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Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:19 am
by Cyco*
((continued from Well...Isn't This Fucking Great?!))

(Because it's not actually morning yet according to the rules, this scene takes place during the late night hours unmentioned in 'Part of Your World.')

"We're there," Bryan said, peering up to the top of the lighthouse, and then surveying the western shore lying beyond. It was hauntingly beautiful; the quiet, serene beach of an island full of killers. 'Spooky,' he thought, wrinkling his nose and squinting into the distance. He couldn't see anyone around, and he didn't hear any gunfire or screams or anything. It seemed they were alone.

"Wait here," he whispered to Tori, hoping she would comply without hassle. There was at least a bit of cover where they were standing; better only one of them, the one holding the friggin' shotgun, go. Bryan glanced back up at the lighthouse peak, and made his way towards the only door on the structure, located at the top of a stairwell. He gripped the gun firmly and paused at the door, breathing in through his nostrils slowly, then swiftly tugging once at the handle. It didn't budge. "Fuck," he grumbled. "Not surprised." It would've made a good fortress, if the damn terrorists had opened it up. It was pretty common for lighthouses to be locked-up and out of use, wasn't it? He shrugged, and turned back to Tori, beckoning her closer. "Locked," he said to her.

There was another stairwell leading downwards, into the mouth of a cave. That would do the trick, but it sure wouldn't be as convenient as the lighthouse. It was pitch black; no way to tell if there was already someone lurking inside. He quickly took his right hand and rummaged through his daypack, shouldering it lower to make it easier to go about. He withdrew his flashlight and clicked it on, clenching it between his teeth so he could still work the SPAS-12. He glanced once more at Tori, then made his way cautiously down the stairs to see if the coast was clear.

It was cool and dank in the first chamber, and Bryan couldn't see anyone. That didn't say anything for the farther reaches of the caverns, but this was an ok spot to get out of the open. He put his pack up against the wall and said to Tori, "N'gunna keck farsher down," the flashlight still in his mouth.

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:20 am
by baby_g*
Though the cave was somewhat dark, it wasn't dark enough to protect them if someone came in after them. She moved close to Bryan, following his pace and his steps. She didn't feel like having him ramble about her going slow again. After Bryan had put his backpack down, he mumbled something. She thought it was kind of cute how he was talking with the flashlight in his mouth. He almost sounded like her grandad did when he took out his teeth to clean them.

Tori turned her back toward him as he walked along the cave to better inspect it. She felt gross and sweaty, and regretted leaving her clothes behind at the river. Peering over her shoulder to make sure he wasn't looking, Tori slipped off her shirt and began flapping it around in hopes to air it out. Though she was slim and fit, she was still self conscious about her appearance. A little bit of her hoped that he'd turn around, while the rest of her was greatful that he was still looking away. As she finished throwing her shirt around, trying to get any unwanted smell out of it as best she could, she put her shirt back on.

Tori turned around and noticed that Bryan wasn't as far down as she though. Did he see? Quickly she rummaged through her bag to find a snack. Not eating much, because she wasn't that hungry, she figured, that if she was careful, she could make her food last. Then again, there wasn't really much use. Considering she didn't know when she was going to die, get shot, pushed off a cliff.... why not live in the moment?

She dismissed the thought almost as quickly as it came. Sitting up against the wall next to Bryan's back pack, she patiently waited for him to come back.

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:21 am
by Cyco*
Bryan ventured forth, coming to a fork not too much farther in. The path on the right jutted down steeply for a moment and was dark thereafter. The path on the left remained pretty much the same level, so he took that one, still remaining cautious and keeping an eye out for anyone who might have already claimed a spot in the deep caves. The tunnel came to an end within maybe twenty paces; there didn't seem to be any other path to take, except for a small opening in the wall too high up to reach, not to mention far too miniscule for anyone to squeeze through. A damp patch of moss made its way from the base of the hole to the stone floor, and Bryan felt its strange texture out of curiousity.

Following the straightforward route back to the mouth of the cave, Bryan found Tori, right where he'd left her, unharmed. He couldn't explain it, but he was uneasy about leaving her alone, at least in a place like this. "I found a good spot," he said, grabbing his pack, "come on."

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:21 am
by baby_g*
Phew She thought.

