You Can Run...

Overlooked by large cliffs to the north and surrounded by tall trees to the south, the lagoon was formed ages ago when a tsunami hit the island. Since then, it's become an untouched beauty of the island... but be mindful of the lagoon's beautiful waters. You never know who might sneak up from behind and drown you in them.
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You Can Run...


Post by RePeate* »

((Continued from Carnage))

After what seemed like seconds, but was likely minutes or adrenaline fueled running, Gabe emerged through the tall trees to the south to what seemed to be a rather breathtaking lagoon. He still had Viki slung over his shoulder, and so gently swung her around to her feet and bent down to catch his breath. I bet coach would have loved to see that sprint. He carefully checked behind him to see he wasn't followed, and motioned for Viki to be silent. He listened intently for a few seconds before telling her "I think... we're ok". He was panting heavily, sweat dripping down his face.

He went to reach down for his water from his duffle bag before realizing he'd left it back at the hospital, along with his new first aid kit and the only thing he'd had to defend himself with: his ski pole. Shit! Shit shit shit! "I forgot our stuff" he said sheepishly, visibly showing the strain on his face as he attempted to talk to Viki. "I'm sorry... about that... I knew... we couldn't trust him... had to...get...out of there...". Still out of breath, he briefly wondered whether or not the lagoon's water was sanitary to drink. Nevertheless he walked over next to the pool of shimmering water, cupped his hands, and filled them. He then poured the water over his head. A refreshing sensation that temporarily helped. The dirt streamed out of his blonde hair, and left noticeable streaks across his face, but appearances were the least of his concerns. "I don't know how long we can stay here. I can't tell if we've been followed or how long it'll take for people to find us", he said, and then added "Are you ok?"
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Post by Megami* »

((Continued from Carnage))

For several minutes, the world seemed to have turned itself upside down for Viki Valentine. One moment, she had been pointing out the presence of a newcomer to Gabe. In the next moment, she was staring at a shaking and upside down ground. It had taken her several minutes to even comprehend what was going on.

Even then, she had allowed herself to be thrown around like a ragdoll when Gabe had scooped her up and taken off into the wilderness, leaving Dan alone with the newcomer. She hadn't seen anyone attempting to follow them, but then again, part of their trip to wherever he had stopped had been obstructed from view by the back of Gabe's shirt.

It was only when the world was turned right side up again that she finally began to regain her bearings. Gabe was hunched over, wheezing for breath. Although, she could barely tell that. For a few seconds, the world seemed to be spinning and distorted. Within a few moments, though, the dizziness faded away and Viki didn't feel lightheaded anymore.

She ran her fingers through her hair quickly in some vain attempt at fixing it. When her attention finally turned back to Gabe, he appeared to be reaching into some invisible object to retrieve something that clearly wasn't there. The expression on his face said it all before he even spoke up -- he'd forgotten the bags back at the hospital. In a way, it wasn't all that bad. Both of their weapons had been completely useless anyway.


There were downsides to not having to lug the packs around, too. They were now without food or water. They had absolutely nothing to defend themselves with if they were to get attacked. Perhaps worst of all, they were now without a map. They could run into dangerzones at any given time and die without even realizing what had happened. Viki subconsciously reached into her back pocket, realizing that she still had her map on her person.

She'd completely forgotten about it up until now, but she'd folded the object up and tucked it into her back pocket so she'd have quick access to it. At least now they knew where they were. With a sense of relief flooding her that at least they had a map, her attention snapped back to Gabe, who was wheezing out an apology for suddenly grabbing her and quite literally dragging her out of the area.

He moved over to the lagoon and gulped up a large mouthful of the water inside. She couldn't help but think it was a bad idea. It could have been salt water, or it could have some weird parasites floating around in it or something. It was probably better than nothing, but they should've at least boiled it first or... something. Not having been a smoker herself, she didn't exactly have a lighter, though... and she certainly didn't have a pot or anything else that might've been useful for doing something like that.

"It's fine," she chirped out quietly in response to his apology.

She couldn't rightly be mad. There was no reason to. He continued on, telling her that he didn't know how long they'd be able to stay at the lagoon and rest. He suddenly asked her if she was okay, like it was something that had just occurred to him. She nodded her head simply and let out a small laugh.

