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Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 6:59 am
by Kotorikun

[Declyn Grayson-Anthis: Pregame START]

He was already having a pretty not-so-good day, seeing as first of all, he had woken up with a headache since he hadn‘t gotten much sleep last night, and second, looking for a birthday gift for someone you dislike – his father‘s girlfriend in this case – turned out to be more difficult than he had imagined. One of his favorite webcomics, a thriller called Sweet Home, not updating was just the cherry on top.

Declyn understood though.

Sure, it was something he looked forward to every week, but artists and writers needed breaks just like everyone else. A soft sigh escaped his lips and he looked down at his phone with a defeated smile on his face. It's not like he didn't have anything else he could do once he would get back home, but this particular story had left off at such a gripping part in the last chapter that it almost felt tiring to have to wait for another week. But something like this wasn't going to bring him down. He saw it as an opportunity to catch up with the other webcomics he had more or less been neglecting because he had been distracted by new ones whenever he would check the updates. Might as well.

His phone in his right hand, he popped a few dark chocolate-covered raisins into his mouth with his free one as he was strolling down the mall with people to his left, his right, people in the front and people in the back and all diagonals.

It was busy as usual and he liked that.

Be it the loud chatter around him, love-birds holding hands, the way how people pretend not to see each other until they're close enough to say hello or wave –it was interesting.

Declyn licked some chocolate off the tip of his thumb before he stuffed his phone into his pants pocket, and closed the bag of his chewy snack (the only item he had bought so far), stored in his vintage-style shoulder bag. His objective was a birthday gift for his dad's girlfriend since Declyn knew he would appreciate it. He didn't want to wish her a half-hearted happy birthday four days from now, standing in front of her empty-handed while his father's disapproved expression would pierce his soul. No, it was going to be whole-hearted, even if a bit forced. After giving it some thought in the past couple of days, he decided to go for the easy route and buy her jewelry. Nothing too expensive, nothing too over the top, just something that says: "Hey! I acknowledge your likes and I see your necklace collection so here's one more."

On the to-do-list in his mind was also buying more hair-dye, since his roots had started to shimmer through the pastel green color.

But first stop: any store that sells jewelry.

Re: Evergreen

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 6:59 am
by Tonyksin
[Lorenzo continued from Family Portrait ]

The car door slammed behind him as Lorenzo started his brief walk from his car to the doors of Harrison Central Mall. He took a particularly long drag from the Camel Menthol between his lips before dropping the three quarter smoked cigarette to the ground and stamping it out with his right foot. He felt the smoke leave his lungs as he slowly let the remnants of his drag escape through his mouth. It left him feeling just a tad lightheaded, after all it was the first one he'd had since the school day was over. He felt a light vibration in his pocket, and pulled out his phone to take a look at what caused it. Just a notification from his Grindr. As much as he wanted to check out who messaged him, he shoved the phone back n his pocket and walked through the doors of the Mall. Whoever it was would just have to wait. It was rare Lorenzo got a chance to head over here directly after school ended, but he lucked out since his mother was picking up the girls. He'd been desperate to get over here for the past few days, but it just hadn't been feasible, playing limo driver for his younger sisters usually left him pretty busy. Today however, he was free from that responsibility, so he planned to utilize what time he had. Plus, if whoever messaged him was interested, they'd still be just as interested when he was finished here.

Lorenzo walked along through the crowds trying his best to avoid all the slow-walkers and family clusters. He hated how crowded it could get. The only time a crowd like this was worth anything was at a concert. At least there he could just mosh his way through to get where he needed to go. That tended to be frowned upon in a place like this. Lorenzo continued his trek through the crowded halls, taking note of any sexy guys as he walked and being sure to make lots of eye contact. Just because he had a mission didn't mean he couldn't window shop on his way. He was still somewhat suffering from his inability to "relieve himself" this morning, so his libido was running on high alert. He adjusted himself slightly as he walked, and soon found exactly what he was looking for. The Jewelry Expo.

Lorenzo strolled past a few of the display cases, letting his eyes wander over the different items on display. He did his best to ignore all the shark-like salespeople as they called out to him, doing their best to try and get him to shop at their particular stand, but Lorenzo already knew exactly where he was going. He walked up to a smaller display area and smiled widely at the dark-haired woman behind the case.

"Esther, what's up?" He asked the woman with a grin. She looked up at him from her bent over position behind the display. Esther straightened up and peered at him from over the rims of her thin glasses.

"Oh look, green boy is back again." She said with her thick Israeli accent. She was a short and stout woman, standing at about 5'4 and a bit round in the midsection. Her dark brown hair was pulled back tight in a neat bun at the back of her head, and she wore a smart dark blue pantsuit with short black closed-toe heels. She was an older woman, looking to be in about her mid-late 60s. Her face looked tired from the years, and the bags under her eyes were heavy, but her eyes were fierce.

"Of course. I'd never pass up a chance to see you granny." Lorenzo smirked a bit and pushed some of his curls out of his face with his left hand. Ester was his go-to woman when it came to getting high-quality Jewelry for himself. She'd pretty much sold him everything he currently wore, so he'd known the woman for a few years now.

