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I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:12 pm
by Shula*
((Continued from Of Rats and Boys))

Looking around, Adrian saw a massive wall of concrete:  a dam. It probably wasn't as large as it seemed, but standing at the base of a thing, that thing always gains a bit of weight. He thought about it only briefly, but why was a sewer near what was probably the island's entire water source? It didn't matter now, and he was no expert on the matter.

He walked over to the river of water emanating from the concrete and submersed his head in the cold. It was disgusting the way he could feel the filth washing away. It was so cold. Soon enough, however, the boy's lungs began to burn with a lack of oxygen and he came up for air.

His stomach brought to his attention that he hadn't eaten in a while. Opening the bag, he pulled out the stale bread and, relieved, found it dry. On second thought, he put the bread back and searched for the crackers he knew should be there. It would probably be best to eat them while he still had water available. Sure he had gone longer than a day or two with no food before, but this whole situation was liable to be more stressful than just getting up early for school. He would need to eat if he wanted even a chance of surviving.

Living...not like that boy in the sewer. He'd killed someone. He'd actually killed a person. There were people before this that he'd wanted dead, by his hand or another's, but those were simple daydreams. This was reality. But damn, he'd managed to do it almost unarmed! Shouldn't he be more...ashamed? Disturbed? Anything but proud? It nearly disturbed him that it didn't bother him.

He needed something to do, something to keep him from thinking. Automatically, Adrian took his now dry (and slightly warped) sketch pad from the bag and opened to a new page. He held the pencil over the paper, but nothing came to him. He realized he was about to sketch out that guy, for whatever reason:  some sort of closure perhaps. The problem was, he didn't remember his face. He'd gone and killed a kid, and never saw his face, not really, anyway.

He gave up. He picked up a few stones next to him and tossed them at the river. They just sank, not a single skip.
"The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away. My art, my redemption."
He knew it was all out of order, what here was ruled by order anyway?
"Though they will not understand, I won't make the greatest sacrifice."
He stood up and shouted. He shouted to anyone, to Danya, to the other terrorists, to any student lurking around. "You'll never take me alive!"
More rocks plunked into the water.
"I'm alive."

Re: I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:13 pm
by Shula*
(sorry for the double-post...2 weeks.)

It disturbed him, the blank face. It had no eyes, no nose, no mouth, only lumps and bumps where a normal human might have something. The person caught on the page was faceless. They were all faceless. Every damn person here was just a faceless character. Some pretty-boy might have fangirls watching him; some hot chick might get taped on Tivo, but was that supposed to make up for what happened here?

The killing itself didn't bother him as much as he thought it should. Humans were disappointing creatures any way. There was no real loss in killing them. Perhaps that was what upset him about this game. "AUGH! It makes no sense!" and he threw another stone at the river. It really was a perfect way to get oneself killed, but Adrian couldn't bring himself to care at the moment. He told himself he was pissed at the game, but he couldn't decide why.

It's because everyone is nobody, but he knew that before this happened. People always thought they were somehow important, and that's just not true.

It's because Danya was using them all for his own entertainment, but using others was just part of life. That was nothing.

It's because he was going to die. No, he was fairly apathetic about death. When it came down to it, he might change his mind, but at the moment, why should he worry about the unknown? Unless somehow it was proved to be a horrible experience, who's to say it isn't something so much better?

That was it, wasn't it? He was afraid to die. But fear was for those idiots who couldn't think for themselves! He was better than them! He was Better! Adrian cracked his left knuckles into a fist and punched the ground.

He always punched with his left hand, not that he did much punching in the first place, but the very few times his target had been human, he told himself it threw them off. Besides, he was right handed. His art was his life, and a broken right hand would be far too frustrating to handle sanely.

He was glad this time, too. His hand came back bloody and sore. Damn rocks. Those rocks just got another one of them thrown with another wordless yell. It didn't quite clear the water.
This was really just not a good day to be alive.

Re: I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:14 pm
by Cyco*
((continued from Oh, Xian...))

Someone up ahead, near the dam. Dan heard the frustrated yell and immediately brought the nearly useless syringe up in front of him, holding it upside down as if to utilize its limited stabbing potential. In no less than a second he realized that idea was total balls, and dropped it back to his side as he lightened his pace so's to make less noise. If only he'd gotten a nice Colt Python or something...

