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The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:41 am
by Ares
((OOC: Any god modding by both myself to Mimi's character, and Mimi to my character has been discussed and approved))

((John continued from Desparation))

It was a long trek, that involved going around a dangerzone, but John finally made it to the sea cliffs. He dropped Cara's body off his shoulder, relishing the thud her head made off the ground. He swung his day pack around in front of him and pulled out a water bottle. He poured some on his face to wash the sweat out of his eyes. He finally had his moment. He looked down at Cara's body, the same blank expression on her face. He almost felt bad for her in a way. To be in such a state of mind to have no idea what was going on, almost seemed like John should just leave her here.


John unzipped his bag and pulled out both the morning star and the tire iron and made his way over to where Cara's body lay.

"Whistle while you work...doodoodoododododooo. Apologizes my lady, never was much of a whistler."

John kicked Cara's body so that she was lying face up, then got on top of her stomach in a mount postion, both his knees planted on the ground at Cara's sides. He layed the tire iron down next to Cara's head, and grabbed the morning star with his right hand.

"Such as pretty face."

John brought one of the morning star's spikes up next to where Cara's eye was. He applied some force and began to drag the spike down the side of Cara's face.

"Pity. I'd blame Maxie for me going after your face. Bitch wants to call me crazy. Me!. See I'm not crazy," John said as he traced a line down to her cheek bone, before repeating the same line on the other side of her face, "I'm just trying to win."

Re: The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:41 am
by Mimi
(Cara continued from Desperation)

Cara's world was darker than ever.

Pressure enveloped the fragile girl, making her feel as if she were in a very tight coffin. The ability to move was taken from the girl even in her world. The 'coffin' was stifling Cara's breathing. Her breaths came out short and ragged.

Whistling shattered Cara's solitude. It was shrill and faded in and out. It had to be a good sign, however. The outside world was finally breaking down the world she had built for herself... and she was happy. She'd wake up and find out this whole thing had been a nightmare. She would see her family again.

An almost numb tingling was developing on the sides of her face. An attempt to touch the new feeling was met with failure.

Cara had no idea what was happening. She couldn't remember anything after shooting at Joey. Nothing at all.


Blood leaked from the new wounds and ran down the side of her face, dripping down onto the wet grass.

Her eyes were as blank as ever, but her face now showed some emotion. Her eyebrows furrowed upward ever so slightly. A confused, pained expression was now apparent on her face.

As Cara attempted to feel her face in her world, something happened in real life...

Her fingers twitched. She was slow, but surely snapping out of the trance that had overtaken her the last few hours.

Re: The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:41 am
by Ares
John raised himself up right to view his work, setting the morning star down beside them. John began to stare at Cara's facial lacerations as if he'd just painted a priceless piece of art. He was enjoying himself in a way he never thought he would. Cara was helpless against anything John wanted to do. John ran his hand over one of the wounds, feeling Cara's warm blood seeping down her face. The adrenaline was rushing through John's veins, fueling the desire for his anger and frustration to be unleased.

"Oh, you are just so unlucky. See, I probably would have just killed you outright in the jungle, but I know me, and I know that I've been trying SO FUCKING HARD for the last 2 days to find someone to kill. Everyone thinks John Rizzolo is some guitar hero FREAK that just goes home and plays with his plastic guitar. No, no no no no! That isn't who I am. Everyone is going to know that. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" John screamed into Cara's blank face as he smacked her repeatedly.

The smacking gradually turned into punches. Rights and lefts.

"You'll get it. You, Maxie and everyone!"

John grabbed Cara's right arm, cradling her hand in his left hand. He brought his right over and grabbed her index finger.

"YOU!" He yelled as bent the finger to a sickening snap.

"MAXIE" He bent her middle finger back to the same result.

"EVERYONE" He grabbed the remaining two fingers and violently bent them giving the same result as the previous two fingers.

John was breathing heavily, sweat pouring off his forehead, down his neck. The grin that he'd had at the graveyard returned to his face. A maniacal laughter erupted from his mouth.

Re: The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:41 am
by Mimi
The tingling had turned into throbbing. The throbbing had turned into pain. And the pain had turned into pure agony.

She had no clue what was happening, but Cara felt everything John Rizzolo was doing to her.

The stinging pain of the smacks, followed by the bruising power of the punches. The hot blood on her face and the occasional bead of sweat that fell off her perpetrators face. Then the hand. The hand that gently ran over her cheek bone. The touch was timid, but forceful at the same time. The touch of someone demented

She could feel it all, but she couldn't do anything to stop it. She was powerless. All she could do was endure the pain.

