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Lacus Clyne

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:45 am
by Lacus*
Name: Lacus Clyne (previously Jenna Clyne)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Perfection, drama club, roll playing, singing, the Game Risk (that's because she wins at it a lot), war hammer 40k, Computers, sewing (she makes her own clothing, starting when she was 7) and above all anime (especially Gundam Seed).

Lacus is 5ft 2. She had blond hair, but dyed it pink to copy the person who she was named after. She has big grayish-blue eyes. She is very pale, almost Wight. Lacus is thin a rail (not literally), with a big appetite; she can eat every thing in her sight. She is a c-cup and openly declares it. She has and odd style of dress, any thing from bright pink yukata (Japanese style clothing) to her favorite, a dark purple dress with a short lilac skirt on top with a white sleeve-less top with golden lining and White add-on sleeves that includes purple fringes (she made this outfit herself). Her favorite clip that is a curved shape, one on top of the other is almost always in her hair (her style copies that of lacus From Gundam Seed For whom she is named for)

Jenna or now Lacus lives a normal life (or what she calls normal); she watches anime every day (that's what she calls normal). She lives with her 2 brothers, 3 sisters and her dad. Her mom died when she was 3. Her mom was an actress. Her father is a computer engineer. Being the youngest in her family growing up with 5 older siblings was a pain. Lacus constantly got in trouble with her siblings especially her 2 older brothers. She was constantly fighting over her father's affections. No mater what she tried she almost all ways failed. Even when she failed she still loved and respected her father so much, after all he gave her the original name of Jenna. She was often seen a failure by her father. Lacus often fought over choirs in the house that had to be done to win her fathers approval .I never seemed to work. What ever she did it never seemed to be sufficient. She decided that she would put 200% in every thing she did.
She was often picked on a lot because clothing style was odd (it often copied many things), also her love of anime did not help. Because of this she was very shy, until middle school. She met a girl named Helen in middle school. Helen liked what was so different about Laucs. Helen helped Lacus gain many friends. Her friends eventually threw her out of her shyness and into open dork hood. Her best friends introduced her into theater, Roll Playing, Risk, and the anime Gundam seed. After watching Gudam Seed she became taken with the character Lacuse's style of dress and Jenna, at that time, copied her style immediately. Her friends also convinced her into dyeing her hair pink and changing here name to Lacus upon their entry to high school (with many times of failing), thus copping the character Lacus further). This was with her sister's permission for help). She hopped her father would have approve, but of cores he didn't.

Every day she embraces her dork-hood with War Hammer, Anime, computers, theater, risk and Roll playing. She is a fair actress thank to her mom (or so she says). She is trying to fallow her dad by taking an interest in computers. No mater what she insists that he notice her and love her back. This is her way of doing things. She is known never to leave and problem unsolved, even if it's to much for just on person to handle. Lacus is a perfectionist and until she thinks something is perfect she works to make it that way.

Advantages: she is a fast talker because of her childhood of getting in trouble with her siblings a lot, and can get out of many sticky situations. She is short and can hide in many places. Lacus Also has a good mind for strategy because she plays Risk so much

Disadvantages: she is a slow runner. And is not to good at fighting at all. She tends to think that things are never perfect