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Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 4:59 pm
by Nealosi*
((Continued from Outside the school.))

Mary-Anne slowly crept up to the river. The cool night breeze punished her already sweaty body and whipped strands of her loose from her tight ponytail. She had been running again. It had grown dark and the sound of the running river had attracted the young girl, perhaps the unthreatening murmur of flowing water had attracted friends. The nurturing stream could be used to fill her water bottle, with any luck; she had drained a lot of it while running frantically about the Island.

She bent over into the river and began to fill her water bottle. She looked down into her reflection in the shimmering dark water. She was sweating and unkempt; all the running had done a number on her. She was tired and finally beginning to worry about the dangers presented on the Island. The adrenaline and charged blood generated from her panicked search for friends on the Island all started to fade away with the night air.

She looked around at her surroundings. This area of the river was surrounded by trees and underbrush. It would almost be impossible to see someone coming through the thick vegetation. Mary-Anne crouched low next to the river and scanned the surrounding trees. She quickly took a small sip of her newly filled water bottle and discovered that the contents taste absolutely awful.

Mary coughed and spit the rancid liquid out into the river. She would have to do something about her water situation. That would be her goal. As long as she could just keep setting goals for herself, she could stay focused. Maybe she would find her way back into the town and see if any of the taps worked. As she dumped her water back into the river she found herself again, thinking about the dangers her friends may be facing. She wished she could be with them to help them. She hoped she would find someone soon.

Re: Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:00 pm
by Endless_Helix*
<<Continued from The Genocide in our fucking minds>>

Harry Constantine was running from the girl fondling the corpse. She wasn't following him, but he needed space mentally and physcially from the concept that someone had died. He'd been in a firefight already; he didn't need a reminder that he could have been nothing more than a soggy pile of flesh at the end of that. So, to say the fucking least, Harry was not in a happy place mentally.

He was dwelling on the corpse he found mostly. A bullet to the head was painful, albeit only for a short time, but Harry didn't plan on testing the theory... He needed to get everyone off the island... Alive, whole, and sane would be preferable.

We're fucking kids man! Sure, kids fight, but I've yet to meet one that's actually killed someone in cold blood. This Danya guy... why did he pick us? Why the fuck not an office building? I can understand not choosing a retirement home, but there are a million better targets than a high school... Particularly if you want violence...

Harry's fists had clenched themselves into balls as he walked down a ravine to what the map called "The River". It was kind of a ways away still, maybe a 1000 feet away. There were a lot of little scrubby trees, which led there to be a lot of twigs on the ground. Cracking one or two was unavoidable, so Harry walked slow, mostly to try to escape notice of anyone trying to ambush him. Finally, this stretch of the river became visible. One thing that was strange was the quiet. It wasn't the serene quiet you normally find in natuer, but a forboding silence that nurtured your deepest fears. The hairs on Harry's neck were standing on end.

There was a girl, on the other bank of the river, filling up her waterbottle. She took a sip and spit it out. What's the point in that? It's water right? Actually, Harry wouldn't have put it past Mr Danya to poison the river as well...

So Harry walked out of the bushes and waved at the girl. His gun was in his pack, sitting next to some sweaty socks and a half empty bottle of water.

"Uh... Hello! Having fun being a fish?" Harry called out to the girl.

Re: Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:01 pm
by Nealosi*
Mary looked up from her crouch by the river and saw the other boy brandishing a gun. Her very first instinct was to run, but she somehow had herself convinced that this boy wouldn't shoot. She looked across the river and she could sense the fear in herself, and she could sense it in him too. She was still holding her deadly cudgel in her right hand. Her bag hung loosely from her shoulder as she gazed over at the young man.

"What?!" She shouted out, despite all reservation. "What the fuck are you gonna do, huh? You gonna shoot me!?"

She tightened her grip on her weapon and dropped the bag of supplies that she had hardly used. If she could throw her awkward cudgel with enough aim she might be able to hit the boy from across the river. He wasn't that far off.

The sky was still dark, Mary-Anne had been running all day and she was still panting from the strain and the stress on her body. Her panting was gradually getting louder and louder as she stood starring at the young man. Already knowing that there were other kids on this Island, aside from the ones at Franklyn, she was only moderately surprised. She had seen enough already. There wasn't much more surprising you could get then this.

