Living the Other Side of Life. (Open House Party)

Separated from the rest of Highland Beach by the sea itself and accessible from a number of bridges reaching over the narrow stretch of water, Stonegate Island is where the richest of the rich reside. It is, in essence, a private island in which the well-to-do inhabitants of the city can live in peace and privacy.
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Living the Other Side of Life. (Open House Party)


Post by LadyMakaze* »

((Continued from Some Light Reading))

Parties were strictly out of the question for Nadine Willowbrook, who had her image as the 'good', 'obedient' child of the family to keep in mind. She could just hear her mother's shrill voice right about now, 'What would the neighbours think?! My own daughter running around spending the night partying and having the cops drive her home wasted and pumped full of who-knows-what..."

True enough. Going to parties, particularly the variety where half the attendees often ended up wasted within the first half-hour, didn't do so well for her 'good girl' image. She could get caught, and there went her reputation. Hell, if the cops cared enough, she could even get arrested.

But what was there to life if you missed out on all the fun? This Nadine thought to herself with an ironic smirk as she held a glass of vodka, noting her surroundings with a slightly apathetic expression on her face. All around her, people crowded about, chattered noisily, went to and fro, quickly getting wasted...

So low class....

Nevertheless, Nadine couldn't help but feel a sense of elation, enjoying the excitement of rebelling quietly against her parents. Oh, the things they'd do if they ever found out. If, being the key word.

For now, she enjoyed her fleeting bout of freedom, observing the people quietly, an innocuous, pure figure that seemed almost out of place among the over-indulgent party-goers. Most of the attendees were from a local college...but she could spot students from Southridge High here and there. Right now though, she tapped her foot, flicking the ends of the sheet of hair that fell behind her shoulders in an impatient manner. Where was Galen? Really, having a boyfriend that was late wasn't exactly seemly. Leaving her here all alone like was almost embarrassing. Still, she was willing enough to wait for him, almost entertaining on the idea of flirting with the guys a bit, just to make fun of her currently absent boyfriend. A bit on the mean side...but whatever was necessary to make sure he didn't keep her waiting so long next time.
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Post by ZigZaggerty* »

Flagg wasn't much of a partyer, infact he would much rather be wandering the town. However, this was a prime chance to spread his influence among the impressionable youth of Southridge. It wasalmost too easy, say the right words and they could believe you to be a god.

This party however, was filled with the snobbiest of the snobs, the riches. All drinking expensive liquors and discussing the latest fads. It was a measure in futility (to Flagg in the very least). The cheap bottle of nameless beer came forward and pressed itself to his lips as he took another swig, stealthily scanning the room for signs of anything interesting. The cool, bitty liquid sending him all the more closer to the desired buzz. It was after Flagg had placed the bottle over to the side on some nondescript table that he spotted her.

She looked mischevous, a sly smile playing on her lips as she herself stood alone, te same position he currently found himself in. A predatorily smile placed itself over his lips, his teeth shining white in the lowlit environment. She intrigued him, in an almost breathtaking way she turned her head. He mistook a passing glance and that was all it took, he wanted her. She would be a possesion, she would be his.

Everyone here is dead, inside they are hollow and filled with their own conceited desire.

Flagg moved forward, sweeping through the crowds of people before him. He straightened his denim jacket, adjusted a button askew, and threw on his most charming smile. He maneuvered so he appeared directly behind her, tapping her shoulder softly.

"Hey there, what's your name?" He spoke, voice smooth and immaculate in it's delivery. His charming, cheshire grin plastered on his face. Masking the true, predatory need currently being held by Flagg.

But that desire will never match mine, ever.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

"Hm?" Nadine turned, prompted by the subtle tapping on her shoulder and sound of the rather charismatic voice coming from behind her. She could feel the very weight of his presence upon her back, and it was startling how overpowering it felt. Her eyes met his, and she felt her breath halting suddenly. There was a distinct, yet subtle quality of power coming from his very presence, the way he looked and the manner in which he both spoke and smiled at her.

And somehow...she didn't remember Galen EVER being this charming.

Quickly, she transformed the look of utter surprise and breathlessness into one of coy innocence, returning his smile with one that was demure and amiable. It was this innocuous manner of hers, one that emphasized her image of purity, that made her rather well-liked among the boys.

"Well this is surprising," she replied, with a slightly amused expression on her face. "Only a gentleman would ask for names before numbers, I thought, and I didn't expect to see one in a place like this."

Folding her hands neatly over her glass of vodka in a prim manner, she tilted her head to the side, gazing at him intently with her large, black doe-eyes. Since he seemed so pleased to be granted such, she gave him her full, undivided attention.

"Nadine Willowbrook," she told him. "You can call me Nadine." Placing a finger against her cheek in thought, she wondered aloud. "I think I've seen you're from Southridge, aren't you?"
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Post by ZigZaggerty* »

"Well, Nadine, that's a very pretty name if I may say so!" Flagg whispered, his grin never faltering. His eyes stared ahead, focusing intently on the seemingly innocent girl before him. It was almost too much for him, he would've taken her then but he was in a large crowd of his peers. A subtle fantasy played out through his head, he would take that innocence and make her his, she would belong to him. Flagg let out a hearty chuckle before continuing the conversation.

"Well, the name's Randy Flagg, but you can call me Flagg." With a flick of his wrist he gave a small wave and a wink, "Are you here alone? I'd hate to think such a pretty girl as yourself being helpless at the hands of these boring people, it'd be an absolute travesty if you ask me!"

He cast another glance at the room around him, the crowd seemed more suffocating than before. The more the night continued, the more the dead flocked to this house. He silently sniffed the air, that disgusting sweaty aroma of young people going nowhere with their lives. They were lost, helpless. They were sheep and he was their Shepard, they were his.

Flagg cast his gaze back to the beauty before him, looking her over once again.

"Care to drink with me?" He asked as he motioned to the table covered in various liquors at the farside of the room.


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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Nadine could feel his eyes upon her, intently looking her over. It was then that the nape of her neck prickled slightly with a certain amount of apprehension. A slight chill coursed through her veins as he looked upon her with a seemingly increasing amount of interest and...fascination, even? It was as though her gut instinct was warning her against of becoming familiar, closer to this particular person.

She ignored it, knowing that she was probably making too much of it. He didn't seem the type of person who would try anything, and even if he was, what could he do while they were surrounded by this crowd? In any case, he seemed polite and gallant enough. Charming, almost. Nadine herself couldn't help but feel drawn to him, flattered by his words.

Blushing slightly as he complimented her looks and her name, Nadine replied demurely, raising her narrow shoulders slightly, "Well... I was alone, before you suddenly came along. You can't imagine how lonesome I felt." This she said in a somewhat coy voice. There really was no need to tell him that she had been waiting for someone, a boyfriend of all people. Not just yet, anyways. One couldn't possibly be hurt by what he doesn't know, and that went for both Galen and this person. It wasn't as though she'd be making out him, really, just a few drinks is all. Slyly Nadine thought to herself, perhaps she could play it as though she and this gentleman were rather friendly with eachother...just to get even with Galen for making her wait.

She continued to smile sweetly, regarding her new acquaintance curiously. "Flagg....well, I am pleased to meet you, and I would be pleased to join you. As a matter of fact, I would be grateful."
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