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In Case God Doesn't Show

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:42 am
by Theseus*
((Lenny and Elizabeth continued from But I'm a creep))

Lenny was tired. Dawn was approaching, but he had very little sleep, and the fight with Keiji had all but drained him. That plus the cut on his chest made him want to lay down. Get some rest. After the fight with Keiji, he didn't feel the same. It was different. It wasn't like Anna. He didn't feel any euphoria or anything. He just felt...nothing.

He felt dirty, sad. Keiji had put up a fight. A good fight. Lenny has the scar to prove it, and Elizabeth will probably have one too. As they left the airfield, Elizabeth didn't talk to Lenny. She wasn't mad at him. She wasn't feeling much really. Lenny had killed Keiji. Though he had kept his promise he had made at the hospital. He only did it to protect her. Nothing more. There was no repeat of Anna's death.

Yet, still, Elizabeth knew something was wrong with her brother. He wasn't talking, and he only led through the jungle, haphazardly with little direction. Her face was stinging, and as they continued through the jungle she stopped and said, "Lenny come on. We need to stop. You're hurt. We need to clean you up. Then get some rest."

Lenny liked that idea. Maybe it was the exhaustion that was putting him in this blah state. Maybe he was feeling remorse of killing Keiji. Without saying anything, Lenny stopped in the middle of the jungle and found a fallen tree and sat down. He took off his shirt and looked at his sister.

Elizabeth looked at the cut on his chest. It didn't appear deep, but it would leave a scar, and would need to be cleaned. Elizabeth took her first aid kit out of her bag and looked through the items. She took out what appeared to be disinfectant, and proceeded with cleaning Lenny's cut. After she was done she used the gauze to wrap it up.

Lenny put his ruined shirt in his bag and took out a new one, and put it on. The rain was still falling, and caused his new shirt to get wet, but at least it wasn't bloody. Lenny used Elizabeth's first aid kit to clean her face wound, and when he was satisfied they put the kit back in her back, and sat together on the fallen tree without saying anything.

Lenny decided to break the silence.

"Get some rest. I'll keep watch. Then we can switch. We need it."

Elizabeth looked at her brother. He needed the rest more than her. She said, "No. You sleep first. You need it. Don't argue with me on this Lenny."

Lenny knew she was right. He needed to clear his head. Figure out what he was feeling. He leaned against a tree which was behind the log and closed his eyes, and he drifted off to sleep rather quickly.

Elizabeth sat next to him, looking at her brother.

"Thanks Len...for keeping your promise."

Re: In Case God Doesn't Show

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:42 am
by dinah_shore*
The jungle seemed to go on forever. Denise looked at her compass. She knew she was going North. Well, she hoped she was going North. For all she knew, the fucking compass was broken. She had been walking West for three days before suddenly deciding to go North in hopes it was a shorter distance to where the jungle ended. Apparently not. Checking her map, Denise figured she'd probably put herself right in the middle of the damn thing.

Cocksucker! Should have went East!

The blinding fear that had gripped her for the first day or so on the island had faded away to frustration. She hadn't encountered a single person yet, and there was no doubt she was lost. She eventually put her meat cleaver away, which made her feel extremely vulnerable but made traversing the jungle much easier. She hadn't thought much about using it yet; she had other things on her mind. Who was at home with Annie when Leo went to work midnights? She'd been having nightmares all week and would cry out in her sleep. Maybe somehow she knew what would happen to her mother. They say children have some extrasensory abilities.

But that's ridiculous. Who's 'They' anyways? She's a kid, and she'll grow out of it. Just like you did.

Perhaps she was a little afraid. Afraid she'd never find a way out of that fuck-mothering jungle and starve to death.

Death. The people who deserve it rarely get it, she thought. Like that Danya fag. He was souless. She hated that he could joke about Lance cutting his unborn child from the womb. It horrified her. Bile began to rise in her throat as tears came to her eyes. The idea of abortion had occurred to her a few times during her pregnancy, but every day she spent with her daughter made her more grateful that she had not made that decision. This was not the time to be sensitive and cry...or vomit. She fought the bile back down and wiped the tears roughly off her face. It was time to face things.

This game is real. If I want to see Annabel again, I have to win. Simple as that.

But was she going to actively play? The idea of being a murderer didn't sit well with her. She could take it easy for now; there will be plenty of kids playing who can take out most of the other contestants for her. She didn't want to kill anyone who wasn't being threatening towards her, but she would make no alliances. No use getting attached to someone she might need to kill later.

