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Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:30 pm
by laZardo* not a videogame.

Zachary "Zed" Foreman opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a blur of bright green and brown, and he realized he was sprawled face-up across the dirt ground.

"What the hell...just happened?" he muttered as he slowly sat up. "Where am I?"

As his vision cleared he could find the sun's rays poking through the tall trees stretching their leafy arms into the sky. The trees surrounded him at every angle, and more trees could be seen in the gaps between those trees. It was impossible for him to tell whether he was close to the edge or smack-dab in the middle of some great forest. Any attempts at trying to find a path out would most certainly lead him in circles.

He quickly grew scared enough of his own surroundings to pinch himself. Twice. But that didn't wake him up, as he was still in this same forest, still on the ground. Then he put his hands to his neck, to find it nicely constricted by what appeared to be a plastic bracer or...collar...and his eyes nearly bugged out. He suddenly remembered things that happened immediately before in all their detail, something not very possible in...well...

This is a dream. It has to be...

He felt himself hyperventilating. He could feel the texture of the dirt and leaves on the ground clear as the day above him. His rather unkempt brown hair had mixed in with some of the particles of nature on the ground, and those were starting to itch a bit. Sensations not normally encountered en masse in a dream.

...or maybe it's just part 3 of the show...

June 19 had started off rather encouragingly for Zachary Foreman, known to his newly-found skater buddies as "Zed" and across internet-gaming circles as "ZBoy2K'. He had loaded up a sizeable duffelbag emblazoned with stickers and patches of famous skater brandnames with enough clothes and underwear and other "supplies" he'd need for the trip, as well as a pad of paper and a pen, for any notes his teachers might asked him to take. Especially Mr. Duana, he'll have a frickin' essay assignment on our trip for us when we get back.

On his person he wore his almost trademark outfit: loose indigo hoodie, olive green cargo jeans, and some rather worn black-and-red sneakers he'd chosen in place of one of his newer pairs of skateshoes. Apart from his IDs, his pockets contained a pre-owned old-style GBA with a special light plugged into the linkport, as well as Pokémon FireRed and an 8-pack of Energizers. A lack of outlets would clearly not deprive this pro gamer of his lifeforce.

What very nearly did were the terrorists that assaulted the two buses and summarily executed the drivers and the teachers. To be honest, he was actually busy trying to capture a legendary avian until he heard the first gunshots. He looked up and saw the kids being herded to the back of the bus by armed gunmen. This is messed must just be a dream!

And it so happened that as he shook his head to try to wake himself up, Zed was already sitting next to the very window that was spattered with the gibs of what was once to the teacher's head. The magnitude of the explosion and the graphic detail of the guts was enough to make him drop his GBA, the tinny 16-bit music still playing as it collided with the floor.

He got up and, like the rest of his classmates, got herded into a nearby black bus. He flinched when he heard that one female classmate of hers scream and buckled on his legs with the subsequent gunfire, and was one of the last to succumb to the sleeping gas they pumped onto the bus. Hopefully, that would've woken him up in real life and he'd have found himself back in his bed earlier that morning.

He would open his eyes again to the sound of an old-fashioned projector starting into motion, and the first thing he would see then was that of the projector in front of him. His awakening was sped up when he saw what appeared to be two very real - if not photo-realistic - humans fighting in some kind of forest setting. By the time the girl's axe plunged into the flesh of the fight's loser, One could just see the whites of his eyes of his frozen figure from the other side of the room. That was too real to be a videogame. But he still thought it was, as the gas came back again.

Now Zachary was here, in the middle of this 'forest' awake for what could've been the third or fourth time in today - if it was indeed still "today".

A rustling of the leaves caused him to perform a double-take worthy of a horror film. Another after he heard the snapping of a twig in the distance. He had to get out soon.

He was too scared to go back to "sleep," lest he wake up somewhere else again. Or worse, maybe he wouldn't wake up again.

He looked around the ground and found he had been sprawled next to a daypack - which bore a large military-stenciled number 28 - as well as his dufflebag, which appeared to have been severely deflated. He lunged for the daypack first and opened it. There was some food, a first-aid kit, map and compass in a handy transparent zipbag, a couple of books (one a textbook on American History, oddly enough), and - if the rumors about what he had just gotten into were true - a weapon.

But there was no gun or even some kind of meleé weapon. Instead the only object out of the ordinary was what appeared to be a dark blue towel. As he pulled it out it appeared to be an unusually large towel of sorts, folded into a triangle. But he didn't need to inspect closer to find out exactly what it was, as it was blue with white stars.

