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The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:45 am
by Ares
((Reg continued from Being For The Benefit of Mr. Robson))

Reg trudged on. He could not believe that he had yet to find anyone who would want to join his cause. Did they not understand, that brotherhood and unity could set them free?

"I just don't get it." Reg muttered as he wandered on.

Granted Reg had not a clue what his escape plan was should someone ask. He was hoping that some of the people he'd run into would have some ideas. Until then, it was just him and an empty head.

Reg stopped for a quick rest. He sat down and rested his back against a nearby tree.

"May as well wait for announcements. At least then I'll know where people may flock too."

Re: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:45 am
by Mitsuko2*
"Ewwie! This is so NOT sanitary!" Shrieked the form of a cold, wet, muddy and very lost blonde.

The girl had been lost in this horrible jungle ever since escaping from the Shore a few days back. Her feet hurt, her back hurt, and she was defiantly tired of seeing pure trees for around three whole days. She stomped her foot in anger, and slumped against one of the many oaks that surrounded her. She lifted up her tennis racket. She scowled at it. How in god's name was this flimsy thing going to protect her from the barbarians in her class?

"Ugh… This just isn't right… I'm Olivia Swan for god's sake… Things like this aren't supposed to happen to me!" She sighed. It wasn't fair. Her cell phone had absolutely no service in this horribly dark jungle. She had tried to get a signal on this island everywhere she went, but there was no service anywhere! What was the point of having a cell phone that didn't let her CALL anyone?!

"Oh Gawd…. This is a nightmare! My clothes are all soaked! And I'll never get these stains out of this skirt! It's friggin Pampolina! And my shoes! They're caked in this aweful mud! My life is going down the tubes! I lost my purse… PRADA! How the hell could this get ANY worse?!" She yelled out to the emptiness that surrounded her.

Olivia moved through the trees once again, desperate to get out of this garden nightmare, when she almost ran right into a boy.

"OH! You scared me you creep! What the hell?! Gawd…" She seethed. "Ugh… whatever, listen, do you know how to get out of this damned jungle?"

Re: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:45 am
by Theseus*
((Elizabeth and Lenny continued from Dork of the Manatee))

It was another long, silent walk through the jungle. Elizabeth had grabbed onto her brothers arm most of the night, scared of the sounds of the night. Sounds of the island. There was a moment when Lenny had ran into a tree branch without realizing it. His yell of pain caused Elizabeth to scream and fall back towards Denise. Though, most of the walk had been uneventful. Lenny was still quiet, hardly speaking to Elizabeth and Denise. He was changed. Something was different about him. After the incident at the Marsh, Elizabeth could tell something was different in him, but after Keiji, something else changed in him.

Lenny Priestly stopped, feeling his sister grabbing onto his arm. He heard voices up ahead. It was too dark to see who they were, and he could only see their silhouettes. He only saw two, though there could have been more. He crouched down, and felt his sister do the same. Hopefully Denise would crouch down too. He whispered to his sister, "Let's wait to see what they're talking about and who they are before we make a move." Hopefully Denise heard that too.

Lenny continued to stay crouched, peering through the thick foliage at the two figures. He wished dawn would come soon. Though with dawn, would come the announcement, and the island would know of his two kills. Denise would know she was moving with a killer. That would be interesting. Lenny noticed he was smiling, and stopped himself.

He had to keep focused. He had to keep Elizabeth alive. He would get her off this island.

Re: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:45 am
by dinah_shore*
((Denise continued from Dork of the Manatee))

It didn't take long for Denise to get ahold of herself once they got into the tougher parts of the jungle. Being a person of a sensible nature, she knew that crying would be the last thing to help her get off the island. Also, she didn't want Elizabeth to ask about it, or Lenny to notice. She did not want to appear weak to him. Even his sister was apprehensive about the guy. Denise wondered if it was because he had killed. Lenny communicated very little, especially with Denise, but she did see enough to tell that he was very protective of his twin sister and would do anything to keep her safe. Did "anything" involve using that axe of his to end a classmate's life? Denise couldn't be sure. He'd made her jump when he yelled out; something about walking into a branch. It was then when she realized that she was a little...afraid of Lenny Priestly. It seemed like Elizabeth was scared too, she fell back towards Denise after his outburst and stayed there for a while before returning to her brother's side again.

