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Strange and Complex Dealings with Women's Minds

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:10 am
by Ares
(the little bit of god-modding, like Gabe being with Steve was okay'd by Mr. Peate)

There was a surprise waiting for Steve when had arrived at the Police Station. Turns out they were letting everyone off without bail, however the cops said there were "notes" made in some record that Steve doubted existed. Steve grabbed Gabe and without a word to Kara walked him out of the building. There was a whole hell of a lot to discuss, so Steve took a slight detour from the way to Gabe's house, and drove toward the school.

Good god, I've used half a tank of gas tonight. Steve thought as he checked the fuel in truck.

Steve pulled into the parking lot behind the grandstands of the football field. Making their way to the grandstands, the QB and RB took two seats in the third row, both staring out at the field which was being water by the auto sprinkler system.

"So you want to know what happened with Courtney, or should I ask you why you were fighting and why Kara threw a bowling ball at Brad?"

Re: Strange and Complex Dealings with Women's Minds

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:10 am
by RePeate*
Gabe sat in the bleachers. His ass felt cold from the dew that had condensed over the evening. He sat and he wondered about the crazy happenings that had transpired that night. He wondered about what Brad had been saying, about what would happen between him and Kara. He was so upset he didn't even worry about what Kara was doing now (Probably getting picked up at the station by her parents, who would no doubt have a strong word with her later). All he could do was sit and think.

"Man, thanks for pulling me out of there. You didn't need to do that. I mean really, thanks". He said it genuinely, as he was fairly certain none of his other friends would have done the same. Come to think of it, where the hell did Evan and Nutbrown get off to? He looked over at Steve and saw confirmation in his face that it was really no problem. "It's just, fuck! All this stuff. I can't believe that dochebag Josh." His hands were shaking. "What a fucking dickhole piece of shit.... FUCK!" He screamed it out over the empty football field and stood a bit out of his seat. It was his venting on that matter. He sat back down. 'Sorry man, I didn't mean to dump on you. It's just...grrrr". His teeth clenched together and a vein nearly popped from his neck. Gabe didn't get pissed very often this way, so the whole scene must have been pretty impressive to Steve.

"Ok...ok...I'm calm" he said, self-reassuringly. "Oh that's right... you weren't there. You must think I was going crazy!" He let out a small laugh of understanding. "Oh man, did you miss some serious shit. Ok, so I'm sitting at the table with Kara, right? And Josh, that little fuck, comes right up to us and starts dissing on her saying she's got a flappy vagina and shit I don't care to repeat. So I fucking laced him with my right and just couldn't stop pounding on him. Man, I wish you were there. We coulda killed that tiny-dicked shithead". He was angering up a bit as he clenched both his fists tightly. "And then Brad who'd been going on about Kara had a bowling ball thrown at him! What a fucking weiner, huh?" He laughed again. "I think Kara actually threw it! I almost laughed my ass off if I weren't to busy pounding that fucktard Josh and his ugly dumb-fuck face!" The anger rose more, Gabe had to calm done. He took in a deep breath. "Ok seriously man, I'm done venting. Sorry".

He looked over sheepishly at Steve, searching for forgiveness. The last thing he'd want to do is let his anger get out of control around Steve. He looked up to Steve, and it made Gabe look weak in his eyes. "So, how was your thing...with Courtney... how'd that go? You gonna make a play for my girl's cousin, huh?" he nudged at Steve and winked, knowing he'd probably laugh it off. "I'll bet Serenity wouldn't be happy, eh bud?" He nudged again and laughed.

Re: Strange and Complex Dealings with Women's Minds

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:10 am
by Ares
The rage Gabe was displaying came as quite a surprise to Steve. Gabe was usually able to deal with things calm cool and collect and here was going off like a rocket.

"First thing's first, remember how angry you are right now, and get that angry on the football field. I dare someone to stop you then," Steve said smiling, "and dude, don't worry about the venting. You obviously have a reason to vent. Maybe so we don't get in more shit, we could call in a favor from Boxer and arrange a meeting with Josh. I know Renee Valenti, that girl who got stripped and fingered in the hall got was supposedly getting Boxer to pound the shit out of that little freak."

Steve thought about it for a second while Gabe continued on. Boxer, or hell even Darnell would probably be more than willing to kick the shit out of this Josh guy. If Steve and Gabe were good with their words, maybe even both at the same time. The conversation turned to Courtney. Steve kind of chuckled then spoke.