It was none other than the American flag, folded as it would be when given to...Oh give these to the families of dead soldiers!

It's a dream, right!? Or maybe I've been zapped into a videogame, like that kid in that book about the candy factory!? This has to be symbolic...just...calm down, ZBoy2K.

Zed was one of those now-classic rebel President-hating teenage punks, who - at least outwardly - despised any thoughts of a draft to whatever poor nation the government decided to bomb this week, despite the fact that he was several years younger than the minimum draft age. But here he was, gassed and proudly inducted into that great Manhunt to face off against his classmates and whatever sickos that Danya could've recruited from the bowels of violent society. He never paid much attention to the stuff on TV or the reactions from people like that crazy lawyer chick (Madison, I think her name was...) who would often launch into diatribes against what reallydrove those kids to kill each other. Jack Thompson would be so proud, even if she herself said it wasn't just the videogames.

He flailed the Old Glory out like he was setting down a beach blanket, finding it about the same size as the one that normally flew from the flagpole in front of his school. To estimate it more accurately, he could've worn it around his neck like a superhero's cape. But he wasn't in the City of Heroes. This wasn't even a City of Villains, well, there probably isn't a city here... But there will be villains...

Then he proceeded to roll it up widthwise, so he had what appeared to be some kind of long red-and-white rope. He picked it up, and rolled the edges around his hands, to form a very crude reimagining of Agent 47's fiberwire.

Maybe that's what's happening. Maybe my body went into a coma while I was asleep and I'm trapped in a videogame of an extended nightmare. Like Manhunt or something...

"After all, it's just a videogame, right?" This time he could literally hear himself think. "RIGHT!?"

Zachary put the flag down and went for his dufflebag. It was still full of clean clothes, and most importantly, his underwear. He took out the underwear, and pen and notebook, and stuffed it into the daypack, figuring that if he would "die" or win there would be a slight chance that he could wake up without crappy pants.

He slung his Old Glory garrote on his shoulder and took out the map and compass. Then, after slinging the daypack on his back, Zachary slowly stood up, and smiled a worried smile. The look on his moon-grey eyes seemed almost psychotic as he started walking away from his dufflebag, into and around the maze of nature.

I guess...maybe while I'm dreaming, I'd better play to survive. If I die, I might not spawn again. Or maybe it'll be the end of the body. Maybe if I survive, I'll wake up in the hospital and it'll all really have been just a bad dream about me in some twisted videogame. That's what it is, right?

B28 - Foreman, Z - STATUS: ALIVE

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:30 pm
by Kris*
Oh my God!?! How could I get myself into this?! This!?

Venus Gwendolyn tried to control herself. She felt like her entire world was turning inside out. A most horrible feeling! She walked thorugh the forest not sure of what to expect. Twenty minutes earlier she became even more paranoid when she heard a gunshot rattle thorugh the trees.

This was not perfect. Nothing baout this situation was perfect. What would her parents think? To see Venus fail now in her prime? She was only two years away before she would be in college and on the happy road to her perfect future. Why now? Why this time?

There was no solution to this problem, which frightened her even more. The solution to her troublemaking brother was kicking him out of the house. But how is she to eliminate a problem as big as this?! The madness did not stop there. Her voice would be strained by screams. Her legs would be cut and sprained, her looks would be stained with blood.

All the beautiful gifts she has will be destoryed! It was all too much for the barbie as she tears started to roll down her cheeks. Venus didn't care about highschool, the Sisterhood, or anything else but the road that lied ahead. Was it all just a lie? Just to be killed at the end of it?

Questions and questions riddled her mind as she walked through the forest. It was sunny  thank God however night will end up falling soon enough. She couldn't imagine what kind of happenings will go on at night. Venus wondered how Ali and Carmen are holding up, the Sisterhood needed to be togeather mroe than ever. If only she could just run into Ali maybe she could help her cope with this situation.

Venus' bag felt heavey for some odd reason. She didn't pay attention to the weight until now. Her minn was to busy on the perfect foundations of her life. Rummaging thorugh it the girl felt a cold bar, it was too heavy to take out with one hand. She had to stop, put the bag down and try to lift the thing with two hands.

Perfect.....Just Perfect....

