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Vicente Duchesne

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:36 am
by OverusedReason*
Name: Vicente Duchesne
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12th (Senior)
School: Southridge
Hobbies and interests: Architecture (although he doesn't know many terms or technicalities, he can appreciate and inconciently highlight certain qualities about a building or design), writting (short stories, with uncomfortable atmospheres that often result ambiguous and yet never appear to be too drastic or extraordinary), drawing (though he doesn't know much about art except for a few artists' names and hasn't explored many styles, he finds ink amusing and has just recently developed a liking for oil pastels.) For this, he decided (halfheartedly) to join the Visuals Club and has now for two years been a member of it.

He often keeps either a distracted expression that makes his brown eyes look impolite and even smaller (because they are slightly smaller than most eyes) or a wide-eyed forced look that makes him look deeply in shock or distracted. He is 5'5 and in a normal weight. He has a clear voice whenever he is craving to say something important, although he tends to say things murkily most of the time. He does not like plain Tshirts much and prefers button shirts and polos, though his clothes are normal. He likes earthly colors such as brown, orange, yellow and ochre, and this can often reflect phisically on him. His appaearance is only awkward.

He often likes to assume, which can lead him to serious misunderstandings. Although he does not like to judge and prefers to be "patient", sometimes first impressions will be too strong and he will undoubtedly pay more attention to that rather than to what is actually happening. Most of the times he will be somewhat gullible, but his uncertainty will resurge once he has digested alternate possibilities or explanations. Because of this, he is slighlty paranoid, but because of this, too, he manages to develop stronger friendships. He likes to give good impressions ( avoid variations of his general character) as well but finds it difficult to establish conversation (although he can't avoid smiling or getting distracted by a good topic).

Biography: Vicente has always been well cared for by his parents. His mother expresses her love openly while his father, from whom he inherited his behavior, expresses it through his presence and similarity. He has always accepted this without feeling any need or reason to deny it, but sometimes they end up fighting, which greatly irritates him and leads him to what he considers an effective yet brik solution. Arguing at the top of his lungs, even if he has to offend. Continual exposure to this kind of behavior has lately made this strategy form part of himself and his personality.

During most of his life he only had a couple of friends, but they were worth it. However, this does not mean that everyone hated him or that he hated most. Often, the general feeling towards him was of a vague (forgetable) respect that almost always saved him from some eccentric bullies. He is aware that, although people find him nice, this s not a safety guarantee. There were some grades in which he simply had no friends at all. These experiences did not leave grim memories upon him, although they were somewhat dull (because he prefers company). He is middle class and during his childhood he was able to enjoy of more comforts, such as trips.

He often found craziness amusing, so he developed a strong liking for people like this, as long as they weren't too risky or insane. Also, English is not his first language. He can only speak a bit of french and read some more, because his teacher was increadibly. No, he does not yells "hay bedito!" (as in Bad Fur Day N64..this really amused me) whenever he's in trouble. He speaks Spanish and English.

He has no idea of what he'll do once he grows up, because he hates mathematics and that's a must for architecture. He is willing to try that field, however.

Advantages: During mildly-chaotic situations, he can suddenly remember some things that he might consider advantageous. He also can take a brisk desicion if he feels that there aren't many alternatives, though he has not yet applied any of these to life-or-death situations. He is very well aware that reality can prove itself to be more surprising and surreal than one's imagination. Because of experience and thanks to his friends' jokes, he managed to notice his own distractedness. Within time, he was able to develop a way to keep that face while deeply alert. So far he has only applied them to light situations, such as jokes.

Disadvantages: Can get desperate with ambiguity. He can't help it but being too overconfident with some while too skeptical and distant with others. He believes this is the most appropriate thing he can do since it has always helped him choose great friends. Because of fear, he can sometimes drown some of his thoughts and discard them.