Mary began to inch her heel backwards. She just didn't want to deal with this situation at all. Escape was priority one, but she didn't know what to do to get out, her body was depraved of energy and her weapon certainly didn't stand a chance against a gun wielding psycho. She dropped her shoulder and placed a hand on her bag. Levelling her eyes on the young man, she pulled her arm high into the air and pitched her cudgel straight towards the gunman. Swirling and spinning she didn't take the time to see if it had impacted with the intended target, the boy's gun, she pick up her supplies and spun as fast as she could towards the forest.

The trees were thicker than she had anticipated and her plan suddenly met a snag as she tried desperately to swat through the thick vegetation.

Swirling and babbling sweetly, the river flowed one, unconscious to the sin being done on its banks. The sky was a sharp black-blue above, and the river reflected its dark depth. It would see worse then this. The worst had yet to come.

Re: Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:01 pm
by Endless_Helix*
This was all going wrong.

Harry already began to hate himself a little more. She was obviously stressed, and she needed someone to take it out on.  This was all wrong. However, that cudgel looked dangerous. I honestly hope she doesn't know how to use that thing. She might do fucking anything. Aside from her weapon, she didn't look that dangerous.  Mind you, that didn't mean jack shit... Harry himself was in that class of combatants as well.  He looked kind of like an emaciated penguin. A little taller though.

She's running away... Why is she doing that? I'm not that ugly- oh, wait... yeah. The whole I might kill her thing... Yeah. FUCK. Harry jumped accross the river with ease, landing with a foot spare.How the hell do I get her to trust me? I just want to fucking relax and be a fucking human again.

"Look, I'm fucking sick to my stomach from this twisted hell-hole. I don't want to hurt anybody. I just want to go home, with everyone else intact and alive," Harry looked forlornly at the sky, "I suppose that I'm just another threat to you. Well, fucking hell, girl, you're all the fucking same, you just haven't fucking tried to hurt me yet. It's this goddamn island; it's screwing with your head. You're afraid of dying, hell, everyone is, and you want to take it out on somebody. Great, you know what? I bet most of the more psychotic players from the last one of these things started out just like you. I kind of wonder what you're going to fucking turn out as... A rapist maybe? A cannibal? I know that if you survive long you're going to be  murderer. Everyone will be, by extension. That's what's so fucked up about this place. "

Harry glared at the girl. He didn't care about the reprocussions of his little speech. Right now, he hated the girl infront of him. Harry hated her worse than anyone he'd ever known. He didn't even know why. It was just a well of mindless rage that boiled over. Maybe the stress of being on the island was getting to him, maybe he just hated himself, maybe he just wanted to go home, but Harry reached into his bag and pulled out his gun, clicking off the saftey.

"You fucking move and I kill you."

Re: Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:03 pm
by Nealosi*
Mary didn't really care about what the boy had to say. He had a gun and she had already tried to throw her weapon at him. Her attempt at escape was worthless and she was pretty much out of most of her options. She had to start thinking fast, but fast thinking wasn't really Mary-Anne's forte. Turning away from the dense thicket, she looked the boy up and down; she would have seen him as none threatening if he hadn't had a gun. She was getting angry with this little punk.

Mary-Anne had always been a jock. She didn't kid herself about it, but she didn't really see any problem with it either. Being a jock had its benefits, for one she could usually over-power almost anyone who cared to mess with her. In this case she wasn't so sure, but she was going to try her best regardless. She looked him in the eye and looked at his gun. An astute observing would have noted a coiling in Mary-Anne's legs. She was slowly pulling back to spring. Like a great tigress. She kept her eyes locked fiercely with this new opponent and didn't flinch once as he began to systematically list off the things she would become.

What about you, huh? What are you gonna be by the end of all this? I'm not going to kill anyone but that doesn't mean I can't beat the hell out of you. Gun or no.

Sweat dripped from her forehead as she balled her hands into fists. Her knuckles turned white with the pressure. A gust of wind picked up and blew past the duo; it did nothing to crack her facade.

You've beaten ‘em all before, Mary. What's the difference here? It's just a different place.

"Alright, tough guy," Mary-Anne brought her fists to bear as she pounced towards the young man. "Show me what you got!"