"Hah!" She laughed loudly, placing a bracelet display she'd been re-arranging before Lorenzo arrived back in the case and locking it up. "So rude, you need to learn to respect your elders little green boy." She chuckled a bit and took off her glasses, placing them on the glass in front of her. "What are you looking for this time shaygetz?"

"I need a new ring, maybe something with a jewel on it to stand out among the rest?" He put his hands palms down on the glass in front of her, displaying the many black and silver bands that adorned his fingers. She'd sold every one of them to him, so he was sure she'd be able to find something suitable. "Maybe for the middle finger on my left hand."

Ester looked at his hands and muttered something unintelligible to herself in yiddish. She began to walk around her display area, muttering to herself all the while as she looked through the cases. Lorenzo simply stood where he was and waited, used to this routine from her. He felt a vibration in his pocket again, and pulled out his phone to see a text from his mother.

Mom: Taking the girls out to dinner in a bit. Your father is meeting us there. Do you want to come?

Lorenzo sighed and quickly typed a reply.

Lorenzo: Nah that's ok, im at the mall, might be a while. ttyl Image

He shoved his phone back in his pocket and started to scan the room with his eyes. This was the first night in a few days that he had to himself, if he wanted to eat he could do it on his own, he really didn't feel like going out with his family. He loved them, but sometimes when they went out to a public place it could get rowdy, and he just wasn't in the mood. Plus he still had that Grindr message on the back-burner, and that had the possibility of being way more rewarding than sharing another meal with family.He kept his gaze flowing randomly, hoping to find something worth looking at.

Re: Evergreen

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 7:00 am
by Primrosette
((Adonis Cohen continued from Timing is Everything ))

Adonis was busy just taking a stroll around to see if there was anything interesting in the stores and he had to make his way around crowded areas. He actually liked it when it got busy as it meant that there was a chance that he could bump into one of his friends and then he could hang out with them for as long as he wanted. Emmett hadn't wanted to come with him as Emmett said that he hated it when there were too many people about and he disliked a lot of people anyway. Adonis understood Emmett's mindset perfectly. So he decided that he could go alone to see if there was anything that he would like to get.

Adonis hadn't found anything of interest yet. But he didn't mind too much about it. He was just enjoying looking around and he liked to see what other people were getting. He was always curious about other people's interests.

Adonis then noticed someone with green hair walking not that far in front of him and Adonis couldn't help but grin in delight. Oh, he knew who that was. Declyn Grayson-Anthis. What a rare chance of being able to run into that guy right now. Adonis wanted to interact with him and find out what he was here.

Adonis moved up slowly besides Declyn and he touched his shoulder, squeezing it gently.

"Hey there, green beauty." Adonis said in one of his teasing ways and he moved his head to look at Declyn's face, winking at him. "Fancy meeting you here. Looking for something special?"

Re: Evergreen

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 7:00 am
by Kotorikun
Declyn idly scanned his surroundings when he was on the move, muffled pop music (he couldn't really make out any songs) echoing from various shops around him while he mused on his first ever part-time job he had had in here as he walked past the place.

Back when he first had gotten hired at Journey's, he honestly liked the job. Though like may be a strong word. He had tolerated unpacking shoes and assorting so-and-so brand, such-and-such style, size, whatsoever, from the freezing back room, as well as helping customers. In a place like a shoe store, there weren't any regulars, so everything seemed new and exciting. But with time, the bad sides of the customer service industry had started to unveil themselves – Customers, not all of them but often too many, don't care what time the store closes. They care about trying on shoes. They also don't care about property. They will trash the entire Adidas display and then the very next soccer mom to walk in will write a Yelp! review about what a mess the store is. The job had been an experience, to say the least. One that had given him enough insight in a short time and some well-earned pocket money.

Upon approaching his destination, a squeak of his shoes suggested that Declyn came to an abrupt halt.

The reason for that was a neon-green mop he would recognize from any angle, this time from the back. To him, it was an unusual sight outside of the school grounds or a party environment, so he just stood there and took it in for a  moment, took him in, even though he wasn't sure what exactly it was that he was taking in. Yes, it was Lorenzo. But what about him? His rebellious look that stood out more than anything? The pure coincidence of him being there? Or was it the indulgence of the urge to play with fire? Oh old flame – more like constant ongoing flame which was never properly lit, never blown out, while it's dancing in the lightest breeze.

That's how it was.

Lorenzo might just be here at the right moment, Declyn pondered, considering the fact that accessory-wise, he was always highly adorned. This made him a potential big help with picking out the right piece. Declyn did have a blurry vision and ideas of how he would like the necklace to look like, but could use an opinion or two.