"No, no... it's fine. I'm fine."

Thinking it best to take any sort of opportunity they might have had to rest, Viki moved over to a small rock formation beside the lagoon and took a seat on the cool rocks. They felt good in the hot jungle heat. Gabe seemed to be recovering from their sprint away from the hospital. She briefly pondered whether or not to go back for their daypacks -- mostly because of the rations inside -- but almost immediately decided it wasn't worth it.

The student that had shown up there, or maybe even Dan, had probably looted everything they'd had by now anyway. And, who knew? They could have still been there. At least this area seemed to be empty... for now. Viki yawned lightly, the exhaustion of having had very little sleep in over a day starting to catch up to her. Her attention turned to Gabe, and she forced a faint smile across her face.

"At least we're okay. That's all that matters. I mean... I trust you, I trust your judgement. There was something about that guy, it just didn't quite feel right. But... thanks for bringing me along."

She grinned.

"I'm sure I probably just slowed you down."

If nothing else had come of their entire scenario at the hospital, at least she wasn't alone. Sadly, Ianto and Serenity were now gone to who knows where, and she found herself wondering if they were alright. Really, she was worried about everybody, but it seemed like most of the people they encountered on the island were bad. And the ones who weren't -- like Evelyn -- they were dead.

"Gabe... what should we do?"
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Post by Buko »

((Continued from Ten Speed))

Blood Boy, had underestimated something.

That of course was an oddity in and of itself, he had played an intelligent game, but he had no true concept of how to go about killing and committing murder. He had done, three? Yes, three times, possibly more if his assault at the tree was as much of a success as he anticipated, anyways his face felt oddly naked as he walked about the island; mostly because he was airing out his wound for a moment, he needed to rebandage it so his mask was obviously in his pack with his bandages and he thought for a moment that the air would be good for his wound. At least, his grandfather did say something of the sort.

What Blood Boy had underestimated was the heat and while luckily enough to have several bottles of water he had gone through enough earthquake preparations to know that he must conserve the water and that meant that he needed to go somewhere with freshwater and that left only one option: the lagoon. His wounds stung with the sweat going into his skin, but he was lucky enough to have avoided infection for a few days and while he didn't have any hydrogen peroxide, he did have several bandages to last him for the next day...he just would have to bathe his wounds in the water.

His weapon situation couldn't get any better, but he knew that eventually he'd have to neglect something's. The Taurus Millennium was placed in his jean pocket and Blood Boy was shocked enough to see it completely engulfed in his jeans, the viper? The viper was in-between his waistband, and quite visible while the sword stayed strapped to his back and ready to be drawn at almost any time. As he approached the scene he couldn't help but find his eyes widen as he came across what seemed to be Gabe and Viki Valentine. How quaint. Kara Holmes had been killed what seemed to be an hour before and he ran into her boyfriend.

Or rather ex-boyfriend, but Blood Boy didn't want to consider himself a home wrecker.

He nearly sighed as he decided for a moment to not reach for his gun and instead quietly place his mask on, they hadn't turned around to notice him, so all would be well and with the mask on his face he let out an audible cough to alert them of his presence. His mask was useful in the regard that it hid himself and his emotions from the general populace, but right now it was getting incredibly tedious, to be honest at this range he doubted he could overpower Gabe and if he did come at him it would be a test of luck to see if Blood Boy could pull out his gun and shoot quicker than the massive football player could run towards him, it was a bet that he didn't want to take.

Of course, it was obvious that the football player was not playing. The alliance between him and Valentine said that much, nobody playing would take such dead weight around with them; unless of course Valentine was playing such a game that ended with her seducing him and then biting off his dick...he wondered if he would choke on it similarly to how Kara choked on her foot? Judging by how easily Kara could take the foot, it wouldn't be that much of a surprise if a similar fate where to happen to Gabe's newest succubus, but that didn't matter. What mattered was nursing his wounds and getting those two out of here...he couldn't have people figuring out who Nathanial Harris was so soon.