A sludgehammer hung from Venus' hands, it was too heavy to control which basically made her a sitting duct. How was she supposed to protect her self with something she can't even hold? This enraged her even more, how did the managers of SOTF expect her to survive with this thing. The whole thing made Venus throw down her bag in a state of frustration.

Another thing attacked her mind. In order to win she would have to kill people. Why does she have to kill people? Can't others kill each other and leave her out of it? And thats when the time limit came in to play, if everyone wasn't dead by a certain time everybody loses. Why? Why? Why? Why!?

Pondering on her unfortunate events she looked up and locked eyes with another person. It was boy, a pretty nerdy boy by the looks of it. She peered at him and at the thing he was holding. An American Flag...? Venus wondered if she should approch, it would be safer if she didn't but then again she dosn't want to be alone in a forest like this.

"Oh hello?" she managed to sqeuak out as she came closer to the stranger. Her voice sounded kind yet nervous. She made a small smile, her genuine beauty took care of the rest. Venus didn't think of anything of the boy except that he was nerd. nerds were usually nice, except for the ones that shoot up schools for no reason. She tryed not to let this interfere with her actions as she continuedto walk toward the boy.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:31 pm
by laZardo*
"Oh, hello..." came a rather girly voice from somewhere nearby. It is the rather frail tone of such voice that drew Zachary's quick, undivided attention, and drew out a sense of dread. Oh crap...survival horror! His glance jerked to one side, than the other, searching for its source. And as he did so, he quickly stuffed his map and compass into his hoodie pocket and tried to draw the American flag from his shoulder. If this was a videogame to him (at least in his mind) logic dictated those voices were usually attached to the little goth-ish girls in dresses who could make you die horrifying and scary deaths. Or...

He was still struggling to wrap its ends around his hands to make the Old Glory garrote when he finally spotted the source of the voice: what appeared to be a very hot chick wielding a sledgehammer that clearly appeared too heavy for her to swing around.

Or it could be the damsel-in-distress. Damn, this chick is fine.

As the girl started walking toward him he finished the transformation of the flag, but he didn't wield it aggressively, so it looked almost like flag cuffs. Just as well, he still had it at the ready.

She could be in Dead or Alive or a WWE diva if she were in a bikini...

Those DoA and WWE divas could kick serious ass when they had to. However, this particular girl didn't look she could do so even if she really wanted to. And yes, she was still pretty damn hot. Zachary started approaching the girl himself. He could try getting close enough to make it past the shortest part of the range of a flailing sledgehammer, but he didn't want to appear like some perv. Even if he was himself quite the gemu-otaku.

"Uh...hi there..." he says, rather shyly. As much as he lacked the hesitation to strategize in his head, he was never really much of a talker, much less a charmer.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:32 pm
by Kris*
Oh great......

Venus knew that look, the look nerds and losers get when they see her pass them in the halls. It was a problem for people you are beautiful and perfect, you get so many looks and then some perverts and stalkers get intyo the picture and it does not end pretty. The shy, voice, the daze, the drooling.....All sure signs that a geek has a crush on you.

The girl however continued smiling, stopping feet from him. This could be a good thing, Venus can take advantage of her gift of beauty and her gift of acting. Venus smiled, blushing slyly. Just enough for Zed to notice.

"I'm glad I found someone, you don't know how scared I am." she said with a shudder. Venus knew that a wimp like this guy couldn't do anything remotly dangerous, especially with an American Flag. Another thought occured; She didn't need to act in order to fool this guy, all she had to do was be herself. That was enough to make any guy have a heart attack.

"I'm Venus. Venus Gwendolyn." she said with a smile. She put out her hand waiting for the gross, slimy, filthy hand of the imperfect boy to shake it. It was completley revolting but it had to be done if she was to establish peace with him. "I'm from Denton New Jeresy, I go to school at Bathurst. Are you also from Bathurst as well? I don't think I remember seeing you before at the classroom before we were released to this horrible island...."

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:32 pm
by laZardo*
The chick in front of him appeared convincingly scared, especially when she blushed and smiled. It very nearly threw him to that classic, drooling daze.


He quickly shook his head, probably shaking loose a bit of nature that had probably lodged itself in his hair. Snap out of it! The sexy girls usually kick the most ass!

Venus, as she called herself (That is a offered a beautiful, slightly soiled but still very shapely hand. Despite being spotted with dirt and other particles, Zachary's own hand was not that dirty by comparison, especially when he hadn't "practiced" for his first encounter for a girl in weeks.

