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You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:25 am
by RePeate*
((Continued from 8 ball, nasal pocket))

Gabe fumbled through his pockets for his housekeys. He pulled out the long lanyard that held them and unlocked his front door. His arm was now wrapped snuggly around Kara's waist, and for a moment he forget he was even mad at her to begin with. He'd also forgotten that his parents were at home. He opened the door and waltzed inside with Kara on his arm. "God, you're amazing. I'm so glad you know how I feel. You have no idea how long I've been holding that in" he exclaimed rather loudly. Instantly he realized he was inside and his parents and brothers were asleep. The lights were out, and he motioned Kara to be silent by placing a finger in front of his pursed lips. "Oops" he said quietly with half a laugh. His eyes were bright with happiness again, and he soon slipped off his shoes and motioned for Kara to follow him. They tiptoed to his room, and he closed his door as silently as possible. He turned on the light after listening intently for anyone wandering around. "Ok, I think everyone's asleep" he whispered. He fixed his posture upright, took Kara's hand into his own, and moved in for yet another in their long series of kisses...

Re: You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:25 am
by baby_g*
There was something that had always excited her about being over at Gabe's house when his parents were there and didn't know. She loved the feeling so much it gave her butterflies to think of it. She tried to be extra careful as she followed Gabe to his room and sat on his bed waiting for him to give the 'all clear'. When he walked towards her, Kara moved over so he could lay down next to her. Once both were on the bed laying down they began to kiss again. Kara pushed her tongue against his as she let a soft moan excape from her lips, as her hand slid up his bare back. She didn't want to make too much of it, seeing as his parents were still in the house... but that didn't mean she wasn't going to make the most of it.

"I love you too."

Re: You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:25 am
by RePeate*
Gabe held Kara softly in his arms, embracing her gently and caressing her small feminine lips. He lay next to her, facing her while lying on his side in the bed. His arms were wrapped snuggly around her, as he helt the right side of her head gently in his hand. He pushed his tongue depper into her warm mouth and escalated the kiss. Things were getting hot and heavy pretty fast as they always did when the two of them were alone. Gabe was reaching around Kara's back in the all too familiar manouver to unhook her bra one-handedly. He had just finished undoing one of the delicate clasps on her back when there was a scratching noise at the bedroom door. "Dusty" he said a bit loudly "Go away! Shoo!". Dusty was Gabe's golden retriever, and she could be very persistant at getting inside Gabe's bedroom. She scratched at the door some more. "Damn it Dusty, get lost!" he snapped at the closed door. The scratching got worse and he could hear the dog whimpering to get inside. He got up off the bed and made his way to the room's door to open it.

There, standing at the door to his room stood Gabe's mother, paused with hand in the air as if about to knock. His sudden opening of the door caught her offguard, and the dog rushed in immediately and jumped up on the bed to lick Kara's face. His mom blinked a few times and adjusted to the situation. "Oh, Gabe" she said, shocked to find him home (with a girl, no less), "I thought I heard you in there. Is everything alright? Who's your friend? Is that Kara I see? Oh, hello Kara" she said, clearly embarassed for both parties involved.

Re: You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:25 am
by baby_g*
Kara sat quietly looking only at Gabe's dog Dusty as his mother tried to muster what sounded like disappointed anger at the fact that she was in the room with him. Thoughts of grabbing her shoes and excusing herself so that they could talk flooded her mind... though she knew that if she did that, she'd have to most likely make eye contact with her, and the idea of that wasn't working for Kara very well. What made matters worse was that Kara's bra was laying on the ground in plan sight from when Gabe had unhooked it and she had removed it as he went to open the door for his dog.

"Um... Hi."

The 'I don't take this shit from anyone' side of Kara was telling her to close the door and take Gabe back to his bed. At least, that's what would have happened in her house if her mom came to the door. Things were different at Gabe's though... he actually, from what it seemed... respected his parents. She just hoped that this wouldn't spoil their evening.

Great..... just great.

Re: You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:25 am
by RePeate*
Gabe stood at the door in sheer horror. His parent's abided by many of his wrongdoings, but he knew they wouldn't stand for underage drinking and pre-marital sex. They were far too controlling of his life. His mother may not say anything right now out of sheer embarassment but he knew the tongue lashing his step-father would be giving him the next day at breakfast. "Mom, uh, yeah, I just got back in. Yeah, so me and Kara just wanted to hang out here for a bit before I walk her home" he said in the second most uncomfortable thing to happen to him that night. "God, when does it end?" he thought to himself.

