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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:11 am
by Neuphim*
The constant barrage of noise was keeping Nemo Trennoby deprived from a well needed rest. Being as Nemo cannot stand loud noises in general, much less if he is trying to sleep. He doesn't mind coming along with his brother on this journey. Truth be told, he came to ask privately his brother a question that's been bugging him for the last couple of months. Though whenever he tries to bring it up, it never works.

Man, this is just great. I wish this train will just stop for supplies or something believable like that. This thing a noisy contraption, huh.

He sees that his brother, Heath Trennoby, is away into deep reverie. Not that he would he need to, his brother always mumbles in incoherent when in slumber.

Brother, how can you make this simpler? How? I just... I can't ask you. It's impossible. I won't believe it. I just want him to tell me otherwise. Okay, fine, it's now or never.

Reaching over to his brother's shoulder, and shook him vigorously. "Hey, you lazy excuse of a brother. I feel like talking 'cause I'm bored. Now get up."

Heath turned about in his abrupt awakening, then resumed rest, as Nemo would've guessed. Irritated, Nemo tried a more serious karate chop to the head approach. This was notably better, needlessly to say.

"Shit!" bellowed Heath, a second after the impacted blow.

"Now that worked." replied Nemo, not regretting the idea the least.

" I take it you can't get to sleep then?" Heath sighs out with anger awashed. Nemo nods accordingly. Heath adapted his calm smile on his face, though notably strained compared to other times. "So, what do you feel like talking about, little man?"

Nemo looked back at Heath, though now notably more bummed out.

Brother, can you stop smiling? It's hard. I doubt you'd know it but in these types of situations, it makes it all the more impossible to trust you. Come on, Nemo, just tell him that. Say something, dammit.

"Br-brother, why is it that you... never hang out with anyone besides me and our grandparents?"

Heath was a little perplexed to say the least, "That's the reason you woke me up? That's a little weird." Heath snaps his fingers and feigns a pseudo-shocked face. " My god! Your possessed by a demon aren-"

"Brother. Seriously." Nemo feebly cracked out.

Heath, with a fair more genuinely sincere face, responds, "I am not all that sure, brother. I mean, wow, I never really thought about it." Heath licks his lips and looks downward. "Well, I don't think... I know how to respond. To that question, I mean." He chuckles.

Nemo, just spit it out already! You want the truth! Just do it!

"I don't know what to say," Heath continued on, with hints of tears arrival, "I'm nearly an adult, and I've never been out for a date, I've never been given a gift by someone else that wasn't family. I mean, I never really invited anyone over, you know, except a few. But that didn't last long. I sometimes am invited to parties and stuff, but I never really talk to anyone, just say hi and pace around. I don't go out drinking and do other shenanigans, though yeah, that's against the law. But, wow... I don't have...a single thing do I?"

Nemo couldn't help but notice that this was truly one of the first times he say his brother this way. Nemo just can't think of how to look at his brother's state of attitude. Pity? Sadness? What? How is he suspect to react to this?

Heath? What the hell is this? Is this how you truly are? No, but I still don't get it. Brother you really feel this way? This isn't what I wanted, not by a longshot!

"I'm pathetic, aren't-" Heath continued, chocking by this point in sobs. "aren't I-I, br-ro? Ju-u-ust Fucking pathetic. Why am I even here? What am I try-trying to escape from, what? I don't deserve to live anymore do I-?"

"Heath!" overcome with tears upon looking at his brother's melancholy, Nemo interrupts, "Stop it. Just, please, stop. You aren't like that at all. Your my BROTHER, for god's sakes! I love you, man! I really do! And I think you'll find someone that'd like you too! I just know it! But please! Just live, dammit! Please!"

Both brothers are completely out of breath by this point, relaxing back into their seats. After all that, Heath began again, "Nemo-"

"Heath, I didn-" That's when Heath returned the favor. Also know as a karate chop to the head. "Owch! That really hurts you jerk!"

Heath feebly laughs, his voice still notably strained. "Yeah, well... you know." A smile slowly formed across his face, "I guess I should give you my thanks for cheery me up. And a unmanly hug would not be in my character, you know?"

Nemo, though still throbbing from pain and possible dead brain cells, couldn't help but smile.

As Heath's eyes, tears-trained and sleep deprived, closed for a continued rest, he uttered, "Thanks, my brave little bro." And within seconds he was out like a light.

As the last person in the compartment still awake, Nemo stared solemnly outside.

You're wrong brother. I'm a coward. I can't even ask you a simple question, much less something like THAT. I don't want to hurt like I did just then.

After all the drama, after all that revelation, Nemo finally drifted off into reverie, as the world quickly drifted past.

But brother, I need to know. Did you really kill Mom and Dad?