"H-hello?", he said stuttering noticing that when he didn't have his weapon brandished or was dominating someone else it was exceedingly hard to remain confident, "Y-you guys aren't playing, right?"
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Post by RePeate* »

Gabe's train of thought was inturrupted by the appearance of a student wearing a mask of all things. At first, he'd thought because of the mask it might have been one of Danya's men, but saw he was a bit too short and heard his childlike voice and knew exactly who this was. It was that kid from school that never took his mask off. The kid Gabe was fortunate enough not to have had a class yet so far this year, but nevertheless had made fun of countless times behind his back in places like the cafeteria or library. He'd chuckle with Steve and Evan about how the kid must be a horrible burn victim, or have been born without a nose, or other speculations. Either way, he was no friend of Gabe's. And since Gabe had just ran for his life to escape a gun-brandishing fellow jock, he was in no mood to consider giving this freak any berth.

"Get out of here kid. Don't come any closer to us. You hear me? Just stay back over there, turn around and fuck off". Gabe was in no mood for infantile shenannigans. He didn't need someone he didn't care about tagging along for a free ride. Gabe looked down at the ground, covered in vines and damp leaves, and then grabbed a fairly large-sized rock. Bouncing in his hand to guage the heft of it (and also to look pretty menacing to the new kid), he turned to him again and said "Didn't you hear me? I said get lost!".
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Post by Buko »

OoC- Since Meg's away, I'm just going to post, we can do one round of posting Peate and then we should wait for her. Knowing Meg though, it shouldn't be that long of a wait.

"Perhaps there is some sort of confusion here, I did not come here to get any alliance from you, no, what I came here to do is a simple thing...that is to clean my wounds and gain a few quiet moments of introspection as you can expect nothing quite screams Zen like a beautiful lagoon and the foreboding sounds of gunshots a mile or so to the east," he grunted at Gabe before continuing to speak, "Y'know Mr. 'Second to Evelyn Richinson # 3' you really should think before you speak; your former girlfriend had a similar speech impediment."

He nearly shot himself in the head as he realized the implications of said statement all too late as they emerged from his mouth, he had pretty much revealed the fact that Kara was no longer Gabe's girlfriend and given the amount of pent up testosterone the football player had there would only be a few conclusions he could come across: Kara Holmes was dead or Kara Holmes no longer held romantic interest in him, due to Blood Boy being the messenger this most likely would be paired up with Gabe tossing that rock into BB's head.

As for the rock itself? Well, let's be honest with ourselves, the big rock looked intimidating -this much was true, but it's factor as a range weapon was minimal and Blood Boy (as he gently reached into his waist band and pointed the much more intimidating Viper JAWS at Gabriel's chest) knew that if the boy threw the rock it would be mostly a distraction in preparation for a more powerful attack. To put it simply, the rock was heavy, slow, and not aerodynamic, thusly while it was a large threat to get hit was extremely easy to NOT get hit by it.

Anyways, here was the odd scene that psychologists love to talk about. Here we have Blood Boy, cliché disenfranchised youth, excluded from his classmates and feared by the general populace facing against Gabe McCallum. Popular football star whose biggest stain on his record was the fight he could've potentially came out of with a broken arm, it was truly a sight to be hold. Anyways, with the gun out Blood Boy openly sighed a little bit as he backed further away so there was a sizable distance between them, but close enough so Gabe was still in clear view -this was done to prevent Gabe from rushing in with said rock-.

"Anyways you asked if I heard you? Don't worry, I'm listening, and when I say I'm listening, I'm also thinking about killing you."

And then casually, without hesitation he pulled the trigger to the gun six times, straight for Gabe McCallum's solar plexus. Six .45 caliber rounds heading towards the boys chest at speed exceeding 1600 feet a second, really, Blood Boy hoped the bullets where to move faster than any form of shock Gabe McCallum was capable of showing...nothing would've been more pleasing to see Gabe hit the ground with no idea of what exactly had transpired.
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Post by RePeate* »

Blood boy's timing on pulling a gun on Gabe couldn't have come at a worse time. Gabe was already on edge from the gun he'd seen before, and he was already untrusting of the masked kid. Gabe almost expected a gun to be pulled on him. And when it was, his body went straight into the reaction that saved his life; he dove for cover. There wasn't anything to shield himself except a bush to his immediate left. Of course it wasn't bulletproof, but it could conceal him for the second or so he needed before he could find a better spot. Gabe didn't count the number of shots that Blood Boy had gotten off, but it sounded like quite a few of them. And unfortunately for Gabe, he wasn't faster than a bullet.