She had been following very closely behind the twins, and bumped into them after they'd abruptly stopped in their tracks.

What now? Denise thought, stooping down with the others. She heard Olivia Swan's voice before she saw her silhouette in the very faint light coming from the horizon. She also saw a second figure that she could not identify.

Denise didn't think much about the spawn of the prestigious Swan empire, much good that is. She recognized Olivia for what she was: a spoiled brat, too used to getting her own way; and never bothered to kiss her ass like other kids at school would tend to do. She was complaining about losing her Prada purse.

At least she's realistic, I would value that purse over her life too.

A part of Denise scolded her for being so hateful, but she thought Olivia Swan might have had enough brain cells to figure out that her life was now in constant danger. But whatever, maybe her Daddy could buy her way off the island, just like he bought her way through high school.

Looking at Lenny, she spoke quietly. "I recognize that voice. That's Olivia Swan."

Re: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:45 am
by EpOxy_eTheR*
Shameeca had sat down in the dark jungle half-scared and half-pissed off. She could not believe that this was happening to her. Thinking about where she came from, a shitty where she came now a nice family in her current situation... stuck on an island and either waiting to be killed or kill other people.

"Fuck, I can't believe this shit is happening. Danya gotta be fucking out his mind to be all expectin' us to kill each other" Shameeca said to no one in particular.

Although she wished that her classmates were not killing each other, she knew people were dead and more were going down. Off in the distance over the past couple of hours she thought she heard faint cries of help, pain, and gunshots. Shameeca could not tell whether it was real or rather she was imagining it. Reality and her mind was blurring together and she was psyching herself out. The rain pounding on her head was not helping either. On top of that, she was worried cause her hair was going to become all frizzy and nappy.

At that moment, she reached into her bag remembering that they had been assigned a weapon in order to protect themselves or kill one another... depending on how you looked at it. She reached in and was hoping for a knife or a gun, because she could most likely use those, especially the knife. Instead she pulled out something clear, hard, and long. It was her weapon, a double sided dildo.

"What.... the.... FUCK?! You've GOT to be kidding me. This shit is unbelieveable." Shameeca said sternly. Then she said outloud: "It's because i'm fucking black huh?! I knew it, ya'll are afraid of the black girl and wont give her a good weapon cause you think Imma shank a bitch with anything but a fucking dildo! I'll show you!" Shameeca said, holding up the phallic object, ready to turn it into a projectile. She then stopped and felt it's weight. It was kind of heavy for its size. It was about a food long and she could grip it pretty well. Shameeca loved to play the black card jokingly at school, since she was pretty much the only one in her groups now that she moved to California. This time, it wasn't a joke because this was the worst time to be joking.

"I could use this as a melee weapon," she said to herself, trying to calm herself down. "Wait... I have an idea!"

She immediately dove her hand into her own pack that she brought on the trip. She found a few items she was looking for; her toothbrush, rubber bands (for her hair) and some tape for the scrapbook she was going to work on during the trip. Shameeca, knowing people being in Juvee, stories she heard, and television shows about jail... a toothbrush could be sharpened and be made into a weapon.

"Well, atleast I can turn this into a make-shift dagger... hopefully".

Shameeca planned to sharpen the toothbrush and attach it to the dildo and use it to defend herself. Thanks to her culinary training, sharpening a knife was a peice of cake, so making this toothbrush sharp should not be that bad. The rain had moisten the rocks, which was good for sharpening metal, but perhaps not plastic. She went to work sharpening the toothbrush and eventually got a rough point.

"I need a smooth stone to get it where i want it," Shameeca said. "that probably means I need to go to a river or the beach or something". She knew those were out of the question because they were both dangerzones.

"My fucking luck!". Her thoughts were interrupted by rustling off in the distance. Then she heard someone squeal about Prada outloud. Shameeca instantly knew who it was, she knew it was Olivia.