His black phone screen found a new purpose as a mirror when he turned around the corner he just came from, the package of chocolate-covered raisins rustling inside his bag as he adjusted the strap into a more comfortable position. Declyn muttered a quick "I'm sorry" when he accidentally walked into a kid no older than ten, offering (what he assumed) their mother an apologetic smile. After they moved on, he went back to checking out his own reflection. Just in case. What if there was a big fat spider on his head which he had been unaware of this whole time? He didn't want to greet anyone with a spider on his head. Right. The moment he realized the shop window next to him gave him a better view of himself, he lowered the hand that was holding the phone and used said window for a quick visual once-over to make sure everything was fine and dandy. Resulting thoughts: there was room for improvement, but nothing he could change right that moment. No spider in the hair as well.

With that done, he was ready to move on. But after a few steps, he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"Ah, hey." A faint blush crept over Declyn's cheeks at Adonis' remark and his eyes met the other's before they shifted to the side to see if anyone had heard that. It was kind of a reflex. "I'm on a mission, yes." He showed a determined, soft grin. "What about you?"

Re: Evergreen

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 7:00 am
by Fenris
Axel fucking hated the mall. Too many people milling around doing not a goddamn thing, plus the one time he'd bothered trying to busk here he'd been escorted out by an underpaid mall drone within ten minutes. Normally he'd go down to 34th when he had shopping to do, but Lisa had specifically told him that morning that she'd be shopping on 34th that afternoon and would he like to come with her, she'd buy him a new jacket, and he'd rather die, so here he was.

A small child in an apparent massive hurry shoulder-checked him in the hip and didn't bother stopping to apologize. Axel gritted his teeth. He'd get through this.

>> Axel Fontaine continued from are you having a bad time?

He was here looking for a gift for Hel, and okay, he didn't have a real reason to buy them something, but they'd been down lately for probably-Kara-related reasons. They hadn't told him the specifics. They hadn't told him much of anything, since The Incident. Like, it wasn't as though they weren't talking to him. They still hung out and they'd been holding band practice like usual and everything, but there was just a distance there propelled by both of their desperate needs to pretend The Incident had never happened. If they acknowledged it, it'd start to mean too much. And if they acknowledged it, he'd have to grapple with having helped his best friend cheat on their girlfriend.

Between that and the eyes he'd made at Mikki the other day he was seriously nailing the whole friendship thing.

He didn't expect a gift to seriously mend the rift between them, but it might make them smile, and that'd be worth something. Normally he'd get them something from the shitty magic shop on 34th, and it would be something totally kitschy and bullshit because despite years of Hel trying to teach him he couldn't make heads or tails of the witchy shit they did, and they'd laugh when he gave it to them, and then they'd smile, and tell him he was sweet for trying. No magic shops in the mall, though. Best he could do was probably get them the most unbelievably shitty thing he could possibly find in Spencer's and hope it made them laugh the same way.

The layout of the mall was more or less a mystery to him, so he made his way to the nearest map kiosk, scanning for his destination. Spencer's was on the other side of the fucking place and upstairs like two flights because the mall was made to be as inconvenient to him as humanly possible. There was probably somewhere closer. Maybe find the ugliest Funko Pop at Hot Topic, that'd work.

His eyes landed on something that was as far from what he'd been looking for as it was possible to be, but for some reason, he stopped. The Jewelry Expo. Huh.

... He wondered if maybe a serious situation merited a more serious gift.

Without really thinking about it, Axel started walking toward the jewelry store; it was relatively close, no real harm in stopping by, even if he didn't really know where he was going with it. Like, buying Hel actual jewelry would be too much, right? That was a boyfriend thing to do, and after The Incident he really wanted to avoid looking like he was trying too hard in that direction. Plus he had no idea how much that shit would cost, but it was probably a fuckton more than he'd brought to the mall with him. Didn't stop him from walking, though. What stopped him from walking was a mop of pastel green hair right in front of his destination.

Declyn Grayson-Anthis, in the flesh. Fantastic. He was talking to Adonis, someone he knew a bit less intimately but was at least aware of the existence of. Declyn, though... Axel's instincts conflicted, in that he simultaneously wanted to say hey and run away as quickly as possible, and the combination of those urges resulted in him standing there looking blankly at Declyn like a dumbass. He wasn't looking at Axel, wouldn't notice him right away, he had time to leave, he didn't really want to leave. He liked Declyn. Like, genuinely, as a person, in the light of day. But seeing him here still felt wrong, somehow, like when you see a teacher outside of school, like this wasn't where they were supposed to meet.

He wondered if he could make his way into the jewelry store without him noticing. He thought that, and he took a single step in its direction, but he glanced insided and saw a significantly more alarming head of green hair. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.

One of them had to have noticed him by now. No escape for him today.

Re: Evergreen

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 7:00 am
by Tonyksin
Lorenzo sighed as he pulled his phone out of his pocket once again. Another Grindr notification. He sure was popular today. He looked over to the old Yiddish woman still milling about behind the counter, and decided he may as well see who messaged him while he waited for her. He quickly clicked the App notification and the familiar yellow mask appeared on his phone screen. The app buffered for a second, ad then pulled up a conversation with someone named "UncutPapi3000". The first message they sent was a picture of the man's rather large erection. This was followed immediately by another picture, this time a full body picture, of the man standing next to what looked like a sex swing, wearing a whole lot of leather (Including belts and chains) with his engorged member in his hand.

