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Ofelia Ortiz

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:40 am
by Chase*
Name: Ofelia Ortiz
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Ofelia spends most of her time surfing and enjoying the beach.

Appearance: Ofelia is average height, standing maybe 5'5" with 130 pounds of weight on her. Her Hispanic heritage gives her the dark hair, dark eyes, and tanned skin that she covers with all sorts of Billabong and Roxy attire. Ofelia has a rounded nose, with the center part dipping just a bit lower than her nostrils, which makes it look a little bulbous. Her eyes are almond shaped and dark brown, no makeup on them save for some mascara. She loves ripped jeans, not from fashionable stores. She actually wore them out herself and they are in abundance in her closet with her favorite pair of slip-on vans. She's fit from surfing as a past time, and smells of sunscreen, her favorite being Hawaiian Tropic. Her looks are simple, and she prefers it that way, but prides herself in keeping healthy and protected from the elements; she almost always has chapstick in one of her pockets.

Biography: When Ofelia came into being, she did so without having her father see her on her first day. He was on duty, but her mother and her aunt spent every moment they could watching her until he finally came home. For about six months, she spent her infant life alone. Then Flora was born to her young, and hopelessly naïve aunt.

Her time was almost always shared with her cousin from that point on, but Ofelia was content with life, as she says later on in high school, "Everything's Sublime, why worry?"

When Ofelia turned 6, her mother moved down to Highland Beach, in a one story suburb cookie-cutter house about 10 miles away from her sister and Flora. She went to school with Flora, in the same grade, and spent a lot of time in the sand, making castles and playing with rocks. Preferably, she spent her time alone, but on occasion she'd welcome another shy kid into her bubble. Ofelia was fine with conversation with anyone, especially her aunt, who would have her and her mother over on Sundays for dinners.

She was the liveliest on those days, when the two mothers' would fix things in the kitchen, and Flora would follow Ofelia down to the beach. She'd laugh and run into the waves, undaunted by the rolling water and the white foam, smiling every time she was soaked by another tide. By the time she was eight, her mother and father were well aware of her love, and spent money on a long board for a Christmas gift. Her aunt and uncle bought her lessons, and she spent most of her time over at the Salvai residence to get her practice in.

By high school, her mornings went pretty routine, and she was fine with it. She'd wake up around 5 am to get into her car, suited up to surf, and spend an hour, sometimes more just surfing the waves before school. After school, she'd sit on the beach and finish her homework in her bathing suit, then put on her rash guard and go out for a couple more hours. Her grades are fair, but she's considering getting an art or education degree, so she can keep the same hours she already has.

Nothing monumental happened since she was six, the move being the only thing she had to adjust to, and even then she adapted well, and without complaint. Surfing being her main outlet, she models her life after it, riding waves, taking them as they go. It lets her control the one distant stress she doesn't let others know about: her father's military career.

Advantages: Ofelia's laid back attitude lets her look at things more objectively than say, her cousin. Her physical activity and concentration on health means she's got good stamina and more drive to really do what she wants.
Disadvantages: Almost too quiet, and very hard to read, she's not severely close to anyone, not even Flora.