Re: Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:04 pm
by Endless_Helix*
The girl first had thrown her only visible weapon at him, missed because he was way the hell on the other side of the river at the time, and then  she yelled at him and charged. Harry was incredulous. It was pretty damn stupid to do. It wasn't lost on him that she was now actually attempting to kill him, but he really didn't care. Even if she did get close enough to hit him, she probably couldn't take him. Trained combatants didn't throw their only means of defense accross a river.'She's just some bitch who wants to kill you, do it!' a little piece of his mind cried.  His finger, on the other hand, didn't really want to pull the trigger.

She was closing in on Harry, and thats when he noticed her clevage, bouncing more than a little. Dammit! he thought, Why now? He set his jaw and pulled the trigger once, twice. firing two shots at her midriff. He wasn't a great shot, and the psycho-bitch was moving, but she was barely ten feet away.

"I've got an Agrams 2000. You've got nothing." Harry heard himself and inwardly cringed. Did he really just say that? Was he really that fucking unfeeling? What's wrong with me? Fuck me, I just shot someone in cold blood. WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING? Was this what the game did to people?  Made them into bloodthirsty beasts?  It turned normal people into killers that couldn't trust anyone. Was the that what the fittest was? I've got to get as many people as possible off the island. No-one deserves this... except me now...

Re: Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:04 pm
by Nealosi*
As Mary dove towards her opponent she felt a sharp sting rip through her side. She still descended with vicious force and swung violently with her left hand towards the boy's cheek. Gravity pulled her towards the young man as her fist flew about wildly. The pain in her gut began to crawl its way up through her spine and into her brain. She shuddered as she fell, her wild fierce pounce turned into a wingless plummet.

She had intended to hit the ground with both feet, but when her soles compacted with the hard earth, Mary-Anne found herself unintentionally buckling. Feeling a sharp numbness in the thighs, her knee hit the ground hard as she managed to stabilize herself into a sort of crouch, low to the ground. The pain flew through her legs and sent another jolt tickle up her spine.

The jolts of anguish came in waves, careless of anything in its corporal pathway, and exploded in torturous respite in Mary-Anne's head. In a brief moment of clarity, Mary looked down on herself and acknowledged that she was planted firmly on the dank bank of the river. She reached down at the origin of most of her pain and gentle touched at the wretched throbbing pain in her navel. One of the bullets had ringed true as she bolted towards the boy, and had sink itself deep in her gut. She had no idea if the wound was fatal or not, it hurt like nothing Mary-Anne could remember before, but she seemed to be fairly conscious still.

Her eyes still contained their intense feline ferocity as she looked up to the young man. The pain sent spasms along her spine constantly and into her brain, it would take a toll on her physicality, but her brain floated like a dumpling in a soap of adrenaline. It was almost too much for her to absorb, almost too much. With each surge of pain Mary-Anne felt more emboldened, and she began to feel more and more like she needed to punish this boy just for challenging her.

Mary-Anne was always a fighter. She was pained and unthinking, but that was just the rush she needed. It was just the push that could always heave her over the obstacles with a little luck and familiar moxie. She picked herself up and looked at the boy, wondering if her descending whirl of blows had impacted him at all, her vision was slightly blurred, but she spoke out to the lingering mass that seemed to be the young man with the gun.

"I am not going down without a fight!" Mary-Anne shouted her voice in challenge. She was a young, haughty gladiator in the arena, ready for her next combatant. She brought her fists to bear; her fingers clenched tightly together. "You hear me you little asshole?! You may have a gun, but I am gonna pound your face right in!"

Mary-Anne didn't even begin to think about aiming her charge then. She lifted back her fist and ran full bore towards the boy at an astounding speed. Regardless of the fact the she didn't even still hold her weapon; she reached out towards the boy, hoping to plunge them both into the river.

Re: Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:05 pm
by Endless_Helix*
One bullet drew blood and she collapsed on the ground, her eyes never losing that terrible rage. Harry was a little shaken when she got back up, but he figured he probably only caused a flesh wound; he really wasn't a good shot. He'd never shot a gun before today.  He settled into an easy guard position. Generally, charging was a bad thing to do unarmed. The first person to exert a massive ammount of energy usually lost. It was just too easy to use against them. That's why most serious fighters start with feignts and quick, simple attacks.