Lorenzo raised an eyebrow at that. He definitely wasn't one to kink shame, but this seemed a bit extreme for a first message, although he definitely appreciated the boldness. What he didn't appreciate was the man's tone in the message following after the photos. Lorenzo liked sex, it was probably his favorite pastime to be honest, and he felt very comfortable being very open about sex and trying new things. However, there was a bit of a line for him, and when 50 year old men sent him messages about how they wanted to tie him up and rape his hole, it tended to cross that line. Sure, maybe that could be a fun role-play with the right partner, but there was no way he could trust that this dude wasn't gonna tie him up and either kill him, or worse, lock him in a basement or something. Nah, Lorenzo decided he was way good on that. Block.

"Look little green boy, I think I've found the perfect thing for you." Ester's voice snapped him out of his concentration, and Lorenzo quickly closed out of the App and shoved his phone back in his pocket. He looked at the woman and saw she had brought over a ring display. "Take a look at this one. Go ahead, try it on." She said as she pulled one of the rings off the display and pressed it into his outstretched palm.

Lorenzo looked over the ring. It was cool to the touch and heavy in his palm, the ring seemed to be made of copper with stone-like silver protrusions. Lorenzo slipped it on to the middle finger of his left hand and held his hand up to the light to look at it. "It's perfect." He said with a grin."What is it?"

"This is no ordinary ring little green boy, this is an obsidian superconductor ring. It is made with rare metals, and after sizing it would take me about three to six weeks to have the ring ready for you. I work with a very specific dealer for these rings, you cannot get them just anywhere."

Lorenzo smirked at the older woman. "No need to give me your whole script Granny, I'm already sold." Lorenzo slipped the sample ring back off and passed it back to the woman. He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and pulled his American Express card out. "Whatever the price, I don't really care, charge it all to this." He held out the credit card to the woman and she took it with a smile.

Lorenzo stretched his arms above his head in an attempt to crack his upper back as he waited for Esther to return with the receipt for him to sign. This ended up being a productive afternoon, even if his Grindr message ended up being a let down, if he wanted he could just find somewhere to chill in the mall and play his favorite game of boy-watching. Esther soon returned with  receipt, which Lorenzo readily signed. He took a glance at the price but it really wasn't anything to worry about. His parents trusted his for the most part when it came to making purchases with his cards, and payed them off for him usually without much of  fuss. Ester told him that the shop would be in contact as soon as the ring arrived and he thanked her wholeheartedly. With a small wave, Lorenzo started his exit from the area, but as he did, a small pop of pastel green caught his eye over the crowd. Well well, this might be a productive day after all.

Declyn Greyson-Anthis was standing there, looking as adorable and tasty as ever. Lorenzo had a soft spot for his fellow green-haired senior, and had in the past been privy to Declyn's soft spots quite a few times. The British boy had an effect on him, one he was happy to act on at any time, and Lorenzo quickly adjusted his crotch as he made his way closer. Standing next to his pastel prince was another fellow senior, Adonis Cohen. Now Lorenzo was only familiar with Adonis in passing, but he was pretty sure the two of them have shared a class or two in the past. He was a decent guy though, and pretty good looking to boot (although Lorenzo was pretty sure he was dating one of the other gay guys in school, so that probably wasn't gonna happen). As he got closer to the the duo, out of the corner of his eye a bright red mop of hair caught his attention. Lorenzo smiled a devilish grin at the sight of this newcomer, Axel fucking Fontaine. Lorenzo and Axel had plenty of history, but most of it was under the cover of night and the excuse of intoxication. And now here he was, literally right in front of him, in the bright light of day. Oh man, this was gonna be so much fun. Lorenzo stopped just short of where the three were standing.

"Would you get a look at this. It's like a buffet of cute boys over here, and I can't decide which one I want to taste first." He laughed with a grin and a hand on his hip, speaking just loud enough to catch the attention of all three boys.. He probably should have had a bit more tact, but that wasn't really his style, and the looks on their faces would make it all the more worth it he was positive. "Axel, Declyn, Adonis, what brings you boys over this way?"

Re: Evergreen

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 7:01 am
by Primrosette
Adonis felt a soft spot for Declyn even if he did have a boyfriend and he knew that his flirting and teasing with other people was normally harmless. ....Normally. But with Declyn, it felt like Declyn managed to trigger something inside of him. His heart did beating a little faster whenever he saw Declyn's gorgeous smile or whenever they spoke to each other. It was an odd feeling and he couldn't help but want to get closer to Declyn.

"Ah, a mission for a perfect gift or something else?" Adonis asked out of pure curiosity and his hand was still on Declyn's shoulder, still smiling at the other guy with a broad smile. "Me? Just looking around at what might or might not be interesting to buy, you know. Now that I am here. Maybe I could help you with your secret mission, Declyn."

But before they could get anything further, Adonis heard a voice calling out to the two of them. Wait, no? The three of them? Axel was there as well, huh? Adonis turned his head slightly to the side and he noticed that Axel was definitely there. And Lorenzo to boot.