"Oh, ok sweetie. I'm just glad you're ok" she said. Then she paused and sniffed the air around his face. "Gabe", she said crossly, "have you been drinking beer? Oh my God, you have! I should wake up your father right now and make him have a talk with you." She moved to the side of the door, out of view from Kara. She liked Kara, she really did. The two of them have had some good time to bond over the few months Gabe had been dating her. But seeing Kara's bra on the floor before Gabe had a chance to push it under the bed had done nothing to help the situation. Gabe's mom was now whispering in a forceful tone. "Is she staying here tonight without our permission again? Have you two been out drinking? Is that what's been going on?". Gabe wanted to find a rock to crawl under and die. He was not only embarassed for himself, but could only imagine what was going through Kara's mind.

Gabe dismissed his mom's questioning by playing dumb, as he often did. "Uh, no, it's just we had a few beers at a friends house. I didn't want to wake you guys up, and our place was along the way. I didn't know you didn't like me having some beers. I thought you guys were alright with it". He would never have even tried to say something even close to that had he been sober. "Alright?!?! Alright with you drinking?!? Why would you think I'd be alright with that? Do you think I'm such a orrible mom who doesn't care that her little kids are going out drinking on a school night? Do you Gabe?! Answer me now!" she said in a very unfamiliar angry voice. Gabe looked over at Kara, and noticed a degree of discomfort in her body language. He felt it would be best to diffuse the situation now instead of drawing it out.

"Mom, I'm sorry" he said with fake sincerity "I made a bad choice tonight. It won't happen again. I'm sorry". His mom got noticeably calmer, having bought into Gabe's lie. "Well, see that it doesn't. We're gonna have a long talk in the morning. I'm sure your father will have something to say about all this" she replied. And without making any eye contact with Kara whatsoever out of sheer embarassment, she closed the door to his room on him and bid them goodnight.

Re: You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:26 am
by baby_g*
"Shh.. don't worry.. they're not yelling at you." Kara whispered to Dusty keeping her full attention on her. Listening closely, though it really wasnt that hard to miss, she could hear Gabe's mom go on about his drinking and how he'd have to listen to another talk from his step-dad. Kara wished Gabe could be more like her when it came to parents. It'd be easier just to say 'get lost' and close the door than to sit there and be yelled at. One of the things that annoyed her about his house was how it always seemed that the parents were in charge of it. The way Kara saw it was that the only thing parents were really good at or useful for, was being a major cock block.

Now that it was just the three of them, Gabe Kara and Dusty, Kara moved the puppy off the bed to make space for her boyfriend, who now was obviously out of the mood.

Stupid parents... Kara sighed.

"Listen baby, it's okay.. she didn't kick me out, thats good. If it makes you feel better we can just go to sleep...."

Re: You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:26 am
by RePeate*
Gabe sighed, and then chuckled a bit. "Geeze, they're SO pissed. I'm going to be totally fucked tomorrow. Man, this just isn't my night". He then proceeded to crawl in under the covers as Dusty curled up on the floor in her usual spot. "Or maybe it isn't" he said slyly as he slipped his hand under Kara's shirt, cupping her now bra-less breast. He'd always thought Kara's breasts were her claim to fame. Not too big, not too small, but a good shape with nice small nipples (the way he liked), good wieght and firmness, and a nice even coloration. Just thinking about them turned Gabe on. "Maybe it's the booze talking, but have you done something to your hair lately. I really like it like that, sweetie. You look really hot tonight". He continued his covert fondling, but lay his head down next to hers as if ready to leave it at that stage for the night.

It was shaping up to be one of those evenings...

Re: You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:26 am
by baby_g*
Gabe returned back to Kara, snuggling close next to her. She, too, went under the covers after removing her skirt, so that she could get comfy and ready for a good sleep. Kara wasn't expecting, though she should have known, Gabe to reach under her shirt and fondle her as he went on about how she looked that night. Her hair wasn't really that different.. though she did like that he 'noticed'. The compliments, though coming from someone who was drunk, were nice too. The E had worn off now thus remaining only Kara in her red t-shirt, black panties, next to her drunken boyfriend who couldn't make up his mind whether to get it on or fall asleep. If this had been any other time of day and his parents weren't home she'd be the one who was yelling.

"This is just as bad as the bonfire..." She muttered, rolling her eyes and turning her back towards Gabe.


"Hunnie, do you know where Kara is tonight?" Mr. Holmes asked peeking his head over the corner of his newspaper.

"She's out."

"Did she say where?"

Exiting the kitchen, still with cutting knife in hand from preparing dinner, Mrs. Holmes approached her husband and snatched the paper from his hands.

"I don't care where she is. She's old enough to take care of herself."

"Patsy!" Mr. Holmes snapped, quickly getting up from his lazy boy chair and reaching for the paper back.

"You know Kurt, I am so sick and tired of you butting your nose into everything!"

