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Lucia Kritikos*

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:44 am
by Deleted User (V4)
Name: Lucia Kritikos
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Track and Feild. Poetry Club.

Appearance: Lucia is of average height, standing at 5'5. She has a very high metabolisim and is very (almost scarily) slender. She is flat chested and doesn't care. She has wavy shoulder length black hair that she doesn't bother to take care of. She never wears makeup, and her skin looks extremely pale. She has light green eyes that look like they used to be bright, but have had the color washed out of them. She never wears any jewelry.

Biography: Lucia's most distinctive trait is that she has Disscosiative Identity Disorder, more commonly known as mutiple personality. The first personality, Lucia, is shy, sad, and withdrawn. The other personality, who calls herself Leila, is assertive, standoffish and, at times, bloodthirsty. So far, Lucia has been sucessful at hiding Leila from her classmates.

The first incident occured when Lucia was eleven, and was attending summer camp with her twin sister. They tubing down a river when it began to rain, and the river rose and became more rapid. Her sister's inner tube flipped over, and she cracked her skull open on a rock. Lucia went through a period of intense depression, and also intense guilt. She would never admit it, but part of her was entranced by the blood.

When the "Leila" personality first began to manifest, Lucia thought the "twin telepathy" was continued beyond the grave. But as it be came more pronounced, she realized with horror that it was part of her. She cut off most ties to her friends for fear that Leila would hurt them.

Currently, Lucia is staggeringly unpopular. She alienates people, so they alienate her in return. She vents her guilt and shame through poetry. She is frequently the target of razzing from cliques. She transferred to Southside in her Sophomore year, after she was expelled from her old school for, while Leila was dominant, going after a bully with scissors. After the incident, she was taken to see a theapist, She was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and is now on medication. (But she may or may not forget to bring it while on the "class trip"). She doesn't have any negative feelings towards being on medication. In fact, she's almost releived that there's less of a chance that she'll hurt someone. However, she can't help but wonder: is her sanity incased within a pill?

Lucia's other outlet besides poetry is track and feild. Sometimes, she feels as if she can actually outrun Leila. She is one of the teams best runners, and her skills at the jumps aren't bad either.

Advantages: The track and feild is certainly going to help her evade enemies. When she is threatened, Leila will probably take over, and Leila has absolutely no qualms about killing.

Disadvantages: She's unpopular, so alliances will be slim. However, the greatest threat to Lucia is that she will go completely insane while on the island, due to forgotten medication.