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One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:39 am
by Lacus*
((Continued from Ringo's Records))

Lacus Entered the lunch room with her bagged lunch. She sat at an empty table. usually she would be siting with her friend ,but they were ether busy or out today. she dumped her bag out on the table, and organized her food in the order that she would eat it. First her favorite, a tuna melt sandwich. Next her first grapeolicis juice box. then her vegetable for the day ( today was carrots). Then her second grapeolicis juice box. Last was always desert, anything from a cookie to a slice of pie. Lacus began eating her lunch in that order wishing some one would join her at the table.

Re: One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:39 am
by Namira
Simon moved unsteadily through the crowded cafeteria. He always had trouble when there was a larger than usual number of people around, and today it seemed especially crowded in the Southridge eating room. Simon always did hate carrying a tray, ever since the accident at least. It was just one more thing that was made inifinitely more difficult to do for the lack of two hands. Simon as a rule didn't brood about his injury, but at times like this it was hard not to wish that the guy driving the trailer had decided to leave those last two pints in the bar.

Simon was looking around for a place to sit when he saw something that amounted to the sighting of the Holy Grail. There was an empty table; well, empty but for one person. That was some good luck right there, best of all it wasn't even too far away so there was much less risk of the precariously balanced tray falling.

You win some and you lose some. Guess I won this time

The blonde manouveured himself through the milling people and around the packed tables as he made his way to his prize. With a large student body there were many Southridge students who had to seek elsewhere for a place to eat their lunches. Simon was fortunate to find somewhere to sit; perhaps it was just a lull. Sure enough students were leaving the cafeteria in a steady trickle. Perhaps he wasn't as lucky as he thought he'd been. Ah well, he was here now.

Up close Simon noticed the girl seated at the table was none other than Jenna "Lacus" Clyne. Who else at the school had pink hair? Shifting the tray onto the table Simon shot a smile across at her, though she seemed intent on her own lunch. Simon sat down, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

Let's see what we have here...

Re: One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:39 am
by Lacus*
lacus looked up after swallowing her first grapeolicis juce box. from the corrner of her eyes she notice The boy siting across from her push up his glasess. she sat and figited her fingers under the table. She had noticed him, but wasn't shure he relized it.

Lacus was decideing wheter or not to talk to him. She wanted to always make new friends. As she figited she mesured the pros vs. cons of talking. Allthough her better jugment told her not to talk she, did.

She smiled a bright smile in his direction." Hello I'm Lacus clyne, What is your name?"

Re: One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:39 am
by Namira
Simon immediately looked up from what he was doing as Lacus spoke to him. That was just how he was; Simon always tried to be polite, and ignoring somebody when they greeted you wasn't exactly polite. Having looked up at the 'hello' Simon listened to what she said. Evidently he knew her but she didn't know him; on the other hand, that wasn't all that surprising. After all, Simon wasn't much of a social butterfly.

"Lacus?" Simon raised an eyebrow. "I thought the name was Jenna?" Simon paused. "Simon, Simon Wood. Any cracks involving my arm please make them now,"

Re: One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:39 am
by Lacus*
Lacus gave Simon a funny stair " Cracks, why would I make any cracks about your arm, I've broken my arm once. I know it's not fun when people make jokes. Oh the name is officially Jenna, but I prefer being called Lacus, that is what everyone calls me." lacuse look about and then remembered " Oh it's nice to meet you Simon. Since all my friend are busy lately and I like to make new friends, are you willing to become friends?"

Re: One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:39 am
by Namira
(sorry for making you wait)

Simon raised an eyebrow when Lacus seemed genuinely confused as to why people would joke about his injury. He thought about it for a few seconds then shrugged and let it go.

"Oh it's nothing, I'm just used to it by now; a lot of people like to joke about it. It used to bug me, but I don't mind any more. Some of the jokes were pretty good,"

Simon nodded as she explained about her name.
Well, each to his or her own I guess, but I think that Jenna is a better name. Simon listened to Lacus as she continued on a different tack. Heh, that's one way to make a new buddy, a slightly peculiar way but another method nontheless. Simon responded with a warm smile.

"Hey, I'm always looking out for new buddies, same as you it looks like. I'll be a friend if you want me to,"

As he spoke Simon patted the chest pocket of his jacket; a dark blue affair which looked a little odd with one of the sleeves empty. Simon felt a reasuring; but at the same time dispiriting box shape.

Cigarettes, just one more reason why I should never have let me arm keep me down. Dammit! Why can't I ever quit!? I'm so close, but I can't quite do it...

Simon had started smoking after his injury, it didn't matter how he got them but cigarette after cigarette was lit up during that terrible six months. Simon had tried to kick the habit as part of his program but hadn't quite managed it, smoking one or two every other day. It wasn't a lot, but Simon wanted that number to become zero.

Just keep trying Simon, it'll be gone eventually, I know it will.