Then the screaming started. The awful, rage filled screaming. He was taking out whatever aggression he had on the girl.


Cara heard the disgusting snap before she felt the pain. The horrible, mind-numbing pain. It happened quickly, but the pain lingered. She wanted to cry, but tears wouldn't come


The second finger multiplied the pain in her already agonized hand. It forced the tears out of her eyes.


Her world went bright as her final two fingers were mutilated. Her whole hand felt as though it was white hot. All she wanted was for the pain to stop.

As her world dimmed, Cara realized that she wasn't in her world. She was back in reality, which should have made her happy. One thing was impeding that happiness.

John Rizzolo.

Cara's eyes focused on the boy sitting on her. The grin on his face struck fear into the very depths of her. He had a crazed look on his face and then he began to.. laugh?

That laugh. It sounded as though he was truly enjoying doing this to her. It was sickening.

Cara finally manged to look at her mangled hand, which disgusted her to no end. The knuckles were swollen and a sick purple color. Her fingers were twisted in ways that she couldn't even imagine.

The tears poured out of her eyes as she looked up at John.

"P-please.. pl-lease stop," Cara choked between tears, "It.. h-h-hurts."

Re: The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:42 am
by Ares
John looked down at the sound of Cara's whimpering voice. His attack had snapped her out of her trance and brought tears to her eyes. John laughed louder than he ever did before. He leaned back down, pressing his cheek to Cara's cheek with his mouth next to her ear. He ran his bloodied hands up and down the sides of her torso.

"I'll bet you wish it would stop. You wish it was done. You probably think I'm a freak, don't you? DON'T YOU!" John screamed the last words of an otherwise whispered sentence, and slapped her across the face again.

John rose back up and looked around him, his eyes coming to rest on his tire iron. He grabbed it and dangled it in front of Cara's face.

"Look...look at what I found. This is my friend. I think he'd like to get to know you." John said almost singing the last part.

John grabbed Cara's good hand, and placed about half of her index finger in the hole of the bolt socket on the end of the tire iron. He laughed again when he saw the terrified glances Cara made towards it.

" h-hurts!" John spat at Cara, mocking her.

John cranked the tire iron towards him, and once again, the immediate area was filled with the sound of cracking bone.

John grabbed her middle digit, and prepared it the same way, he put a little bit of pressure on the digit before dropping the tire iron.

"No. No. I've already done that enough," John reached and picked up the morning star again, "It's only fair that I give both of my friends here a fair shot don't you think?"

John shifted his weight and slid Cara's forearm under his knee so that her right hand was now sticking out. John took the morning star in his right hand, brought it up, and smashed it down into Cara's palm.

This was everything he'd hoped it would be.

Re: The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:42 am
by Mimi
Cara's breath faltered when John leaned in. As he closed in, Cara could smell his rotten breath. It was a disgusting mix between morning mouth and stale crackers. When his cheek connected with hers, Cara moved her head to the other side. He ran his hands down her sides and she shuddered. The physical contact frighten her, John Rizzolo was capable of anything.

"I'll bet you wish it would stop. You wish it was done. You probably think I'm a freak, don't you? DON'T YOU!"

Cara did wish it would stop, but it didn't look like that was going to happen. John Rizzolo wasn't going to stop. He was going to torture her until he got bored and she knew it. Resigning to fate, Cara only clenched her eyes tight as John smacked her again.

She wouldn't scream. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

Cara's eye's shot wide open when John waved the tire iron in her face. He grasped her hand and no matter how much she wanted to, Cara didn't fight it. It'd only make things worse and make John angrier than he already was, if that was possible.

John slipped the opening of the iron onto her finger. Cara turned her head and clenched her bottom lip in between her teeth, readying herself for the pain that was inevitable.

Cara bit right through her lip, connecting her front teeth with her bottom. The intense pain shot all the way up her arm. It left the top half of her finger hung limply and flopped about. She was tempted to scream, but she wouldn't do it. She'd take it and let him feel unsatisfied.

When he grabbed her middle finger, Cara shut her eyes tighter and let more tears roll down her face. She didn't want anymore pain, she just wanted it all to be over. Cara turned to look at him when he spoke again.