"This is so fucked up," Denise groaned. She knew in her heart that she would kill whomever she had to, even with her bare hands.

Feeling nervous, she removed the cleaver from her bag and pressed on North.

Re: In Case God Doesn't Show

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:42 am
by Megami*
((Sorry, but we don't allow multiple topics in the same area. As such, this post has been merged with the current ongoing jungle topic.))

Re: In Case God Doesn't Show

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:42 am
by Theseus*
Elizabeth had been dozing in and out of sleep. She couldn't tell if the rain was letting up, for under the thick canopy of the jungle the rain was falling lightly. The sound of the rain, combined with the natural beauty of the jungle she was surrounded in caused her to doze in and out, betraying her word to watch over Lenny while he slept. Every time her head started to lean back and her eyes closed she jolted forward with one of those mysterious falling dreams.

The cycle continued for a while, until she finally fell into a light sleep. Her head fell on her brother Lenny's shoulder, and she dreamed.


Elizabeth spun around. She was alone. There was nothing but blackness surrounding her. She couldn't see anything, and she screamed. Yet nothing came out of her mouth. So she ran, yet no matter how much she ran, she seemed to get nowhere in the darkness. That was when she saw the light. It wasn't a pure light, but a dirty white light. Though it was a path, and she took it.

Following the light, she found herself standing in the middle of a large clearing. Rain was falling, yet it didn't seem to hit her. Elizabeth saw a figure up ahead. The figure was on the ground, and hunched over something. Elizabeth, curious, made her way over to the figure only to see it was her brother.

Lenny was hunched over Anna's dead mutilated body and looked up at Elizabeth. A smile formed on his lips and he said, "I killed her for you Liz. She stood in the way. I'm protecting you. This is all for you."

Elizabeth took a step back and shouted.

"No! You promised! No more! What about Keiji? You killed him out of self defense. He was attacking us!"

Lenny stood up, his bloody hatchet in hand and approached his sister.

"I killed her for you Liz. She stood in the way. I'm protecting you. This is all for you."

Elizabeth turned around and started to run away.

"You're not my brother! No no no no!"

As Elizabeth started to run away though, she stopped, her thoughts racing. She was running away from her own brother. Despite what he did at the Marsh, he did protect her. He made the promise at the hospital not to be the same boy he was at the marsh. He wasn't. With Keiji it was different. It was purely self defense. Right? Keiji was attacking them. Right? Yes.

Lenny's hand reached out and touched Elizabeth's shoulder.

"I killed her for you Liz. She stood in the way. I'm protecting you. This is all for you."

Elizabeth turned around to look at her brother.

He smiled at her and said, "Come on. We have more work to do."

As he turned around to walk away, she watched as his clothes became more and more drenched in blood. With every step Lenny took away from Elizabeth, he became soaked with blood. Elizabeth started to walk towards him, and with every step she took closer to him, the blood seemed to be cleansed from him.

When she finally reached him, she touched him, and he was back to being free of blood.

Free of sin.

He turned around and looked at Elizabeth with a look of excitement and sadness mixed into one.

"Come on. We have more work to do."

Then Elizabeth found herself falling into the blackness again.


Elizabeth jolted up once again. The dream was still playing in her head, until it began to fade from her memory. She looked at her brother. He was still sleeping. She sighed and stretched her arms when she noticed a figure in the distance. She couldn't tell who it was, not even if the stranger was male or female.

Elizabeth nudged her brother and said, "We got company."

Lenny felt himself being nudged awake by his sister and even though he heard her words, it took him a couple seconds to register them. Once he did though, he found himself taking the hatchet out of his hiding spot from behind his jeans and scanning around until he saw the mysterious figure. Lenny didn't want to risk any danger to his sister, so instead of calling the stranger over, he hoped the person would just walk by.

Lenny whispered to his sister, "Stay quiet. Let's hope whoever it is doesn't see us."

Re: In Case God Doesn't Show

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:42 am
by dinah_shore*
Denise was starting to wish she'd brought more than that jumbo bag of jelly beans and a couple bottles of water for the trip. In an effort to conserve her bread and water, her diet consisted mostly of, well...nothing. She ate the jellybeans only when she felt desperate for food. The bag was gone now, and the sugar was making her crash. Hard. She needed to find a place to rest. She noticed a couple people a few hours ago and for a single, crazed moment she thought about calling out to them for directions, or help. Denise had dismissed the thought just as quickly as it came. She didn't trust anyone, and she didn't like the odds of a two-on-one fight, or being murdered in her sleep.