"I simply asked a little question about our daughter! You're blowing this out of the water."

"Don't tell me what I'm doing and what I'm not doing, you pompus prick!"

The yelling between the two was getting louder and louder as Mrs. Holmes was waving the knife around in her husbands face while they continued to fight over their daughter. Kurt, her dad, who was more old fashioned and wanted Kara home at a certian time each night, didn't like how her mother, Patsy, would undermind his authority and let her do what ever she wanted.

"She's going to end up knocked up with a bastard baby!" He hollered, exiting the room, clearly tired of fighting. He made his way to the guest room where he usually slept. When ever Kara had friends over, the two were pretty good at pretending everything was okay... they'd even sleep in the same room for appearence sake. Though behind closed doors he'd just end up sleeping on the ground. Often he'd wonder about how he got himself into this, and if there was any way he could have avoided it...

It all started when Kurt had moved to the States from Italy when he was 18, there wasn't much work and he wanted to make something of himself. He attended the same highschool that Kara attends now, and that was where he met her mother. Patsy was on the swimming team, cheerleading squad and was one of the most popular kids in those halls. For Kurt, it was love at first sight, the first day he entered through those doors and she knocked his books out of his hands without even making eye contact. As the weeks went on he tried everything in his power to get her to notice him. It wasn't until he stood behind her in the cafe line at lunch that she did. Patsy had wanted a chocolate milk, so he offered to buy it. She wanted a slice of pizza, so he bought that too. Later that week she really wanted to go to the semi formal... so not only did he buy the tickets, but he bought her dress and shoes too. It was clear to everyone what the relationship was based on, but Kurt didn't care.

A couple years after graduation, after he had established himself in the working world, Kurt saved up all his money and bought Patsy the biggest, most sparkling diamond ring in the Tiffany's shop. They had a large wedding, because it was her dream, and he did everything he could to make her feel like a princess. Needless to say it wore off after a while. On their honeymoon, the time when the newlyweds finally get to be alone and have some real alone time, Patsy refused to sleep with him. She said she didn't want to do it in some weird forign place, and would rather do it in her own home. After a week of searching, Kurt found her dream home, 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2 garage, large backyard, huge swimming pool, large kitchen, basically looked like it came straight from Hollywood.

After a week of being all moved in and adjusting to the place, Patsy finally gave in, and nine months later, Kara, named after Kurts mother, was born. She was passed off to the nanny and that was the last time Kurt ever got to spend time in bed with his wife, seeing as shortly after she began her affairs. Kurt never had it in him to leave his wife, thinking that he needed to stay with her for Kara's sake... though now it seemed that Kara didn't even love him anymore. His life was now lonely as sad, and though night after night he wish something would happen to change all that... nothing ever did.

Re: You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:26 am
by RePeate*
Gabe noted Kara's frustration with him. He was drunk, but not drunk enough to be unaware of when she was giving him the cold shoulder. He was used to it by now. kara wanted things done a certain way, and when Gabe didn't oblige, she'd get mad at him. Story of their relationship. He turned his back to her and turned out the small lamp on his bedside table.

"Why is SHE pissed at ME? Did I miss something here? I caught HER with drugs. SHE should be grovelling to have me take her back after that. But now SHE's upset?!? That's bullshit. Straight up BS" he thought to himself.

"Goodnight" he said softly.

Re: You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:26 am
by baby_g*
"UGH! You know that's just like you! Not only can you never make up your mind, but you're so dense that sometimes I wonder if there's anything really up there!!"

Kara got up from her side of the bed and retreived her bra, pulling it under her shirt to put it on. She stumbled a bit as she tried to hobble around putting on shoe on while suffering from a mild head rush.

"God, I can't stand you! Now.... gah! Where's my other shoe!"

Pulling the cover that fell on the ground when she got up, Kara searched under his bed. "God damn! Where is it!"

Re: You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:26 am
by RePeate*
Having just made up his mind that he'd drop the drug thing, Kara's sudden and unprovoked outburst pushed gabe over the edge.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, you fucking bitch?" he said in a stern voice as he grabbed Kara forcefully by the arm "I've stuck by you through the worst shit you could have pulled. First ditching me at the bonfire to hit on Lance, and then the drug shit, which by the way I should be the one yelling for, and now this shit?! Fuck that, and fuck you. You don't respect me... you've never respected me. And this only goes to show it. Who the fuck are you to get all fucked up on drugs and think you can pull this shit with me? Because you can't. I don't need this shit in my life Kara. It's bullshit and you know it. Stop being such a fucking drama queen".

At that moment Gabe felt the rush of adrenaline. He didn't shout much, especially at girls, but Kara was being totally unreasonable. Part of him felt like stopping imediately and doing some damage control before things got way to out of hand. But deep down, Gabe knew that would only make Kara's doubts about his being a pushover disappear.