Lorenzo has called him cute. Adonis started to cough into his hand out of embarrassment and he felt a bit flattered by the compliment. He didn't get called cute by a guy before and he didn't know how to really respond to that.

"Cute, huh? Why.... You flattering, handsome green devil, you...." Adonis said with a hearty laugh and a wave of his hand. Yes, Adonis' odd nicknames were pretty unusual. But people will either love them or hate them. Most loved them. "Oh, I just bumped into my green beauty right here."

Re: Evergreen

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 7:01 am
by Kotorikun
Adonis was someone Declyn didn't actively hang out with, but whenever they bumped into each other they'd exchange a few words that eventually turn into a conversation. And somehow Adonis would always manage to slip one of his overly sugary dessert recipes (too sugary for at least Declyn's taste) in there and Declyn accepted them each time, knowing he won't make said desserts at home. Baking was usually too much of a hassle that leaves you with a huge mess to take care of at the end. Does anyone ever specifically mention the number of used equipment that would need to be cleaned? Declyn thought it should be a thing. He had been trying to cook more often and try more healthy dishes – instead of just decreasing the amount so he wouldn't gain any of the weight back he had lost – to get into some type of rhythm. So far, his skills were enough to keep him alive. After school, there was usually a meal waiting for him at home, made by his great-aunt, his father, or his father's girlfriend on some rare occasions.

"Am I that predictable?" Declyn let out a soft chuckle. Adonis had guessed correctly about the gift. "I could, uh, actually use some help."

The more the merrier.

What Declyn hadn't expected was for Lorenzo to spot them at that moment with a remark that was very much him. Buffet.... of.... cute boys. Declyn showed a calm expression while his eyes were screaming. That wasn't the only thing that made him scream on the inside, it was also the fact that Axel was there as well apparently. He turned his head at the mention of Axel's name and – presence confirmed. While he appreciated their existences, he was wondering where they all came from. He didn't know it was Hang Out At The Jewelry Expo day and wished someone had told him so he could have mentally prepared himself for the amount of thoughts that had hit him. Bumping into each of them individually would be no problem at all, but them being together like this caused a huge hmm to appear in his mind. It was due to the kind of history he had with Lorenzo and Axel, the unknowingness of how much they knew, and knowing Adonis didn't know anything really. Declyn hadn't said anything at least. Whatever.

"Hey, Axel." He smiled.

Now they were here and escaping was not an option, not like he wanted to escape. Declyn's voice came out a bit croaky as he opened his mouth so he cleared his throat.

"My plan was the jewelry store but you mentioning buffets made me hungry." He joked a little as his attention settled on Lorenzo for a moment. "But yeah, I'm looking for a birthday gift for someone. A necklace to be exact. And this looks like the right place."

Re: Evergreen

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:57 am
by Fenris
"It's like a buffet of cute boys over here, and I can't decide which one I want to taste first." Christ. Like, okay, sure, Axel had had plenty of... encounters with Lorenzo, couldn't deny that, and sure, Axel himself had probably said way worse shit in the heat of the moment, but it still felt like a lot in the light of day. He reflexively looked around; thankfully it didn't look like anyone from George Hunter was around, present company excepted. He could afford to be at least cordial, if hopefully not too familiar. He glanced between Lorenzo and the other two, his eyes narrowing in consideration. Did Lorenzo and Declyn have a thing? Felt like a stupid question, the list of guys Lorenzo hadn't had a thing with was probably shorter than the list of guys he had. He was vaguely aware that Adonis was off the market, though he could be wrong about that. Gossip wasn't really Axel's thing, though he couldn't say the same of certain people he spent a significant amount of time with. You spend enough time with Tristan and you learn some things whether you want to or not.

"Yo." He waved in a way he hoped seemed nonchalant. Was he sweating? Please let him not be sweating.

Adonis was a mostly unknown quantity and Lorenzo was overwhelming at the best of times, so he set his sights on Declyn, who, based on his voice, was at least as uncomfortable as Axel was. If he'd run into Declyn on his own, it might've been alright. He'd been meaning to see if he wanted to hang out in a totally platonic daytime sense, but it always felt like a weird time. Honestly as far as the people Axel usually hung with were concerned Declyn seemed kinda delicate by comparison. He genuinely wasn't sure what the two of them could do together, but he was sweet and smart and really cute and that counted for something, right? Him and Tristan didn't have that much in common either and it worked out with them anyway.

"Here for a gift too, actually. Dunno if I can actually afford anything in there but thought I might as well check." He shrugged. "Didn't expect so much company."

He glanced at Lorenzo, pushing his hair back; it occurred to him halfway through adjusting his jacket that he was making an effort to look good for him. He shoved his hands in his pockets and turned his attention awkwardly back toward the Jewelry Expo.