I can't risk sleeping in case they followed me.

She didn't think she'd been spotted, but seeing the others had done everything but calm her nerves. Her skin felt hot and prickly, despite the cool rain pelting down on her. She could hardly breathe. Denise was fucking freaking out.

Leaning against a large tree, she battled the panic enveloping her. All she could see was white. Her skull hummed. "Oh, fuck..." she breathed as her legs gave out beneath her. She was fainting. The bark tore at her t-shirt and back as Denise slid helplessly down the tree.

"Fuck," she whispered as her conciousness faded.

Re: In Case God Doesn't Show

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:42 am
by Theseus*
Lenny continued to watch as the figure walked on, appearing as if she hadn't noticed him and his sister. It was dawn now, and Lenny couldn't tell if the rain was letting up or not under the jungle canopy. It didn't matter right now anyways. His eyes continued to fall the figure as it began to disappear from his line of sight.

Lenny was rather shocked though when the mysterious student collapsed against a tree, then started to sink down. Was the figure wounded? Dying? Tired? Or was it a trap?

Lenny's mind raced with possibilities, but even though he couldn't derive the answer from just sitting here, he knew what he would do. He would approach the figure. Say hi. Something. Lenny stood up and looked at his sister.

"Liz, we got to see what's going on. Come on."

Elizabeth stood up and shook her head. "No Len. No. Let's just go. Please. I don't like this."

Lenny smiled and placed his hatchet back in the hiding spot her had it before, which was under his shirt and tucked in the back of his jeans.

"No come on. We aren't going to get anywhere by just hiding all the time."

Elizabeth immediately picked up on the hypocrisy of his statement. Only moments before he wanted to sit back and try to hide from the figure. If only for her sake of survival. Yet now, when the figure was down, when there was an even greater element of mystery, Lenny wanted to seize the opportunity to investigate.

"Lenny, what if he's dangerous. He might have a gun. He might have saw us. He might shoot us when we get close."

Lenny felt as if his heart had skipped a beat.


That was exciting.

He was, in control if he approached the figure?

Then he felt it. Only a fleeting glimpse, but he felt it. It was the same feeling he felt back at the Marsh when he was killing Anna. A feeling of complete power. Of danger, of doing wrong, of unstoppable raw energy.

He hadn't felt that when he killed Keiji. Quite the contrary, he felt empty, sad. The fight had been a good one of course, and Keiji had nearly beaten Lenny. If it hadn't have been for Lenny's earlier hatchet swing, and Keiji's bad luck with his broken sabre, Lenny could have easily died back at the airfield.

Yet he didn't. Though he never got that feeling. Why was that?

It could have been the way Keiji practically committed suicide with that Last Samurai movie crap with Lenny finishing him off. Lenny did feel empty killing him. Though why. Maybe he would never put his finger on it. Maybe it was the fact that he had swore to his sister that he would never do what he did back at the Marsh again.

It didn't quite matter right now. He felt that feeling again.

Lenny said while looking at the collapsed figure, "Come on, don't worry. I'll protect you. I'll die before anyone can hurt you."

Elizabeth didn't want to go. She wanted to leave. She wanted to retreat farther into the jungle and hide until the end. Yet she knew she couldn't beat her brother on this. They had to see the figure.

As the twins approached the figure, they saw that it was a girl. Denise Dupuis. Wasn't she the girl that was married and had a kid already? Elizabeth looked at her. Was she sleeping?

Lenny looked at her as well.

Oh, how much he wanted to swing his hatchet at her. How much he wanted to slice her tan skin. How much he wanted to make her bleed. Yet not here. Not now. He had to fight that urge.

What was happening to him?

He was sick.

A creep.

Was he? Lenny didn't know anymore. He wasn't sure who he was. He wasn't sure how he felt. There were too many emotions and feelings all being blended into one. He couldn't differentiate one feeling from another. He shouldn't feel the way he felt at the Marsh. He should feel the way he did at the airfield. Both were very conflicting emotions. One said killing was bad. The other said good.

