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Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:43 am
by Cyco*
((continued from The Earth Isn't Humming for You))

Harry arrived back at the airfield where he'd fought Dan Wolfe. He was in a particularly bad mood, partially because of his shit luck at finding a firearm, but additionally because Paul had made him look like an idiot and a coward in front of the cameras. He held up the GPS and zoomed in and out of the immediate area; there didn't seem to be anybody nearby at this point.

'Paul, just...absolutely brilliant timing. Thanks for that.'

"Fucking cyclops," Harry grumbled.

Re: Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:44 am
by Theseus*
((Lenny and Elizabeth continued from In Case God Doesn't Show))

The twins had finally made it through the jungle. The rain still hadn't given up yet, but it appeared as if it was getting lighter. Or maybe that was just a trick of the mind, something they wanted to think.

Regardless though, the walk through the jungle had been quiet indeed. Elizabeth had made small talk to Denise, while Lenny remained mostly quiet. He was trying to think of the situation they were in. There were so many outcomes, possibilities, he couldn't comprehend it all. Yet, they finally broke free of the jungle. Completely soaked, and they saw an airfield. They could not see Harry, for he was out of their line of sight. Yet they could see multiple figures laying on the ground.

Elizabeth thought back to their previous encounter here at the airfield. It really did make sense they ended back here. They had left the airfield to go to the jungle, where they met Denise. Then, by instinct really, they followed the path they knew, which led them back here.

This was where they fought Keiji. This was where Lenny had killed the boy. Though, Keiji had left both of them with a gift. Elizabeth now had a scar on her cheek from where the boy had cut her. Lenny had a long scar across his chest from where he had also been cut. Both had been treated back at the jungle, but upon reaching the airfield again, Elizabeth reached up and touched her cheek.

Lenny turned to his sister, and looked through the jungle. Where was Denise? The girl was slow, and needed to catch up.

Lenny then spoke, "When the girl catches up, we need to keep moving. We need to head past the airfield and find someplace to hold up. Maybe head back to the hospital. Or maybe we can find shelter in one of those planes."

Elizabeth nodded. Shelter sounded good. Anything to get out of the rain.

So the twins stood there together, waiting for Denise.

Re: Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:44 am
by dinah_shore*
((Denise cont'd from In Case God Doesn't Show))

Denise had fallen behind. But damn it, they couldn't have expected her to hold her bladder for that long. It was unreasonable.

Small talk with Elizabeth on the way to the airfield proved what Denise had expected. That Elizabeth was a nice girl, although definitely not harmless, and that Lenny was a big fucking dick. He hardly said a word the entire way out of the jungle, except to order her and Elizabeth around like they were his bitches. Denise strove to keep a level head; if he wanted a fight, she wasn't going to give it to him.

Lenny and Elizabeth were waiting for her just outside the tree line. Denise jogged to catch up. She was so estatic to be out of the jungle that she beamed at the twins.

"So, shelter?" Denise asked as she approached them. "Do you think it's safe in there?"

Re: Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:44 am
by Cyco*
Three blips showed up, but Harry was soaked and irritable from the now pouring rain. He'd already made his way toward one of the hangers to stay dry until the downpour ceased, and since there were three of them and no way to tell what they were packing approaching them didn't seem too smart.

No, he'd chill for a bit. Harry had earned a break. And a Kit Kat.

Re: Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:44 am
by Theseus*
Lenny and Elizabeth both turned when Denise approached them. Lenny was the one to answer Denise's question.

"It's about as safe there as it is anywhere else. I say we get inside one of those planes and get out of this rain. We could all use some sleep and rest. Besides, I don't see anyone here."

It was true, the rain and natural obstructions had made impossible to know they were sharing the airfield with another student. Elizabeth nodded her head and pointed towards one of the downed craft.

"How about that one?"

Lenny nodded and together the twins set off towards the plane. When they reached it, Lenny made sure he was the first one to go in. It wasn't much of a plane, it was really just the body of one, with some holes in it. It was rusted, and it only had one visible wing. Though it was on the ground falling apart. The plane was a small passenger plane, fit for maybe 10 people. Good enough to get out of the rain.

