look of childishness immediately went sinister.

The boy shoeved his way past Felix, Felix stumbling slightly because of his awkward balance but stepping out of the way gracefully regardless. The boy shoved the girl into her seat.

"What the hell is this? You fucking slut!" Kurt fiercely wanted answers. Meeting eyes with the girl, Felix watched carefully for her reponse.

Re: Breaking Pains

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:51 pm
by Kris*
"W-What!?" Venus stared in horror as the situation just got worse. This random loser just stepped in, at first Venus thought he was going to save her but oh how wrong she was. Instead this boy made things much more complicated than intended. This was supposed to be easy and clean.

"I'm the other guy..."

The words echoed in her head as her face turned bright pink. Suddenly Kurt pushed Felix out of the way and shoved the girl into her seat. Stunned by the whole thing she looked up at Kurt and then to Felix. "I never cheated on you! This guys crazy!" she blurted out. The words barley formed on her tongue.

She didn't know what to do. This whole affair has seriously been blown out of proportion. Venus was getting angry and as the stun started to go down she glared at Felix and Kurt with anger. "How dare you treat me like this!" said Venus. "You totally cheated on me with this chump! No wonder all your relationships sucked!" Venus grit her teeth.

"I don't even know this guy Kurt! he probably overheard our conversation and decided to be a complete jerk!!" Venus shouted trying to get the thought into Kurts thick headed skull. "You! Do something now!" she snapped ta him. "Tell him I don't even know you! I've never seen you until today!" she said to him. Venus had resorted to shouting, was this how imperfect people felt? Hot and humilated?

Re: Breaking Pains

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:52 pm
by Jotun*
Felix couldn't stop smiling at the chaos of his intervention. This was what he really wanted to see happen, though he wouldn't mind working his way into the blonde's favour. Still, he couldn't help but escalate the conflict. Stepping back between the two, Felix looked back at his new interest.

"Sorry love, he's too smart. We won't be able to fool him." Felix was blatant about mocking the aggressive football player as he truned abck to face him.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Asked the enraged boy.

"We're together now. She didn't want to tell you she'd found somoene else, because she wanted to be nice. Now," Felix steadied himself, tried to hold himself firm in preperation for whatever came next. "If you have anything to say to my girlfriend, please do it politely and quielty. Else we'll have a problem." He recognized the irony in asking for politeness. While he, himself, was polite, he only did so becuase he knew it would anger his newest adversary further. He tried to push through Felix again to get to the girl. This time, Felix stood his ground, while the spoiled football brat spat out to his girl;

"You left me for this fucking clown?"

Pretending to be offended by his wording and abuse to the girl, Felix shoved the aggressor back away from her. "Get lost, kid." Felix new he was asking for trouble calling a boy aprobably two years his senior a kid.

His expectations were met in spades by an unexpected sucker punch. Caught in the jaw, Felix bit his tongue harshly and tasted blood, but undeterred he stopped his attacker's charge by jamming the metal end of the cane into his throat. Stunned, Football's hands went straight to his throat, and Felix slammed his knee into Football's gut. And then he was forced away by an unseen force - a Benson's employee had restrained Felix, and another did the same to Football.

"I was just defending myself, he attacked me!" Felix sputtered through blood, hoping it would help make his point. He looked at Venus for confirmation, almost pleading. Secretly, Felix was pleased with himself, though he might not get to eat.

Re: Breaking Pains

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:53 pm
by Kris*
Venus opened her mouth, once again the shock of thesituation had immbolized her. Her brainless boyfriend and this random moron are making her life utterly incapable of perfection. SHe closed her eyes trying to grasp the situation, that is until Felix stepped in to protect her. Looking at the guy up and down she tried to analyze him.

Is this some kind of pick up thing?

She couldn't quite figure out what was the matter with him. He could like her or he could be a total jerk. Either way she would never forgive him for putting her in this state of embarassment. All these people staring, how cruel can imperfect people can make others feel! They have no manners, no manners at all! None of them ever mind their own buisness.

And then the punches started throwing out which almost made Venus scream in shock. However it was all over very fast when two bensons employees restrained both of them. She didn't what to say, the whole thing was revolting. How can a simple break up lead to a fight with a random person? It just made no sense whatsoever. She'll never understand their ways....

Venus decided that it would be best if she could play along. However people at Bensons would kill her with stares if she said she was really this guys girlfriend. The word will spread around bathurst like rapid fire.

"Yes, he started throwing punches for no reason. I mean nobody should get this angry when it comes to a break up." said Venus speaking clearly and convincingly.