Though none of that mattered right now. As Lenny and Elizabeth stood over the girl, Lenny looked at his sister and said, "Alright sis. I think we should wake her up."

Elizabeth wasn't afraid of the girl. She was afraid of her brother right now. Of his thoughts. Of what he wanted to do. She knew that he would protect her no matter what, and she didn't want to see Denise die here. She had seen enough people die by her brothers hands. She wouldn't be apart of another death. Not a girl with a daughter. Not someone who was laying here, eyes shut, defenseless.

Elizabeth knelt down and tapped the girl's shoulders.

"Hey Denise. Are you alright? Come on wake up."

Re: In Case God Doesn't Show

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:42 am
by dinah_shore*
The roaring in Denise's ears became voices. Len had raped Kathy again. She could hear her screaming and crying. Kathy was calling her name. Why was she calling her?

"Denise! Denise!"

"Please...don't," she whispered weakly. "Please don't, he'll hit me too..."

"Denise! Are you alright?"

Denise realized the screaming was her own. It was she who had been...

"Come on..."

"...wake up."

Denise opened her eyes slowly. Everything was blurry, and her eyes and brain ached. She closed them again.

"K----Kathy?" she murmured. She tried to reach for her sister, but she could barely move, she was so tired. The rain ran down her face and into her mouth, but Denise hardly noticed. She didn't know what was happening. Was she dreaming?

Re: In Case God Doesn't Show

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:43 am
by Theseus*
Kathy? Who was Kathy? Denise seemed sick, and Elizabeth knew that she hadn't just have fallen asleep.

"Lenny somethings wrong. Maybe she's hurt? Or the heat got to her?"

Lenny looked at Denise and said, "Maybe. I'll check her for wounds. Go into her bag and get out a bottle of water."

Lenny reached down and lightly touched Denise. As much as he wanted to, he didn't want to startle the girl and cause a scene right now in the middle of the jungle. He quickly did a once over of her body, and said, "She looks fine. Probably just exhaustion. Get her the water."

Elizabeth had went through Denise's pack and retrieved the bottle of water. Unscrewing the cap, Elizabeth knelt down besides Denise again and angled the water bottle so the battle was beginning to flow from the bottle into Denise's mouth.

"Come on, wake up Denise. You can't just be laying around out here."

"Yeah" Lenny said.

"You don't know what kind of creeps are out here."

Re: In Case God Doesn't Show

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:43 am
by dinah_shore*
The water was like balm on Denise's frayed nerves. Slowly things began to come into focus.

It wasn't Kathy who kneeled in front of her. It was Elizabeth Priestly, a girl on the swim team. Denise took a moment to recognize her. She hardly knew anyone at school, but Elizabeth had never done anything that annoyed her, and the fact that she hadn't killed her (yet?) was good enough.

Denise began to say something when a male voice piped up. Who the fuck was that? Instantly she sat up and looked for the source of the sound.

Yes. She had forgotten for a moment about Lenny, Elizabeth's twin. She looked him once over. He had lost a bit of weight since the game began, Denise noted. And some sleep. He looks haggard.

"Where did...can you...ah, fuck. Thanks," Denise began awkwardly. "What are you guys doing out here?" Denise kept her hand low, close to her meat cleaver. She wouldn't touch it, or move to pick it up. If she alarmed them, they might fight her, and she was too weak for that shit. She didn't trust Lenny, she had a strong feeling that the only reason she wasn't breathing through a slit in her throat right then was Elizabeth's apparently benevolent nature. Maybe they could give her an idea of the situation on the island outside of the jungle. Or a way out, that would be nice.

"Is there a path nearby?"

Denise prayed that they weren't just toying with her.

Re: In Case God Doesn't Show

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:43 am
by Solitair*
((Quincy Archer continued from Dark of the Matinee))

In another corner of the jungle, Quincy Archer wandered and worried. He had only been conscious for about a day and he was already beginning to see things. He had enough problems as it was without being distracted by cartoon characters.

He sighed and took a deep breath, then wiped his eyes and looked around. He could see every leaf clearly and without error, and everything appeared to be realistic. That was good. Now if only he could get this damn song out of his head.

"I remember when, I remember I remember when I lost my mind…" he muttered, fully aware of the irony in the lyrics.

What he was not aware of was the presence of another student in a nearby tree, a tree that he was in the process of passing under. He noticed her only after she jumped onto him and knocked him to the ground.