Re: One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:39 am
by Ciel*
((Continued from Madison's Diary))

A brunette slowly slinks into the cafeteria, scanning the whole room for an open seat. Deciding that it's better just to sit near a small group rather than a big one, she moves over to a table that only a few people were actually sitting at. She takes a seat, one not too far nor not too close from the other two talking students. The girl brushes her brown, silky hair out of her face, both of her elbows on the tabletop with her hands latching onto the bottom of her head. She sighs softly, letting her book bag fall to the floor right next to her table.

Madison Conner, known as the "new kid at school", takes a quick glance at the other two kids sitting next to her, a slight forlorn expression on her face. Even though the girl had a lot of friends in the past, she didn't exactly know how making them worked. She only made one friend by herself, and even then the other girl, Samantha, was the one who started the whole thing. And then... Madison moved away to Highland Beach, and she has absolutely no one now.

At the moment, Madison began to study both of her fellow students, studying them carefully. The female, a short, pale girl with rather long pink hair, was talking a mile a minute. If the brunette were here a few minutes earlier, she would have thought the girl was just as shy as Madison was. Maybe I could be friends with her. She seems nice enough, kind of like... Sam... the kind that draws people into the conversation.

she turned to get a good look at the other kid. The first thing Madison noticed instantly was the cast on his arm. She didn't take a good look at it, but she instantly assumed he must of hurt it while playing sports, lead by the fact that his body was rather lean and fit. She didn't know how serious the injury was, but Madison didn't put too much thought into the whole thing. She glanced up at his whole body, finally looking at his face. He seems... cute. Must work out or something. I'd like to get to him too.

Her mouth opens slightly, about to say something, but closes a second later. The brunette looks away from them again, giving another soft sigh as she closes her eyes. They're already talking to each other, she thought in her mind, her head pushing into both of her open hands. They seem like I might want to get to know them, but it might be a good idea not to interrupt them. I really don't want to piss anyone off, especially this early into the school year.

Re: One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:39 am
by Namira
Simon glanced away from Lacus as he caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. Simon tended to notice that kind of blurred movement; perhaps it was the lack of clarity which drew his attention. He could never help but look whenever he glimpsed something outside of the range of his glasses. Not exactly a mind-blowing habit but a habit nontheless.

Upon looking up Simon saw immediately that the newcomer was another girl, she wasn't a stunner but it wasn't like she'd been beaten with an ugly stick either. No, she looked just fine. Simon knew that appearences showed very little and as he studied her it became apparent that she wasn't entirely happy. The girl looked a little... well sad, perhaps even upset? Simon broke off from his current line of speech and called out to her, gently.

"Hey there. I guess you're new here. Is everything alright? You look a bit upset,"

Smooth genius, now she'll think you're some sort of creep and Jen... Lacus... whatever, will think you're ignoring her. Simon offered himself a wry smile. Congratulations Simon, you've broken the world idiot record.

Re: One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:40 am
by Ciel*
Madison looked up at the boy, noticing him giving her a smile. She couldn't help herself, but Madison gave him a soft smile. He seems... nice. I'm not... so sure, but... maybe... I should move in closer. She scoots over a little closer to the boy, looking from him over to the other girl, then back to the boy. She put her arms onto the table, leaving her elbows off of it, holding her whole body up.

"Oh... you noticed, huh? Yeah, I-I'm pretty... new to Highland Beach." She spoke softly, studdering softly.

She wasn't too sure if he was being consciously nice to her, or just showing her pity. Either way, Madison felt like she should try to open up to someone. After all, it's been close to a month, so she hasn't talked to a lot of students. The both of them seemed nice enough, or at least that what the brunette's head kept telling her. Besides, the worst they could do is shun her, right?

"I... suppose there's something on my mind. D-don't worry about it. Nothing really important."

Re: One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:40 am
by Lacus*
Laucs looked up at the girl next to simon " Are you sure ?" Lacus said in response to what the girl had said ' feel free to sit here. I don't bite, at least I don't think I do. Oh sorry I'm rambling again, by the way I'm Jenna or lacus Clyne. Feel free to call me what ever, but I do prefer Lacus it's simpler to to say. It's nice to meet you" she finished her second grapeolicis juice box as she said this.

(Occ: No need to say sorry)

Re: One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:40 am
by Namira
Simon was just opening his mouth to speak again when Lacus supplied the words for him. She might look a little weird but she seems a nice person; either that or a real good actor.

The other girl seemed pretty shy and nervous, and was even stammering a little.
That's what being the new kid's like I suppose, I've never been that. Simon changed what he was going to say once Lacus was finished.

"Yeah, I don't mind if you come other here, besides," a small smile twitched onto Simon's face. "It looks awfully lonely over there. Pleased to meet you, I'm Simon," Simon didn't speak a lot usually, but the words were just coming to him, maybe he was better than this than he thought.

Hey Simon boy, things are looking up, maybe you're not such a recluse after all! Simon smiled again at the thought. It would be great to get back into school life properly, but if that was true it had taken him a long time to do it; and his last year too...

Ah well, we persevere, you never know, maybe some of the people you meet here will go to the same college... Simon wondered if anybody was planning on doing anything computer related, he sure hoped so, as if not, then he'd be the 'new kid' which he'd never been before.

