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Burton Harrison*

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:06 am
by Deleted User (V4)
Name: Burton R. Harrison
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Grade: 12
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Burton's an observer, and a keen one at that. Much of his day is spent absorbed in his IPOD, simply watching people and paying attention to their actions. Outside of that, he doesn't socialize too much. It's not that he's an outcast from his peers, it's rather that Burton's never required much in the way of social interaction. He's interested in music, and listens to it quite often. Aside from that, Burton tends to be found in his basement, playing the guitar or reading wikipedia, learning about whatever subject happens to interest him that day. In-school, he doesn't get involved with anything at all.

Appearance: Burton stands at the relatively average height of 5'11, and is of an average build. He's not muscular nor is he athletic, but it's primarily out of inactivity that his frame isn't at all noteworthy. His hair is red, but not a bright red, rather a dull, darker red that's really almost brown. It spills messily around his head and comes down over his ears and sometimes his eyes. His eyes are green, and seem to hold an intelligence to them, though very few people have actually looked into them. He is usually found with stubble, but it suits him and gives him that `mysterious`kind of look. When it comes to clothing, Burton`s usually clad in a black or brown sweatshirt when the weather is cool, and when it`s warmer, he usually wears a collared shirt with short sleeves. He`s always wearing dark green khakis; the kind that you can zip the legs off, however he`s never done so. Burton very rarely speaks, but when he does (mainly out of necessity), he speaks in a low, calm voice. Almost emotionless, but not.

Biography: Burton was born to two middle-class parents, one a pharmacist and the other a kindergarten teacher. As stereotypical an upbringing as one can have, Burton was an unusual child. Form a very young age, his parents worried that he had some sort of disability or mental defect, because he never spoke a word. Doctors tested him repeatedly and insisted that everything seemed to be fine. However, the fact remained that he never spoke a word. His parents tried to teach him as normally as they could, not knowing what the problem was, and why he never seemed to acknowledge them. Burton finally broke his silence at the age of 4 when he walked up to his father and asked for a box of crayons to colour with. When his wide-eyed parents asked him why he`d never spoken, he simply responded that he hadn`t had much to say. This kind of behaviour continued well into his adolescence. While Burton talked with more frequency after that, he still has a tendancy not to answer when spoken to, especially if the answer to the question might be obvious. He`s never really had too many friends at all, but it`s mainly because he`s never felt the need for any. His marks have always been quite good, except when it comes to the verbal aspect, and working together with his fellow peers. He struggles in group work, even though he`s extremely intelligent.

Burton has a pretty good relationship with his parents, even though they feel distant from him because of his lack of relation to them. This is something that occasionally they wish could change, but they just hope that he'll grow out of it. But since he's 20, their hopes are beginning to wane for that. Burton started late in school because of his parents worry over him having a disability, hence his age. Burton writes his thoughts down in a journal that he keeps hidden in his house. He's intensely private and prefers it to be that way.

Advantages: Burton`s quite smart, and he`s got a very good head on his shoulders. He`s resourceful and he can usually tell what people are going to do judging by their personalities. He`s a good read of character, thanks mainly to his observations of people. He knows a lot about people around school, even though they may not know him.

Disadvantages: He has absolutely no friends, or aquaintances. He knows people from working with them in classes and whatnot, but that`s it. He`s not exactly athletic, so in terms of having to exert himself, he may have difficulty. May have trouble talking himself out of situations due to the way that he is.