Margaret Tweedy knew how to make herself scarce. She practiced every day in middle school, finding the cleverest places to hide and eat her lunch, the alternative to interacting with the humanoid jackals the faculty would have her believe were her peers; after the first hundred swirlies, loogies, and cruel invectives she suffered under, she no longer believed them. She repeated this habit until after the unfortunate incident with Eric Lodge; upon relocating to Southridge High, she decided to grow a pair and confront her tormentors instead.

Now that they could respond to her trash talking with bullets, though, she found it wiser to fall back on her original strategy. So far, it was working. She knew how to climb trees, and to go on with minimal food, so that even after six days her rations were only about half gone.

Then this scrawny redhead boy came walking along in a daze.

Fortunately, he didn't seem to notice her, so she was free to watch him. She doubted it was Dodd, who had killed and was likely to have more weapons than the nothing that this boy had. He got closer to her tree and then inexplicably started to sing. Margaret's jaw dropped.

This she could not allow. His crooning would attract other players, and she would be noticed and killed. Margaret did what came into her mind first: dropping onto him like a Dixie-fried anvil.

Quincy considered himself lucky. He couldn't feel anything broken, but he'd gotten the wind knocked out of him and he was trapped beneath his assailant's weight. On second thought, that wasn't lucky at all; if she had any weapon that wasn't a bloody joke, he was completely at her mercy.

"What in Sam hell d'you think you're doing, wandering around like a damn pothead?" she asked in a thick drawl. "Doncha know where we are?"

Quincy strained and looked up, regretting his decision almost immediately. He knew that Margaret wasn't the most stable of individuals, so he had to tread carefully. "I," he gasped. "I'm feeling a bit out of it today."

"So'm I. This how you deal with stress, Quincy Archer?" She scooted back and allowed him some breathing room. "You must not be fond of living."

He shrugged. "Not really, no. But I'll try not to throw my life away next time."

"Mhm. And what makes you think I'm allowing a next time?" She withdrew her weapon, a length of metal chain, and dangled it in front of Quincy's face.

Quincy blinked. "Well, there must be some reason why you haven't choked me to death already. Would you care to share it?"

She nodded. "Actually, yes I would."



"Ugh! Look what you did, you clumsy ape!"

Margaret looked. She saw the textbooks that Melina Frost dropped on the ground after running into her. She looked back up into Melina's eyes and said, "So?"

"Pick them up," Melina ordered.

Margaret glared at her. She and the school's bitch-queen went through the motions a lot lately, much to Margaret's irritation. Melina would rudely block Margaret's path and spew slurs at her. Margaret would reply with threats. They were all empty, of course; her education depended on that. Melina would continue unabated until Margaret decided to walk away with her head held high. That was Melina's role in her life: to grind on her like a millstone.

But today was a bad day. Her English teacher, a snobby pencilneck with a big nose, had publicly mocked her in the middle of class for her failure to grasp the themes of Finnegans Wake. The man made a habit of treating anyone who didn't or couldn't appreciate the post-modernist movement on his level like horseshit, and Margaret had just sat there and taken it, again because her one and only chance for prosperity depended on her compliance.

And so her irritation managed to seep out of a crack in her demeanor. She slammed a massive clodhopper onto Melina's dainty and oh-so-perfect foot, holding back just enough to prevent lasting harm.

Tears came to Melina's face quickly, sliding down her reddening face as she gave Margaret the most furious glare that she could muster. "You hideous, loathsome troll!" she shouted, pausing to slap Margaret across her face. "I'm going to make you suffer for that. You have no idea about the favors I can request from this school. You can forget about graduating from this school as long as I'm here!"

Fuck graduating. All Margaret wanted to do was tenderize the harpy standing in front of her. She clenched her fist and prepared to launch a right hook that would leave Melina without a few of her teeth. She'd have a hell of a time getting any action with a face like that.

"What's all this, then?" said a third party. Both girls turned to look.

Quincy Archer stood a few feet away with a slouch and a smirk. "A catfight's starting in the halls and here I am without any popcorn."

Melina glared at him out of the corner of her eye. "Back. Off. Quincy!" she said through clenched teeth.

Margaret stared at Quincy, wondering what the hell he wanted. "Leave us alone," she warned him.

Quincy shrugged and shook his head. "No, I don't think I will. I'm interested in seeing this through, even if the results are predictable."