He came slowly to the base of the dam, which really was something to look at, and which he would've acknowledged so if he weren't in such a delicate situation. He couldn't even use the trees as effective cover, wearing his crimson Red Wings jersey, but he tried anyway. Fortunately, the boy who had so easily given up his position was facing the other way, towards the stream. He looked like one of those emo kids, the ones who wore tight shirts and tight pants and have really bad posture and complain about everything. Seriously everything. Dan couldn't stand them. He didn't recognize the kid; not from Franklyn.

Dan was a hefty guy, and by no means capable of approaching the lone emo kid silently, so instead he crouched behind a fairly thick bush and waited to see if the kid would turn so he could get a better view of his weapon. If he had a gun or anything of the like, Dan would do his best to avoid him. If not, well...yeah, so what. Take his stuff? He wouldn't just bloody well kill him. He wasn't sure exactly what he was going to do. A good 80%, however, did depend on what the kid was packing.

"Come ooooon, paper fan," he whispered.

Re: I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:14 pm
by Shula*
Someone else was there, and Adrian knew it. It wasn't that he had some amazing sense of observation, it was just that the other kid had been loud enough about existing, Adrian had heard the noise even while so attuned to something else. He couldn't guess where this other person was exactly, just somewhere behind him. Good enough. Throwing something hard and fast at a person would probably me bore satisfying than throwing the same rock at a useless river.

Adrian gripped a nicely sized stone from the small pile of them as he stood up. He raised his arm as if to throw it at the water again, but spun wildly and threw it at the woods near screaming "And fuck you, too!" He noticed with an odd satisfaction that he only missed by a few feet, rather than a few yards like he assumed he would.

The fact that he'd said that didn't really surprise him. Sure he wasn't in the habit of using expletives, but did that really matter anyway? The fact that it wasn't common for him made it a much better expression, in his opinion any way.

He put his hand on the hilt of the practice sword he had stuck in his belt loop like a child does with a toy sword.  He didn't really pull it from the stupid looking sheath had that use at least:  it hid the fact that the "sword" was really just four sticks bundled together.

"What do you want?"

If he wanted a fight, fine. He'd get one. If he didn't want a fight and had no benefit for Adrian, then he'd better just run away. Adrian didn't want the annoyance of having to fight again.

Re: I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:15 pm
by Cyco*
Dan hadn't thought he'd made that much noise, and moreover he figured the running water would cover his steps. He was wrong, apparently. The kid lobbed a stone in his direction, not to mention audible cursing.

'Dammit,' he thought, not only because he'd been discovered, but on top of that the kid was packing a fuckin' samurai sword. There was no question in Dan's mind that, without weapons involved, this fight was one-sided. Even if it were a baseball bat or something; he doubted the frail kid could swing one to save his life.

"Hey, fuck you!" Dan responded. He had been spotted anyway and he wasn't one to take that kind of crap from anyone anyway, even one armed with a katana. Standing up to reveal his full height and girth to his apparent opponent, he stepped over the bush and approached the boy with the syringe in one hand and his bag in the other, stopping a short distance away. To be honest, he'd be better off using the hefty daypack against the sword. Then again, it would slow him down a touch.

"I want that samurai sword you got there," he said, gesturing at the weapon. He held up the syringe. "I kinda got shortchanged...I think you should just hand it over, to be honest."

Dan squinted at him through his glasses. "...don't make me kill you, pal."

Re: I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:15 pm
by Mitsuko2*
Continued from.... Somewhere...

Lavender's head was pounding. For the last day, all she could do was hole herself up in a house in the residential district and think. Only now did she decide to finally leave. She had to find her. Find her before something else happened. Mari killed? Why? Why did she kill another person? Why on earth did she kill? Lavvy was going to find out. She was going to help Mariavel through this. Even if she had to die for her. She'd do whatever it takes to keep her alive, maybe just for one more day.

Lavvy ended up at a river. She didn't really know where she was, but she knew that she was probably towards the northern end of the island thanks to the huge dam that towered before her. Nearby, she immediately noticed another student and grabbed at her hunting knife, she had fastened it to her belt earlier. She moved closer to the boy, making sure to be able to use the knife quickly if necessary.

Another boy appeared from the bushes and she dodged to the left to avoid being seen. The other boy seemed to be playing. She couldn't afford to be caught here, so she just decided to wait and see what would transpire.

Re: I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:15 pm
by Kris*
((Continued From: Fighting For Something You Already Lost ))

Marimar managed to scan the forest of any dangers, finding none and ended up at a river. The area was clear to see some bunshes and a couple trees. Nothing like the jungle image the forest portrayed on her. Coming into the picture now she immediatley spotted two people going at it, like some sort of duel.  "......The Sturgen and the Ray........This is no time to fight..." she whispered to herself as she also noticed another mermaid watching the scene.