Re: Breaking Pains

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:54 pm
by Jotun*

The blonde was freaking out, conflicted. Though he could tell she was not really happy with him right now, Felix didn't mind much, he'd had his fun. When she'd confirmed his story of innocence, he smiled at her, and made it as sincere as possible. The Benson's employee put him down.

"Did you order anything?" He asked Felix. Felix nodded. "When it's ready we'll put in a styrofoam box for you, then you get out."

"Yes sir." Felix was genuinly happy at the outcome. He got a meal, he got a fight, he ahd fun. He sat back down, though this time choosing a seat closer to the blonde, nonchalently ignoring her, but he knew something was coming.

Re: Breaking Pains

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:55 pm
by Kris*
As soon as Kurt was booted out of the hotel. Venus marched up to Felix and slamed her palm onto the table. "What is the matter with you?! Do you realize what you've just done?" Venus controlled her voice, it was not loud however the tone was feirce. Of course Venus knew how to manage her voice, it was afterall the best girft God gave her. Besides her good looks, dancing, and acting skills.

Venus sat down across from Felix about to give him a piece of her mind. Although she was angry she was a little thankful that the whole situation was over. However she'll have to deal with disgusting rumors later, but she didn't let that get to her now.

She couldn't let this brat get in the way of her perfect momentum. He just screwed it up and now Venus was struggling to get it back again. "People will start to talk and I'll be the talk of the school before you know it!"

One good thing about this was that Venus was in the Sisterhood. She would be able to control the rumors; And with the help of Ali twist and gnarl them to her own satisfaction. That was one of the perks of being popular. "I don't know what your problem is, but I hope you feel guilty for being such an ass to an innocent girl like me!"

Re: Breaking Pains

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:55 pm
by Jotun*
Felix smiled inwardly as soon she got up to approach him, but covered it up just before she got close enough to see. He had a feeling she was incredibly mad at him, but that was to be expected. She xploded as soon as she was close enough, but it was subtle and quiet, so her voice would not carry across the restaurant. The usual accusations Felix was used to, but she still seemed agitated and Felix held his tongue until she finished.

He was mildly irritated when she freaked on him about people talking, mostly by how pathetic the concern was, but Felix remembered he'd pegged her as a bit of a priss as soon as he saw her, and said nothing.

"I don't know what your problem is, but I hope you feel guilty for being such an ass to an innocent girl like me!"

Finally feeling as though he was allowed to speak, Felix did.

"I don't feel guilty." He smiled. It was not a creepy smile, it was his favorite, charming smile, though he knew it was a cold one, too. "Why was what I did a bad thing? What harm's it done?"

Re: Breaking Pains

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:56 pm
by Kris*
Was this guy a complete and utter idiot? Does he not understand that her very reputation is at stake here? Obviously he dosn't know that perfect people have perfect reputations. If its tarnished in anyway she'd have to do major damage control. Even if it meant to get with the guy. She was at societys command, the girl did not want to be viewed as imperfect by the people of Bathurst High.

"Are you dense? People will talk, rumors will get twisted and I'll be verbally embarassed by everyone. It can't happen. I won't let it!" she said to him about to slam her palm of her hand onto the table. "People are already talking..." she said lowering her voice.

She didn't really understand why this lunatic decided to ruin her perfect day. But at least the ordeal was almost over, and she would go home and take a shower and hoped everything will be fine when she woke up tommarow. venus is not the type to let the problems of the days before to be carried on into the next day.

In spite of being a complete jerk, her unknown saviour was kind of cute. If only he could channel his attitude into something positive. maybe he could become perfect just like her. But Venus let boys be the last on her mind, especially after today.

Re: Breaking Pains

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:56 pm
by Jotun*
"Are you dense? People will talk, rumors will get twisted and I'll be verbally embarassed by everyone. It can't happen. I won't let it!"

Even Felix could not have anticipated the ferocity this girl had when defending her reputation. It was pathetic in a way Felix thought was sort of attractive, in a way that made him want to mold her strength into something that accomplished worthwhile things. Her current temper with Felix did not seem to be letting up, and since he had to leave imminently he did not see himself gaining any imminent ability to influnce her, even if contempt worked just as well as respect to that end.

"People are already talking..."

"So what?" interjected Felix. "When I get up, get up with me, slap me with all of them watching and your problem's solved." Felix had hoped by being as casual as he was she would realize how quickly he had made short work of her worries and problems, but he had his doubts...

Re: Breaking Pains

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:57 pm
by Kris*
Venus looked at him with angry eyes and realized this was also a simple solututino to lay rumors to rest. Its not too late to save her reputation, this can definatly work. She appreciated that Felix would do what he could in order to help her out even after being a complete jerk to her.