Lenny maneuvered in through one of the holes and when he was sure the downed aircraft wasn't someone elses home he motioned for his sister and Denise to come in.

Elizabeth then made her way into the aircraft.

Re: Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:44 am
by dinah_shore*
Denise turned around before entering the aircraft, and scanned the airfield once more. She didn't see anyone through the rain. Good enough, Denise thought, and then followed Elizabeth into the airplane.

It was hot like a sauna inside. Denise felt her head get light again, and sat down in the steward's chair at the front, facing the passenger seats. She pulled out a tin of crackers and began to eat. Looking at her new group, she decided things could be off worse. She could be dead, or still stuck in that cock-eating jungle. She'd never find forests relaxing or peaceful again, she would only remember that suffocating fear...

Her daughter. She'd never gone without her mother for this long. Was she okay? Would she be okay later, if Denise did have to kill? If? There was no if, no doubt in Denise's mind that she was going to kill someone. It would be necessary to in order to go home. Could her daughter respect her if she was a murderer? Would she...hate her? The idea made Denise feel heavy, like she was being crushed.

Desprately, she waited for one of the twins to say something, anything to get her off that awful train of thought. It didn't seem like anyone was going to say a word for a while. She bent forward, elbows on her knees and rested her chin in her hands. She needed a cigarette. Now that she was finally out of the rain, she could have one. Denise cleared her throat.

"Mind if I have a smoke?"

Re: Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:44 am
by Theseus*
Lenny was glad to finally be out of the rain. It was cold and dark, and he wanted nothing more for it to be morning and the rain to stop. He found a seat that was rusted and broken and sat down. Elizabeth sat down next to him. Lenny had a view outside the plane, so he could see if anyone was coming. However though, between the rain and the darkness, it didn't do much good.

Elizabeth yawned as she sat down. She was tired. Very tired. Denise asked if she could smoke and Elizabeth through a yawn said, "Yeah sure."

With that, Elizabeth's world started to fade. Her head leaned back against the seat and her eyes shut. She slipped into a deep sleep that she needed.

Lenny watched as his sister went to sleep. He had caught some sleep back at the jungle before they met Denise, and although he was tired, he could manage staying away. Looking at Denise he said, "If you want to sleep you can. I'll keep a lookout until morning. Then we should probably start to head out once it's light anyways."

Lenny toyed with the idea of killing Denise if she went to sleep. Quick, easy, no one would know. Elizabeth would know. He couldn't do that. He was here to protect his sister. See her go home. Denise wasn't a threat, and was actually pulling her own weight.

We'll just see what happens...

Re: Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:44 am
by dinah_shore*
Smiling inwardly, Denise brandished her new pack of Player's lights. She had bought them for the trip, and was pleased that she had most of the pack left. She had smoked the rest of the old pack in the jungle, before the rain made it impossible to light up. She struck a match. It came from a book she had stolen(along with a box of others) when she quit at the convenience store. That was right before she married Leo.

She hoped that he was getting enough sleep in between taking care of the baby and work. She didn't want to think about if he was worried about her.

Exhaling the smoke, Denise felt a warm buzz creeping up on her as some of the stress she was feeling dissapated. She inhaled again, deeply. It was too dark inside the plane to see properly, but the brief light of the match had illuminated the twin's faces. Elizabeth had her eyes closed, resting. The warm light from the fire illuminated her blonde hair, making her look almost angelic. She was able to briefly catch a glimpse of Lenny before the match went out(those particular matches were cheap, and stayed alight just barely long enough to light a cigarette). He had been looking at her, almost like he was sizing her up.

What a fucking creep. Denise looked into the dark, and had another puff on her smoke. The ember on the end danced with her hand movements. She thought about finding an ashtray of some sort, then shrugged and tapped the ashes onto the carpet in front of her. While she finished smoking, she looked into the void-like dark without thinking. A few minutes later, she crushed the butt into the carpet with her foot, making sure it was out.

Lenny still didn't exactly inspire trust in her. He was a player, and might decide to kill her in her sleep.