"I mean it, you toad!" Melina shouted. "If you don't let me handle this idiot myself I'll be more than happy to make you share her punishment!"

"Threaten me all you want, bitch, it only strengthens my resolve," he replied. It sounded like he was repressing a laugh. "Besides, do you really want to try that gal's patience? You wouldn't be able to get in the sack with the body she'd give you."

This time it was Margaret's turn to raise her voice. "Not one word about that, Quincy, I'm warnin' you!"

"Now, I know what you're thinking, Red," Quincy continued. "She wouldn't dare risk her education to break your fragile twig of a body. But it wouldn't be the first time she ran out of patience for the likes of you. So what you should be asking yourself is, do you feel lucky?"

Melina seemed to be trying to bore a hole through Quincy's forehead with her eyes. After a few seconds, though, she walked off in a huff, muttering about the impudence of the other students. This left a dumbfounded Margaret standing in front of Quincy, who was grinning from ear to ear.

"No need to thank me, Mags, I've been looking to chew that one out for quite a while." He patted her on the shoulder tenderly, causing her to bristle. "And, um, word to the wise here, but you may want to dress in clothes that haven't been mangled in the wash, alright? You look terrible."

Margaret held her breath. It looked like she'd be needing that right hook after all.


"I still have the bruise you gave me that day," Quincy told her, pointing to a light blue patch of skin covering his left cheekbone.

"Why'd you do it?" Margaret asked him.

"Oh, that. Weeeeeell, some of Melina's ‘friends' were gossiping about… well, I'd rather not repeat what they said in your presence. That was kind of irritating to hear. Then of course I read the news, which only made things worse, and long story short, I needed to blow off steam somewhere. Why not in Melina's face?"

Margaret spat on the ground near his head. "And what if she'd delivered on her promise because of you, eh?"

Quincy laughed. "Oh come on, you honestly believed her? She gets around, but the people who matter can easily afford better ‘help' if they so desire." He wrested his arms free from her weight and folded them under his chin. "It's pretty fun, poking holes in stonking great egos. You should try it sometime."

"Glad ya found it amusin'." Margaret growled. "Don't suppose my ego matters to you at all?"

Quincy hesitated before answering. "No, I guess it didn't. You were pretty much just a bystander that I used without much forethought. That was a mistake."

Margaret absorbed his response, then stood up and let Quincy loose. He brushed the dirt off of his clothes and got to his feet. "So," he said. "What are you going to do now?"

Margaret sighed. "How the hell should I know? I was going to hide in the woods until most of the others died, but…"

Quincy tilted his head. "Yes?"

"It's… Melina. Have you heard the announcements? She's killed two people now."

"You're surprised that she could be so vicious?"

"No, not really. But I've been thinking a bit these past few days, and I was wondering if they really deserved it…"

Quincy stroked his chin. "Who'd she kill?"

"Lance Barrett and Monique St. Claire."

Quincy nodded. "Well, I can say that Melina deserved it more than they did, that's for damn sure. But what's the use in worrying? They're gone and you can't do anything about…"

Margaret began walking off in the middle of Quincy's sentence. She'd always hated Melina, and even after she'd stopped bullying Margaret, she could always be seen around school, as haughty and arrogant as a noblewoman, and it reminded Margaret of her shortcomings. All the things she'd never have, the system that screwed her since birth… What right did Melina have to piss on her for not being as fortunate?

"Kill her," Margaret mumbled as she trudged through the woods. Her chain dangled from her left hand, and she'd fetched her map out of her bag with her right. She would search the entire island if necessary until she found her prey.

Danya had changed the rules, after all. The system was no longer there to hold her back.

Quincy watched Margaret march off with curiosity. What could she possibly hope to accomplish with just an iron chain? She was tougher than horse gristle, as she might put it, but no amount of muscle mass could conceivably beat a gun.

He shrugged and took off after her. At no point did she technically say that he couldn't follow her, after all, and her journey could be interesting to watch.

((Quincy and Margaret continued elsewhere))

Re: In Case God Doesn't Show

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:43 am
by Theseus*
Elizabeth made sure she was the one to speak. As much as she loved her brother, he was likely to say something stupid that would either cause them, well him, to have to kill Denise, or some other unfortunate event. No, Elizabeth was going to make sure the killing stopped. Denise wasn't a threat, and Lenny had only killed Anna and Keiji to protect Elizabeth. Well, so it seemed at least. Regardless, as long as Denise didn't set off Lenny's radar, they would be fine.