"Stand up then." she said sharply waiting for him to stand and get this over with. However in the back of her mind Venus didn't want this to end, she never gotten this angry before. Felix was something different, something that wasn't normally present in her perfect world. He was, well he was not perfect. A level of imperfection that she actually thought it was appealing.

It didn't matter, no matter how cute he is he needed to be told off by her. Today was ruined already, and when someone in particular ruins her day she will make sure she gets it thorugh their head so that it will never happen again....

Or maybe it will happen again? The girl didn't even know the boys name. She was so angry she forgot about the minor details of him other than the fact he was acting like a complete jerk. "Before we do this, what is your name?" she asked in her dominate yet curious voice. She needed to know, just in case...

Re: Breaking Pains

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:58 pm
by Jotun*
"Stand up then."

"When I get my food!" Felix looked at her with a look of mock incredulity, before smiling wryly. "Relax." He almost purred his 'L' sound. Still, formt he toher end of the restaurant, Felix could see a Benson's employee appraoching his table with a plastic box. Absently hungry, Felix licked his busted lip that had since stopped bleeding. Venus interrupted his watching his food.

"Before we do this, what is your name?"

Felix was astounded, but only showed it in the slightest, and ignored her briefly, his food had arrived, and the employee left after reminding him to leave. He stopped up to leave and looked back to Venux.

"I'm Felix. Felix Travertil." He looked inquiringly at her, silently asking the same question.

Re: Breaking Pains

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:59 pm
by Kris*
Venus couldn't beleive he had the nerve to order food there after the commotion he's caused. She wouldn't of ordered food if she were in his shoes. Then again she would never end up in that situation so she didn't have to worry about it. "Relax...."

Relax? how could she relax? She was the cause of a fight within a public facility. It was humiliating! She could continue to feel peoples stares and whispers throughout the resteraunt. However she was strong and ignored them. perfect people didn't need to worry about what others think because she's already perfect.

Felix got his food and then looked at her with a surprised kind of look. "I'm Felix. Felix Travertil." he stated.  Felix? It sounded like one of those old people whose been working with the postal service for twenty-years. However his face made up for all of that. She looked at him, analyzing his features.

She spent a couple seconds looking at him when she realized she hasn't yet introduced herself. "Its Venus." she said a little swiftly, trying to make up lsot time. "Venus Gwendolyn." she finished and stood up. With her all her anger, mixed the her mixed feelings for him she slapped him. Gasps and stares of awe could be noticed all around the resteraunt. Venus just looked at him, emotionless. She didn't know what kind of expression to put on. A kind one? An angry one?

"Now get out."

Re: Breaking Pains

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:59 pm
by Jotun*
Considering she was a girl and fairly small, Venus' hit felt remarkably like being hit by a truck. Felix didn't budge from his spot, but his head moved with the slap and he wasn't sure his eyes were working afterwards for a brief moment. Felix turned to leave.

"Later, sweetstuff." He felt every bt as confident as he sounded.

She had put on a good show of being angry, but Felix knew it was only half true. Her idea of perfection was challengedby Felix, he had shown her the kind of disorganization he thrived on and the kind of power it gave him, and unless Felix was mistaken he piqued her curiosity, both in a more chaotic lifestyle, and in Felix himself. She was not concerned with being polite to him, so why else would she ask his name?

Felix was satisfied as he went home. He enjoyed the feeling he had when he challenged Venus' world, that she might grow to like or crave the unpredictability Felix offered. Tonight had been a good night.

Re: Breaking Pains

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 4:53 am
by Kris*
Venus turned her head to look at Felix leave. Everybody watched intently as he left and then looked at Venus who gave everybody in the resteraunt a glare. The people turned back and resumed their normal conversations. Nobody would dare try to even taunt the Sisterhood if you don't want your name to be in the school paper next to the words 'sex scandal'.

Turning back to her table she sat down. Her pink lemonade was still chilled with its ice. She looked down upon it and twirled the straw with her finger, thinking about the whole thing. She wanted to see Felix again, even though he was imperfect their was something about him that was actually appealing. Mabye this is a perfect oppertunity in disguise for her.

Or maybe this was a challenge, Venus really shouldn't keep the idea of perfection to herself but she should spread it. Felix would be so much better if he was perfect. This was a project she wanted to undertake, maybe she should get with Felix. He looked intrested...No, he was intrested otherwise he wouldn't have gone and started this whole messi n the first place.

With a smile she took another sip of lemonade and got up walking out of the resteraunt with a hidden smile on her face. She had a bit of glances but she ignored all of them, she was content today dispite being called a imperfect insults and causing a scene at one of the most student based places in Denton. But it didn't matter, Venus started home brainstorming on ways how this relationship can turn out.