"Maybe its another of my sisters...." Marimar approched the girl not to far from her and stood next to her confirming the details of the spat between these two angry fish. "Whats going on down here?" she asked tilting her head, Maybe this mermaid knows whats happening at the moment.... Fighting between friends was no way to resolve things, Marimar remembered when all the sea creatures started to argue and fight against each other. She showed them the power of friendship with a song deep inside from her heart..... Harmony......

Re: I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:16 pm
by Shula*
What? Nonono, this wasn't what was supposed to happen, not at all! This other kid was supposed to run away scared, not...not actually stay and fight. He'd figure out that Adrian really had nothing but a couple of sticks with a handle. At this point the leather thing (He refused to call it a leather strap after a sudden and somewhat random realization of the connotations of that.) wasn't even useful. Sure it could work on someone who wasn't really expecting anything, or just a fluke accident but really. A strip of leather? No, the handled sticks were the only thing at all useful just then.

On the other hand, he'd been short changed, to use his own wording, which meant that he apparently didn't have anything but that syringe. If the needle actually went into his skin, it'd just take a little injection of air to cause him a supposedly painful demise. Of course, the needle had to actually break skin and get into his bloodstream to do that. He probably had nothing much to worry about unless this kid got him unconscious or otherwise perfectly pinned for a few seconds.

He might have tried to push the attention onto the two girls watching the scene, but he had no way of knowing they were there. So that idea never even crossed his mind.

Best to just bluff, then.

"The only way you're getting this thing is with the pointy end through your stomach! And what are you going to do with that, throw it at me?"

Re: I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:17 pm
by Cyco*
Dan wasn't about to tell him what his game plan was, obviously, but he did have a vague idea. The kids threat was valid; one false move and he'd end up a Dan-kabab. If he could get the sword away from him, or even make it so that he couldn't draw it out of the scabbard, then it would be no difficult task using his wrestling experience to lock him up and pin him down. Then the syringe would get intimately aquainted with the boys neck, or maybe even his eye. It wasn't pleasant to think about...but then again, maybe he could even convince his opponent from that position to give up his weapon. Offer him an ultimatum. Oop, better give him an answer.

"Last chance," he grumbled, getting closer and making like he was going to drop his daypack, which he hadn't quite decided yet. It was still useful as a flail of sorts. Every other second the thought of just rushing him flashed through Dan's mind, but it was repeatedly shot down by some small doubt that the armed emo kid would unsheath it just quickly enough to make all the difference. It was a delicate situation.

Re: I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:17 pm
by Endless_Helix*
<<Continued from here.>>

"How exactly is fighting amongst yourselves going to solve anything? Adrian, you really should know better." Ernest smiled as he found, quite by accident, two boys doing their damndest to bluff each other into running away. Or they were trying to kill each other, but that seemed unlikely when neither had attacked the other yet. They had been at this for a while.

"You do realize that the more people that are alive, the less likely you are to die? After all, most people will only try to kill you if you attack them."

Ernest kept his hands visible at all costs. He also made sure that he wasn't holding a weapon. However, he wasn't a fool; he had his only real weapon, a scalpel, hidden up his rather baggy sleeve, ready to drop at a moment's notice.

These boys were on the edge of hurting themselves, and it wasn't in Ernest's interest to have them die until after they proved themselves to be dangerous. The ideal solution would for them to both back down, but it was more than likely was that one would run away. Probably the kid he didn't know, after all, it was logical to assume, that Adrian and Ernest actually knowing each other meant that he'd be fighting two people.  He didn't need to know that Ernest was worthless in hand to hand combat or that Ernest didn't really have any weapons.

Re: I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:18 pm
by Cyco*
Someone else decided to join the party. He seemed to know the emo kids name, and he wasn't packing anything as far as Dan could see. That didn't mean he was unarmed, but it did seem to suggest that he was trying not to start anything. Or get close enough for an accurate shot.

Either way, this newcomer was kind of a dilhole from the sound of things, and certainly nothing new to Dan; just another condescending, pasty nerd. There were a handful of them at Franklyn, but this one was unfamiliar to him like his friend the emo kid. Which brought about an important question. Would two scrawny little bastards be any harder to kill than one? Depended on the weapon, which Dan still couldn't make head or tail of.