No, his sister went through the trouble of saving me in the jungle. That wouldn't make sense. Then again, was he that stupid? Or crazy? Could Denise trust that he didn't want to piss off Elizabeth?

Not a fucking chance. Denise would stay up.

A minute later, she was in a deep sleep.

Re: Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:44 am
by Theseus*
Elizabeth opened her eyes to the darkness. She couldn't see anything, so she waited for her eyes to adjust. They adjusted only a little bit, enough for her to make out the silhouette of Denise. Where was Lenny? He wasn't in the plane anymore. Looking around, Elizabeth stretched her arms wide and started to yawn but quickly stopped it. Something was wrong. Her brother wouldn't just leave. Would he? No. He must be outside looking around, trying to make sure the area was safe.

Quietly, Elizabeth Priestly made her way out of the plane, and found herself standing in the dark airfield. She thought back to the fight with Keiji here. How his sabre had cut both her and Lenny. How he had put up a tough fight, before finally turning the sabre on himself. That's when Lenny went up to him and finished him off. It was a solemn affair. No cheers or smiles, just a lonely walk into the forest.

Elizabeth heard something. Turning her head to the noise she saw nothing but darkness. It was almost like the darkness was trapping her. She took a step and found it almost hard to walk. Panic started to rise in her, and she started to speak.

"Lenny...Lenny...come on. Where are you....We need to get back to the plane..."

She heard another noise behind her, and she spun around to see only more darkness. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. Screaming she spun around to see Lenny's face lit up by a flashlight. He was the one holding the flashlight, and in the eery glow Elizabeth could see Lenny smiling. Not one of his normal smiles, but something else. Like he was happy cause he knew a secret you didn't.

Elizabeth started to back away when she saw Lenny make a quick movement with his free hand. Elizabeth felt something...something. Looking down, she saw Lenny's hatchet in her stomach. Yet, she felt no pain. Looking up at her brother she managed to say, "Why..."

Lenny said nothing, as he pulled the hatchet back out of her stomach.

Elizabeth looked back down at her torn up stomach and turned around to make a run for it. She couldn't make any sounds, couldn't do anything. She just kept running, and felt like she was slowing down. It was like in a dream, where you tried to run as fast as you could but couldn't.

Lenny easily caught up to her and whispered in her ear.

"Dear sister, I'm surviving."

He then swung his hatchet at her neck.


Elizabeth's eyes opened. She looked around the small plane. Denise was asleep. Turning, she saw her brother sitting next to her still. Lenny's eyes were open, and he was looking out of the plane.

It was all a dream.

Why was she having dreams like that? Lenny would never, ever, hurt her.

Lenny noticed that she was awake and spoke to her.

"You ok?"

Elizabeth said, "Yeah, just a bad dream."

Lenny said, "You should try to get some sleep. I'm going to go explore the hangars. They might have some useful items in there. Stay here with Denise."

With that, Lenny made his way out of the plane and traveled through the darkness to the hangar that Harry was in. Upon reaching the hangar, Lenny went inside, and looked around. It dark, and he didn't see Harry.

Re: Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:44 am
by Cyco*
'Fuck off...'

Harry watched the screen of the GPS intently as one of the blips broke away from the little group and made its way toward the hangar he was residing in. He was far too exhausted for any more of this shit; he'd been up for two days--or was it three--fuck it, he was tired anyway.

'I said, fuck off...'

"Fuck off you bastard!" he snarled under his breath, but naturally the blip ignored his hostility and continued its progress down the screen to his own location. Harry made a frustrated jerky motion with his fist in the air but made sure not to hit anything for fear of alerting the intruder now on his doorstep. He switched off the GPS with a hiss, the darkness of the enclosed hangar complete without the glow of the luminescent screen.


Harry shoved the GPS into one back pocket and quickly withdrew his flashlight from the other. He switched up the three items in his hands so that he could grip the shiv and the flashlight simultaneously. Just in case he'd need it. He was already fairly well-hidden behind a shelf of crates--as if he was going to rest in the middle of the room--and confident that even if the blippity sonofabitch searched the place with a flashlight of his own, he wouldn't be detected easily. The lights didn't work; he'd tried them on his way in.