He took a deep breath in some half-assed attempt to avoid being completely seduced by her beauty, before he took her hand into a 'muffled' shake - he kept his hands wrapped with the flag, and even if he couldn't do much damage with it, he noticed that she probably could not lift her sledgehammer with just one hand. He could also loose himself from the flag in the event that it became hopelessly entangled.

Then she mentioned she was from Bathurst, which threw off his confidence significantly.

Bathurst?! Bathurst is in this crazy game? Thoughts of his friends, Nich and Andrew came to mind, followed closely by the thoughts of the girl he'd met at the skatepark the day he'd joined the skating trio. I hope she's not watching...she'd probably BSOD me...

"Z-Zachary Foreman," he stuttered, trying his best to look directly - and rather innocently - into Venus' eyes. "My friends call me...Zed."

Watch her...gotta make sure she doesn't try anything... The only part of her he was able to resist was her bosom. As he was about as tall as her, it wouldn't take more than an eye-shift down to receive a BSOD of his own.

((The BS in BSOD doesn't mean Blue Screen, if you get what I mean. ;))

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:33 pm
by Kris*
It was working, everything was going perfectly just as Venus' had planned it. Of course she was still weirded out when he shook her hand with the flag covering it. However it turned out much better for her because she didn't even want to touch that hand in the first place. Who knows where it has been, like all nerds hands if they can't get action with any girls they get some with themselves. A function that creeped and disgusting Venus out. What a weirdo......IS this what I have to go though in order to achieve happiness?

Perfect people don't need masturbation, they are perfect enough to receive love from others. Venus herself hasn't done the real thing, but she has gone far enough to know what pleasure is. She can easily get it from any boy she desired, she would never have to do things herself.

However with that in mind it made her more hesitant to stay. The nerd might try to strangle her with his American flag and rape her. The very thought of it made her want to laugh, she'd kick that guys nuts so hard that all the action he'll be getting is through a plastic tube. This made her more confident in dealing with the situation.

Hmmmm....That flag could be useful..... The girl now thought what kind of advantages she could get from the boy. It was clear she could quickly grab his things and run away, but than again it was never wise to underestimate your opponents. Venus wasn't in the spur of the moment, she wasn't sure what she should do. She had a general skeleton on what she was going to do but that was it. It could be influenced by anything!

The girl only had one goal and that was to live, live and to carry out that perfect future she planned oh so well. She just wasn't going to let all her hard work go to waste. The more she thought about what she has done to get this far she realized something else. The only way she was going to get out of this situation was to be imperfect. To be imperfect; A concept that terrified Venus.  Imperfect people kill and if she hopes to get out of this she'll have to do the same.

Shaking her head in her mind she brushed this whole idea off and came back to what was actually happening before her eyes. She was in the presence of a perverted nerd with an American Flag as his weapon who is deeply effected by her beauty. It can be done… She thought while trying to focus on what she was trying to do. Nothing can happen however if she doesn't advanced a little more with ‘Zed'.

Slow on words, perfect. My looks are making him slow…. "Nice to meet you Zachary." said Venus saying his full name instead of his nick name. To Venus she didn't like calling people by there nicknames but the names they were given and imprinted on their birth certificate. "So do you have any particular plans on salvaging yourself? Are there friends you have that you want to look for?" she asked.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:34 pm
by laZardo*
The vixen - Probably a virgin. Who looks like she'd cut little Z off and eat it. - addressed him by his full name, as he withdrew his hand. That was actually very polite of her, as much as he had gained an appreciation for his nickname. But as much as she really was sexy enough to share some hot coffee with, it currently seemed to take a close second place to his top priority of winning his way out of the game. To which he nodded and - still shyly - replied, "Uh...thanks..."

Then Venus asked if he'd had any friends in the area. That really got him thinking. She says she's from Bathurst...maybe Nich and Andrew really are in this crazy game! As characters. Or maybe recruitable henchmen. That oughta be fun. However, "I think I got a few...but I'm not sure where they are at the moment. Right now, they seem to be my best bit at winning this crazy game."

Zachary didn't put away his Old Glory Garrote just yet though, though his attempts to look directly into Venus' eyes were clearly failing. And speaking of a pole, a tent was slowly being raised in his pants. Which partially explained why his legs were almost completely closed together and his hands were also dangerously low. He was a perverted nerd, but he was still a man, dammit!