"Dude, I seriously don't fucking know. Serenity's been acting all weird lately, and I've heard that she might be messing around. Like dude, I know she likes me, but I think shes only with me cause of my status. One of the head cheerleaders dating the quarterback. Thats like your perfect little teen TV show moment right there. Thing to is that when you called me when I was at the beach with her, she came up and gave me a kiss. Then she just took off like a bat out of hell, leaving me standing there like I just got stunned with your voice coming through my phone. So I have no idea whats up with that. I do know that I like that girl, a hell of a lot more than I liked Serenity when I met her, but you know and I know, that if I dump Serenity who EVERYONE seems to love, I'm going to be Steve Digaetano, Southridge High's biggest asshole. Plus that would also turn around on you. Kara would flip on you," Steve then raised his voice as close to Kara's pitch as he could, "Gabe, you shouldn't have let him ask her out. He dumps my best friend for my relative, why didn't you do anything."

Steve laughed at what sounded to him like a damn good impression of Kara.

"So what do you think I should do. The pro's are that I'm with a beautiful girl, that I really fell for bro, and that seems like she'd get along with my friends really well. The con's I just listed. It comes back on me, and my friends."

Re: Strange and Complex Dealings with Women's Minds

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:10 am
by RePeate*
Gabe was quite open to hearing Steve's suggestion of "evening things up" with Josh after school. Yeah, get Boxer or Darnell in there and he wouldn't stand a chance. Probably have to take him to the hospital. Knowing that shit-brain asshole, he'd snitch in a second, and the four of us might get suspended or even expelled...if the damage was bad enough. Oh but how I want that little pisshead's face smashed in...

"I like the idea of kicking Josh's ass. We're gonna have to bring this up later. I DO want that ass-hat in the fucking ground... but did you seriously just say what I thought you said? Leave Serenity for Courtney? I mean, bro, it's not that I'm not impressed. If she wasn't Kara's cousin, I'd have been all over that in my single days. But man, you aren't single. You can't just drop Serenity... didn't you know I was joking?" He gave Steve a sideways glance. Steve was never big on heart to hearts (at least not with Gabe), so he was truly puzzled Steve was getting really tangled up in all this. Gabe thought he must have been confused.

"Dude, you KNOW you can't just leave Serenity. Well, maybe you could... but you SHOULDN'T. It can't be THAT bad between you? I know you complain about her alot, but c'mon..." He sighed. Steve was transfixed. He rarely got this serious about someone, and Gabe knew whenever Steve had his eye on the prize, he'd usually get what he wanted. He is such a lucky bastard! God, why can't some of that luck come my way? Thinking on it, Gabe knew Steve would likely end up with Courtney, some way, somehow. He waited a while, and then slowly said, "Look. If you really like another girl usually you just leave the one your with and give it time before you do anything with anyone else. At least that way you won't seem too asshole about it. I mean, she'll probably still go with it. Courtney's pretty timid, so I doubt she'd move onto another guy if you gave it some time. And she kissed you, so big points there." He gave Steve a thumbs up. "Just, for the love of God, talk it over with Serenity. Don't cheat on anyone... then my balls would REALLY be in a vice bro, and that's not cool". He wondered why Steve worried about stuff. I mean, here he was, worrying because he was cared about by two hot girls. Some guys have all the luck!

Re: Strange and Complex Dealings with Women's Minds

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:10 am
by Ares
"I wasn't planning on cheating," Steve said, with a touch of anger. "You know me better than that. Serenity might be fuckin' around behind my back, but I'd never do that to her."

What made him say that accusation, he really had no clue.

"Look, I think you're right man. If I leave Serenity I'm going to have to wait, in the mean time how the hell am I supposed to explain that to Courtney. Walk up to her and be like, 'Yeah, I like you, but to save my own ass we can't start going out for at least 2 weeks.' Women don't think like that bro. She'll see me dumping Serenity as a sign of me wanting her, but then when the ask out doesn't come, she'll get pissed, and, god dammit I need a fucking book on how the minds of women work. They should walk around with one of those digital boards across their heads so we know what they're thinking."

Steve felt a vibration in his pocket. He ignored it. There was a few minute pause before he felt the vibration again, and this time answered it.

"Hang on man, I'll tell these morons to piss off." Steve flipped open his phone, "Hello?...Oh fuck really?...When?...Which hospital?...All right thanks," Steve hung up his phone, "Dude, unless you gotta get home right away, Darnell is in the hospital. Apparently he got into a rough fight. He is our fullback, so I think we should at least go say hi. Whatcha think?"

The silence from Gabe told Steve that his mind was elsewhere, and admittedly so was Steve's.

"Look dude, I'm going to bail. You good for getting home?"

A small grunt came from Gabe, which Steve took as a yes. Steve walked back over to his truck, and checked his phone again for the number that called him from the hospital.

Oh fuck...

Steve looked at his phone and realized that Courtney had tried to call him. As he fumbled to enter her number, his cell phone suddenly flashed, 'Battery critically low, shutting down'.

"No. Piece of shit phone." Steve growled as he mashed the power button. "Worst...fucking...night...ever."

((Steve continued elsewhere))