So that wayward hand of Mary's was a very inviting target for Harry. He grabbed at her right hand with his left, catching the punch and also attempting to use her own momentum to draw her arm behind her back. He also quickly stepped sideways and then in the direction Mary had come from, following up with a stomp on the back of the knee.

Harry had spent a long time figuring out this particular move. Over all, it had been pretty effective in the sparring tournies and he had no reason to doubt it's use in the field. Part of him exulted in this pure violence for violence' sake, but the rest of him was watching his body in horrofied fascination.

Why am I doing this?, Harry muttered under his breath. What did she ever do to me? She threw a club at me, and I provoked her into it. Damn. I'm an asshole. At this moment Harry just wanted to run away, but his instincts wouldn't let him stop. Would she have stopped at this point, if the positions were reversed? Probably not, but she seemed kind of hot headed. If I kill her... What would happen to me? That was the first time Harry could honestly say that he'd thought of killing someone.

When we were young the future was so bright
The old neighborhood was so alive
And every kid on the whole damn street
Was gonna make it big in every beat

Now the neighborhood's cracked and torn
The kids are grown up but their lives are worn
How can one little street
Swallow so many lives

Chances thrown
Nothing's free
Longing for
Used to be
Still it's hard
Hard to see
Fragile lives
shattered dreams

Jenny had a chance, well she really did
Instead she dropped out and had a couple of kids
Mark still lives at home cause he's got no job
He just plays guitar and smokes a lot of pot

Jay committed suicide
Brandon OD'd and died
What the hell is going on?
The cruellest dream - reality

Chances thrown
Nothing's free
Longing for
what used to be
Still it's hard
Hard to see
Fragile lives
Shattered dreams

Re: Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:05 pm
by Nealosi*
Alright wise guy...

Mary-Anne could feel her blood boiling. She didn't lose very often, even when it came down fist fights against the boys. She didn't have any training or any technique, but she was quick and her athletic physique had always pulled through for her in the past. She had experience in fist fight in the streets though, where her hot-headedness and her rash decisions had always been an advantage. It didn't matter if it was basketball or wrestling, Mary-Anne was a winner and a fighter, and this boy's skill just kept pushing her further.

She was rising to the occasion. She was fighting with that feral spirit that had urged her on in times since past. He was obviously quick and pretty strong, but it was his technique, and his level-headedness that was giving him the edge.

Mary-Anne grasped at her bleeding gut once again as she sat crouched on her knees; humbled by the quick young boy once again. For all her effort she had not landed one blow on the young man. He clearly had most of the advantages; Mary was already suffering a bullet wound. Still, she wouldn't let that stop her.

She craned back; arching her spine into the pain even more. Leaning close enough to look the boy in the eyes. She thought about all her friends on the Island and in her class, how she might never see them again if it were up to this little rascal. Her fury may have been spurred by adrenaline and anger, but on a whole other level, Mary really just wanted to be around to help out her friends. She wanted to see her family again. She wanted to go and play basketball with guys just one more time.

Looking him right in eyes as the boy held her prone, Mary thought of all the things this boy could take away from her. He sputtered out a word of advice through sweat and pain guttered teeth.

"Do. Not. Mess. With. ME!"

With the last line Mary yanked hard on the boys debilitating struggle, trying to pull him to the ground, her rage and strength built up to it's terrible pinnacle.

Re: Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:06 pm
by Endless_Helix*
The girl had fucking flipped him over her shoulder!  He hadn't let go of her arm and she threw him about five feet into the river. Harry had the forsight to throw his gun to the other side mid-air, getting the bullets wet ould be bad, but he landed hard in the water, stunning him for a second. She was pretty damn strong for a girl.

"Damn, girl, you are pissed." Harry grinned at her as he got up, expecting her to charge at him again. You know, she'd be pretty hot, if she wasn't trying to kill me, wriggled its way into his mind, A decent fighter, good figure, nice eyes, dig the hair... damn.... now I kind of feel even worse about what's going on... It all seemed so random. But she was trying to beat the life out of him, so it really didn't matter if it was chance or not that brought them together. I suppose when push comes to shove, I'll kill for... what am I thinking! I could just knock her out, trigger her gag reflex, or even just toss her into the deeper part of the river and run off.