Re: Evergreen

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:13 pm
by Tonyksin
Lorenzo’s eyes danced over the three boys in front of him as they all reacted to his comment. Watching the boys all have separate yet similarly uncomfortable and awkward reactions was absolutely a highlight of the day for him. Did that make him a bad person? It wasn’t as if he necessarily wanted to make them upset, but watching them all squirm a bit was adorable. Adonis was the first to shake off the awkwardness and reply to him. Handsome devil, huh? Maybe there was more of a chance to have some fun with this one after all, but that was something Lorenzo would have to file away for a later date. Apparently Adonis had just run into Declyn as well. Lorenzo’s eyes moved over to the other two boys in front of him, both looking like deer caught in the headlights. Axel and Declyn greeted each other awkwardly, and the pastel-haired boy turned to look at Lorenzo.

"My plan was the jewelry store but you mentioning buffets made me hungry." Oh man, Declyn was so damn adorable, and it was as if he didn’t even realize it. Lorenzo just wanted to scoop him up and do terrible, awful, primal things to him. He needed to calm down, they were in a public setting after all, and now wasn’t the time. This was all Marina’s fault. Ten more minutes in the bathroom this morning, that’s all it would have took. Then he wouldn’t have had to deal with walking around all damn day in a state of constant and uncomfortable heat. Declyn had plans to buy a gift for someone at the Expo, and apparently so did Axel. Lorenzo let his eyes wander over to the ruby-headed boy, and then let them wander up and down his body. He noticed Axel start to adjust his jacket under his gaze, and dart his eyes away from him towards the Expo. Lorenzo grinned at this.

If there was anyone whos buttons he couldn’t help but press it was Axel. It was a rare occurrence that the two were able to interact in a sober setting, as even in school Axel tended to avoid him like the plague. Lorenzo didn’t know what it was about him, but he always felt this pull towards Axel. At parties, in a intoxicated stumbling stupor, he sometimes even found himself actively seeking Axel out, locating the red-head and dragging him into the nearest bathroom/closet/bedroom and having his way with him. Axel was somewhat of a mystery to Lorenzo. They got along with a lot of the same people, and they had a decent amount of similar interests, so you’d think they’d at least be friendly, but it seemed that every time the two were in the same place, Axel would take the first opportunity to get as far from him as possible. The only time that didn’t happen was when they were fucked up, and that only made Lorenzo want to push his buttons even more.

“So it’s a gift buying party, huh? Sounds like fun, count me in. I actually know one of the jewelers here pretty well, let me introduce you, maybe I can get her to swing you a discount.” He winked at Axel when he said this then turned his attention back to Declyn and Adonis. “So what kind of necklace do you need to get? I’m happy to help.” He reached out his hand and grabbed Declyn’s pulling him towards the entrance. “Let’s go, boys. Follow me.”

Lorenzo was weirdly happy. It was rare for him to get to just… hang out with people. He found himself smiling, it seemed like today would be pretty interesting after all.

Re: Evergreen

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 12:29 pm
by Primrosette
The awkwardness was real. It seemed like Adonis had noticed that Lorenzo was the least effected by it and Adonis felt himself not being as effected by it either. It definitely felt like Lorenzo was in charge of this lovely, little group and Adonis didn't mind that one bit. He did mind when Lorenzo grabbed Declyn's hand and was going ahead with the boy.

Adonis felt something for a moment or two. Like a strange spark that was unwelcome. Very unwelcome indeed. That was definitely a feeling of jealousy. Adonis had never felt like that before. He had to remember that he had a boyfriend. But still.....

He had a somewhat frown on his face and his eyes wandered to Axel. His frown quickly turned into a warm smile. "Axel, right? Do you want to want to follow after them?" He asked, nodding towards the other two. He then looked over Axel's appearance more closely. Axel looked like an interesting guy. "I never thought that this was going to become a group thing. I thought it was just going to be me helping out Declyn." He let out a friendly laugh.

Re: Evergreen

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 3:14 am
by Kotorikun
Declyn had not expected so much company either and felt with Axel’s remark, who, as a side note, was as casual as ever, but considering the way he looked around and other subtle body language signs, wasn’t initially comfortable with the situation as well. Declyn just didn’t want things to be awkward. Who would want that anyway? He liked Axel. A gift buying party sounded fun and he was up for it since this was better than spending the rest of the shopping trip by himself. Sure, Declyn didn't mind being alone, but he preferred company most of the time, be it even virtual company like one of the Discord servers he's part of running in the background whenever he'd spent some time inside on his computer. It felt nice knowing there would always be someone he could talk to, plus discussing topics late at night like whether or not you would travel back to the early 2000s to experience peak emo culture and know what it was like to be in high school when emo was big was interesting, to say the least. It was one of many other things.

“I’m down for the party--”

He was ready to go, but Lorenzo seemed even more eager which showed when he grabbed Declyn’s hand.

!! ALRIGHT ....

He was not a big fan of holding hands, usually, since it tended to turn into a sweaty mess and awkward thoughts like ”Is it okay to stop now?”. The idea of it was more pleasant. Then again, it always depended on the situation and none of them were just black and white but too many colors to process in such a short time. It wasn’t even like they were actually holding hands like romantic partners would do as a token of affection. Maybe Declyn had never held hands the right way before (what even is the right way?) since often when he got closer to someone, the focus was on other parts of his body. Right then, Lorenzo seemed to be simply tugging on his hand in a manner that said that he was ready for this small group activity.

