A Quick Rest

This huge area takes up most of the island, with the only real "settled" places on it being the parts of the abandoned and run down military base. There are paths through the jungle, but there's also an extremely thick underbrush and abundance of plant life that would impede and agitate the contestants; not to mention the animal life dwelling within that would find the contestants to be a nice treat. The terrain itself is trecherous with several random drops, cliffs, and the occasional booby trap that the soldiers manning the base "forgot" to disarm; one could be easily lost for days in the vast confines of the jungle if the heat and other conditions didn't drive them insane. Exercise caution, children, one wrong step here would most definitely be your last.
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Gunblazer 42*
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:49 am

A Quick Rest


Post by Gunblazer 42* »

"I got my shoes wet, my clothes are drenched, and my glasses are virtually unseeable, but I think it's been good so far." Michael Anders said to himself while he sloshed through the mud and grass. "Considering I'm still alive..."

That's life. He had picked a perfect time to emerge from the deper part of the jungle, the part that had kept him hidden since he had arrived. Thank God for the shade keeping him from getting sunburnt. The last thing he needed was to feel uncomfortable and peel all over the place.

He had to keep moving lest he get stuck. He didn't want to risk his pack getting dirty with mud, and he didn't want his weapon to get dirty, either.

His weapon was a wrench. A wrench? Why? He wasn't a mechanic! What use would he have for such a thing!?

Deep down, he knew why. He still didn't want to acknoledge the fact that he was supposed to kill his fellow schoolmates in order to survive, but he knew there was no getting around it.

It's not like he had a connection to them. He had seen some of them in the halls back at Southridge, but he didn't know their names. He recognized some of the ones close to him during the "briefing" they had been given at the start of this whole thing, and he knew some of them were dead now, and others were on the prowl for blood. But he had never killed anyone before.

And the collars. He put the wrench in a pant pocket (though it, being large, stuck out uncomfortably), reached for his collar and ran a hand over it gently. He knewwhat they could do. He did, after all, watch the first Survival of the Fittest competition when it aired. At first, he had thought it was just stupid entertainment.

Around the time the second one aired, though, he had heard rumors...and took them to heart. And now...now he was a part of it. And he wasn't sure if he would be able to survive long enough to make it to the end.

One of the arge tree leaves above him decided to spill its load of water right on his head, breaking his train of thought. "Damnit, I stopped moving again!"

He took the wrench out of his pocket and started walking again. About the only good thing about the weather was that he had been able to refilll the two water bottles he had drank throughout the week, replenishing his supply of water back to four bottles. He had eaten about half of one of the loaves of bread, and the tins were still filled with crackers.

The reason he had decided to start moving from his hiding spot, though, was becuase he knew he had to find someone. He might not have been very social to anyone but friends back as Southridge, but he knew at least some form of teamwork was needed here.

But the rain just wouldn't let up, and his glasses were now impossible to look through. The best he could hope for was to take them off, so he did, and slipped them in a pocket in his pants. It was a good thing his sight was average (for an albino, at least), so he could still see decently.

But he knew he would have to rest sooner or later.

After a few minutes of making mental landmarks so he wouldn't get lost, he decided that he needed to find shelter or else he's get sick. He knew the map was paper, though, so he would have to find some dry or sort of dry place to read it.

....Or did he? He looked up, reaizing that the rain might've been letting up. He smiled. "Almost over....I think I might jsut stay here a while longer, just to be safe..."

...But were the trees relenting ground? He noticed that fewer of them were surrounding him, and they were getting smaller.

"Hmm...Decision time, Mike." He said to himself, looking at the wrench. "Heads, you stay in the jungle until the rain lets up more and you can read the map. Tails, you keep going and see what you can find."

He tossed the wrench into the air, and watched as it came down and it the mud.

He frowned when he saw the back end of the wrench sticking out of the mud.

He picked it up and sighed. "Keep going it is, then."

He kept walking, unsure of what he would find...until he hit what appeared to be an airplane.

"A wreck? Is this...an airport!?"

((Continued in Dork of the Manatee (Airfield)..))
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