Before she could open her mouth, Gabe responded right away (in a more hushed tone, so he wouldn't disturb his family too much). "And another thing, you fucking better stop treating me like a fucking baby. I don't need that shit Kara. I'm a grown guy capable of making whatever fucking decisions I want, and if you can't deal with that, tough shit!". His face was turning red, and his eyes were welling with tears as if he'd been holding this back for so long and was just overwhelmed by letting it all out.

Re: You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:26 am
by baby_g*
Kara stood stunned staring blankly back at Gabe who still held her arm tightly. She'd never in all the time of dating him, had seen him react this way. When ever she got mad at him, or he thought he did something piss her off, he'd do whatever she wanted... even sit there while she hit on someone else. Sometimes she enjoyed it, and she had to admit that often she'd do alittle more flirting than she should have. Every time though, Kara often wondered what Gabe was thinking, just sitting there, watching... Like that time with Lance, or that time with the guy at the bar, or the once time when they went to out to eat and she was all over the waiter. What ever it was that finally pushed Gabe over the edge to react like this just... well.. she wasn't sure how she felt.

Kicking off the shoe she had just put on, Kara pushed her boyfriend onto the bed as she climbed on top of him and began kissing his neck. She knew that doing this would make Gabe think that he was in control (atleast for a little bit), and that was better than having him all pissy. On the other side of the leaf, Kara had to admit that she was oddly turned on by how he had addressed her.

Re: You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:26 am
by RePeate*
Gabe wrapped his arms around Kara's thin waist and gave her a loving squeeze. "Dammit woman, why must you be so difficult?" he said as he gazed into her eyes as though becoming lost within. He then moved himself up for a passionate kiss that started out slowly and gently, and began to escalate in speed and tongue action.

He rolled Kara onto her back, shot her a smug grin, and proceeded to slide his hands down her sides to the elastic holding up her thong. He gave her a quick glance to read her body language. When he realized she was willing, he slid the thong off her delicate and tiny frame and discarded it onto the floor. Kara was already pretty wet, so Gabe went right to work. He began by kissing her neck and then moving his tongue slowly down the contour of her breasts and began to suckle at her nipple, flicking it lightly with his tongue. He sucked at her left nipple for a bit, then pushed her bra down further and sucked on the right one. He began to move his hand slowly down the side of her body, down to her pelvis. He gently glided a finger across her abdomen and hips, tracing the contours of her form. His lips began to kiss softly down to her stomach and he gently placed his lips around her belly button and began kissing it lovingly. When Kara would make the right approving moans, he slowly inched his tongue down to her pelvis, and finally began to lick her clitoris lovingly, with deep and sensual strokes of the tongue.

Re: You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:26 am
by baby_g*
A slight grin crept up the corners of Kara's mouth as Gabe moved his way down on her. He didn't do this very often. Most of the time when the two would fool around, they'd make out and go straight to sex. They'd, though really just Gabe, only really pull out the oral stuff when it was a 'special occasion', or they were making up. Kara was never really into the giving oral... considering she was a cheerleader and everyone thought that's all they did. In a way she thought it was kind of gross, the idea of pleasuring the man didn't really flow with her. Sex was supposed to be about the woman.

Kara let out the appropriate 'oooh's' and 'ahhh's' so that Gabe would know he was doing a good job. As much as she didn't want too, she was really starting to enjoy it as a tingling feeling rushed down her legs to her toes and back again.

Thank god I got that bikini wax!

"Baby, come back.. I'm lonely." She whispered.

Re: You've Made Your Bed...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:26 am
by RePeate*
Gabe moved his way slowly back up Kara, rubbing her upwards with spread fingers. He moved in for the kiss, but then stopped, realizing he was covered in her juices. Instead he just moved in to kiss her neck ever so gently. He moved his lips up her neck to her ear lobe, and began to nibble softly on it. He ran his fingers up to Kara's breasts and slowly rubbed her nipples in a manner most sensual. He began to breath heavily as his passionate lust for her grew exponentially. He looked down at his own pants, then back up at Kara, who seemed to be lost in the sensuality. He moved his hands off her and onto his zipper, undoing his pants. He was glad to see the alcohol hadn't inhibited his ability to get stiff.

He grasped Kara rather firmly by the shoulders, pinning her to the bed. He then proceeded to push himself in past her soft lips to the warm and comfortable interior. "Uhhh, yeah..." he said softly. He began to thrust himself inside her, shallow at first, and then progressing deeper and deeper, faster and faster. He broke out into a cold sweat. "Oohh yeahhh... mmm... fuck yeah...uhhh..".