Tori picked up her bag and followed Bryan deeper into the cave. It was hard to watch her step, so she took out her flash light. Assuming that this was where they were going to stay for the night, after not walking very far, she put down her bags and sat resting against them. She wanted to talk to him so bad. This whole time before she found him, she had been thinking about what it would be like if they actually did find eachother. Yet, she sat there, silent.

"So... appearently there's other schools here also..." She managed to say, finally breaking the silence.

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:23 am
by Cyco*
Bryan dropped his daypack against the wall, facing the entrance, and withdrew the broken end of Dan's spear, placing it on the ground beside him as he sat down. He positioned himself so that his pack provided at least a bit of a cushion between his back and the wall, so he could sit up and still be comfortable. He'd have to sleep lightly (not that he knew how, or could control it) so that if anyone intruded, he could pump them full of lead. The ground was dry enough, except near the small hole in the wall, and although he would be a little sore in the morning, he could probably at least catch some rest. His flashlight remained on; he would turn it off soon and let his eyes adjust to the dark, so that they would have the upper hand if anyone came in.

"Yeah, I guess," he replied to Tori as he shifted his butt to get more comfortable, the shotgun not neccessarily aiming but at least facing the entrance. "I ran into a couple guys I've never seen at Bathurst." Come to think of it, Tori was the first person from Bathurst he'd encountered.

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:24 am
by Kris*
((Continued From: Fighting For Something You Already Lost))

Perfect......I made it at last.... Alexander Bee had finally reached the Lighthouse. This was his goal for the entire day and he's finally accomplished it at this time of night. He spent the morning in a troubling situation but he spent the rest of the day traveling to this prime location. Now I can start drawing calculations on where exatly to plant the mine.... Alexander had gone down into the caves beneath the tower after trying the door.

Perfect location and perfect time......This will be great, I can kill one person who steps on the mine activating it destorying the base of the lighthouse. It was pitch dark in the caves as he traveled through, trying to feel around for a good place to rest for a bit before he started work. Sitting down next to a rock he breathed a sigh of exhaustion and thats when he heard it.

Voice. They came from deeper within the cave....Someone was already here! Alexander quickly started litsening in trying to make out what they were saying. It was deathly quiet, Alexander could hear the faint quiet voices coming from the depths of the cave. I can plant the mine here, so when they try to get out in the morning boom! It'll be a triple whammy. However I might be discovered..... Alexander pondered on what he should do. This wasn't a position he normally was in. He decided to consult his World History knowledge for the answer.

Think of World Wars............The best thing to do is to make it so that the mine won't be shown even in the darkness.....That was the tactic Germany used.......It was effective but that still didn't stop the Americans........ Alexander continued to analyze the different stradegies used in World War I and World War II hoping to find the best answer.

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:24 am
by baby_g*
Just as Tori's thoughts were beginning to wonder into a dream land, far away from the hell hole they had been placed in, Bryan shlumped down against his bag and the wall and pulled out a long blade or some sort. She was pretty sure the rules were you only got One weapon. It was clear that his was the gun. She figured that much, because the blade looked like it had been broken off of something, and she didn't think they'd give a broken weapon. Then again, she didn't think she'd ever be in this mess to begin with. And what was that bit about running into people... Bryan didn't seem, to her, like the kind of guy that just 'runs into people'. When he had 'ran into' her back ago, he didn't even return her hug! It's not like when you're with your mom at the store and she spots a friend from her old neighbourhood or something and they talk for an hour and a half...

She knew there must have been something that happened... so she figured the only way to find out, was to ask.

"Where'd you get the blade?"

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:25 am
by Cyco*
He glanced down at the end of the spear. "Uh..." he trailed off. Bryan didn't know what to tell her; he had killed Dan in self-defence (technically), but still, how would she react if he told her what happened? Would she trust him any less? He couldn't take much longer to answer, or it would be obvious that something was awry.

"I found it." He paused again. That was good, so far. Now, where did he find it? "Someone must've dropped it." That was total shit. He never was a good liar. He scratched his head and looked back at her, checking to see if she'd buy it.