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:34 pm
by Kris*
Venus blushed and giggled, she clearly noticed the 'tent' being risen inside of his pants. She shyly took another step toward him. The girl looked at Zeds eyes hoping to get a glimpse of  contact. With one hand she too Zeds and guided him to sit down with her on the patch of grass they were standing on. Putting her other hand on his thigh and rubbing it back and forth in a comforting way she said. "You look so tense. I know we're in a bad situation but if you ever want to get out of here you need to calm down..." she said with a smile.

The girls head was exploding, why she about to do what she was going to do? It was inconceivable! Venus felt nauseated by the cross boner this nerd was getting. The word itself made her want to shriek and run for cover. There was no other alternative, she needed to do whatever it is  possible in order to acheive her perfect future. And if it meant feeling up a nerd and if necessary.......

The next chain of words were blocked by Venus' mind as she tried focusing all her attention on this task. The task to retreive that flag he's weidling and use that instead of a wasteless sludgehammer she can't even lift. It could be a used for a number of things, and best of all its light! Imperfection. Does the rules of perfection allow Venus to be imperfect to gain perfection?

She just wasn't sure what to make of it. Perfect people weren't thrown into games like this. But that dosn't mean she was imperfect either. The rules and boundries of what is or isn't perfect made her head feel dizzy and light but she continued to charm Zed nonchalantly while raging a battle with the rule book of perfectionism in her head.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:35 pm
by laZardo*
As much as Zed's mind was telling him - desperately! - to try not to fall for her charms, he had to admit that having a beautiful lady caress his private parts was arousing, at the very least. Still, he tried to resist, even if his efforts were severely limited by his body seeming to devote all its own efforts to purposes of pleasure.

His body was in fact so obsessed with the pleasure that he complied and sat down with her, as she massaged the inner part of his thigh. He tightened his grip on the flag as she did so, not as much out of fear as it was out of some natural reflex. His breathing could now be heard, faster and deeper. A little more arousal and his back could start arching. After all, this girl was sexy! Soon, all this toying with his body was starting toying with his mind.

I must be in the Matrix...because it feels so real!

Zacharly closed his eyes and tried to scoot slowly away from this girl. He struggled with his mind's warning that she'd definitely try to kick his ass as soon as they were done with each other, and then it would be a lot easier to do so...

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:36 pm
by Kris*
"Don't be shy...." she cooed. Venus held onto Zeds shoulder with her other hand as she moved to sit on his lap. She speard her legs apart and sat down on Zeds leg, body towatd him. The girl ran her hand thorugh his hair as her other hand started to go down the chest and to the pant buckle.

The moment controlled Venus, it was either sink or swim for her. She could actually kill this guy, but she never has killed before. Nor is she particularly intrested in illing others. Perfect people didn't stain their hands with blood. They were just to perfect to be involved with something so violent.

Venus undid his pants and caressed the 'pole' that stuck up thorugh the boys boxer.s It didn't feel to imressive either but Venus continued to give Zec a sexy look as she continued to smoothly touch it. She coudl feel to tingle and tremble from Zed, which signaled Venus that he was going deeper and deeper into her spell.

No matter how gross or disgusting this is, she had no other choice. She owuld have to end up using Gods gifts as weapons in order to escape from this terrible island of death. It was the only way, the only way she could ever hope to acheive the perfect future she longs for so much. She must have it, after all those years of working; She must have it...

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:37 pm
by laZardo*
Zed didn't say anything as the girl slinked onto his lap, and for a few moments it was like he was sitting in the VIP room of the Malibu. She was that close enough to strangle him, but she didn't. She seemed to be having lots more fun putting him out of his miserably, comfortably. But he wasn't exactly feeling comfort at the moment, as he was going very tense from what could be his first and last encounter of the great kind.

Dammit, Z! Snap out of it! She's going to have her way with you, in both senses of the word!

Zachary finally arched his back as her hands finally reached little Zed, stroking it with that tender, feminine touch that caused it to throb and twitch as it jutted out of the gap in his boxers. He let out a little whimper at the mere feeling of her caress, his mind flooded as it tried to ponder how lucky - or unlucky - he really was. And in doing so, he let one hand free of the flag garrote as he put both hands back on the ground to support himself from falling back.

"Please...stop..." he whispered, half-heartedly.

