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Afakū Heseri*

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:11 am
by Deleted User (V4)
Name: Afakū Heseri
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 12th grade
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: None. No extracurriculars or sports, and no real hobbies.

Appearance: Afaku Ceyere is rather waifish, standing at 5'4 and weighing at about 108 pounds. He was not handsome. He was pretty. For him, this would become a natural huge distinction. Likely due to his family's history of incest, Afaku had a natural feminine look and was clearly more androgynous than not. He had been, more than once, mistaken for a cross-dressing female. His measurements and physical shape already exceeded the vast majority of women, and his face and hair would put them to shame. His voice was also rather high which did not help this. His affinity for skills often perceived as feminine (cooking, housecleaning, etc.) didn't help either. He has extremely long black hair going down below his chest. His skin was extremely pale, like a cross between paper and ceramic. His eyes were extremely large and his eyelashes obscenely long. His hair was jet black and hung all the way below his rather thin waist and fairly large hips. He had very little body hair, and absolutely no facial hair. His dressing style is rather...inconsistent. Some people don't know he's a guy, but some do. He doesn't purposely look like a female, he just naturally does. In short: He's a trap.

Biography: Anaku has moved to and from a huge variety of countries. He was born in Chincheng, Fujian, Republic of China but quickly moved before he could remember his birthplace. He was the youngest son in his family, possessing an older brother, and two older sisters. Barely a week after he was born, his parents quickly moved to the industrial centre of the PRC, Shenyang, to take advantage of the economic growth. His family, already extremely wealthy being descended from Manchu aristocrats that fled to Japan in the wake of the Chinese revolution.

When his parents were children, they later moved to the Republic of China in the wake of the explosion of their economy. Afaku's grandparents quickly accumulated a moderate fortune with the smaller fortune they already had through somewhat shady business practices and the trafficking of black gold. His parents did even greater by using that wealth to gain leverage in even more illicit businesses (i.e: crime), causing their family to grow extraordinarily wealthy before Afaku was even born. Just after he was born, they moved to Shenyang to set up even more illicit business that infested Northeast China.

Just a short while later, his family moved to Russia just in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Capitalizing on this, they established illicit business that infested the Russian Far East, growing even richer. In the wake of the Asian financial crisis, they moved yet again to the Republic of Korea, infesting many of the poorer provinces with their "illicit business". By linking up with contacts in Japan, his parents established a vast web of illicit business, mostly notably large amounts of human trafficking and prostitution(especially Enjo Kosai in Japan), all over East Asia and the Russian Far East.

Afaku was not born into wonderful circumstances. His constant movement allowed him never to make many friends and for the most of his life, he remained rather isolated. His parents were unsurprisingly never present (it might have been worse if they were), and he almost never saw his siblings. He finally settled in the United States when he was ten after his parents, greedy as always, hoped to spread their business of misery to more continents. At a young age, he was not particularly impacted when his parents were killed. To him, it really made no difference. They were honestly strangers, and he felt nothing when he heard of their demise. They were killed by the Russian army after attempting to create a version of Survival of the Fittest in Russia and China and clearly failing.

The huge family fortune quickly shifted to their uncle who quickly adopted the children. After he was executed by the People's Republic of China for several heinous crimes, his oldest sister took control as matriarch of their family. She was executed in Japan for several even more heinous crimes, leaving her younger brother, Afaku's older brother, to take control as patriarch.

The family fortune collapsed. Though still extraordinarily wealthy, the fact that each successive "leader" had no talent whatsoever and were horrible spendthrifts greatly reduced the wealth. Even his parents were spendthrifts, especially when it came to alcoholics, which they indulged almost hourly in.

He had excellent experience with weaponry simply because he had played around with guns in his childhood. With no friends or family, he often simply snuck out alcohol and guns and indulged in both. It was amazing he survived.

Afaku always was very detached from the rest of the family. His family was more of a grouping of strangers than an actual family. He first started making friends in his new home when we around 12, but he was still awkward at it. Or at least he thought he was. He was amazing at learning languages. He could speak a variety of languages, especially English, flawlessly and without accent.

He was a natural people person. People flocked around him simply because he was nice, pretty, had a comforting aura, and generally made people happy. Because he came from a different education system, he was inadvertently skipped a grade.

Despite being younger than almost everyone else, most people think he's older. He lives completely alone though he does now get a stipend from his brother every month.

Despite his extremely wealthy family, his childhood was extremely deprived. He never really had things that most children had like toys, tools, books, or edible food. He rarely ate, mostly because his parents rarely bothered to feed him. Other than those two times his father went insane with rage and attacked him with a box knife, he had never really been mistreated, just completely neglected. It was obvious his parents didn't have the time, energy, or caring to actually care for him, so they just let him be.

Strangely enough, this may have had a better effect than if he hadn't been cared for. His parents were greedy, empty of compassion, bigoted, hateful, violent, antisocial, sociopathic, psychopathic, brutal, crass, selfish, and murderers, traits they never passed down to their son because they had never even bothered to raise him. Interestingly enough, he had somehow acquired great devoutness in religion somewhere across the line of his life and did not particularly fear death as an end to existence.

Despite his wonderfully innocent, bubbly, and kind nature, he was quite an odd person if you knew him personally, which almost nobody did. Everyone "liked him" and he had many friends, but none of these friends were really close. Despite being popular, he never hung out with other kids because they were all friends, but somewhat distant friends. Maybe you could call him an acquaintance that everyone liked. Everyone knew him...but nobody really knew him. Everyone really liked him but he had very few close friends.

He was somewhat introverted and afraid of approaching people. If he had the ability to approach people and socialize more with those unfamiliar, he would likely be one of the most popular students on campus. As it stands now, he's liked by mostly everyone, but not particularly popular.

Privately, he was a paradoxical boy. He was misogynistic and effeminate simultaneously. He was mostly asexual but spent hours of his time browsing and looking at Japanese explicit materials. He had a horrible fear of blood but loved guro. He was outgoing and always the life of a party whenever he was invited, but he often was an introvert and couldn't keep eye contact with anyone. He often appeared confident but than appeared to collapse whenever anyone confronted him with anything. He was narcissistic and suffered from an extraordinarily low self-esteem at the same time. He struck people as one who wouldn't even touch anime, but he spent great deals of his time watching girly romance Shojo anime. He's actually a chronic liar but often has an honest, innocent, and naive aura. He was excellent at disguising his voice, sounding like a normal boy one second and a little Japanese schoolgirl the second. No one knew which was his real voice. He was always full of compassion for anyone who needed it, and was horrified and disgusted with hatred, violence, and suffering. Despite that, he is simultaneously a sadist who draws actual arousal from the pain of others, even his own, though he's kept that completely secret.

Advantages: Excellent manipulator of people, insightful, and excellent at prediction. Extremely easy to get along with. Reasonable. Excellent mediator of problems and often calms people down. Has an uncanny way with words. Excellent experience with weapons and reflexes.

Disadvantages: He's too willing to please and easy to dominate. Often avoids any verbal confrontation. Cannot make eye contact. Very little physical strength. Too compassionate.