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Krystal "Khris" Garnett

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:46 am
by Poptart*
Name: Krystal "Khris" Dale Garnett
Age: 19
Grade: 12
School: Southridge
Hobbies and Interests: Wrestling, writing, hiking, reading, socializing, light drinking, music (playing the guitar, singing, and listening to most genres), debating, horses, GLBT.

Appearance: Brown hair cut to a boyish buzz, left just hardly long enough to be run through with spiking gel and for the bright red hair-dye to be doubly evident, "Khris" has a beautifully thick face and body-- her squared jaw built naturally for her man-like tendencies, her toned arms and strong legs built over with both fat and muscle and her stomach plump with dreadfully (to her dismay at least) proportionate breasts. She is rather short, standing only 5'3", but is sturdy in her squat stature.

Wearing no make-up, her face is adorned with a relative few number of piercings. This would be including a tongue ring (a beautiful little rainbow ball usually), two pairs of holes in each ear, though she usually wears only one ear-ring daily, a simple nose stud and a small silver spike on her brow. Other such ‘ornaments' are mostly reduced simply to an arm band, wrist band and a simple gold cross on a long thin gold chain.

Clothes are whatever she finds in the morning that doesn't reek too badly; ripped baggy jeans (worked through, not pre-ripped), old t-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers, wife-beaters, male's dress pants and button-ups with ties for effect, baseball caps, bandanas. The works.

Biography: Average birth, average life. However, she was born and raised on a horse farm. Well, that's only partly right; she was born on a horse farm in Kentucky where she lived until she was four, and then her parents-- both well off southern achievers with a healthy bit of money (hence the horses)-- decided that their little farm in southern Kentucky did not suit well enough to raise their daughter since the only social aspects that were available to her were the foals and the farm-hands considering that the nearest neighborhood children were a good fifteen miles off and it was still a year before Krystal was to head to school.

And so they sold a fair few of the horses, paid off the farmhands, sold the beautiful old southern farmstead and bought an oddly out of place one in California.

Only five miles out from town, this new farm was not the beautiful rustic old of the previous, but it was larger with greater capacity for the horses and raising them to give lessons, as well as trail rides, with extra stall space for horse boarding. This, of course, suited her parents quite well and they made some decent business for the novelty and convenience of their proximity and prices.

For Krystal; she loved helping with the foals and ponies until she was large and in control enough to be able to feed and take care of the other horses alongside the hands and with the help of her father who played a large influence in her life. He taught her about the animals, how to treat and handle them, how to drive the tractor and run the power equipment.

However, despite the influence of her father, is was her mother who had the most positive and negative effect on the girl; her mother was who taught her to ride, to cook, to think and how to read people and animals. Making her a very caring and introspective and observant individual.

At school she was relatively social, enjoying everyone's company and getting along with everyone, and when she came out as a lesbian noone gave her any grief; either because they accepted it or dared not stand against the butch wrestler who could restrain a bucking mare, not to mention take down some of the largest boys in the school.

And so she was let be for her manly way of moving and speaking.
Many thought she was mean and brutal at first glance, but deeper still she is a sweet and caring girl who would only harm someone for someone she cared for.

Where most people expected her to come out as a homosexual, many were surprised in the beginning of Senior year to see her among the top ten of the class by way of academics, but there she was, in the school newspaper. Sure, she was on the later scale of the ten, but it was her name and her picture (one she didn't appreciate of her in a dress that she had worn once as a gag).

She's considering being a commuter from home to college after graduation at some technical school for Animal Sciences, Vet tech, or something along those lines. Or maybe she'll go in for journalism; little known fact is her passion and love for writing, and her skill in the area.

Advantages: She is strong with history in high school wrestling as well as working with testy horses that requires a great deal of physical strength and stamina, both of which she has in abundance.

Disadvantages: As a larger girl she is unable to move as fast or as agilely as others might.