She was relieved when he decided against the tire-iron-torture, but the relief didn't last long. John had pulled out the primitive morning star and Cara's heart raced. As he positioned her hand, Cara faced away again and waited for the impact.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHFUUUCCCKKK!!!!!!!" Cara screamed, uttering what was probably her first curse word ever.

The morning star had crushed her whole hand, turning it into a big, swollen, purple, mangled mess. Blood rushed from the holes that spikes on the morning star made and Cara sobbed.

Re: The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:42 am
by Ares
That sickening smile just wouldn't leave John's face. He looked at both of Cara's hands as she screamed out in pain and kept on laughing. John kept his knee firmly against Cara's forearm as he pried the morning star off her hand.

"Now doesn't that feel good? Doesn't it feel invigorating?" John said cackling. John tossed the morning star over to his pack, then tossed the tire iron back to his pack. He turned back and looked at Cara, who John could have sworn looked relieved that he'd tossed the weapons away. The smile disappeared and the laughter stopped.

"Oh you're relieved? You think I'm done? You think I'm just going to let you walk away? Just how stupid do you think I am? I wouldn't let this opportunity slip through my fingers. I let your friend Maxie get away from, I let another person get away from me. NOT YOU! You're mine."

John grabbed Cara under the arms and stood her up on her feet.

"You want relief, I'll give you relief. Get the fuck over here." John growled, his eyes flaring with anger.

John steered Cara over to the edge of the cliff and faced her out towards the sea. He sat his chin on her shoulder, once again getting right next to her ear.

"You see Cara, the ultimate relief is death. I've had my fun and I've had plenty of it right now. So if you want your fucking relief, I'm going to let you pick. You can jump, or I can kill you. So make your choice. You wanted me to stop, and this is what you get you stupid little cunt. Your sweet, precious relief."

Re: The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:42 am
by Mimi
He was still smiling. Still smiling that sick, demented smile that made her skin crawl. The fact that he was really enjoying himself disgusted Cara. It took a very special kind of sicko to get off on torture and that 'honor' went to John Rizzolo.

"Now doesn't that feel good? Doesn't it feel invigorating?"

Cara didn't answer him. She lay on the ground, tears mixing with the blood from her wounds. Bruises were starting to form on her face from the beatings. Both of her hands had gone numb and her whole body shook.

She was terrified. Her life was going to end one way or another.

John was ranting again, but Cara only heard a few things. He was threatening her again, but after everything that he did to her, Cara wasn't surprised. At least he had stopped torturing her.

John pulled Cara up and guided her to the edge of the cliffs. Her tears had slowed down and she peered over the edge. Nervous butterflies formed in her stomach as she watched the waves crashed against the rocks. She felt his chin digging into her shoulder, but she didn't care.

"You see Cara, the ultimate relief is death. I've had my fun and I've had plenty of it right now. So if you want your fucking relief, I'm going to let you pick. You can jump, or I can kill you. So make your choice. You wanted me to stop, and this is what you get you stupid little cunt. Your sweet, precious relief."

Cara turned back to face him, glossy eyes filled with disgust and anger. He was really going to make her jump. After all the torture he was going to make her end her own life.

"Y-you're sick," Cara timidly stuttered.

Re: The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:42 am
by Ares
Cara turned around and looked John in the eyes.

'Y-You're sick."

John stared straight back into her chocolate brown eyes, filled with defiance. The waves crashed far below the both of them. John stood there, no smile, no laughing, almost admiring the girl. After everything she just went through at his hands, she was still defiant. There was something almost romantic about her in John's eyes. Everything was romantic.

John grabbed the sides of her head and pulled her face into his giving her a passionate kiss. He pulled back from the kiss, the fire back into his eyes, and the smile back on his face.

"Suit yourself."

John pushed Cara backwards. The sickening laughter accompanied his re-found smile as he watched Cara's feet leave the ground.

Re: The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:42 am
by Mimi
Cara stared at the blank face of John Rizzolo. She wasn't sure if her comment had gotten through to him or not. His hands clamped the side of her face, causing Cara to flinch in fear that he'd hit her again, but he did exactly the opposite.

Cara's eyes shot open when John pressed his lips against hers. Her mind was clouded with many feelings at once; hope, fear, disgust.

She had gotten to him and he was going to spare her. After the hell he had put her through, John was going to let her live. With that hope, all feelings of contempt Cara had for John disappeared. He was going to let her live and that's all that mattered.

When John broke the kiss, Cara looked at him, faith apparent in her eyes.

"Suit yourself."