"That stupid bitch, she still alive? She probably blew someone when they were about to kill her. Hey girl hey," Shameeca said while trying to follow that voice.

Re: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:46 am
by Theseus*
Olivia Swan.

While being very pretty, she was...well...a bitch. Lenny didn't like her. Elizabeth didn't like her. Most of the school found her money and attitude pathetic and bratty. Though, Lenny was rather glad to know she was here. How much of a threat could the blond be? Lenny then heard another voice call out. It was a girl, and seemed to be coming from a different direction than Olivia and the mysterious figure.

It sounded like Shameeca Mitchell. Lenny didn't know much about Shameeca, or really, Olivia for that matter. Though from what he's heard, he was pleased that they stumbled upon this little gathering. They wouldn't be a threat at all. That left some options. Lenny could keep moving on, and he, Elizabeth, and Denise could probably move unnoticed without bothering the group up ahead. Or, they could barge right into the group.

Lenny thought for a moment. The safe thing would be to move on. Though, that could also end up being dangerous. They could pass up the benign group and end up in the mist of a group of malicious students. It was better to pick your battles, and Lenny didn't want to be surprised with someone pointing a gun at him. Though, any of these girls or the mysterious figure could have a gun.

That's where the risk came in. Lenny smiled and turned to his sister and Denise. Elizabeth wouldn't like this idea, but who knew what Denise would think. Lenny didn't know the girl, and as much as he wanted to fight it out with her, she was managing to keep up and keeping the group safe. Lenny looked at both of the girls and whispered.

"There's at least three of them up there. Let's shake things up shall we?"

Lenny smiled. What he was going to do really had no rhyme or reason. He just wanted to do it. Elizabeth would have to play along, and if Denise did she would earn Lenny's respect. If Lenny started to respect Denise, there was no need to kill her. Maybe she wanted to go home as much as he wanted his sister to go home. If so, they could make quite the pair to the end. Or maybe she was as useless as Anna or Keiji. Just names. Just kids who lost. Kids who died by Lenny's hands.

Crouching, he moved his way through the jungle as silently as he could, hoping the darkness and the rain would mask any noise he made. He worked his way so he was facing the mysterious figures back, which was near Olivia. He couldn't tell where Shameeca was. Hopefully Elizabeth and Denise would catch on to his plan.

Moving forward he stood up and burst into a sprint, moving his arms in front of his face to protect against the loose limbs and thorns and brush. He let out a wordless scream, filling the dark rainy night with a primordial yell. When he closed the distance behind the boy he jumped forward hoping to tackle the boy to the ground.

Elizabeth had watched as her brother had moved along the jungle behind the boy, then made his dash towards a tackle.

What was going on with him?

Was he crazy?

Here he was, literally trying to shake things up a bit. Elizabeth didn't bother whispering at Denise as she said, "Ah screw it, I guess you got to pick your side eventually. You in or out?" Elizabeth jumped up and screamed too.

Which really made for an interesting sight if you had been there. Out of the dark jungle comes screaming kids running and lunging at their victims. Elizabeth made a ran towards Olivia, screaming the whole time and also jumped at the girl, hoping to tackle her to the ground.

Re: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:46 am
by Mitsuko2*
Olivia turned at the sound of another girl's voice. It was none other than Shameeca mitchel. Olivia hardly knew the girl, and really wouldn't be caught dead with someone such as herself in school. But here… here was somewhat different. She really could care less who was with her, and she really only cared about getting the hell out of this jungle.

She was about to reply to the black girl, when a primal scream made her jump from fear. A student bounded out of the bushes, and went to tackle the boy whom she had origianally asked for directions. She gasped, and heard another scream directly after, this one feminine.

The girl ran from the bushes, coming directly at her!

Now, Olivia wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but she sure knew that being tackled wasn't the nicest of feelings. Olivia realized she was still holding her tennis racket, and an idea finally formed withing the cobwebs of her unused mind.

"Ugh! Get away from me you maggot!" She yelled, swinging the tennis racket at the girl's head in her approach.