Harry had grabbed a handfull of wet river sand on the way back onto his feet. He looked at the girl.

"You know, I don't want to hurt you... I don't even know your name... Mine's Harry, incidently..."

Wow. She's really bleeding... What have I done? I mean, Hell, I just shot someone. in the stomach. It was only a flesh wound, but still. The simplest way to beat her  would be to increase the rate she's losing blood at... Adrenaline will work against her... Hmmm.

Harry settled into a guard position as she came again.

Re: Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:06 pm
by Nealosi*
May-Anne was surprised at the effectiveness of her escape attempt. The boy was flung directly into the river bouncing once off the hard soil and into the wet muck. He quickly recovered, pulling himself up and pitching his gun to the side before it could get wet.

He stared down Mary-Anne with a more level-headed intensity, one that she could almost admire, if she didn't already have the searing bullet wound. She grasped at it again and felt another warm spurt of blood. She reached down for the base of her long tank top and ripped off a large portion of cloth, and wrapped it around her side covering her wound and making a slipshod gauze sash.

She pulled the cloth tight, wincing from the added pressure on her wound. Her brain continued to suffer from jolts of pain; her spine was taught in response, and all her muscles continued to suck up huge gulps of adrenaline. Her mind was pulsing with fury and feral survival instinct; she had to down this guy fast. He may be more tactical, but Mary-Anne was still a competitor, and she wasn‘t inexperienced in a fight.

Turning her feral glare back to this young man, who she now knew as Harry, she took up her charge again. The adrenaline coursed through her boiling blood and fuelled her zealous charge to great speed. She aimed right for the boy's torso, hoping that in her desperate dive tackle would send them both to the ground, with Mary-Anne pinning Harry to the ground.

Re: Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:07 pm
by Endless_Helix*
The psychotic bitch just wouldn't run, which would be her best option right now, according to Harry. In all honesty, his heart wasn't in this fight, and hers seemed to be. This was a bad, bad, thing, and consequently, Harry wished she would just go somewhere else and bother other people. She was obviously hyped on adrenaline and pain, which caused her decision-making skills to be a bit worse than they probably normally would be. Harry winced as she tried to bind her wound. That clearly caused her a lot of pain. The sickening side of Harry smirked, It also makes a great target. The rest of him shushed the dark side and made compasionate noises.

Once she got a hold  of herself and controlled her pain, she glared at him. Ah, Hell. She's going to take a little whiie to go down.

"If you attack me again, the kid gloves-"

She charged towords him, her eyes glittering like a psychopath's.

"-Come off. Hellfire!"

Harry  dropped the sand back into the water, crouching low and bracing his  rear heel against a large rock on the bottom to recieve the charge. I'm probably going to go over no matter what I do. Might as well make her hurt a but more. Harry grabbed her shoulders and tried to twist her around him, aiming to send her down with a knee to the belly, but his heel slipped, sending her right on top of him, and his hand slipp a bit lower than her shoulder, quite a bit lower, actually. Harry's hand was grasping Mary's tit.

That's not a shoulder!, Harry gave it an experimental squeeze, Uh... OH MY GOD, THAT'S HER BOOB! Harry panicked and desparately tried to push her off before he completely fell over.

Re: Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:07 pm
by Nealosi*
Harry's effort to counter the charge had not gone over as planned, they were both far too frantic and the two slipped awkwardly backwards into the water. The twisted about in mid-air and Harry managed to find his way on top of her as the two fell. Mary's thoughts of violence and over-zealous self-defence were briefly splashed away as her face hit the water. Clearing her thoughts, and furthering her humility. At least she had brought him down with her, but the seemed twisted and locked into an awkward grapple in the water. Mary-Anne felt Harry's hand slip down her shoulder and land on her breast.

Harry's little slip-up did not sit well with Mary. She looked the boy right in the eyes and glared. His hand squeezed down lightly, causing her gaze to tighten. His hands were locked stiff in surprise. Mary-Anne reached down and promptly grabbed onto his wrists. Turning her own hands she twisted the skin around the young boy's hands and moved his hands to a more comfortable distance.

