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Cecilia Reyes

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:04 am
by OverusedReason*
Name: Cecilia Reyes
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12th Senior
School: Southridge
Hobbies and interests: Allowing time to pass by, as well as watching movement and development take place. She also joined the Visuals Club in the beggining of this school year and has for two years belonged to the Debate Club (the result of another of her queer fixations).

Appearance: Her light brown hair, curling down along her face, has the ability to nicely enclose the picture she generaly proyects with her behavior. Her eyebrows seem to exagerate this impression even more with the way they adjust along her eyes. However, they are neither slanted nor strong, they're simply shocking. She also has a slightly broad back and tends to slouch. Her face is somewhat elegant but her posture does not add much else.

Cecilia is certain that whenever her bursts to search for a characteristic quality about someone flourish, they have always lead her to stumble upon uncomfortable matters. Moreover, she has a general habit of interpreting things rushingly in her mind before they can actually be fully revealed. As a result of this, she is constantly avoiding misunderstandings and also likes, as a reafirmation, to explain the reason to her clumsy reactions even though most people can detect that it was all an accident. However, its always far better to settle things so she can finally return to her previous passive attitude.

Biography: Raised by professors, it is always a pleasure to silently reasure herself that she must have had a very amusing childhood. Although some unstable, confusing events have happened in her life, and although at such moments she usually prefers to focus on them perhaps too much, she generally regards her past as a pleasant presence that will always remain constant in her daily life. However, once bad luck invades her life, she feels the need to explain things more thoroughly, even if her intention is to favour others. This she does specially when she is almost certain that the offender's intention was a vicious one. The more hurting the case seems, the more she hurries in painting it all up. This leads to mild, insistent bursts that always seem uncomfortable to their friends precisely because of the comical air it adds to watch her "forget" things so quickly.

Her academic life is not mediocre, but still average. Those lessons which do not interest her are uncertainly discarded, and once that's done she can only achieve a good grade by a last-minute resposible act.

Parents have always been intense with her, which has greatly influenced her life. Their presence is cartoonish but not grotesque or numb.

Advantages: Her desire to avoid unpleasantness and her intense introspective.

Disadvantages: Her wavering insistence and queer fixations. Also, her method of discarding in order to reach what she deems more just.