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Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:58 pm
by Kris*
The ocean breeze went through Marimars hair. She stood on the balchony at the top of the lighthouse tower.  The mermaid could hear the rustling waves of the sea and the squaks from the seagulls flying overhead. The smell of the fresh ocean, that was the only thing that could calm her down.

The sun was shinning down upon the girl making her sparkle in the mid-day. The blue skies stretched as far as the eye could see and the white cumulous clouds in the sky slowly drifted to and fro. All this was the panacea for Marimar. Being thrown into a game like this devastated her, she would never see her grandparents ever again. The only people in the world who truly cared for her besides her mother when she was still alive. Now she had noone, the only thing she can take comfort in was the calming sea.

The ocean always calmed her, she played on the beach all the time when she lived on it in her cottage. Memories filled her mind, playing with her dog Pulgoso, making pucca shell necklaces, swiming.....All these activites made Marimar shed slow tears as they were wiped away by the serene wind.

Her bag layed on the floor next to her. The designated weapon she received which was a machete was attached to her leg. The machete itself was still in its sheath, Marimar saw no use for it now. She knew she had to survive, Marimar would never dilbertley kill anyone. However if someone attacks her she had no choice but to defend herself. If someone did anything like that she would see them as a foe not a friend.

The long blade also came in other uses. If something was in her way she could hack it apart and free herself. If something wouldn't open she would use the machete to break into the particular thing. She could also use it for food, and cut fruits and berres off of trees. All this flashed into Marimars mind when she first touched the thing.

The brunette brushed a part of her hair away from her face. The view of the ocean had clamed her little spirit down. Now with those memories it was time for her to strive to survive. The mermaid looked away from the ocean and toward the main part of the island. She could see the whole landscape which was beautiful. Marimar was eased by this even more, she didn't view it as a death trap but as her own tropical paradise.

She was Ariel, and this was her Atlantica! Marimar was a Sea Princess! And this tower, which she has resided in is her palace. She is 17! It was time for her to break out of her shell and preserve over all the rest. She was a mermaid, a powerful, confident, mystical mermaid who wants to break from her kingdom and go be a part of a much better world!

A world that she used to live in.

Lee-Ann and Laura entered Marimars mind now. "I really hope they're ok...." she said trying to look out and see any other students she might recognize. The thought of her friends being killed made Marimar shudder, she prayed in her heart hoping she would be able to see them again. Oh if she could only find her Flounder and Sebastian! Torn apart by this game, it was immoral.

Danya was King Triton! He wants to keep all his children inside Atlantica. Not wanting them to ever go and see the outside world. However Marimar aka Ariel would not let herself be bullied by her own father. She would be a part of the world she once was a part of. The little mermaid will be a part of it! No matter what the cost! "I want to be......"

"Part of your world........"


Re: Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:59 pm
by Jotun*
It wasn't real. It couldn't be. Was it? No.

Kayla had spent her entire life being raised to do the right thing. Her father had never really thought she achieved this. Neither did Kayla, but she did still hold herself a mostly moral person when in her right mind. The right thing to do could usually be disputed, in her mind. She did her best. What she had to do to stay safe, confidant, happy, she had always done, and she may have stepped on toes in the process, but she didn't hurt other people when she could help it.

And now you can't help it. Do what you have to do again, this time to survive.

It was an awful thought and Kayla rejected it. She wasn't going to kill anyone. They couldn't force her to. Her classmates would probably be in similar mindsets. If they weren't, then maybe it was acceptable to kill. The people who chose to kill have accepted the terms of the island. And so were bound by them.

Kayla was lying down. She had woke as soon as she hit the ground. She could taste grass. A bag landed some two feet away from her. Upon grasping these facts, she accepted her situation as real, and she knew that was what she was doing.

The 'introduction' had been absolutely horrifying. Teachers killed before their eyes, Mrs. Saranna raped, and the video that had shown something that Kayla knew she had to accept - that it would not be so hard for some of her peers to kill. People did suffer in school, it was true. It was everywhere, and set the grounds for a conflict that Kayla knew this island had made inevitable. She wondered if this sick competition would fix what had been true for every teenager she knew, and knew it wasn't likely. Even she, at her best, had helped sow the seeds of violence that were, even now, just beginning to sprout. All because bitchy drama queens and sluts hurt more timid girls, bigger and rougher boys picked on smarter, smaller ones.