The pasty kid kept talking, and Dan would have greatly preferred it if he hadn't have. He had some bogus theory about SOTF that really made no sense at all. Dan was no brain surgeon, but he wasn't any idiot jock either. He'd seen the extent of Danya's professionalism, control and undisputed power watching the previous game. This guy here was kidding himself.

"Hey Casper," he retorted, trying to adjust his position in case they were working together. "I'm not sure you've noticed, but only one person's walking out of here alive." He wrinkled his nose as he surveyed this scrawny new presence.

"Don't take this personally, but I don't think it's gonna be you."

Re: I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:18 pm
by Shula*
It had started to rain lightly. Actually, it had started to rain lightly a while ago; at the moment it was just plain raining. The standoff was going nowhere. So there he was, glaring ineffectually at some unknown guy, who was doing little more than the same thing, and he was steadily getting absolutely soaked. And he knew his sketch book was as well. The sprayed drawings might hold up for a while, but...just damn it all to hell.

One might think that simply standing there doing not much of anything would not be an entirely tiring course of action. Truth be told, though, Adrian was just this side of exhausted. And, though momentarily frightened by a sudden approach, he was sure that after that moment he appeared beyond relieved when Ernest showed up, showing empty hands and trying to break up the situation. (He thought the word fight would be far too dramatic, considering that nothing happened anyway.)

This other kid refuted Ernest's point and gave him a reason to kill, if he needed one at all. It hadn't been an outright challenge, but it could certainly be taken as one. Of course, there was also the possibility that, although playing innocent, the none-too-popular guy might be thinking along the lines of killing anyone and everyone from Hobbsborough out of spite. He wouldn't really mind killing either of these two as a precaution, but he wasn't quite equipped to accomplish that—too many unknown factors.

And just then Adrian made what could have been the worst decision of his admittedly short life. He turned away, feigning confidence, picked up his bags and book, and walked away. Of course, that in itself could have been the best decision, perhaps the two left would just ignore him, leaving him to be killed some other way. The result could have gone either way, if it hadn't been for the rain. Well, the end result would be based on both the rain and gravity, but gravity is a relative constant; rain is only water, and a few other things, falling partially unexpectedly from clouds in the sky. That's not the point yet, though.

Adrian left the two, somewhat surprisingly unhindered. One might have asked him why he headed towards the step-like ladder on the dam, but that's no longer an option, so really, there's no way to know just what he was thinking. It might have been prudent to put his now mostly saved, partially destroyed sketch book away in one of the two bags, but he hadn't. Instead Adrian tucked the thing under his right arm and climbed the ladder awkwardly.

The dam wasn't so tall as it appeared, or else Adrian's sense of time fooled him into thinking that. He was almost at the top. What he would do there was uncertain, but that didn't matter. He really just wanted out of whatever the hell was happening below. He could tell the book was slipping a bit but ignored it. It would stay. Another few steps and it was slipping more. He stopped, and, it might have been exhaustion, or it might have been some supernatural epiphany (probably the exhaustion). He wasn't incapable of love; he just simply didn't like people all that much, including himself. He did, however, care about that sketchbook. It was the part of him that could be erased with an eraser, but might also be remembered for a lifetime. It was not his soul, or even a window to it, but each page showed his perception of the world. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what is a person worth?

And while he stood there, clinging to the slippery ladder, that part of him was steadily slipping away, a fairly literal means of losing himself. It did fall, and he grabbed for it, flailing helplessly as gravity tore him from himself. He felt gravity pull him from his grip and pulled himself back to the ladder. He slipped, a foot flew away from the dam and the weight of the bags altered his usual center of balance and both hands slipped from their holds.

Adrian's head moved forward with amazing speed and his face hit the dam. Pulling instinctively away from the source of pain, momentum pulled him flat back until the bags slipped off his shoulders, pulling him upside down, falling to the river head first. The book had already hit the water and was moving down stream, hitting rocks jutting from the water now and then.

There wasn't really any time for active thought, but heart-breaking emotion tore with unimaginable speed through his mind and body and the boy curled up on himself with a cry of something, agony? Anguish? Fear, hatred, loss? It didn't last long, though. The unthinking body of a boy hit freezing water with an impressive splash for how shallow the river was. The impact of the water might have killed him instantly, or maybe it didn't. He didn't resurface though, as one might expect, and the blood streaming from his face wasn't nearly enough to change even a thin line in the river, but a short distance later, the body did find its way to the surface, face down, and even if he hadn't been dead at that moment, which he probably was, he would have drowned within minutes anyway.

