The last thing Keith Jackson'd figured that he'd be doing when he'd wandered into Shooters was popping a girl's arm back into place. But here he was, playing doctor to a girl that he didn't know TOO well, but well enough for her to have turned to him. As she questioned him on the fight itself, it was all that he could do to shake his head slightly disapprovingly.
"Y'know, it's your fault that I'm not in there handing some ass to people who need a full serving. If you hadn't taken that last spot..."
Keith grinned at Melissa as he grabbed her arm and shoulder, getting ready to pop the two back into place.
"Alright, girl, are you ready for this? This might sting a little!"
Seeing her nod, Keith began the count.
It wasn't that the muscular high school student had missed out on the fighting at Shooters, but rather that his time was far too occupied doing other things. In fact, when he'd walked into the bar for the fights, he'd been on the phone with one of his friends, Kallie Majors, having a bit of an argument for having skipped out on an outing the previous night. Clad in a collared polo shirt and a relatively form-fitting pair of jeans, Keith had his Motorola RAZR out and pressed to his ear as he pushed open the door to the establishment.
"...No, Kal, it's not like that know I wouldn't hang you guys out to dry like, it's...look, I can't help it if my parents want to have a family dinner once in a while, I can't skip out all the time...yeah, I know you missed me there - parties aren't the same without good ol' K.J., but ... okay, look, I just walked into Shooters, you know, the fights that're going on? Why don't you come down and join me, I'll make it up to you. C' KNOW you want to..."
He'd paused, put his finger up to his ear, and squinted as he tried to make out the voice on the other end of the line as the noise picked up.
"...okay, look - I can hardly hear you...if you don't feel like coming down, why don't I give you a call later on, and we can go for a bite, or something? If I don't see you, I'll give you a call later on, 'kay? Alright, 'easy."
Smirking as he hung up the phone, Keith confidently wandered over to an open seat that he saw in the first row. In the ring, it looked to be Melissa Diaz against a guy whose name he didn't know. Smirking, he figured he'd sit down and enjoy the fight. If Kallie showed up? Great. If not? Great, he'd just call her up later. He'd always had a bit of a thing for Kallie Majors, and if not her? Well, there were plenty of other pretty girls at the school that he could set his eyes on. Girls were a conquest that Keith Jackson had absolutely no problems with, not even at all.
If I could just conquer that fucking next-to-last boss in Karazhan, I'd be set...all in good time, I guess...
With that, he'd settled in to watch the fight, cheering on Melissa when he could.
Pressing the two injured limbs back together, he knew that Melissa would probably be in absolute agony right about now, so as soon as he did that, he grabbed her hand for him to squeeze as hard as she could, to get some feeling back into it.
"C'mon, Mel. Squeeze the life out of me, you've got a few fights left to win!"
((Continued in
Fight Night))