Carcer "Fitzie" Fitzgerald

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V3 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Doom Noggin*
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:03 am

Carcer "Fitzie" Fitzgerald


Post by Doom Noggin* »

Name: Carcer "Fitzie" Fitzgerald
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Southridge High
Hobbies and Interests: Rock climbing and hackey sack

Appearance: A taller boy, about 6'4", with shaggy, flaming red hair that usually pokes out all around his favorite olive-green beanie, and some wonder how he sees through it as it hangs down over his emerald eyes. He would be quite a lanky fellow If not for the few years he's been into rock climbing. His lower body is still somewhat lacking in tone and mass, but his upper body has benefited from his hobby. His arms are surprisingly built for his body type, forearms slightly larger than his upper arms. Since he can remember, he's always been a t-shirt, blue jeans, Chuck Taylors type of guy. Most days you'll find him with a goofy, crooked grin on his freckled face which wrinkles his slightly larger than average nose. The way he walks is almost reminiscent of Shaggy from Scooby Doo. He's always been teased about that...

Biography: Fitzie was an only child. Raised poor. Most of his childhood was spent reading comic books and fantasizing about his own super powers. And with a weird name like Carcer, he wasn't the most popular kid in school (A large reason he opts to introduce himself as "Fitzie")...None of that ever really bothered him, though. He might not have been born with much money, but what he lacked in that department, he made up for in brains, and a pretty optimistic outlook on life. You do what you can with what you've got, you do your best to be good to other people, You pull your own weight. Regardless of social status. These are the ideals he was raised with. And these are the ideals he holds to be true. And up 'till now, he's never questioned them.

His parents were always selfless. They only wanted the best for Carcer, always trying to get him to be active in school, pressuring him from a child to go to college. Get a good education. Get a good job. Settle into a boring, but productive life. Be nothing like them..."Follow what we say, not what we've done." But regardless of everything he's seen, and everything he's been told, his mind is unchanged by any of it. He always had the capacity to do well in school, he just didn't apply himself. He was a C average student...And that was on a good year. He wishes nothing more than to be free. And the only thing that he is ever certain of, is that...Well...Nothing is certain, and he has no set path. He goes where his feet carry him, and shies away from any concrete planning. He never had the heart to tell them that he pretty much planned on being a wanderer. All he wanted to do was travel and see as much of the world as he could before he died. He loved the idea of things like taking a biking trip across Europe, or hitchhiking the length of a country, or sailing around, living on a houseboat, only docking to restock his supplies. A free spirit...

Oddly and ironically enough, he'll have an extremely confining collar around his neck soon...

He never had any reason to adopt any organized religion as his own, because, again, that's another thing that has a set of limitations and guidelines. If anything, religion holds people back spiritually, when, really, it should be setting them free. They're all cults as far as Fitzie is concerned. Of course, he has his own set of personal beliefs, but he refuses to force them on others. He also believes that if something makes you feel good, DO IT! No matter what it is. As long as it doesn't hurt anybody else. That's why he never had a problem getting into pot and 'shrooms. He never risked the addiction of harder drugs, but he always liked the feeling he got from mind-altering substances.

Mostly he keeps to himself, which adds a note of intrigue for the people that have seen him about. He always had a good head on his shoulders, but he was always prone to blind trust for strangers. That's just his nature (Not great for the place he's heading)...And that's a big reason he likes to keep to himself. 95% of the people in his life he decided to trust have either screwed him over or just bailed on him. He never wanted to hurt anybody. Kind of a tree hugger, too, actually. Too bad he's about to get involved in the most brutal thing since karaoke, huh? SOTF is just the kind of thing that'll turn a good kid's world upside-down.

Advantages: He's tall. And he has long limbs, which makes it easier to see/step/leap over some things. This, coupled with his intermediate climbing ability makes it easier to take higher ground. He has exceptional hand-eye coordination from playing a lot of hackey sack and video games. And often times, ladies find his mysterious disposition irresistible.

Disadvantages: He's tall. And he has FLAMING red hair. Two things which make it difficult to hide in some places, as they are both extremely noticeable. He's also clumsy, despite his keen hand-eye coordination. He is also deathly afraid of earwigs, ever since he saw that "Tales From the Crypt" episode. He detests guns and swore he would never use one. Let's see how long that lasts, shall we? And his trusting nature has been known to betray him...
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