Chris "Average" Joesi
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:03 am
Name: "Average" Chris Joesi, nicknamed "Average," or "Joey"
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12th
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and interests: "Average" Chris Joesi likes to try everything that he has the opportunity to have a shot at. Most activities can hold his interest, even though he might not be particularly good at any of them. The only area that Chris excels in is, curiously enough, getting into arguments. Chris has the unfortunate trait of being quick enough with his mouth that his brain doesn't manage to make a decision. In other words, Chris often says things without thinking, which inevitably leads to arguments. In kind Chris is good at defending himself both verbally and physically, skills that he develops by attending debate club and taking a little time to go to the gym.
Appearance: Chris' appearance is fairly well summed up by his nickname; average. Chris is about 5 foot 9"; with a fraction less weight on him than you would expect for somebody that height. Chris is built slightly more slender than the norm, as he is more athletic than muscular from his numerous sporting endeavours.
Chris' hair is a fairly nondescript light brown, and his eyes are a similar brown in colour. Chris isn't particularly tanned, though he's outside a lot he is inside for an almost equal amount of time and he wears a "cowboy" sun hat pretty much constantly. Chris has a face which is mildly attractive, though he doesn't exactly have girls fawning over him. He has a small vertical scar begining at his lower lip and extending to the bottom of his jaw which is quite livid and fairly recent.
Chris has no standard code of dress; his scope of clothes is as wide as his scope of activities, so Chris has a look for every occasion and a miraculous ability to change clothes in an instant. Given 20 or so seconds and a convenient place to hide and Chris will be in completely different attire.
Biography: To put it simply, Chris is average, average, average. It wasn't only because of his surname Joesi that a lot of people call him "Average Joe," Chris is not a brilliant thinker, nor a great athlete, he argues better than he debates and trains less than he babbles. Occasionally known as "Joey" Chris has rubbed just about everybody he ever met the wrong way at some point, those he disliked were condemned to endless verbal jibes and a fight if they took exception, those he liked subjected to constant pleas and attempts to resume friendship.
Chris doesn't do relationships by half measures. If you're a friend, you'll never be rid of him. If you're an enemy, almost nothing will convince him to resume his almost mythical "indifferent stance" There are very few people that Chris knows that he doesn't either love or hate. The only people not in one of these camps are ones that he doesn't actually know yet.
Regardless, or perhaps because of his attitudes, Chris is by nature a very determined person. However, this determination also accounts for a degree of bull-headedness; sometimes Chris is so single minded in the pursuit of an objective that he can't be reasoned with. For example after he once came close to last in an entire class track run, Chris became utterly focused on never suffering that kind of humiliation again. Never mind that he was still recovering from a serious fever. Chris decided that the reason he had done so badly was a lack of fitness and began running around the track time and time again. After several laps he collapsed and was admitted to hospital to be treated. Coupled with a relapse of his illness, Chris spent almost a month confined to bed.
Despite the negative implications of this trait, Chris is well known for never giving up, he'd rather be seriously injured than quit. Even if he's hurt or tired Chris will just keep going, though this can once again be misconstructed as sheer idiocy.
Growing up, Chris always had the freedom to do pretty much anything that he wanted to do. With a sickly older sister, and a very solitary brother two years his junior Chris was held as the apple of his parents' eyes. They didn't spoil him per se, but with one child almost unable to go out and the other prone to disappearing for days at a time, Chris' parents found they spent a lot more time with him than with his siblings. Perhaps the structure of his family was what led to Chris developing his "love 'em or hate 'em" attitude to people in general.
Chris always adored his sister Sophie. Often bedridden and confined to a wheelchair 90% of the time Sophie was a lonely and sad figure before her first brother came along. Chris doted upon her from an early age, and was capable of bringing a smile to her face far more frequently than their parents could manage. Of course, when Don, the pair's younger brother was born, Chris was still only two, and Sophie eleven but by the time Chris was seven, Sophie was sixteen and Don was five, friction began to emerge.