A whole new barrage of thoughts hit Mary-Anne as she struggled against Harry in the low part of the river. The two lay in a shallow pool now, the charge had sent them both reeling over, and despite Harry's efforts, he had land right on top of Mary. The pain in her side was dimmed by he feeling of the cold water all around her, but she could sill feel a warm rush of pain as she battled against the young man. Nevertheless, when she looked at Harry she couldn't help but see him now as just a competitor. To her, he was an invader now. That thought even sickened her as she realized he was even invading her thoughts, just like the terrorist, just like the others.

Now soaked, feral and disgruntled, Mary lifted hr leg out of the water and planted it against the boy's chest. She didn't kick hard; put placed her sneaker-foot on his sternum and kept her hands locked around his wrist. She pulled down and pushed up, hoping the sudden surprise of Harry's mishap and the fall had put him off guard enough for her to monkey flip him off from on top of her and into a deeper portion of the river.

Re: Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:08 pm
by Endless_Helix*
Oh god, she's trying to throw me... Only one way out of this now.

His mind had been distracted by the accidental grope. She planted a foot on his chest and grabbed his wrists. She was going to toss him at the rocks or something.  As he rose up, he   twisted his hands so that half of each of his palms was resting on Mary's forearms,grabbed her wrists and tried to break her grip. He lifted off the ground with Mary's hands tightly in his grasp.

As he flew over Mary's  head, he flipped and used the momentum to attempt to pull her into the air and throw her. He landed in the water with a massive splash, right in the middle of the river.

That was close! He was twelve inches from a rather large and pointy stone. Oh shit! That's the side the gun in on! FUCK! As soon as he was free of the girl's arms he lept on to the rock and jumped the five feet left to the other side of the river, aiming for the gun.

If she gets there first... I'm fucked in the ass with a splintery broomstick. This whole fucking situation is fucked up. I just want to fucking go home. Tell my mom I love her, talk with my dad, hug my sister and get in one those stupid "I agree more than you do!" arguments with her.

I just want to go home.

At that point something clicked in Harry. It was about as small as a neuron firing, and yet it had a massive change on Mr. Constantine. He was willing to kill. As much as the thought sickened him, only one person was going to walk away from this fight, and he'd do anything to ensure that it was him.

I'm just like Mr. Sunshine.

Take me away. I'm just like Mr. Sunshine.

Re: Nightfall and the river.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:09 pm
by Nealosi*
Mary-Anne scrambled to get herself off of the ground. Water splashed all around her; her side burned as the bandages came loose and the bullet wound ripped back open from her sudden movement. Her vision blurred from the pain as dark shimmer drops of water bounced around her iris. It was still very dark outside; it seemed to Mary that anything not a brooding shadow was endowed with a dark blue aura. Her hand sunk into the mud of the river bottom as she lifted herself out of the shallow river.

Her attempt to throw Harry had not gone over as well as planned. He was no longer on top of her, but in his attempt to save himself he latched onto Mary-Anne's wrist and dragged her across the rocky bank of the river. The pain in her back was ignorable compared to the pain welling in her side, but she winced and her back locked up as she tried to lift herself out. Floundering, Mary felt the adrenaline fading from her body as the fatigue and lack of food or sleep caught up to her.

She looked up to see Harry bashing for the shoreline. She splashed and squirmed through the water, feeling cold and tired more than ever before, she reached out, eyes blurring and body shaking, in a desperate attempt to grab Harry's foot. Her hand splashed back into the cold river as her attempt failed. She reached out again, literally floundering and squirming desperately through the muddy riverbed as her fury was replaced by a horrible debilitating terror.

I don't want to die... I just want to sleep... I'm so tired. It's just so cold...

Harry reached the shore as she slowly hoisted herself up out of the river. Water dripped down her face and her body as she slowly came to a standing position in the river. It seemed like every bit of her body seemed to pulsate slowly and her vision was no different. It's like she could feel the beat ebbing final beats of her heart sundering in her whole body.

She looked up at Harry desperately as he scrambled along the shore. He seemed to be reaching for something, but Mary could hardly tell. All of her effort and focus was bent on keeping her upright. She merely looked on, lost, tired and cold as Harry brought his gun to bear.