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Meirei Essex*

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:42 am
by Deleted User (V4)
Name: Meirei (May-Ray) Essex
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Southridge Highschool
Hobbies and Interests: Friends.

Appearance: In short? Too tall and too skinny. Even though she eats for two, or three people her high metabolism does not allow her to get a normal weight. Because of that and her height, Meirei was often taken for a boy, and even now sometimes (though very rarely) she is mistaken for one. Oversized clothes usually successfully hide her silhouette and being as skinny as she is, for a girl she has not enough fat for round curves, which so many males likes.

Her face is surrounded by mass of short, chocolate coloured hair in no particular style and the longest bangs reaches her chin. Without any baby-fat and with sharp features her face would look like one of a handsome boy if not rest of it. First of, when someone looks at her face, she or he sees Meirei's eyes. Big pools of chocolate, that radiate with warmth and at the same time seem utterly lost, capture most of people. Added to that lips almost always formed in smile, pale skin, light blush on cheeks and her personality makes many people feel protective forward her. She looks like a lost and fragile, big child.

An accident that took place years ago left her with scars, on soul and body. Over ten thin, but long scars on her throat are reminder of obsessive love which almost took her life and severely damaged vocal chords. Some scars are paler than her skin and others have a brownish tint. Even now after many expensive and dangerous operations she can only talk in soft and hoarse voice. Coughing is a sign for her to stop talking and it appears after long talks. Shouting is not allowed unless it is a critical situation and even then only very short sentences. Too much strain on her throat and she can loose voice forever.

Biography: Lost and bit clumsy in life. A girl without any plans for future. One that still believes in purity of the world and kindness of people, but at the same time a person who suffered hardship and pain. She is like a little kid suddenly thrown onto deep water and tries not to drown, but at the same time knows not how to swim. A person who would not survive without guide, simply because she does not know how to live.

Quiet she is, as her voice was taken away in an odd way (botched tonsil surgery). A Child forced into world of almost utter silence. As soon as cough goes away, soft yet hoarse words leave her mouth. Silence, is something that she truly wish to run away from, but yet is doomed for it. Not wanting to waste what is left of her voice, she does not argue what is not worth it. By trying not to bicker with anyone and with many kinds of good smiles on her lips she became someone who is given as a good example.

Not being able to voice out all her feelings it is very hard for Meirei to associate with other people. So aside her brother there is no one with who she shares a real bond. Because of that she feels very lonely. A paradox. Wanting friends, yet unable to do the first, second, or third step. Yes, she can have colleagues, good relationships with people, but no one, aside what is left from family, to share feelings, doubts, or just spend time with. Because of that she is very often classified as shy, self doubting and cowardly person.

Underneath that all, buried in her heart, hidden in depths of her soul there are painful memories and darker emotions. Locked away, they sometimes stirs and want to surface, but are pushed down, or away, with thoughts and focus on future.

Advantages: Very ambitious and loyal to those whom could relate to her. Her writing speed is abnormally high -for long time she was unable to communicate by talking, and she knows sign language used by deaf/mute people.

Disadvantages: Not very strong physically and her shyness (along with how difficult it is for her to speak) will likely put people off.