Her expression immediately changed when John spoke those words and with one push he sent Cara careening over the edge. With a face of sheer, dumbfounded, shock Cara let more tears fall from her eyes and let the weightless feeling engulf her..

She was going to die in a matter of seconds and she couldn't believe it. She'd never see her family again. Her dad, her siblings, they'd be without her. It tore her up inside knowing she had let them down.

Cara impacted with a large rock below. A deafening crack sounded as Cara's spine broke and her skull cracked on the hard surface. Blood from her head began to make a trail down into the water and her limbs were twisted in awkward positions.

Despite the violent crash, Cara remained alive for several seconds afterward. Several seconds that would give her the peace she needed in whatever afterlife there was.


Cara's mother's face stared down at her from the sky, as if she was still comforting her daughter and showing her the way to go. Cara's eyes got heavy and closed shut, but the smile on her face remained. Her mother had payed her a visit and she could die happily.


Re: The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:42 am
by dinah_shore*
((Emma from The Science of Selling Yourself))

All Emma needed to hear was the sound of Cara's body hit the ground like a large sack of rotten vegetables. John stood at the cliff, looking smug. This is what he had offered to her. He'd kill everyone until it was only the two of them left. Then what? It didn't even matter, Emma wasn't going to be responsible for any more slaughter. Telling John this would prove...difficult, to put it lightly.

I should get out of here before he sees me!

Emma very slowly began to inch back and away from the area, taking care to be quiet.

Re: The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:42 am
by Ares
The crack sound that emanated from the rocks below rocketed through John's body like a bolt lightning. It really was everything he had hoped for. He was on an all-time high. He was grinning from ear to ear, enjoying every lasting second of this rush. John turned around and walked back to his pack, picking up the weapons he had tossed aside. Inside his head there was a continuing instant replay of her fall.

After he zipped up the bag he looked up to see Emma.

"Well, its about time you showed up. You missed the show. It was spectacular. Pity it wasn't that Maxie though. She'll get whats coming to her, mark my words." John said happily as he strode over to Emma.

John could sense she was scared.

"How much of that did you see?" John asked. He wasn't particularly liking the fact that Emma look terrified of him.

When people get scared, they act rash, and I can't have her doing something stupid.

Re: The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:42 am
by dinah_shore*
"I saw enough!" she said, trying to keep her voice strong. The truth was that she hadn't seen anything, but Emma didn't care. She wanted out.

Agitated, she removed her sword from her open daypack. "Don't come any closer! I don't want any more to do with you!"

She kept trying to blink the tears out of her eyes, but there were always more to replace the ones sliding down her dirty cheek. The John she'd loved(there was no lying to herself at this point) was gone forever.

Re: The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:42 am
by Ares
"You saw enough?" John laughed at her words, and laughed harder when she drew her sword. John, reached to his own bag, unzipped it and drew both the morning star and the tire iron.

"Heh, and what if I do come closer Emma, what are you going to do? You going to kill me? You can't kill me. You aren't strong enough. You don't have it in you. You don't have the desire to win. You're weak, and most of all, you know that you need me to stay alive. No matter how much you fight it, you know that there is nothing you want more than to have me protect you."

John began to once again slowly walk forwards towards the girl, twirling the tire iron in his right hand, letting the morning star dangle in his left hand.

Well, looks like she might not have what it takes after all Riz ol'boy.

"You know I'm really disappointed though Emma, you can I could have done great things. Seriously great things. We could have been the deadliest two in the game. We could have done whatever we wanted to whoever we wanted, but you're going to throw that away. For what? To die anyways? I offered you the chance to be there to fight with me at the end of it all, but it was your choice, and well, like I just told the recently deceased Cara there, suit yourself."

John said the last words, then lashed towards Emma's sword with the morningstar. Even though Emma probably had no skill with a sword, it was still a danger when it was in play, so the best thing to do was knock it away.

Re: The Wind Below

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:42 am
by dinah_shore*
Emma wasn't comprehending a word John was saying. Her legs wobbled uneasily as he began to creep closer to her. Shuffling her feet a little and biting her lip, she began to brace herself for whatever was coming...except he was still talking at her. Being crazy made John quite a chatterbox.

As John lunged, brandishing the morningstar, Emma's mind froze in panic. The sound of metal objects colliding made her limbs leap back into life as she jumped backwards. Her arms felt shakier than ever, yet amazingly she retained a hold of her falchion (sort of). She took quick steps back and away from J.R., preparing herself to sprint.