Re: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:46 am
by dinah_shore*
"You fuckin' idiot!" Denise yelled as she started half-jogging out after Elizabeth. She didn't know exactly what the twins expected her to do, since there were only two people there, and she had no idea where Shameeca was. It was massively stupid of them just to jump out at the others without knowing what kind of weapons they had.

Denise took hold of the meat cleaver and started to scan the area once more before making a committment. Then she found the earthen floor. For a moment the girl was confused, and in the next she realized that she had something large and metallic caught under her shoe. Denise sat up and parted the tall plants obscuring her view.

She'd tripped over a bear trap that had been set off by a large hare. Revulsion was quickly followed by excitement and happiness. The hare was in good shape, and susequently was edible. Actual factual food.

Quickly, Denise tried to open the trap, keeping an ear out for signs of trouble.

Re: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:46 am
by nope*
((G58 start))

Danni looked ridiculously out of place as she stumbled through the wooded area. Her hair, though considerably deflated, was no less disheveled. The once fashionable skunk stripes resembled more halos of mud than anything else, and the Hello Kitty clip clung to the matted mess as if for dear life. The pink tips only served to enhance the stupidity of the spectacle. The form-fitting (to what form there was) American Apparel dress and tights were riddled with tears and holes, some of them revealing various unattractive scrapes and cuts. The leopard print hi-tops had fared well in comparison, being only streaked with mud. Her clown make-up had blessedly been washed off by the rain and a quick and furtive river bath or two, revealing her true (and significantly less fluorescent) features. She was practically unrecognizable compared to the girl she had been nearly six days ago.

On her back was the daypack and over her shoulder was a pink and silver duffel bag, with her issued claymore attached to the strap by the leather clips on its sheath. As elegant as the English sword looked, the "Made In" etched at the base of the blade gave away its Indian origins. It was also a bitch to carry. She had been tempted to toss it many times, but had been frightened at the thought of not having anything to protect herself with. Sure, she could barely lift it, but it made her feel a little safer nonetheless. Maybe adrenaline would give her the strength needed to use it when the time came. Or maybe if she was lucky some idiot would run themselves right into it, doing all the work for her. She wouldn't even have her nagging conscience to worry about then.

She did, however, end up tossing much of her beloved possessions over the past few days. This included much of her clothes, her laptop (no wifi here), her equally useless cell phone, and most everything that wasn't a necessity. But apparently in Danni's world, make-up and iPods counted as life-sustaining. And for her, they probably were. There wasn't a chance in hell she would throw aways two of her favorite links to a now distant civilized world. Who knew, maybe she could even pull a Macgyver and make a bomb out of the iPod or something. After being abducted from her mundane life and being dropped in a middle of a bloodbath between the people she grew up with, it felt like anything was entirely possible. She could start shitting unicorns and sneezing fairies with the likeness of Julia Roberts and she wouldn't be shocked.

But it wasn't so implausible when she thought about it, was it? No. It was Adam fucking Dodd. She remembered all of the excitement when he first came to the school. People were so intimidated by him, and not without reason. He had a cold demeanor on top of killing what, like 20 people? Danni had never liked him. Sure, she'd only seen him in the halls occasionally, but to her he'd always come off as a huge jackass. But what really made her resent him was what he forced her to realize. Up until then she'd told her self that Survival Of The Fittest was just a stupid show with great advertising, that it was all fake, that it was nothing more than the Blair Witch Project with less shaky cameras. She'd tried to believe that her government wasn't so useless, that terrorists like that could never exist. But there was the proof, popping up every so often like an unexpected slap in the face when she went to her locker to grab her anthropology or anatomy textbooks. Not that that really mattered anymore; here was the ultimate proof right here, in the form a jungle with the mangled corpses of her classmates strewn about it.

Like it was a mere coincidence that they picked this class, just a stroke of luck on their part. It was all his fault she was stuck in this hell. Why did he have to pick her school to attend? She'd heard the government was letting him practically mooch off of them for all eternity for fucking up so badly, why did he even need to go to school? Why couldn't he just crawl into some hole and die?