Sharp intense pain seered through his shoulder, not unlike a harsh burn he'd gotten the time his hand slipped while cleaning the grill at Burger King and he'd burned the back of his hand. There was still a scar. But this pain was one that was immediately dulled by the adrenaline Gabe had come to rely on yet again. He really didn't have time for all this bleeding and being injured. They'd never let him play football or hockey again if he were riddled with bullets. This one had pierced his right trapezius muscle just a few inches shy of his neck, making him drop the rock he held. It was a good thing this masked kid was no master marksman, or he would have been able to do worse damage to Gabe.

Gabe made it over behind the bush, confident he was out of sight for the time being. He got up to his knees and dove a few feet over to a very wide tree which he knew he could be shielded from more fire for the time being. He looked over at Viki, and shouted at her to hide. Something inside him knew that his diving to safety would ultimately turn Blood Boy onto her. It would take some kind of miracle to distract him.

((Evan continued from Fade Into You))

Evan's heart was starting to beat very hard for someone who wasn't under a particularly hard amount of stress. Yes, he was stuck on an island being forced to kill or be killed, but that wasn't the reason Evan was more jittery and agitated than usual. The cocaine was definately setting in. His pupils were dialating, and he couldn't stop the beads of sweat from moistening his forehead. None of that really bothered him though. What did bother him was the fact that he was now all alone. And it didn't bother him because he felt unsafe; it bothered him because all of a sudden he had nobody to talk to. If there's one thing Evan couldn't stand when he was jacked up on coke, it was being alone.

What if someone finds me? They could hurt me... naw, they couldn't. I'm amazing. Ev, you are amazing. Naw wait, you're a goddamn legend! The legendary Evan Angler everyone! Woooo!

He made his way through the jungle, for the first time really admiring the natural beauty of it all. That's a pretty vine gowth. Ohh, and some nice flowers there. I should smell them. No, no time... His mind was easily distracted at this time, but then he saw something to finally fix his attention on. It was a student, holding at pistol. Evan had come in just from the side, and a small tree was blocking his view of who the student was pointing his pistol at, but it seemed he was talking to someone. or so he had thought. The kid was wearing some kind of rediculous mask, and Evan couldn't tell if he was even real. Mask? Who the fuck wears a stupid mask? Was that his designated weapon? It doesn't look like it would stop much... I wonder who he's pointing that at?

Unbeknown to Evan at the time, his subconcious had already started the action sequence his mind wasn't ready for. He ran, straight at the masked kid, jumping to tackle him to the ground. Evan was a pretty damn good tackle on the football team, and this kid was well smaller than most of the guys he'd brought down. But none of that registered in Evan's head. I want that gun. I'm going to save those kids. I'm gonna be a hero. Evan Angler...hero! Wooo! He hit full stride, and lept into the air at the kid's midsection. As he did, loud gunfire rang out next to Evan's head, but fortunately for him, the masked kid wasn't aiming at him. In fact, he didn't seem to even notice Evan flying towards him with all the weight of his body...
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Post by Megami* »


That was perhaps the only word that could possibly describe what was currently transpiring at the lagoon. One moment, she had been sitting on a rock near the lagoon while Gabe caught his breath from their dash through the jungle. Suddenly, the student known only as Blood Boy had emerged from the woods, and things had gone to hell and back from there.

Gabe, probably paranoid from their encounter with Bobby Jacks earlier, had immediately assumed (rightly, although neither of them were capable of knowing that) that Blood Boy was a threat and demanded he leave the area. Blood Boy tried to explain to Gabe that he simply wanted to clean his wounds and he would move on, but the answer was apparently not good enough for the football player. Gabe had picked up a rock and hurled it toward Blood Boy, and the fight was on.