"We haven't been here too long. We're just trying to get out of the rain. Also, it seems safer here in the jungle than out there."

Lenny stood by his sisters side, silent, looking Denise over.

Yeah, one move and he could make it look like she was trying to attack his sister. That would give him enough reason to hit her. To slice her. To feel that complete euphoric feeling of killing someone.

He could just do away with her now. Though there were two problems with that. The first being his main goal was to protect his sister and make sure Liz got off this island. She already stated her disgust in him for his "prolonged murder" which she called torture. So he "promised" her he wouldn't do it again. He had all but initiated the fight with Keiji, though in his defense, there was no way in telling Keiji's intentions. So by killing Denise now, with no reason, he would lose all trust in the person he cared most for.

The second problem was the most simple.

Where would the fun in just killing her be?

So he stood by, looking at Denise, letting his sister do the talking.

Elizabeth held her hand out to help Denise up and said, "Come on, you can stay with us if you want. I'm not sure exactly where we're going to go, but if we keep moving we should be fine."

Re: In Case God Doesn't Show

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:43 am
by dinah_shore*
"You can stay with us if you like."

No, Denise didn't like. But it didn't look like she had much choice. She was rather sure that trying to leave would make the twins attack. Or they could be inviting her along to gain her trust and get an easy kill.

Who the fuck knows, anyway? Travelling with a group would make sleeping and defense easier...

Denise was sold. She was fucking tired, and wouldn't make it on her own in her current state.

"Okay, yeah. That would be fine. This is what I've been assigned," she indicated the butcher's knife. "What are you two packing?" Might as well get to know her new 'teammates'. Bah. Denise hated going against her better judgement, and that Lenny kid was creeping her out. Something wasn't right. Then again, nothing was right on this island.


Re: In Case God Doesn't Show

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:43 am
by Theseus*
So the girl was going to join them.

Inside, Lenny's stomach knotted up. What was Elizabeth doing? Five days ago, she was the one following Lenny, taking his orders, being protected. Whether she liked it or not, she helped contribute to the deaths of two students. Now, was she aware of what she was doing? Was this her idea of a game? Maybe punishment?

Elizabeth hoped she gave off the idea of what she was doing, She didn't. She saw taking Denise with them as a guarantee. Lenny wouldn't dare try to hurt or kill Denise as long as Denise was working towards protecting the group. That was Lenny's promise to Elizabeth. No more unnecessary deaths, and certainly no more torture.

So, as long as Denise was truly trustworthy, she would be safe, as Lenny would be forced to keep his promise.

Denise had mentioned that her weapon was a butcher knife.

Elizabeth said, "I got a saw. Looks just like the one off that movie saw. It's in my pack though."

Lenny was silent for a moment, looking at Denise's butcher knife. Finally he spoke.

"I got a hatchet."

Lenny would be forced to play this new game his sister was playing with him. Lenny's goal was still the same from day one. Protect his sister. Let no one harm her. One wrong move, and he would make sure Denise payed. Though for now, if Denise was truly one of the "good" students on this island, she couldn't hurt.

In fact, this might be a smart move. His sister was always the smart one. He had thought by traveling alone with just his sister, he increased their odds of survival. Which meant his sister's odds improved.

Though, Denise could provide added protection. A third member to the group, and they were stronger. Maybe, just maybe, Denise was more beneficial alive then dead. Oh, he still wanted to kill her, but he was willing to suppress any feeling to protect his sister.

Lenny looked around the jungle. The rain was still coming down.

"All right you two. Let's get a move on. I hope you're willing to use that Denise." Lenny made a motion to her butcher knife.

"Cause it's going to be a long road ahead."

He winked at her, and started to head off.

Elizabeth followed suit and made a motion for Denise to follow.

((Lenny and Elizabeth continued at Dork Of The Manatee))

Re: In Case God Doesn't Show

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:43 am
by dinah_shore*
Denise smirked. It wasn't a matter of willing, it was necessity. Her daughter was not going to be orphaned if she could help it. Fucking smug asshole.

"Time to cut this shit out," she said to no one in particular. She ripped a strip of fabric from the bottom hem of her black RUSH t-shirt, and tied her hair back.

She was ready.

((Denise cont'd in Dork of the Manatee))