Don was jealous that his brother spent more time with their sister than with him, and Chris disliked Don because he would not stop bugging him with pleas to play and go out. Chris didn't mind at first, but in the fashion of a kid Don's age, even when Chris did pay attention to him he just wouldn't let up. Perhaps the middle Joesi was guilty of being judgemental and not taking into account his brother's age. On the ohter hand, Chris was young himself.
Regardless of any of this, Chris and Don were never close, and in turn the two of them began a fued which would last for years and drive their parents and sister to despair. While Chris was bigger and tougher than Don, easily beating him in any phsyical disputes, Don was sneaky and clever and Chris was the victim of many a prank of his.
The entire rivalry came to a head when Chris reached his sixteenth and Don his fourteenth year (the brothers sharing a birthday). Despite express orders to be on their best behaviour the two of them had a particularly heated argument in the morning, culminating in Chris declaring that the world was a marginally worse place for having Don in it. As Don fled the scene in tears Chris was confined to his room for the remainder of the day as punishment for his words. Meanwhile Don had taken what Chris had said to heart and decided he might as well just do the right thing and get rid of himself. (It should be noted that Don suffered from severe bouts of depression, and Chris had triggered an especially bad one) Chris carefully considered what he had said and made up his mind to apologise to his younger brother. Chris was horrified to discover Don with a kitchen knife at his throat and rushed to stop him before it was too late. Panicked and paranoid Don slashed Chris with the knife, cutting his face deeply below the lip. Stunned he had hurt his brother, Don immediately dropped the knife and went to help him. The result of this encounter was extremely positive: Don agreed to attend Rehab, Chris patched up relations with his brother and he eased off his extremes very slightly.
Advantages: Due to his diverse range of interests, Chris can fit in with most people, as he knows a lot about a lot of things and has a diverse range of skills. Also, his friendliness endears him to those who are his friends.
Disadvantages: Chris could argue with a brick wall and though his devotion as a friend is nice, it can become cloying. Despite having become slightly less unforgiving as pertaining to relationships, there are still a lot of fresh wounds from Chris' words or grudges in the past and few trust that he won't return to his old ways.
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12th
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and interests: "Average" Chris Joesi likes to try everything that he has the opportunity to have a shot at. Most activities can hold his interest, even though he might not be particularly good at any of them. The only area that Chris excels in is, curiously enough, getting into arguments. Chris has the unfortunate trait of being quick enough with his mouth that his brain doesn't manage to make a decision. In other words, Chris often says things without thinking, which inevitably leads to arguments. In kind Chris is good at defending himself both verbally and physically, skills that he develops by attending debate club and taking a little time to go to the gym.
Appearance: Chris' appearance is fairly well summed up by his nickname; average. Chris is about 5 foot 9"; with a fraction less weight on him than you would expect for somebody that height. Chris is built slightly more slender than the norm, as he is more athletic than muscular from his numerous sporting endeavours.
Chris' hair is a fairly nondescript light brown, and his eyes are a similar brown in colour. Chris isn't particularly tanned, though he's outside a lot he is inside for an almost equal amount of time and he wears a "cowboy" sun hat pretty much constantly. Chris has a face which is mildly attractive, though he doesn't exactly have girls fawning over him. He has a small vertical scar begining at his lower lip and extending to the bottom of his jaw which is quite livid and fairly recent.
Chris has no standard code of dress; his scope of clothes is as wide as his scope of activities, so Chris has a look for every occasion and a miraculous ability to change clothes in an instant. Given 20 or so seconds and a convenient place to hide and Chris will be in completely different attire.
Biography: To put it simply, Chris is average, average, average. It wasn't only because of his surname Joesi that a lot of people call him "Average Joe," Chris is not a brilliant thinker, nor a great athlete, he argues better than he debates and trains less than he babbles. Occasionally known as "Joey" Chris has rubbed just about everybody he ever met the wrong way at some point, those he disliked were condemned to endless verbal jibes and a fight if they took exception, those he liked subjected to constant pleas and attempts to resume friendship.