Viki simply stood there, paralyzed with fear as Blood Boy fired a whopping six shots at Gabe. Thankfully, he was standing quite a ways away from her, and so the flying projectiles that soared through the air came nowhere near her. Naturally, the gunfire still scared her out of her wits, but she remained in some kind of stunned paralysis until Gabe started yelling at her to hide.

That was when it fully registered to Viki. Gabe had run for cover to avoid the hail of gunfire from Blood Boy's gun. Suddenly, he was hidden and she was standing out in the open. In that moment, she became an easy target for Blood Boy, and all he had to do to see her dead was pull the trigger of his gun one more time.

She knew all this, but it didn't matter. Her feet felt like they were cemented to the ground, and she couldn't move. She wanted to duck or run, to simply get out of the way, but all she could do was stare in petrified horror at the skeletal-looking individual and at the barrel of the gun pointed in her general direction.

Suddenly, she saw rapid movement out of the corner of her eye. In the next instant, the figure that had been flying at Blood Boy seemed to dive toward him in an attempt to... protect her? Stop Blood Boy from shooting again? Viki wasn't sure. But all of a sudden, it was like the cement holding her feet in place vanished, and she could once again move. One word ran through her mind.


Viki took off, practically diving into the bushes that Gabe had hidden himself in seconds earlier. She wasn't able to make out Evan Angler through the chaos of the scene, and she hadn't looked back since she ducked into the bushes. The truth was, she was afraid to. She was afraid that the student who had helped them -- and practically saved her in the process -- was dead by now.

"Gabe, what're we gonna do?"
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Blood Boy sighed as he noted that most of his shots hadn't fired true, it seemed of course, that he hadn't adapted very well to using guns and that despite the fact that he now had a plethora of them the sword would be his main weapon of choice and has he placed the gun in his pocket and went to walk away from the group he could only have his eyes widen as a boy rushed up and went to tackle him, clumsily jumping to the side Blood Boy was visibly hit by the flying boy's forearm. The blow hit him in the rib cage, but what messed up the take-down was that the forearm was the only thing that did hit, so while it would bruise Blood Boy's wouldn't take him down as Evan expected.

As Blood Boy grasped at his rib cage and hissed in pain as he attempted to gather his breath he could only angrily and unsheath his sword. The poisoned blade looked absolutely normal to the average viewer, luckily the lagoon was a private oasis so the humidity didn't allow the sun to reflect off of it showing off the slickness of the aconite poisoning. Perhaps, if this new intruder attempted to attack him, Blood Boy would get to test the effectiveness of this rather deadly poison. Theoretically though, the poison was the most deadly weapon in his arsenal of hand guns and blades.

The poisons effect? The poison targeted the lungs and the cardiovascular system, in a period of eight minutes to four hours the target itself would find most of their organs being attacked and death usually was a long drawn out process. The true brutality of the poison is the victim would be clear headed while it was all taken effect, while they become deaf and blind, while their muscles twitch and slowly become paralyzed. And eventually when their breathing does nothing but add pressure to the already ruined respatory system.

One cut.

It would only take one cut, one stab, one thrust of the blade and the target would die. Maybe not immediately, maybe not in a day, but death was unavoidable, especially because the poison would be put directly into the bloodstream. Blood Boy grunted as the blade pointed itself at Evan, but his eyes focused on the bush in which Gabe had hidden himself in, his rib cage was sore, but his resolve was large as he stared Evan down and began laughing like a mad-man.

"You've got a little fight in you, I like that"
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Post by RePeate* »

As Blood Boy held his sword aloft, Evan carefully backed away at a slow pace that matched his movements. If there was one thing that Evan feared most, it was being cut. He took great pride in his appearance, and a horrible disfiguring scar would just not bode well. His heart was still racing from the cocaine, giving his body the energy he needed for combat, but adding to the danger of him acting irrationally. His coincious mind and his unconcious mind had detatched from each other, and Evan felt as though he was not in control of what he'd do next. He couldn't think clearly, and he was certainly incapable of sound judgement. He proceeded to back away slowly from the masked child with the sword.