With a fresh surge of anger, this time for her newfound scapegoat, Danni found the energy to pick up her pace a bit. She continued on forward like this for what seemed like an eternity in an endless forest, until finally the anger subsided and all that was left was fatigue. She collapsed to the soggy ground against the trunk of a tree, resting her head against the trunk. She wasn't sure if she could go on like this. She was going to die anyway, she'd already come to terms like that. She didn't see the point in trying anymore. She lifted her hands up to her sweaty face and began to sob...

So she was just going to lay down and die now? No. Absolutely fucking not. She was sure the dying would come soon enough, but might as well trudge on while she still could.

As Danni lifted herself up again, she began to hear commotion directly to her right. She turned her head towards it. She couldn't see anyone, but she was sure they were human voices. Had she finally come across living people?

She got to her feet continued forward cautiously, taking comfort in the burden digging into her shoulder.

A few days ago, she would have dropped her things and sprinted towards them. She would have still been holding onto the hope that her classmates weren't going to murder, that she would find people who could help her. If there was a white knight among them she may have even thrown her self at him, maybe clung to his chest and begged for her protection. But she'd heard the announcements made by that sick bastard Danya and his spineless henchman, and she'd seen the corpses. She knew well enough that there were no knights here.

Except maybe her. She had the sword and everything.

"Fuck me."

Re: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:46 am
by EpOxy_eTheR*
There was too much noise for Shameeca's liking and she stopped dead in her tracks. She knew that there was Olivia in the jungle, and an undetermined amount of people off in the distance. She heard shrieks and screams of girls and a guy.

"What the fuck is going on? This shit is turning into a hot ass mess and i'm not comfortable with that" Shameeca said to herself. She was not totally done with with her weapon contruction yet. Shameeca decided to turn the other direction and avoid conflict...

(Continued Elsewhere)

Re: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:46 am
by Ares
"What the...hey!" Reg said as he turned in time to see a screaming young man come flying from the bushes in his direction.

Reg sidestepped the boy's flying leap and look at him with confusion.

"Um, look my friend, I mean you no harm whatsoever, in fact, I'm just trying to find a way off the island without violence you know. There has got to be someway out after all."

Suddenly another scream came from the same area and a girl went flying after another girl whom Reg had failed to notice enter the area. It suddenly hit Reg that it was the brother and sister pair of Lenny and Elizabeth.

"Lenny! It's you. How have you been? Resorting to being a little primal I see, but you guys been doing okay on the island?"

Re: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:46 am
by Theseus*
Elizabeth's charge at Olivia started off well, until Olivia turned around holding a tennis racket. The racket made contact with Elizabeth's head causing her to stumble backwards, reaching up towards her head. She didn't make any movements after that, for she heard the mysterious figure, who turned out to be Reg, talking to Lenny.

When Lenny had made his charge, he was going too fast, which resulted in him not being able to stop when Reg moved to the side. Lenny ended up tripping over his own momentum, and laying on the ground a moment he looked up at Reg. Lenny's eye's were getting adjusted to the darkness of the jungle, and he was surprised of Reg's kindness.

Reg was one of those really tall hippie like kids. Really, Lenny had nothing against him. Lenny's charge was more or less just because at the moment, he felt he wanted to shake things up, cause a panic, anything. Though now, all those feelings left him. Standing up he put Reg's question on hold as he called out to his sister.

"Liz? You ok?"

Elizabeth, who was massaging her head said, "Yeah, I'm good."

Lenny's mind now raced to Denise. Where did that girl go? She didn't take part in the charge. Though, any sane person wouldn't have. Going around screaming and tackling people at night in a jungle was more or less just scare tactics with no true goal in mind.

Lenny turned to Reg and said, "You're trying to get off this island?"

Lenny never thought about that. He did, but he never actually thought about it. He had killed Anna and Keiji to protect his sister. Well, he could have gone without torturing Anna...and as for Keiji it was truly Lenny who provoked him...

Though regardless, all Lenny wanted to do was get Elizabeth home. Maybe there was another way without him having to kill people?

The thought of that caused a knot in Lenny's stomach. He still couldn't figure out what he wanted on this island. He felt something when he had control over Anna. A feeling that was unmatched. Then he felt shame later on for what he did. The shame of letting his sister down. Then there was Keiji. Lenny didn't feel any of the euphoria he felt with Anna when he killed Keiji. He felt...empty. He felt the feeling slightly when he charged Reg moments earlier.

