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Alison Raynor

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:09 am
by valamir*
Name: Alison "Minesweeper Girl" Raynor
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Grade: 12
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Solitaire, Minesweeper, Reading, Spacing out

Appearance: She has dark brown hair, the bottom of which just barely touches her shoulder. Her face is devoid of any distinguishing characteristics. She has dark brown eyes, and is of average skin color for a Caucasian woman. She doesn't stand out as either the prettiest face, or the ugliest, in any crowd. She is extremely thin, as her parents forget to feed her. Flat as a board, she has absolutely nothing going for her, other than her mind. She wears clothing that was handed down to her from her parents, which usually consists of a sweatshirt, or her father's flannel shirts and jeans. All in all, she isn't exactly the most noticeable person ever.

Biography: For a very long time, Alison has been ignored by everyone around her. Alison has no friends, and as a result often talks to herself quietly. Her parents don't even seem to notice her, and indeed nor does anyone else. She has been held back from graduating often because of teachers forgetting that she needed her exam. The only member of the school staff that even realizes she exists is the librarian, who she cannot avoid interacting with. She often avoids interaction, due to her severe lack of social skills, yet secretly she only wishes to be noticed by everyone, just once, no matter the cost, be it to her, or anyone else.

Her favorite activities have consisted of playing Chess by herself, playing Solitaire, and even playing Go with herself since childhood. She is very good at online chess, and has a knack for games of deception, but this is the only place she knows anyone, and no one there knows the face behind "space_cadet273." Alison has a computer in her room with Linux running on it, and a smaller computer in her purse, which she struggles to carry to school. This laptop, however, isn't very compact, and the most advanced program it runs is Minesweeper She can almost always be found with books, her laptop, and a small horde of food. She carries 3,5 1M Floppy disks with the Windows 3.1 installation files on them, including minesweeper. Despite her struggle, she is often one of the first people in the school, and as such is often treated as more of a room accessory than a person.

She had never fit into any groups in school, and began to turn to books to read about the interesting things that everyone else was doing. As a direct result, she lost whatever friends she had at the time. Alison then turned to the internet for free time, and soon became obsessed with the minesweeper program on her home computer. She began to lose track of time while playing it, and would often go for days without sleep just to continue playing minesweeper. She sees minesweeper as equivalent to a person in terms of respect.

As this happened, her parents slowly forgot that they even had a daughter, and teachers began to forget to give her tests during exam time. Students forgot her name, and it became quite common to ignore her presence in a room. Her name was quickly replaced with "Minesweeper" by those searching for something to call her. Only the members of the yearbook committee and the principal still knew her name, though it was a real gamble as to whether they could remember it on any given day.

Normally, the treatment that everyone had offered her would be subject to a lawsuit, yet she doesn't care what anyone does to her so long as she was able to play Minesweeper. When she gets bored of Minesweeper, she can be found at the school library and, more likely, at the public library. She enjoys reading large how-to books, and will demonstrate her prowess with computers to anyone who wants to see her set up Minesweeper on a toaster. She is quite talented with strategy and observation, should she decide to apply those skills to something other than Minesweeper, yet that is all she does, and Minesweeper is the only program her laptop is set to run.

Advantages: She is very well read, and has a good mind for strategy. She also goes unnoticed by a lot of people.

Disadvantages: She isn't very athletic, and so can't run fast or far. She also has difficulty with any social situations.