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:26 am
by baby_g*
She didn't. "In this place, you don't just drop your only defence. If that's true though, I'm pretty sure they'll want it back. Then what?" Tori paused to let it sink in for a minute. If he was telling the truth, there was a chance they were in more danger... if he was lieing, well... that'd just be plain rude.

"I've met two people. Both guys, whom, though were nice to me, didn't let there guard down. There's no way someone just dropped that... unless it was 'over their dead body'. What happened Bryan?"

She wasn't sure what to expect. She was kind of upset that he would try and lie to her. Maybe he wanted to spare her the gross details... or maybe he wasn't sure how to explain it. Either way, if she was going to try and survive with this person, she needed to know she could trust him fully.

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:27 am
by Kris*
Blade? Uh oh.....Thats not good. It must be some sort of knife they got for their weapon. thought Alexander litsening into the conversation as much as he can. It sounded like a girl was talking, and the response sounded like it belonged to a boy. Probably a couple or something.......Very sad if you've found your true love and end up in this situation...

This reminded him of some of the sad love stories in history. Cleopatra and Marc Anthony. They both decided to commit suicide; Alexander shook at the thought of being bitten by a snake. He wondered how being poisioned felt. That was certainly an end he wouldn't want succumb to. Marc Anothony also commited suicide making way for Octavion to become Emperor. It was a sad story and in some ways reminded him of this couple.

They are eventually going to die here on the island, no matter how long they stay togeather they'll eventually be ripped apart by death. He wouldn't be surprised if the two commited suicide,; Well I think that couples who are truly in love would not want to take part of this game and commit suicide in some way. Of course their are those power couples who want to survive. It all depends on the people inside the relationship.

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:28 am
by Cyco*
Bryan's gaze fell back to the floor, and he took a deep breath, deep enough to buy him a few seconds to think. No brilliant escape came to mind, and he looked straight ahead, into the surrounding darkness.

"I killed him. I shot him..." he bit his lip, still not looking at her. " the gut, and it all fell out, all his...all of his intestines." He squinted and licked his front teeth, breathing deeply. "I never saw anything like it, Tori." He finally turned toward her, slowly. "I won't hurt you, though. I promise."

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:29 am
by baby_g*
There it was. It was in his tone of voice, the way he talked. She knew he was telling the truth. There was something sweet in the way he said her name. "Tori."

She knew he wasn't really going to hurt her. There was still, though, the fact that he always seemed to want to distance himself from her. Even as they sat in the cave, he sat across from her. She wasn't looking for anything, she wasn't trying to make a move on him. She was just greatful to see him. He looked like a good man. Someone whom you'd see in the street and think, If an old lady was about to get held up, he'd definetly kick the guys ass and help the lady safely cross the street.

"Well..." She continued. "What are you going to do with it?"

She imagined that the memory of the boys death, the boy that he had killed was going to haunt him until the day he died, how ever far away or soon it would come. She figured it was best to mention little of him. If she focussed just on the object, she wouldn't have to think that there was a helpless boy who was once on the other end of it.

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:29 am
by Cyco*
"You can have it," he said, coughing immediately afterwards to clear the bile in his throat; he had recalled the image so vividly that it felt like he was there again. Bryan grabbed the blade off of the stone floor and set it on the other side of him, giving it a little bit of a push so that it slid over to her. "It's a step up from that shit," he said, gesturing to the weapon she kept at her side.

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:30 am
by baby_g*
it was a break in the tension that had been wound up between them. She couldn't help but laugh at his comment.

"Hey, dingus, I happen to like this little rope darty thingy of mine... It's fashionable... somewhere... probably in Paris right now."

She picked up the blade that he had slide over to her. She now repositioned herself so that she was laying on the unforgivable ground, using her bag as a pillow. She was still facing Bryan, with the blade infront of her. Just because she wanted to sleep, didn't mean that she was about to let her guard down when it came to all the others.

"Besides," She continued, "At least I dont have to worry about running out of anything. You're bound to run out of bullets... and when you do, I'll protect you with my dart on a rope." Tori smiled sweetly. It might have been half her being asleep and half her subconcious taking over. Atleast she hadn't lost her tacky sense of humour.

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:33 am
by Cyco*
He smiled, probably the first time he had since he'd gotten here. "Oh hey, you're right. Guess I'll take that knife back now," he snorted, starting to shuffle over to grab the blade.