And asshole, lying boyfriends used girls for amusement and pleasure.

She took a savage pleasure in playing one of the victims, and trying give herself a reason to kill. Had she moved from her spot, she would have slapped herself. She knew what path that would lead down, one where she rationalized every murder was okay because they had committed some crime, when she herself had done the same. Even Felix  did not deserve death.

He'll probably go along with it, anyway. He'd kill to survive. Maybe you will need to take him down.

Not debating this, Kayla picked herself up off the ground. Opening her eyes to island around her seemed to awaken her to reality, out of her philosophical trance. Thoughts still lingering on Felix, she knew he was on the island. His class was on the same trip as hers. Which brought another concern to mind; Gary did not come on the trip. He had done something the night before, she was sure of it, he had sounded unusually smug about something on the phone but wasn't sharing. Kayla steeled herself, and checked her bag, a feeling in the back of her head warning that even that was a step into playing into the Terrorist's hands.

Rifling through her contents, Kayla found her unfortunate weapon. A boomerang, made of wood with a thin metal edge. Kayla almost panicked, she had no idea how to throw a boomerang. She had tried before, of course, who hadn't at some point? She couldn't figure out how to make it soar gracefully, or come back towards her.

It doesn't matter. You're not going to have to fight anyway. Keep cool, for now.

And with great mental restraint, Kayla did not let fear or panic overwhelm her. She looked around at her surroundings. She was the the bottom of a hill, leading up to what looked like a lighthouse. Uninterested, Kayla almost turned away to leave, but then she noticed a girl standing at the balcony. She was probably worried, like Kayla... and numbers were safer.

"Hello!" Kayla shouted from the base of the tower, immediately afterwards regretting making so much noise but eager to see what the response would be.

Re: Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:59 pm
by Kris*
Marimar was looking off into the sea once more. Trying to figure out her next move; She debated on weather moving or not. But the thought was instantly killed, a princess couldn't abandon her palace! Besides she liked it here, this was the only structure high enough to oversee a huge stretch of the ocean. As she now drifted onto a different thought, a sudden sound stopped her train of thinking. Looking down a girl, she looked al ittle younger than her but only a little. She waved to her from the base of the lighthouse.

This was the first interaction with another person Marimar had since the game named Survival of the Fittest began. The girl was a bit nervous but she looked down wondering what on earth to do next. Meeting people in this game won't be the same as meeting people outside of it. When living in the free world Marimar would respond with a friendly and cheerful hello. But with these kind of circumstances, she just wasn't sure what to do. Marimar only knew one way to greet a person, and that was her usual method.

"Oh, hello!" said the mermaid waving back at her with a smile. Her responce wasn't loud and bouncy more like soft and acknowledging. She had no idea who this girl was, by the looks of it she looks peaceful. However people in this game will probably try to be decietful which is something Marimar needs to watch out for. Anyhow, she decided to treat her just like anyone else. "Whats your name?" she asked with a smile.

Who knows? This could be one of her sisters in disguise. King Triton had seven daughters, Marimar being the most important one of them all. This could be another princess trying to accomplish the same goal she's trying to accomplish. Its better to have someone than no one at all. With this thought Marimar decided to take the chance and invite the girl up to her room of her palace. "Would you like to join me up here? The view is wonderful!"

Re: Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:01 pm
by Jotun*
Kayla got a 'hello' back, and something seemed wrong to her. The girl at the top of the lighthouse was smiling, though it was airily. Maybe Kayla had only imagined something was wrong. The girl at the top asked for her name.

"I"m Kayla!" She answered, an instinct inside her screaming to stop shouting. Luckily, the lighthouse girl invited her inside., though there was something odd about her admiring the view cheerfully. Shrugging, Kayla smiled at her and headed in the doors. At the bottom, the lighthouse was sort of... dank. It hadn't been used for any real purpose for awhile, this was clear. Kayla went up the winding staircase to the top, and emerged on the balcony behind the lighthouse girl.

"Kayla." Kayla repeated. "What's your name?"

Re: Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:01 pm
by Kris*
Marimar turned around to see the girl join her on the balchony. "Nice to meet you Kayla, I'm Marimar." she said with a courteous smile. The sea princess sensed no dangerous aura around the girl, however she isn't oficially deemed one of her seven princess sisters. It takes more than a pretty smile to be a sea princess. She had to act worthy of the title, not only look the part.