Though, he was not only tugging at Declyn’s hand but also his heart and mind. Declyn realized he was overthinking, like, everything, as he could only stare down at their almost but not quite intertwined fingers with a rather blank expression, his lips slightly parted in thought and surprise while he was following him. It was then that he noticed the smile on Lorenzo’s face out of the corner of his eyes, and there was something about it that sent a wave of warmth through his body. He thought it was a cute smile. Declyn’s thumb moved over Lorenzo’s knuckles, feeling the cold metal of his rings in the process. They suited him well.

“I like the purple crystal you’re wearing, but, hm. I doubt it’s something she’d like.”

He pulled his hand back and turned his head, making sure Adonis and Axel were following before watching where he was going.

“I was thinking..... something more subtle? With a small pendant. It’s for my dad’s girlfriend.” His eyes were already wandering over the many display areas, each one looking more expensive than the other. Declyn recognized the woman Lorenzo had talked to just a couple of moments ago in the distance, but stepped closer to another stand first. Rings, bracelets, necklaces; all of them were up to date with the latest trends. Some of the pieces were adorned with feathers, others with gemstones, small and big ones, more feathers, pretty-looking sparkling stuff— it was nice to look at. The items in that particular area belonged to the cheaper kind. Declyn touched one of the silver necklaces.


A quick glance at Axel.

Ah, yes.

This one kind of reminded him of Axel’s tattoo. He had been wanting to ask him about it for some time now but hadn’t found an opportunity, or simply forgot. Getting a tattoo anywhere on your neck sounded painful but Declyn was not opposed to it.

"Hey, Lorenzo. If you were to get a tattoo—," Declyn started, turning around to face him. "—what would it be?"

Re: Evergreen

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 3:04 pm
by Fenris
"Oh, uh... yeah. Sure."

Axel could only watch awkwardly as Lorenzo dragged Declyn off into the store, and apparently he could only answer awkwardly when Adonis asked him if he wanted to follow. This was absolutely not how he'd hoped to be spending his day. Was it really that bad, though? No one was around he'd be embarrassed to be spotted with this crowd by. He at least didn't actively dislike anyone in this crowd. He could have run headlong into a pack of douchebags instead, though running into Demetri and his crowd would've been fun in its own way. But he wasn't in the mood to kick anyone's ass right now. He wanted to buy his best friend a present, that's why he was here, and he'd happened to run into probably the one person who could best help him. And also a guy he kind of sort of actually liked. And also Adonis, who he didn't really have any feelings about but who was clearly making an effort to be social, and Axel could do that much, at least?

This was fine. This whole thing was totally fine. If he kept saying that to himself eventually it'd actually be fine and he'd stop sweating like a whore in church.

He nodded at Adonis and followed the other two into the Jewelry Expo and pretty much immediately realized he was in over his head. There was a lot of shit here. He had no idea what Hel would even like off the top of his head. Like he doubted they had anything here with skulls on, which would be an easy pick. He could just go with their favorite color? That was easy. But if it was easy did that make it not special enough? He should have gone with the shitty Funko Pops. This was such a stupid fucking idea. Fuck.

It's fine. This was fine. He pushed back his hair as he walked toward Lorenzo and Declyn, his eyes scanning over the row of bracelets he was passing and not processing any of it. He could probably ask Lorenzo for advice, not that he'd know what to say. "It's a gift for a friend." What's the occasion? "They seem kinda sad, I dunno." What kind of stuff do they like? "Uh." Wasn't gonna get any good direction that way. Least he could ask him to point him toward the cheaper shit. There was a display of engagement rings that all cost about twice as much as his truck. Who the fuck spent that much on jewelry, anyway? Lorenzo, maybe. He wondered how much everything he had on had cost him.

It suited him, though. Axel looked up from the display toward him, thankful his eyes weren't on him for the moment. He looked... happy. Happier than Axel had ever seen him. Or at least happier than Axel had ever seen him sober and in a non-compromising position. The genuine, non-chemically-induced smile on his face was real cute, actually, and he found himself adjusting his jacket again, at least until Declyn suddenly caught his eye. He looked back, and he was like 90% sure he wasn't blushing, so that was a victory, technically.

When Declyn spoke, his hand moved subconsciously toward his neck.

Axel was kind of an idiot sometimes, he'd admit to that, but even he could spot Declyn's train of thought as he spotted a couple of chain necklaces in his line of sight. His tattoo wasn't particularly subtle. Probably wasn't particularly smart, either, but since he didn't have parents to lecture him on how he'd never get a job with a tattoo like that and since his friends were constantly making equally terrible decisions he didn't really have anyone to tell him not to do stupid shit. But he still loved it. It was such a tenuous connection, a link to one song by one band that he loved, but it reminded him of his music, his band, his best friends. And it reminded him of his father.

He moved closer to Declyn to look at the chains on display. A little too close to Declyn, actually. Close enough that Axel was still pretty sure he wasn't blushing but that surety was just gonna keep going down. He purposefully didn't look at Declyn as he looked away from the chains for a moment, instead eying Lorenzo, raising an eyebrow.