Maybe it was the adrenaline? Charging into the unknown?

Lenny then said, "We've been ok. I guess, as ok as you can be. Tell me more about...this escaping."

That could be the ultimate thrill.

All that mattered was that his sister got home. She got off this island. one way or another Lenny couldn't fail.

Elizabeth had stopped rubbing her head and looked at Olivia. She just looked at the girl, and decided not to talk. Her brother was having a conversation with the other boy, and something was up.

Elizabeth decided to call out for Denise instead.

"Denise? Where'd you go?"

Re: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:46 am
by Mitsuko2*
Olivia smacked the girl hard on the head with the racket, sending her off to the side rubbing her skull. Reg dodged the boy's attack, and then started spitting out all this happy hippie talk. What was up with that? Was he a complete idiot? These two had just ASSAULTED them! Was he for real? The other boy started to calmly talk back to Reg, and Olivia simply huffed in response.

The girl who lunged at her turned and began to call out for another girl. Olivia glared at her. Apparently her name was Elizabeth. Olivia scoffed at the fact that she would even DARE to assault her. She was a Swan for Christ's sake! No matter though, Olivia would have to be as civil as possible.

"So…." She started. "How's your head….?"

Re: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:47 am
by Ares
Reg was excited that someone was actually going to listen to him. After it was established that Elizabeth was okay from the racket to the head, Reg spoke in a shisper,

"Well there are a couple of ideas I've got, but only one seems like it would work. I saw another group of students that seemed like they were doing this same plan, before I explain there is one other point. If you've noticed, that has not been Danya on the announcements the last couple of days. He's not here. So, what we can do is what I saw the other group doing. Destroying cameras. If we can destroy enough camera's, they can't exactly broadcast us and make money off of it. They'll have to come out and fix the camera's, and when they do, we can strike. Normally I wouldn't want to resort to violence, but I think this situation calls for it. If that plan seems unlikely, why don't we sit down, and try to figure this out. Every great plan has had a flaw, and that flaw can leads to its downfall. The Schlieffen Plan, invading Vietnam, they were all great plans, until unforeseen circumstances led to their downfall. If we can figure out that hole with Danya's plan here, we can beat him. Maybe its destroying the camera's, maybe its something else. There is always something."

Re: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Reg

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:47 am
by Theseus*
Destroying the cameras?

Sure that was plausible.

Danya sending in people to fix the cameras?

Yeah that could happen.

Taking out the people sent in?

That...that would be difficult.

Lenny looked at Reg and said, "These other students...where are they?"

If it was true there was a "revolution" going on, Lenny wanted to make sure it was more than just this hippie running around rallying people to their deaths. Lenny was all for risks and anything to get him that euphoric feeling he felt when he killed Anna again. Though he was not about to put his sister at risk.

"Why aren't you with this other group of students?"

Though if it was true there was a group destroying cameras bent on escaping, splitting up would seem the wise thing to do. Reg seemed like he truly wanted to escape, and Lenny felt torn.

He wanted to leave too. He wanted to get his sister off this island. He also didn't want to give up his power here. Off this island he would just be Lenny Priestly. Here he could be anything. He could be feared. He could be manipulative. He could kill. He could be whoever he wanted to be.

Though escaping seemed foolish. How many of these went on? Two were aired. He saw them. No one escaped. It was impossible. Though...maybe it was worth tagging along on the adventure. He would get his thrill. He could still be whoever he wanted, and at the same time he could work on getting his sister off this island.

Lenny had never really talked to Reg that much in school. They had shared classes and talked before, but they had never been friends.

"You know what, screw it, I'm in. Liz!"

Elizabeth Priestly looked at Olivia through the darkness and said, "It hurts...but..that's to be expected I guess."

When Elizabeth heard her name being shouted she worked her way over to Lenny and he said, "You know how I told you I was getting you off this island? Reg here says he knows how we can do it."

Elizabeth smiled at Reg, knowing he probably couldn't see the smile through the darkness and said, "How's that?"