Turning back to the calm sea she tried her best to be herself now that she had company. She had to treat them kindly, anyone is welcomed into her palace unless they give her reason not to. Marimar was the hostess, she tried to welcome her guest appropiatley however she still felt a little taken aback by the whole situation she was put in.

The mermaid snapped back from her Little Mermaid fantasy into the reality she was in now. She was ontop of a lighthouse, nowhere to go. This girl can corner her and push her off easily if she wanted to. Marimar shook this thought from her head, she didn't know what on earth to do now. Wait until death? Be killed? It was all too much.

"I'm sorry if I don't know what to say at the moment. I'm just a little shocked by this whole thing." she said as the breeze brushed thorugh her hair. Marimar didn't know whatelse to say, she needed some kind of icebreaker in order for Kayla to trust her and not deem her an enemy.

"Anyways, I'm tired of this suspensing silence." Marimars emotionless expression turned into that of a soft smile. "What school are you from? Are you also from Denton?" she asked. Hopefully this will make Kayla unwind and not be tense around her. Paranoia is the last thing she wanted.

Re: Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:02 pm
by Jotun*
Kayla returned the smile and joined Marimar on the balcony. She seemed like she was very much at peace, which was incredibly stupid, nieve, and above all else, reassuring. Kayla knew she was reasonably safe her. She took a place beside Marimar and admired the view she was told was wonderful. And really, it was. It was such a stupid thing, she knew, to be able to enjoy it, but she did it just the same.

Marimar apologized for being speechless, Kayla muttered something along the lines of 'that's okay', though she got the vague feeling that Marimar was looking for a little deeper conversation.

"Anyways, I'm tired of this suspensing silence." Marimar said, confirming Kayla's suspicions. "What school are you from? Are you also from Denton?"

"Yeah..." Kayla said, distractedly. "Yeah, I'm from Denton. I went to Hobbsborough." Coming to a revelation, she continued. "I've never seen you there, though. What school are you from? Do you know what other schools are here?"

Re: Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:02 pm
by Kris*
Marimar was pleased that Kayla replyed to her icebreaker. It was engouraging to make conversation it would make the mermaid feel so much at ease. The words Kayla spoke made Marimar go into a revalation; She was indeed one of the Sea Princess' of King Triton. She was her fellow sister, this made her so happy! To have a family member with you in this ordeal.

"Unfortunatly I have no idea. Probably though, I come from Franklyn Senior. Looks like to me they took the schools from Denton and put them here on this island. Hobbsborough is not at all far from Franklyn." said Marimar viewing the seagulls overhead.

Lets see...What kind of topic to induce in now? Marimar racked her brains to continue this well-thought conversation. "So are you planning to stay? or will you be leaving soon? Are there friends you want to go find?" she asked. Maybe that was too many questions... she thought as she waited for Kaylas answer.

Nothing disturbing yet. Everything seemed normal which was grand; All looked peaceful in Atlantica. The merfolk haven't stirred up any trouble which was a good sign. It made Marimar happy to see that her people haven't gotten violent despite of the situation.

Re: Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:03 pm
by Jotun*
At least two schools worth of classes were on the island. Possibly more. That was a rather frightening idea, and it meant a lot of people would die. On a certain level, Kayla was ready to accept that. She didn't know for certain anyone she cared about was here... perhaps she could leave with only minor horirble mental trauma. But how to leave?

By killing everyone else.

Something Kayla could not fathom. She could hurt people, certaintly, but she did not want to kill, everything about her seemed to strive against the possibility. But why was it so acceptable to be the last one standing?

Is it alright if people die so long as you didn't do it?

That thought sounded more like Felix than her.

"So are you planning to stay? or will you be leaving soon? Are there friends you want to go find?"

Marimar continued talking after a short amount of time Kayla spent pondering.

"I don't know... I don't know who else is on this island. I only know of a few other people... only one comes to mind that stands out. I don't want to go see him, anyway. I'm not sure what I should do."

Re: Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:04 pm
by Kris*
"Oh? And why do you not want to see him?" she asked. Marimar was glad that she was getting to know her sea princess sister Kayla. However she seemed lost, something shattered her; Marimar expected that it was probably the whole affair of this twisted game that they were forced to play.