Panic began to set in as he imagined himself losing an eye or and arm to the blade. Sweat ran down his face and saturated his clothing. he recalled that some other student was nearby, and began to shout while keeping a keen eye on his agressor. "Uh... if anybody's back there... I could use some help here maybe!? Anyone...? Now's as good a time as any...!" He nearly stubled over a root sticking out of the ground, but he remained focused, ready to react at the slightest movement. One thing could be said for the drugs in his system: they gave him reflexes like a cat.

Meanwhile, behind the tree, Gabe gathered his thoughts as quickly as he could and considered his next move. Before he knew what to do he heard the other student calling to him, and he recognized the voice right away. It was unmistakably Evan. His attitude shifted. They'd finally found each other, but now Evan was in serious danger, and Gabe was the only one capable of ensuring his safety. Viki wasn't likely to be able to save him. The burden lay on Gabe. He quickly scanned the forest floor, and much to his relief, found a suitable branch that would cause the damage he needed. He grabbed the make-shift club and came out from behind the tree.

Sure enough, there was Evan being held at swordpoint by the masked kid. He seemed to be backing away slowly, but Gabe knew the danger of that choice. The kid would probably pull out another gun and just shoot Evan, so Gabe acted quickly. While Blood Boy was noticeably focused on Evan, he circled around behind him, club raised in his right hand. The pain caused by the gunshot wound was extreme, but Gabe knew how to play through pain. He couldn't aford to dwell on such problems right now. Evan needed help. If Blood Boy made a move for his guns, Gabe would be able to be down on him before he could even move his hands...
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Post by Buko »

Gabe had of course ignored one vital part of human vision and without a surprise (mostly due to the stereotypical jock intelligence) and that would be the periphial vision. Of course, Blood Boy didn't mean to brag, but being in a classroom where you had nothing to do but observe had given him time to hone this part of his vision, so of course Blood Boy was noticing him move behind him. This of course changed his peaceful demeanor and now he sidestepped so he was in the middle of the clearing, this allowed Gabe who had moved behind him and Evan who was in front of him giving him a perfect view of both fighters.

He cracked his neck as he stared at them as the group, things where about to get extremely difficult.

He still had his most conventional weapon, the element of surprise. If anything the sword only assisted his brutal nature, most of all despite the smiley face Blood Boy was deathly serious about brutalizing his wouldn't be about theatrics, no this would just rely on precise dirty fighting and when they where done? Well if Viki Valentine was still there perhaps he'd teach her a lesson. She's the type of course. The type who thinks she's better than anyone because she dropped out of the skewed social system.

Yeah, it's really cool to be the girl next door who left the social scene behind...where the fuck did she get off?

Anyways, Blood Boy was a good fighter. Perhaps one of the best at Southridge, mostly because he was a good thinker. He was thinking quickly, that would be the first case for his survival. He was prepared to strike several areas of importance: the temple, throat, mastoid, spine, solar plexus, kidneys, groin, and knees. Those targets would maximize his strength and thus conserve his energy. Now most people didn't expect Blood Boy to be a good fighter, but that's mostly because he didn't rely on such superficial things as power and punches, no, to Blood Boy he used his frail form to his advantage.

By utilizing leverage. Any blow would be countered, Gabe swinging the stick towards him? Grasping the stick and getting into the guard. Evan trying to tackle him again? Guillotine him quite literally with the aid of the sword. 2 v 1 and as Blood Boy lazily raised his blade up, stood in a loose, but balanced stance it and braced his shoulders he exuded something that was foriegn to most. Mercenary groups watching this noted it was a valuable trait for a soldier; Blood Boy was exuding confidence.
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Post by RePeate* »

Could it be? Is it really you? It looks like you... but then again, everything does seem to be a bit hazy right now... these drugs were a bad idea. Oh my God, it is! It is you, Gabe! I've found you, you crazy sonuvabitch! God damn, this kid's screwed now! Let's give em hell Gabe ol' boy! Woo!

Evan's face had a large grin cutting across it. He couldn't help it. here he was being threatened at the end of a blade by a psychopath, and all he could do was smile and stare at his best friend in disbelief. He evn threw himself an imaginary celebration for a few tenths of a second in his mind. You see, while this masked kid may have had them out-gunned, the two boys would have him out-muscled. But not just on the brute strength scale of things. Gabe and Evan had something Blood Boy would never have: years of athletic training on how to cooperate with each other. There was nothing Gabe and Evan couldn't communicate to each other. They'd made some pretty badass plays in their many seasons on the football team. All of which relied on perfect synchronised timing and athletic prowess. Evan knew, there was nobody whose intentions he could read better than Gabe.