Strange that I'm scared about that... to which another thought followed. Yeah but would you really want to be a nervous wreck the whole time? That girl is terrified, what would it do to you?

Re: One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:40 am
by Ciel*
Madison's smile seemed to widen just a tiny bit, straightening her back and trying not to slouch. She wanted to say something, but her attempts just seemed to fall flat. She really had no idea what was wrong with her. When Madison was around her friends back in Sacramento, she was one of the most talkative people around. Right now, however, Madison was studdering like she didn't know how to make actual conversation with others. What would Sammy think, she thought in her head, if she were to see me acting like this. Bet she would have a good laugh about it

Madison turned her full attention towards Lacus again. Now that she's taken another close look at the girl she... kind of looked a lot like Samantha. If it weren't for her pink hair, grayish eyes and short stature, no one could have told the difference between the two. Not to mention that both Lacus and Samantha seemed to talk at the speed of light, so that just made things even more confusing. Hmm... I bet Sammy would have gotten along great with this girl. I wouldn't doubt it for a second. The brunette worked up all of the courage built up inside her, to try to say something, anything, to further the conversation. Madison was planning to say, 'it's nice to meet you, Lacus. My name is Madison. I hope we can become friends!', but what she got instead was, "H-Hi... Lacus... My name's Madison."

Madison was feeling quite the idiot after saying something like that, and wanted to slap herself across the face as hard as she could(and most likely say something like "Come on, you idiot! What's the matter with you?") She decided against actually doing this, and thought it best to just keep her cheerful smile (if one could call it that) pasted on her face. Hesitantly, she began to slide closer to the other kids at the table, her mind spinning like crazy. Come on... Don't screw this up now! You've been at this school for, what, well over a month, and you have absolutely no people you would like to call friends. You don't want to end your school year a loner, now do you? This is your chance, Madison. This is your first, actual chance at actually getting close to someone, so don't blow it for yourself now.

Re: One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:40 am
by Lacus*
" Hello Madison, I'm glad to meet you. I hope we all can be friends you Simon and I, I mean." those were the first words out of lacus's mouth. She had no second thought about it. She love when all here friends were friends with each other, this created less bickering and fighting. She hated to see people fight." So we're all senors here right, good" She didn't even give time to answer, some time she was like this. " Well I have a question, what are you going to college for? Sorry if the question seems weird, I like to know as much as possible about my friend. As much as they are willing to tell me at least" Lacus was now talking a mile a minute. " By the way Just to let you know I'm going for computer programing as a major and for theater as a minor." Lacus was happily eating her cookies, praying this would start a conversation. She hated when there was dead silence.

Re: One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:40 am
by Namira
Simon almost laughed but just; though only just stopped himself from doing so. It wouldn't seem particularly nice to laugh at somebody you were trying to make friends with, and saying nothing would just look weird.

This Lacus talks so fast it's supersonic! How can you even get your thoughts to run that fast? Unbelievable.

Still, the sound of conversation was nice sometimes, no matter who was speaking.

Oxymoron, what if it was somebody you hated?

Simon half smiled, he was always like this; arguing with himself inside his head, he was sure everybody did it; maybe not so actively as Simon did, but it was all part of having a conscience; Simon's was a just a little more talkative than most others. Simon remained quiet and waited for Madison to answer Lacus, there was no need to crowd this conversation with more words then were needed.

After all. Simon thought wryly. Lacus is talking enough for all of us.

Re: One Bagged Lunch

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:40 am
by Ciel*
Madison's cheek muscles seemed to relax just a bit, her smile starting to coming more natural to her and less forced. Well... Now that I think about it, Samantha would find this girl confusing to understand as well. Guess they... aren't as similar as I thought. Either way, she does seem rather nice. Hell, what do I got to lose? I guess it might be a good idea to side with her. The brunette glanced over at the boy again. So... his name's Scott? Funny... He looks more of a Greg, or a Matthew, or a Jeffery even. I don't think it matters what his name is. Hell, it doesn't matter of his name was Lacus, and hers was Scott. All that matters is that they seem like pretty nice people to be around with.

Madison perked up suddenly, snapping out of the trance she was just in, quickly looking back over at Lacus. "College?" she asked, taken aback from the sudden nature of the question itself. Honestly, Madison had never put any thought into the subject whatsoever. Well, that was an exaggeration, but still... Whenever Madison asked her mother about college, she would just sigh loudly and roll her eyes. Madison immediately thought that Elana never really thought about the subject neither, and didn't wish to talk about it. With that thought in mind, Madison put college into the back of her mind and focused on other things. The real reason for this was actually that Elana didn't want to shell out thousands upon thousands of dollars to send her daughter, whom she has really came to loathe as much as her ex-husband. Madison, however, was extremely ignorant when it came to her mother, both her thoughts and actions, so this easily believable explanation never came to mind.

Madison answered in only way she could at the moment. "Well, me and m-my mom haven't really.... thought about it, exactly. It just completely... slipped our mind." Her studdering would have completely cleared up, if the brunette wasn't embarrassed at the time. After all, Madison seemed like the only senior in all of Southridge who hadn't even thought about going to college. I... hope they don't laugh about it...