'Nothing fucking works around here,' he grumbled inwardly.

'...Except the cameras, I hope.'

Re: Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:44 am
by Theseus*
Lenny moved through the dark hangar not sure what he was looking for. Anything useful he guessed. Though it was too dark to see anything, and he wondered if the lights worked. Yet he couldn't even find the switches to test it out. Leaning down, Lenny took out his flashlight from his pack and switched it on.

Moving the beam across the room he watched as the dust and particles danced in the light. He moved it slowly over objects, taking in the hangar. Where was this island? What was this place? There was no one in the hangar that Lenny could see, and he was fairly confident that the airfield was uninhabited except for him, his sister, and Denise.

When Lenny was satisfied, he turned off his flashlight and put it back in his bag. Shouldering his pack, he left the dark confines of the hangar and entered the dark open expanse of the airfield. Walking quickly he made it back to the shelter of his group. Moving inside the aircraft he saw that Denise was still asleep.

Elizabeth looked at her brother and said, "find anything?"

Lenny shook his head and said, "At first light we need to move though. I don't think it's safe to stay here for too long."

Elizabeth nodded and said, "You need to get some sleep now. I'll keep watch now."

Lenny wanted to say no, but he knew it was true. He needed sleep. Leaning his head back on his seat he let his eyelids cover his eyes and he fell into more darkness.

Re: Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:44 am
by dinah_shore*
Denise barely stirred at all in her sleep.

The lifeguards had been long gone from the beach. The sun was beginning to set as Denise laid out her blue beach towel, a joint dangling lazily from her mouth. This was going to be fun.

She was there with two other girls she'd grown up with: Lynette and Mickey. Normally they'd have boys there too, but that night they wanted to themselves. Smiling, the girls all gathered around the beer cooler. Mickey divided the 'shrooms into three equal-sized piles.

Mushrooms taste like shit, but Denise gobbled them all down as quickly as possible. "Dee, shit...I don't fuckin' know how you do that." Denise gulped some beer, then turned and smiled at Lynette. They had been best friends since they were nine, going through everything together, from crushes to being grounded for sneaking out of the house to do drugs on the tonight. Both of the other girls were halfway through their respective piles of magic mushrooms. Denise toked lightly on the spliff in her mouth.

"I love you, girls." Denise said as she reclined on her towel.


Re: Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:45 am
by Theseus*
Elizabeth was getting nervous. She watched as Denise and her brother continued to sleep, and Elizabeth just wanted the morning light to come. Her sleep, while flooded with nightmares, had given her the rest she needed. Well, she would have gladly gotten a lot more rest, but considering the circumstances, this was as good as she was going to get.

Though, she was still nervous. She just wanted to get on the move again. All this sitting around couldn't be good, and Denise and her brother had enough rest to get them through at least another trek. Where would they go though? Elizabeth wasn't sure. She just wanted to get out of this airfield.

Nudging Lenny, she whispered to him.

"Len come on. Wake up. We got to move."

Lenny's eyes slowly opened, until he heard his sisters voice. Then he was wide awake, looking around. Was there trouble? Was she hurt? When Lenny only saw darkness he said, "What's going on?"

Elizabeth looked out from the downed aircraft.

"We need to move. I don't like it here."

Lenny nodded. As much as he would like to stay here and wait out the night, he didn't want his sister to worry. He looked over at Denise, who was still sleeping.

"Wake up the girl and let's get going."

Elizabeth nodded and reached over and nudged Denise.

"Come on, wake up Denise. We got to get moving."

Lenny stretched and yawned. When he was done, he moved out of the downed aircraft and looked around. They would head back into the jungle.

Lenny whispered to the girls.

"Come on, let's move."

((Lenny and Elizabeth continued at The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg))

Re: Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:45 am
by dinah_shore*

Colours were exploding everywhere. Denise dug her toes in the sand, and felt it slowly crawl up her feet and legs. She giggled and brushed it off. Her towel was growing, sprouting like grass, growing fur, becoming alive. "Oh, sorry!" Denise apologized as she picked her weight up off the towel, which began to crawl away. She looked at her friends. Their eyes were strange, "googly". It was hilarious.