Boy 35 - Adrian Gray - Deceased

Re: I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:19 pm
by Endless_Helix*
Well, somebody was a pessimist. And it wasn't Ernest. This kid, with the syringe, was being a royale asswipe. He couldn't see the forest for the trees, per se. It was rather disheartening. This kid had bought into the game simply because he'd seen the last one, and had no idea what to do. He was simplylost because he had no map. No-one escaped the last time, so why should they this time? In Ernest's mind, it would make it more likely, in all honesty. People had seen what was going on, and could find holes in it. Ernest had found a couple possible outs, and yet no-one had bought into them.

The probable reason was that he'd found all the wrong kids. Whatever.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ernest noticed Adrian try to get away, and saw him fall in the river. He didn't come up.

"Well, there isn't a reason for me to step in anymore. I'd strongly suggest just running away; your weapon can't kill me, and I'm fairly certain that you couldn't either. So bug off. I'm not in the mood for dealing with your issues," Ernest sneered from behind his glasses. He knew that this would set off the jock, but didn't care. The guy was rather pathetic, in that somewhat endearing muscle-bound clod way.  Ernest began walking toword the dam, slowly and confidently, as though he didn't care about the syringe kid, making sure he had his back turned to him.

Re: I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:20 pm
by Cyco*
Dan didn't notice Adrian make a move while he was addressing the pasty kid, however he was made aware the second he glanced back to his left and realized the kid was walking away.

"Hey--" he mumbled, bewildered as to what the fuck was going on. What transpired next was nothing short of a "...." moment. Dan was speechless as he watched Adrian make his way up the ladder, ignoring the cold rain as it dripped off of his baseball cap. He looked back at the pasty guy and gave him a quizzical look, turning his attention back toward the ascending emo kid and wondering what course of action to take.

Tailing him up the ladder wasn't quite an appealing idea; it was slick with rain and he would be at an immediate disadvantage anyway attacking from below. It seemed like this altercation had been effectively closed anyway. This was soon confirmed.

"Woah, shit!" Dan exclaimed as Adrian fell to his death. He hustled over to the waters edge for a better look, glancing back behind him once he was sure the fall had been fatal to shrug at the tall pasty kid and adjust the bill of his cap. He wasn't quite sure what to say, that is until the pasty kid opened his trap again.

Dan couldn't believe how full of it this guy was. It was like he didn't realize what kind of danger he was--they all were--in. Did he think he was invincible? Apparently so. After making the fool assumption that Dan wouldn't turn him inside out, he even had the stones to walk right by him without even casting him a second glance. He was either packing something really heavy, or he was a total fucking nimrod. Either way, no fucking nerd talked to Dan Johnson like that, not at Franklyn, and certainly not here either. He started after the kid, not running but certainly not lacking in pace.

"And I was gonna let you go," he said to the pasty kids turned back. "But now I'm going to break all your fucking teeth, cocksucker." With that he made a grab at the back of the kids shirt and held the syringe tightly in his other hand, ready to throw a punch the moment his nose came into view. Dan was going to kill this little bitch, but first he was going to establish with Captain Pastyface that this was the worst mistake he'd ever made.

Re: I'm Alive

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:20 pm
by Endless_Helix*
The jock was stubborn as all hell, aparently. Ernest really wasn't in the mood.  It was wet, raining, and everything squelched. It was really getting on his nerves. He should be in a shelter right now, not outside trying get this idiot to get with the picture. As the big bear of a kid squelched his way towords Ernest, the albino hoisted himself up the ladder and began climbing to the top of the dam.

"Look, I don't care who you were, back at whatever school you went to. You've bought into the surface of this situation. But please think on this: What is the true purpose of this game? Is it to prove who is the most dangerous person, or who is the fittest?  I'll leave you to it, then," Ernest yelled back at the jock as he tried to grab the collar on Ernest shirt. It wasn't to be, since the albino was halfway up the ladder at that point.

It wasn't that Ernest enjoyed baiting people, everything that came out of his mouth sounded absurdly arrogant simply because he thought in a completely different direction than most people.  He also did have a temper, but it wasn't readily apparent. The medication pretty much kept it in check, since it originated from the same chemical imbalance that made him what he was, a psychotic. However, it'd been three days already, and his medication had run out on the second. He was already in an immense ammount of anxiety just because he'd missed one of the doses.

When Ernest cleared the top of the ladder and just walked until he reached the other end of the dam, and dissappeared in the foliage.

<<Continued Elsewhere>>