She didn't want ot her sister to leave, but if she did she couldn't stop her. Like herself everyone one of the princess' of Atlantica have their own goals. Sometimes their paths intrtwine and might have an adventure or two. The mermaid wanted to know what kind of life has Kayla been living before she was hurled back to her birthplace Atlantica.

"I really hope you stay. Its safe here." she said with a smile. But that thought was quickly shot when she realized something. Marimars mouth stood gape realizing a simple truth. "Oh no! We are completley unprotected! Anybody can just waltz their way up there and try to hurt us! Would you help me barricade the Lighthouse?" she asked turning toward her and taking both of Kaylas hands into heres. She had a pleading sort of look in her eyes.

Marimar couldn't beleive it! The guards of her royal palace have switched sides and have aligned with Danya! King of the Seven Seas! She would have to set up her own defense so that none of his subordinates can come up here and try to assasinate her! Who knows? He might have enlisted the help of some of his people to try and get the sea princess to her knees.

This was not acceptable!

Re: Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:04 pm
by Jotun*
"Oh? And why do you not want to see him?"

"Because." Kayla started, unsure of how to continue. "He's horrible." Realizing that no matter how many times she said this, it did not make her thoughts clear. She did not know how to word it. "I think he'd kill me. I bet he's killing right now, just to survive."

Eager to drop the subject, Kayla remained silent hoping it would not continue. Felix was one thing she did not want to deal with on top of many things she did want to deal with. Marimiar brought up an interesting point; What WAS she going to do? Stay here and wait to die? Or wait for everyone else to die?

Marimar interjected on Kayla's thoughts telling her she hoped she would stay, on account of how safe it was. Kayla considered it further but not for long, as Marimar started begging for her help to barricae the lighthouse so no one could come up. It was sweet how Marimar seemed to plead for her help, and so Kayla instantly resigned herself to assist her.

"Okay. I will. I think I might leave after that. But I'll probably come back."

Re: Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:05 pm
by Kris*
Marimar and Kayla descended from the lighthouse balcony to the bottom floor. They both started grabbing pieces of furniture to block the door with. There wasn't much to barricade the door with, a few chairs and a table. The two did the best they could to make sure that the lighthouse wouldn't be able to be broken into. The mermaid work with an optimistic attitude, she wouldn't let anyone infiltrate her palace. Of course she started the barricade by locking the only door to the lighthouse which will hopefully be enough defense against invaders.

"You know, you don't have to leave through the front door. When I got here I noticed behind the stairwell going up to the balcony there is a manhole, under it is a network of caves you could leave in." she said with a smile. A secret network of tunnels could provide some safe place for any visitors or any of her mermaid princess sisters. It was clear that she would need all the defenses she needed in order to withstand the mighty wrath of King Danya.

"I'm pretty sure that they lead to the underground sewage area. I doubt anybody would be be in there, its probably your best bet." she said with a smile. Of course Marimar didn't know for certain, she hasn't seen anyway pass the lighthouse except Kayla. "It may be a bit smelly, but it better than being out in the open." Marimar assured Kayla more about leaving this way, she wanted her to go thorugh this exit because it is the safest. She didn't want her princess sister to die. It would be a blow to the heart, it would be like losing her grandparents. A thought  that made the sea princess shudder as she moved one of the chairs toward the door.

Re: Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:05 pm
by Jotun*
Kayla enjoyed having a task set upon her, moving whatever was not nailed down to a new spot in front of a door to make Marimar feel safe gave her clarity - something that helped her cope with the situation at hand. A definate, achievable goal that did not involve the slaughter of everyone she met was something she wanted more than anything else. When they finished, Kayla was fairly certain no one would be able to get into the lighthouse. Only after the task was done did Kayla realize she had no way to leave, but Marimar seemingly read her mind.

"You know, you don't have to leave through the front door. When I got here I noticed behind the stairwell going up to the balcony there is another a manhole, under it is a network of caves you could leave in."

It was brilliant. A secret path in and out of the lighthouse. A place of security Kayla could return to whenever she needed, and all she had to do was trudge through some sewers. Everything added up perfectly. They had finished barricading the lighthouse, and Kayla made to leave to see what she could find. She looked back at Marimar.