He stared into Gabe's eyes, and said in a manner most non-chalant "Heya buddy! What do we want to do with this little situation here?" The drugs were keeping him calm for a change. The sober Evan would have been freaking out at the sign of guns and sharp things.

Gabe was glad to see he and Evan were on the same wavelength. He too knew that even the toughest, meanest linebacker could be taken down if struck in the right place at the right time. And years of choreographed routines and drills had ensured they could pull it off at the exact right time. "Evan, Tekken rules here. Right sweep, I'll go topside two" Gabe announced to his friend. Evan understood clearly what Gabe had just said. He would pull a sweep with his left foot in a counter-clockwise manner, aiming for the kids feet. Gabe would aim high and go for the kid's head. They'd pull it off on Gabe's second exhale of breath. Not only did they coordinate on the field, but the two of them adored teamplaying games of Tekken fighting on Gabe's Playstation 2. If pulled off correctly, it was a move Bruce Lee would have trouble not getting hit by.

Gabe's second exhalation of breath was made very audible to Evan, who proceeded to go into a crouch and sweep his foot backwards at full speed towards the masked boy's legs. At the very same instant in time, Gabe swung his club full force at the upper torso of Blood Boy. Chances are one of them would make contact. The question was, would the kid with the sword make contact back?
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Post by Megami* »

((Excuse the overall shittiness of this post but there's not much I can do that wouldn't detract from the nice little fight we've got going on here. ^^))

During the altercation that quickly ensued between Blood Boy and the unknown individual, Viki had managed to find some security in the bushes she had dove into. Of course, no sooner than she was starting to feel safe and forgotten about, Gabe seemed to jump to his feet in an attempt at helping their savior -- a dangerous, if not outright deadly idea on his part. Viki, however, found herself unable to do anything but cower in fear and stare at the scene unfolding before her.

When she realized that their savior had been none other than Evan Angler, she felt a sense of relief at finding another one of her friends, but also a deep sense of foreboding at the fact that Gabe and Evan were now in imminent danger. They seemed to have the situation under control... two-on-one seemed like good odds, at least to Viki. Still... they were fighting what seemed to be an island crazy who was wielding a sword and a couple of guns.

She forced herself shakily to her feet and moved behind the tree immediately nearby for fear of any sort of gunfire being sent her way. She desperately wanted to jump out from the bushes and make the brawl a three-on-one in the hopes that Blood Boy would give up and leave, or at least be willing to come to a peaceful resolution, but she didn't see him giving up so easily, and she simply couldn't will her body to move.

Oh God... be careful, guys...
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Post by Buko »

OoC- Excuse shittiness, just wanted to get something up for you guys.

Sure enough the boys rushed in with a shockingly well coordinated attack, of course the problem lied in Blood Boy's natural perceptive and critical thinking skills and of course a lot of factors the other fighters hadn't taken into consideration. On Gabe's part it was the sheer amount of size difference between him in Blood Boy and the fact that the blow would have to be aimed downward. This of course would mess with the sheer flow of punches and unintentionally slow him down, but most importantly while running it's eliminate the chance for a blow hitting BB's already well guarded face.

Evan's problem? The fact that the sweep required am ample amount of body torque and that it gave him a clear preparation. Needless to say when the two rushed in BB sharply backed up and then took a moment to take advantage of Gabe's foolheartedness, due to the nature of his downward strike -with a weapon no less- it would be exceedingly easy for BB to bend his knees slightly and launch himself into a fool thrust not only into Gabe's guard, but with a full fledged thrust into Gabe's sternum. Evan? Well due to their positioning, the sheer size difference between Gabe and Blood Boy, and the speed of the attack would have a hard time countering not to mention coming up with a plan with the absence of the leader of his little group.