He eventually made what might be a final attempt to escape, and tried to jerk himself - i.e., his entire body and not just "himself" - back and away from the girl. It didn't amount to significantly much, however. He didn't try to get both hands on the garrote yet though, they were still trembling from such a rush. One of them was busy trying to get to tuck little Zed back into bed.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:38 pm
by Kris*
Venus would not let the nerd escape now. The girl moved this time ontop of him, pinning Zed to the ground by grabbing his legs. The girl then did a mindless act which would effect her for the rest of her stay on the island. Venus opened her mouth, and took in Zed Jr. She went up and down, this would be the final blow which would make Zed succumb to her lovelike charm.

The girl concentrated on how good her future was going to be, if she left that thought for a second should would throw up all of her organs on the spot. With every nerve she thought about the kind of career shes going to have. A famous actress! Venus Gwendolyn in every marquee in Hollywood. Her famous dances would be advertise state-wide, while her CD featuring her wonderful voice would go double platinum.

Stars were in the girls eyes, she fantasized the money, the publicity, the amounts of paparazzi that would follow her day in and night. She was going to become succesful, that was the whole point of her life. Thats the whole point of anyones life, to become succesful, rich, and have a perfect family life. Perfect. Everything perfect. Isn't that what everybody worked for?

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:39 pm
by laZardo*
((You really don't have to be n__n But I do enjoy the effect this one time...))

Zachary's attempt at trying to pull himself away from the girl had apparently backfired, and he has now ended up on his back, legs raised, and the receiver of what could be the best and quite possibly only pleasure in what remained of his (virtual) life. Hell, he had barely met this girl and already he'd started receiving enough Hot Coffee to supply a Starbucks. Yet as much as this chick was good, he still tried to fight it, if only in mind. His body was already registering those precious signs: heart thumping, sweating, deep yet erratic breathing making him unable to speak apart from groans and gasps of pleasure, and so on.

In whatever gaps his mind afforded between his futile attempts to fight it off, Zed could imagine that if this chick wanted to be an actress or someone famous, she was already demonstrating how easily she'd make connections in Tinseltown. The thought was entertainment, though not nearly to the degree to which he was being entertained. If his mind hadn't already succumbed to the pleasure, he might have also figured out how she might be able to keep herself financially secure even after her Hollywood career blew out like virtually every young-star-of-the-month's did.

I'm...not even...old enough to...consent! But if this is a videogame...would it matter?

It probably would if his parents happened to be tuning into the very channel that this little party was being broadcast on - which was already pre-empting the generally family-oriented i Network's daily programming. One could only imagine the reaction on that crazy Madison woman's face if she saw how low late-night programming had truly sunk.

Zed and Venus were now "stars" in their own special way by now, and their breakthrough came quite literally as Zed, in a noise that could only be described as such, finally submitted messily to all that effort.

Through all that his grip on the Old Glory (his other hand still on the ground, by the way) actually remained tight and firm, as if only out of reflex action from the rest of his body tensing up. Of course, that grip relaxed as his body did when it released. And as his mind followed, one fleeting thought tried to consider exactly how much the flag had been so gruesomely defiled. First the dirt stains, then its molding into a makeshift weapon, and soon to be a towel.

Sex, violence, and the sheer indulgence of it all. The American Dream.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:39 pm
by Sephy*
((Continued from: Dam Rivers))

Deep into the forest, Satoru brought himself to a stop, he hadn't even noticed what direction he'd run in You moron! You could run into a danger zone next time, what's the first lesson in piano? concentrate! He started to walk, slower, as his internal monologue began to give him a lecture on carelessness.

Hearing voices, he paused again and ducked down, spotting two figures not far off, even from a distance the situation was fairly clear They're distracted.. glancing down at his cat claws, he wondered if he should attack or slink away.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:40 pm
by Kris*
Venus continued to take Zed in, her concentration continied to maintain herself as she steady went up and down. It was completley disgusting, she would never be able to forgive herself after this particular event. If her parents, friends, the Sisterhood saw her she would die of complete embarassment.

Slow and steady wins the race her mother always said. And this is how she would win the flag Zed had. She would be able to use it as a blanket for when shes cold, or to help her stop the bleeding from any wounds she might receive. Of coruse it wasn't a prize for defending yourself but she had no choice but to start at the bottom and work her way up.

Venus new that a couple of minutes more would be the end of Zed at least her seeing him ever again on the island. Hopefully they wouldn't run into each other again, hopefully he'll be dead. The girl started to feel sick and light-headed, this repulsive action was starting to effect her healthy mental state of condition. She still concentrated, waiting for the right moment to strike.