"Thanks so much for having me here, Marimar." There was a sort of unresolved tension in the atmospehere Kayla noticed. She looked back to Marimar, who seemed so optimistic and happy, and Kayla could not help it. She grabbed Marimar in a hug, and she didn't know why she felt she needed to.

"Good luck here, Marimar." Kayla smiled and went to the manhole under the stairway. Opening it, she descended downwards, no knowing what she would find on the rest of the island.

((Continued in Genocide in our fucking minds.))

Re: Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:06 pm
by Kris*
"Of course, come back anytime you need to. This is also your home." Marimar almsot had tears in her eyes seeing her first friend she had on the island leave. Especially since she was her sister. She embraced Kayla back giving an equal amount of effot not wanting to let go but she had to. Other adventures was instore for her friend, just like how marimar had her own adventure she needed to continue journeying on. Fate has compassionatly made their paths cross hopefully it will happen again.

"Good luck to you to Kayla! Be safe!" she said with a smile. As kayla opened up the manhole and started to descend and as she did the sea princess got an idea. "Wait Kayla! If you come back make a noise, say 'Part of Your World' so I know its you...." she said. Kayla gave Marimar another smile before finally going down into the dark caves below.

With a heavy sigh she closed up the manhole and sat upon it thinking. "Goodbye my dearest sister...." she said to herself now alone in her palace. No family members to comfort her. However comrades come and go and she was sure she would find another princess of Atlantica soon. After all, there was seven.

Marimar didn't know what exactly she was to do next. Waiting was all she could do. The girl shook her head and decided that the fresh ocean breeze will help her concentrate and focus on her main mission she had. And that was to overcome her fathers power of the Trident and become part of the world she once was a part of again.

Re: Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:06 pm
by Mitsuko2*
Wrong. This was wrong. This place… this game… everything. It was all wrong. She couldn't get that thought out of her mind. Mr. Wilson… that guy… she was gonna give him a piece of her mind. She was going to find Mariavel, make a plan, then get the heck out of this hellhole! She sighed and continued to walk. That would be hard though, considering she didn't know where the hell she WAS!

Lavender Heart, aka G20, had awoken about 20 minutes ago, on a beach. She's found her weapon, a hunting knife, and had heard some commotion down the shoreline. Not wanting confrontation, she high-tailed it out of there. Her weapon was useable, but she didn't want to fight anyone. She had run for at least 15 minutes before she suddenly realized a little fact. SHE WAS LOST!!!

She sighed and continued her trek, not really paying attention to her surroundings. She suddenly felt herself falling. She landed face-first into some animal's excretion! Gross! She tripped over a root that was sticking out of the ground. Bah fongul. She kneeled up and feverishly wiped the smelly stuff from her face. Well, now she DEFINITELY had no chance with her friend. Jeeze, her luck was in the shits today. No pun intended.

"Damn it! Hey, Lady Luck, how about being a good girl and tossing some of that magical stuff my way?!" she screamed to the clouds.

She realized this mistake quickly and ran as far away as she could. Sure enough, luck was shining on Lavvy. She had stumbled onto one of the most beautiful sights she had ever seen. A LIGHTHOUSE! Perfect! She could wash her face and smell good again! She ran full speed to the door, and pulled with all her might. Locked… NO!

"Hello?! Is anyone in there?! Hello!!??!!"

Continued: Shades of Grey, Redux

Re: Part of Your World

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:07 pm
by Kris*
It was day time already on the island, so far there was no sign of any of her sisters. Sadness stayed in Marimars heart but it didn't falter her optimistic attitude. She was just sad about this whole situation, however King Danya will not go about this unpunished! Marimar will see to that for she is a princess of Atlantica.

But her pondering had stopped when she heard a sudden shout from the palace gate. Looking down she saw a girl who looked scared out of her mind. She yelled out as if someone had chased her or something. It broke the mermaids heart to see her subjects being tortured about. However this girl might be another of her sisters.....

"Hello!" shouted Marimar with a smile waving her hand down on Lavender. Just like she did with Kayla, hopefully it has the same result. The girl smiled hoping for a positive answer, so far she hasn't encountered any of Danyas subordinates thankfully. He was indeed sneaky, but Marimar was much more passionate about life and will prevail in her conquest for peace!