Lauren Van Asche

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Lauren Van Asche


Post by Megami* »

Name: Lauren Van Asche
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen [17]
Grade: Senior [12th]
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Lauren has been a pianist since she was five. She's also a former ballet student. She's been a member of the Will to Wait Club since Freshman year.

Appearance: Lauren's chocolate colored hair, which extends to about the center of her back, is usually left to fall around her shoulders. Her eyes, a deep sea green in color, are almond shaped and somewhat large. She's quite the advocate of dark eyeliner and can never be found without it. The dark colors accentuate her green eyes even more, and her long eyelashes are definitely eye-catching. Her nose is small and button-like and her lips are full and voluptuous. In addition, she's been praised for her beautiful teeth by friends and family alike. Her face is diamond-shaped and she has high cheekbones, giving her a regal, sophisticated look. Her skin is bronze in color -- a trait granted by her Mediterranean heritage -- and overall, Lauren is quite the beautiful girl. Unfortunately, she purposely blends herself into the background so much that her beauty often goes unnoticed by those around her. She stands at about 5'5" and weighs in around 120 pounds, giving her that coveted hourglass shape that so many people yearn for. She's blessed with a C-cup, but she dresses modestly as to not draw too much attention to her own body. Lauren has a bit of an artistic streak, and it sometimes comes out in the clothing she chooses to wear.

Biography: Lauren was born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Brenden and Aubrey Van Asche. Things were fine at first, but when Lauren was around ten, her parents' marriage turned sour. They began fighting all the time and, inevitably, a divorce was in the works. Even the divorce would prove to be a vicious one, with Aubrey determined to take half of everything Brenden had when she left him.

In a mutual agreement, the splitting couple decided that it wasn't in their daughter's best interest to remain in such a rocky and unstable household. They might've grown to hate one another, but their mutual love for their daughter designated that they would take her best interests into account. A phone call later, Lauren was packing her bags and moving across the country to Highland Beach, California, and into the loving arms of her grandmother, Emma and her grandfather, Ben.

Never having been a social creature anyway, Lauren had a hard time fitting in at her new school. She wasn't particularly shunned by others, but she didn't go out of her way to make friends, and likewise, most people didn't go out of their way to befriend her, either. Hoping to get her more involved in social interaction, Grandmother Emma enrolled Lauren in ballet classes. Lauren grew into her own in ballet, even showing some natural affinity for the activity. She continued on with her ballet lessons, even going so far as to perform in a few plays at the local public arts center. However, ballet was just a hobby, not a lifestyle, and it was something that Lauren eventually started to lose interest in. She was active in ballet until her freshman year of high school, when she abruptly dropped her studies.

Freshman year was good to Lauren. Upon enrolling in Southridge High School, she came out of the shadow just a little more. She wasn't doing ballet anymore, so it allowed her to fully focus on her piano lessons, which she'd been actively practicing since she was five anyway. She'd become a beautiful pianist over the years, catching the eye of many a music patron throughout Southridge High School. Mrs. Lindbloom, in particular, seemed to notice Lauren's piano-playing abilities. Perhaps it was because the piano was the instrument of choice for the elderly music instructor as well. Mrs. Lindbloom offered to continue Lauren's lessons; an offer that both Lauren and Grandmother Emma immediately and graciously accepted.

Also during Freshman year, Lauren joined Southridge's Will to Wait Club, in which she vowed abstinance until marriage. This was, of course, a very proud moment for Grandmother Emma and Grandfather Ben. Other than her piano lessons and the Will to Wait Club, Lauren actively attempted to keep out of the limelight. It was just easier that way. Southridge was a big school, so as long as you weren't messing with the wrong crowd, life tended to be pretty easy. She never did quite bloom out of her shyness, either. Lauren is, and always has been, a beautiful girl in terms of looks, but because of her demeanor, she's often overlooked.

Overall, Lauren's a very shy person, so she avoids interaction with too many people. She has somewhat low self-esteem, although she tries not to let it show. Because of that, she sometimes comes off as stuck-up and uppity instead of shy and timid. Then again, Lauren has never really taken other people's opinions of her into account anyway. She leaves people alone, and in turn, they tend to leave her alone. However, at the beginning of her Senior year of high school, her beauty, no matter how dulled down she tried to make it, got her some attention she hadn't expected.

His name was Michael Hardy. He was popular, he was good-looking, he was basically what any woman could possibly want... on the outside, anyway. The most amazing part was that, for whatever reason, he seemed to take quite a liking to Lauren. It started out innocently enough, with Michael complimenting her on her piano playing. From there, the two formed an acquaintanceship, a loose friendship, and eventually, Michael out and out asked her out. Lauren, who was by this point completely smitten with the baseball player's charm and good looks, accepted this offer.

Things were great for a while. Great didn't even quite sum it up. To Lauren, things were perfect, at least at first. Her grandparents adored him and he was the perfect gentleman. However, the longer they were together, the more different Michael seemed. Inevitably, the question of sex worked its way into the relationship, and Lauren was put in an uncomfortable spot. Time after time, Michael brought up the topic, and time after time, Lauren stated the fact that she'd vowed abstinance until marriage. It went from being a random topic of conversation into being the start of full-fledged fights, with Michael going on to say that he was willing to put more into the relationship than she was. Although she never let it show, his words affected her more than she'd let on.

Finally, the issue became so large that it began to drive a wedge between the two. Lauren tried to explain to him that if he cared about her as much as he claimed, he'd be willing to wait. Michael wasn't hearing anything of it. Inevitably, the two wound up splitting up. Michael never did specifically tell her why he broke it off with her, but he didn't have to. Lauren knew. It hurt at first, but the longer she thought about it, the more she just brushed it off. She deserved someone better than that anyway. After their split, Lauren went back to lurking in the shadows. She'd been talked about the entire time they were together, simply for the fact that she was Michael Hardy's girlfriend. Now, she was just another student at Southridge High. Lauren was quickly finding out that she liked it better in the shadows anyway. Now, Lauren's back to being her quiet, timid self. Some things never change.

Advantages: She's quiet, mild-mannered, and generally keeps to herself. In that respect, she doesn't have any problems with anybody.

Disadvantages: Her temperment is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Lauren isn't comfortable with much social interaction. Because of that, it'd be hard for her to befriend anybody.
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