Gabe? Gabe wouldn't be able to do much due to the fact the the blow was done at the finishing of his (while he still had his arm extended) and countering was not much of an option due to the nature of the jumping thrust into his chest, in lay mens terms? The fight was going to shift into the two boys being on the defensive from the vertically challenged maniac extremely soon.
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Post by RePeate* »

As perceptive as Blood Boy could be, he was still only human. While he'd felt confident he could have the two boys on the defense, his keen mind wouldn't make up for lightning fast reflexes and quick atack-dodge manoeuvering that came with years of football athletic training. While Blood Boy seemed to have miraculously dodged both boys attacks, that didn't mean the two boys were unprepared for a counter attack. As the masked child jumped at Gabe's chest, he pivoted on his right foot, away from the thrusting blade. To be honest, the two of them had thought he'd attack Evan first, but nevertheless they were both prepared for what followed.

Dodging a blow was alot like moving in to catch a pass: they both relied on a keen eye to track movement, and quicker reflexes to act on the impulse to move. As Gabe pivoted, Evan doubled back with his leg sweep the second Blood Boy's feet had hit the ground. He'd timed it for just a split second before his feet would actually make contact, that way he wouldn't be able to recover fast enough to move again. As Gabe pivoted, he brought his elbow around and moved to jab Blood Boy as hard as he could while facing away from him.

The fight hadn't lasted more than two seconds, but it already felt like an eternity. For everyone involved, things just seemed to be going inslow motion.
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Post by Buko »

There where a lot of things that mess up plans in a fight and very rarely do they end up coming into fruitation, but Blood Boy, Blood Boy was aware of this, he'll admit though to being grossly unaware for the two boys coming attacks, however, there was one flaw to this plan that Gabe didn't see coming, that is not to say that he would regret it, but the events that where about to follow would definitely be unexpected. The moment that Blood Boy did not see his sword rending into his opponents flesh he went to land and get back on his feet, in the form of a tuck and roll.

Unfortunately he did not foresee Evan Angler's kick hitting him in the face, well, I take that back, not hitting him in the face, the tuck and roll had made sure that direct contact wouldn't occur and while Blood Boy did land straight on his back there was one thing that became clear. When he didn't feel the numbness blows give you in the middle of a fight, when it became clear that he hadn't been hit in the face, but mores when the cool breeze hit him in his face...that's when he realized that he had instead been kicked in the visage that had been doubling as his face.

His mask.

Rapidly and almost as quickly as the football players do on the field Blood Boy backed up in a reverse crab walk and by the time he got up and pulled out his gun he noted that they where probably about to laugh at him, he stared as he pointed his gun. Tears from tear ducts long since ripped out refused to come, irrational thoughts bred in his mind. Yes, for one brief moment Blood Boy's mind flirted with the idea that he was about to die, this idea that he was now about to meet his demise in front of two men who might as well have been the tormentors he -unlike many other social outcasts- had evaded for most of his life. He flirted with that thought. He fornicated with that thought.

And then he shoved that thoughts foot down it's mouth.

And then that's when it happened, Danya's voice erupted from the loudspeaker as it announced the kills, eying the boys he noted that he and Gabriel Theobalt still where battling for top killer on the island, but the sheer amount of people who where killed over the last day was more than six times the amount he had killed. This island? This island was going to hell in a hand basket.

All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. These kids all had a bad day once. Am I right? They had a bad day and everything changed...

He waited as Danya listed names, waited in anticipation for a name he knew would come and also for a name that he hoped Danya wouldn't disclose to the public. Nathanial Harris, he said the name again, it's funny...teachers ignored that name on roll call for the last 13 years he was in school, Danya says it everyday. Compassion comes in many different forms, Blood Boy mused. But, more importantly he looked at Gabe and nodded solemnly as Kara Holmes was announced to the public, her death explicitly stated as being painful.

Now that I'm not exactly sure of, she sure didn't scream that much...

"Well...", he paused, "Your girlfriend is dead.", he said plainly, "Perhaps the kick to the face tells me that this couldn't have happened to a nicer guy."

And then he laughed, laughed so hard it could be heard throughout the land. Laughed so hard it almost made Danya seem sincere and just when the laughter seemed to stop it became clear that it never had. No, the laughter was continuing, Blood Boy was just gone.

((Continued in Mending))
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