The laughter subsided, and Denise found herself lying in the sand. Those fuckers were getting in her hair. There was only one solution. "Let's go swimming!" She grabbed Mickey and Lynette's hands and pulled them towards the water. The three girls held onto eachother, and stumbled to the water's edge. The sun had almost disappeared behind the horizon, leaving pink and purple streaks on the darkening sky. Soon the only light would be coming from the moon.

Slowly, they waded into the cool ocean. With a loud whoop, Lynette threw herself in. Smiling, Denise and Mickey followed suit. They'd forgotten that they were still wearing street clothes.

Denise and Lynette didn't notice Mickey wade back ashore, they were too busy splashing eachother with the amazing water. It was a dark blue-black around them, but when they made a disturbance in the water, like a splash, it turned brilliant silver. The water droplets became solid in the air, like little rocks. Denise kept trying to catch them, but they were too quick for her- they immediately became liquid once she touched them. She felt her organs pulsing inside her. It was wonderful to be alive.

"Hey! Look what I found!" Mickey called for their attention from the sandy shore.

The water was reluctant to let the girls leave. It caressed their legs gently as Denise and Lynette slowly walked ashore, like a mother letting go of her child's hand for the first time, still reaching out for him as he walks away.

Mickey had found a crab. He was gorgeous, a mottled brown-green. His shell reflected the moonlight as he crawled cautiously around the girls, who were now all on their knees to better examine him. "He looks so smooth..." Mickey cooed, as she extended a finger towards the creature. The crab, evidently, did not understand that they were to be friends as he clamped down on Mickey's index finger with one of his claws.

"Augh, bitch!" Mickey yelled as she withdrew her wounded digit. It was bleeding. Things were beginning to fade. "You dumbass..." Denise tried to say, but the beach and her friends were already gone.


Denise awoke to Elizabeth nudging her gently. They were to be on the move again, it seemed. Denise took a moment to shake off the grogginess she felt. How long had she been sleeping? Reliving that night on the beach had made her depressed, it made her wonder if she would see her friends ever again. In reality she didn't know if she would actually make it all the way to the end, and it scared her beyond belief. It scared her that she wouldn't be there to teach her daughter things that she wouldn't learn from school. Things like self-respect and independence, even dumb shit like how to braid her hair. Things Leo might not be able, or know to do. What would he do when she started menstruating? Or when she started making friends with boys...would he overreact?

Lenny snapped her out of her daze. "Come on, let's move," he whispered to the girls. Denise wasn't used to being lead by someone younger than her, but she did her best to let it go. If she let enough resentment towards Lenny build up she would in all likelihood say something stupid, and then get into a fight. She felt too depressed to argue.

As the three of them stepped out into the jungle, Denise felt her heart sinking lower than ever before. Thankfully, neither of the twins noticed that she was crying.

((Continued in The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg))

Re: Dork of the Manatee

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:45 am
by Cyco*
Harry held his breath as the flashlight beam scanned the room, his grip on the BB gun turning his knuckles white. What was this asshole even looking for? Food? Weapons? An airplane? Right, because when the terrorists went about making the island escape-proof they just fucktardedly forgot to take care of any fuckmothering airplanes.

Of course, Harry had no way of knowing what the shadowy figure was up to, but he was frustrated from lack of rest and unsure of what to expect if it spotted him. Maybe it was playing, maybe it wasn't, maybe it'd attack, maybe it'd run off to the other two for backup and Harry'd have to get the fuck out of there quick.

Eventually the beam died and Harry heard footsteps leaving the hangar. He breathed a sigh of relief, waiting a moment before turning the GPS on again just to be safe. The screen indicated that the blip was heading back toward the others, which was good news for him. He flicked the screen off and rested his head on his daypack, hardly comfortable but at least in a position conducive to sleep. He still clutched his weapons tightly.

'I can't sleep in the daylight...going to have to make due with a few hours...'