Chris doesn't do relationships by half measures. If you're a friend, you'll never be rid of him. If you're an enemy, almost nothing will convince him to resume his almost mythical "indifferent stance" There are very few people that Chris knows that he doesn't either love or hate. The only people not in one of these camps are ones that he doesn't actually know yet.
Regardless, or perhaps because of his attitudes, Chris is by nature a very determined person. However, this determination also accounts for a degree of bull-headedness; sometimes Chris is so single minded in the pursuit of an objective that he can't be reasoned with. For example after he once came close to last in an entire class track run, Chris became utterly focused on never suffering that kind of humiliation again. Never mind that he was still recovering from a serious fever. Chris decided that the reason he had done so badly was a lack of fitness and began running around the track time and time again. After several laps he collapsed and was admitted to hospital to be treated. Coupled with a relapse of his illness, Chris spent almost a month confined to bed.
Despite the negative implications of this trait, Chris is well known for never giving up, he'd rather be seriously injured than quit. Even if he's hurt or tired Chris will just keep going, though this can once again be misconstructed as sheer idiocy.
Growing up, Chris always had the freedom to do pretty much anything that he wanted to do. With a sickly older sister, and a very solitary brother two years his junior Chris was held as the apple of his parents' eyes. They didn't spoil him per se, but with one child almost unable to go out and the other prone to disappearing for days at a time, Chris' parents found they spent a lot more time with him than with his siblings. Perhaps the structure of his family was what led to Chris developing his "love 'em or hate 'em" attitude to people in general.
Chris always adored his sister Sophie. Often bedridden and confined to a wheelchair 90% of the time Sophie was a lonely and sad figure before her first brother came along. Chris doted upon her from an early age, and was capable of bringing a smile to her face far more frequently than their parents could manage. Of course, when Don, the pair's younger brother was born, Chris was still only two, and Sophie eleven but by the time Chris was seven, Sophie was sixteen and Don was five, friction began to emerge.
Don was jealous that his brother spent more time with their sister than with him, and Chris disliked Don because he would not stop bugging him with pleas to play and go out. Chris didn't mind at first, but in the fashion of a kid Don's age, even when Chris did pay attention to him he just wouldn't let up. Perhaps the middle Joesi was guilty of being judgemental and not taking into account his brother's age. On the ohter hand, Chris was young himself.
Regardless of any of this, Chris and Don were never close, and in turn the two of them began a fued which would last for years and drive their parents and sister to despair. While Chris was bigger and tougher than Don, easily beating him in any phsyical disputes, Don was sneaky and clever and Chris was the victim of many a prank of his.
The entire rivalry came to a head when Chris reached his sixteenth and Don his fourteenth year (the brothers sharing a birthday). Despite express orders to be on their best behaviour the two of them had a particularly heated argument in the morning, culminating in Chris declaring that the world was a marginally worse place for having Don in it. As Don fled the scene in tears Chris was confined to his room for the remainder of the day as punishment for his words. Meanwhile Don had taken what Chris had said to heart and decided he might as well just do the right thing and get rid of himself. (It should be noted that Don suffered from severe bouts of depression, and Chris had triggered an especially bad one) Chris carefully considered what he had said and made up his mind to apologise to his younger brother. Chris was horrified to discover Don with a kitchen knife at his throat and rushed to stop him before it was too late. Panicked and paranoid Don slashed Chris with the knife, cutting his face deeply below the lip. Stunned he had hurt his brother, Don immediately dropped the knife and went to help him. The result of this encounter was extremely positive: Don agreed to attend Rehab, Chris patched up relations with his brother and he eased off his extremes very slightly.
Advantages: Due to his diverse range of interests, Chris can fit in with most people, as he knows a lot about a lot of things and has a diverse range of skills. Also, his friendliness endears him to those who are his friends.
Disadvantages: Chris could argue with a brick wall and though his devotion as a friend is nice, it can become cloying. Despite having become slightly less unforgiving as pertaining to relationships, there are still a lot of fresh wounds from Chris' words or grudges in the past and few trust that he won't return to his old ways.