"Good question. You'd think you'd get some ink t'go with all the piercings."

Kinda rich coming from him, he'd gotten all the holes in his face way before he'd gotten the tattoo, but whatever.

Re: Evergreen

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:15 pm
by Tonyksin
Lorenzo happily dragged Declyn along behind him as he began to make his way back through the maze of display cases. He looked back for a second to make sure that Axel and Adonis were indeed following behind the two of them. He continued to drag the smaller boy through the Expo, planning to bring him right to Esther’s display. She was the best here, and he figured he could schmooze her into giving them a decent discount on whatever items they decided to get. After all, he’d just dropped a pretty significant amount of money with her barely ten minutes ago. He felt Declyn’s thumb run over his knuckles, and stopped his march to turn to the boy. Declyn pulled his hand out of Lorenzo’s grasp and complimented the crystal he wore. Lorenzo felt kind of sad that the physical contact had ended, but the adorable smile on the smaller boy’s face more than made up for it for sure. So Declyn was searching for a gift for his dad’s girlfriend, and he wanted to do something subtle. Subtle wasn't necessarily Lorenzo's specialty. The pastel-haired boy walked over to a nearby display case and looked at the contents. Lorenzo dutifully followed behind him, joining the boy in looking through the jewelry on display.

There were a lot of interesting pieces here surprisingly. Lorenzo hardly ever looked through any of the other displays at the Expo, usually heading right over to Esther’s area without a thought to any of the other vendors. This one in particular had a lot of really nice bracelets and some cheaper, but still pretty attractive, chains and feather-adorned bracelets, earrings, and necklaces. He noticed Declyn take an interest in one of the chains on display, and then quickly glance over at the red-headed boy that had just caught up with them. Lorenzo assumed he thought it sort of matched Axel’s neck tattoo, and Lorenzo agreed. He’d always found the tattoo very attractive on Axel. The way it traced up his collar and neck was really sexy to be honest. There were quite a few nights the two had shared where Lorenzo had enjoyed letting his fingers, and his tongue on occasion, lazily follow the length of the tattoo. The ruby-haired boy pulled it off well, that was for sure.

He was snapped out of that train of thought when Declyn posed a question of what Lorenzo would want as a tattoo if he were to ever get one. Axel joined in the question, also seeming interested in his answer. Lorenzo scratched the back of his head as he thought of a response. As he thought about it, he felt his nose scrunch up a bit. He turned away from the other boys a bit to kind of hide it, he did that a lot when he was thinking and if he was being completely honest he didn’t really like the way his face looked when it happened.

“Well… I guess I've never really thought too much about it.” He held up his hands in a shrugging motion and smiled at the three boys, turning to face them once again. “I mean, I'm not really against getting one, but I feel like if I got one right now it’d probably be some basic shit like song lyrics on my rib-cage or some other white girl crap.” He laughed at his own comment.

“Besides, I kinda feel like stuff like that’s supposed to really mean something to you. I dunno if I really have anything that means all that much to me right now that I’d put it on my skin permanently.” His smile faltered for a second but quickly returned. “Plus, I dunno if if I could pull it off as well as Axel.” Lorenzo winked at the boy and laughed. Good recovery, keep it fun and light. No need to get real. Lorenzo put his hand on the shoulder of the brunette next to him and posed his own question. “What do you think Adonis? Could I pull off a sexy chain tat like that?”

Re: Evergreen

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:24 am
by Primrosette
Adonis stared at all of the jewellery that was in his view and he always wondered why he was never interested in getting any himself. He felt like he should get something for Emmett as a gift to cheer his foul mood that was happening a lot more lately and Adonis had been getting more and more frustrated with how Emmett was treating other people and some of Adonis' friends. Their relationship really was a disaster at times but Adonis couldn't help who he loved and Emmett had always told him that Adonis was the only guy who had made him happy in a long time.

Adonis shook his head to get rid of his thoughts of Emmett and he concentrated his focus on the three boys that were beside him. Lorenzo was closet to him and he realized that they were talking about tattoos. Tattoos were never his cup of tea but he was impressed by how creative and talented tattoo artists could be. It really did take a lot of skill to be able to do things like that. Adonis himself? He didn't really have that artistic drive like his boyfriend, so he would just leave that to Emmett.

Lorenzo touched his shoulder and asked him a question about whether or not he could pull off a tattoo like Axel's. Hmmmm. He glanced at Axel for a few seconds and then he glanced back at Lorenzo with a thoughtful smile on his face. "Well, I do think it suits Axel very well. I think you could pull off a different tattoo, Lorenzo. Maybe like a skull with a snake coming out of its eyehole or maybe a heart-shaped tattoo with an arrow going through it." He said as he was thinking about the possibilities and he was almost starting to ramble on. "However, I'd avoid getting a tattoo of someone that you are dating as there is the possibility that that relationship would not last forever."

He let out a soft chuckle. "Sorry, sorry. Just rambling on a bit there."