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Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:01 am
by Mimi
"And now, performing a solo on the violin, we have twelve year old Kimberly Redmond!"

As Kimmy approached the seat at the front of the stage, she could feel her hands shaking. They shook with a mix of anticipation, nervousness, and fear. It was her first solo since she's been in band and it was intimidating.

After sitting in the chair, Kimmy's eyes meekly searched through the audience. It wasn't as if she was expecting them to come- they never did. Her adoptive parents had been at her first band recital, but hadn't shown up to another since. It hurt, of course, but she learned to get over it. She just had to get better so they'd want to come.

She played extraordinarily that night, but the need to get better lingered with Kimmy. All she ever wanted was to feel accepted, to feel loved. Sure her parents loved her, but they didn't show it an awful lot.

She'd make them proud one day.

Kimmy's doe eyes fluttered open as raindrops pelted her face. The canopy of the tree she had taken refuge under was finally giving way to the constant barrage of raindrops. Her ‘home' was finally collapsing.


G67 had awoken on day three in the jungle under the large tree. As soon as she awoke and remembered what had happened to her class, she tore through her daypack. There was a small amount of rations (and her candy, thankfully), a first aid kit, a manual, a map and compass, and what was supposedly her weapon.

A flag with a skull and cross bones.

"Oh that's just sick," Kimmy spat as soon as she saw it. It was almost a kind of signal telling her she and most of her classmates would be dead within a few days. She could really care less about her classmates dying, but she was going places.

And her parents. She needed to make them proud, but there was nothing she could do besides winning the game. That's when she came to the realization that she'd need to be a player. Killing her classmates was a thought that really didn't bother Kimmy. She didn't like them and they didn't like her.

She could wait it out, though. Save her energy, if you will. She'd let other people get their hands dirty while she sat back and waited for the end and have the smallest amount of blood on her hands.

That was until it started raining and her rations started diminishing.

By the end of day five, Kimmy had only a few crackers, half the loaf of bread, half a bottle of water, and her unicorn lollipop left. The rain wasn't looking like it wasn't going to clear up to soon, either.

And so, Kimberly Redmond stayed under her large tree for another night. Her last night under what was her home for three days.


Licking her lollipop, Kimmy decided it was about time to leave her make-shift home. It was something she dreaded doing, but it had to be done.

With that, Kimmy began her long trek through the jungle, licking her lollipop and humming an upbeat tune.

(Kimberly Redmond continued in Hold Me Closer Tiny Dancer)

Re: Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:02 am
by ZombiexCreame*
G71 Start.

Louise Altair, otherwise known as Lulu, had managed to survive up until now. She knew it was a miracle but couldn't bring herself to acknowledge that. Before she knew it, she could be dead. She considered it pure luck that she had managed to avoid any unnecessary confrontations and avoid stepping into any danger zones, thank God.

At one point, it had been raining. Or maybe still is. Either way, the rain was pouring in such a manner that Lulu couldn't keep her glasses dry and her vision clear. She was lucky to have made it here: The jungle. It was slightly more dry here, the rain didn't quite get through the trees. It was still damp and the occasional rain drop or three would occasionally come through the branches, falling upon her matted and disgusting hair or spot her glasses. And then for the five-hundredth and ninety time since arrival, she'd take them off, clean them on the edge of her sleeveless turtle neck sweater and put them on. That three seconds without her glasses was dangerous, but couldn't be helped.

Lulu found herself lucky that her given weapon was a war scythe. A war scythe! If she met someone with an unworthy weapon, she could bust them up real good. But it wasn't exactly Lulu's nature. Only self defense, that was her key.

A little tired, Lulu sat down at the base of a tree, lying her war scythe by her legs. It had a long, slim handle with a rather long and sharp blade. She would imagine a grim reaper carrying this. This was somewhat of a grim game, so it all fit. She kept it close enough however so if anyone came upon her, she could easily grab it. Could she get into any attacking position? Probably not. But who cared? Six days being alive was cutting it too close for comfort...

She opened her bag and found some of her rations. Lucky for her, she didn't eat much and could easily get full on something small. Water was running dry though. She bit into a dry, stale cracker and sucked the crumbly treat for a moment. Salty. Dry. Crumbly. She imagined being at home and eating a sandwich or something. Spaghetti. Mmmm.

Re: Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:02 am
by Mimi
(Sorry! I forgot to put continued elsewhere!)

Re: Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:02 am
by JoystickHero*
[G70 Start]

Rain, rain, rain. Amanda Redder, Amy to her friends, was getting pretty tired of it. She was soaked to the bone, he coat reserved for protecting her weapon from the rain. Amy hefted the heavy iron tube on her shoulder, arms sore from carrying the thing for almost a week. Who am I to complain, this could be the best weapon on the island... She honestly didn't know, she hadn't had to use it yet.

The foliage above Amy's head distilled the rain, but did little to dry the already drenched athlete. Jeez, this thing is heavy. I wonder if there's anywhere I can- Something caught the corner of Amy's eye, and she turned to look. Someone was sitting under one of the trees, a scythe at their feet. At first, Amanda was on her guard, but after looking for a few moments, a spark of recognition entering her eyes.


Re: Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:02 am
by ZombiexCreame*
When Lulu heard the sound of footsteps, she immediately stopped crunching her crackers. Even though she never practiced a religion or muttered a prayer in her life, she began praying at that very moment that she was just imagining it. But the footsteps got louder and louder. Lulu grabbed her scythe, holding it with sweaty hands. "I may have to use this..One..two..slice..", Lulu muttered, going over directions in her head. She imagined just falling over, right at her assailants feet. What a laugh.

Soon, she looked up and her eyes were met with someone she knew. Amanda! A familiar face, thank goodness!

"Amy! Oh my god, I was so scared.", Lulu whispered, standing up. She put her scythe down, but immediately regretted it. Was Amanda playing this game too? If so, maybe she should pick up the scythe again...No, that would seem suspicious. She would just have to put her trust into this girl who she had considered a friend. Not an extremely close one, but definitely an acquaintance.

"How have you been? Are you hurt? Are you...playing?", She asked, hesitant on the last question. It came off sounding awkward and Lulu immediately regretted asking.

Re: Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:02 am
by JoystickHero*
Playing...? Amy realized she was still leveling the grenade launcher at Lulu. "Oh! She immediately dropped the weapon, tube hitting the ground with a metallic thwunk. "In order, a lot better now, thankfully not, and unfortunately, yes." She gave a soft smile, trying to lighten the rather oppresive mood. "You have no idea how relieved I am to see a friendly face." The thought of killing Lulu had never entered Amanda's mind. Not once she knew who she was, anyways.

Lifting the weapon off the ground, she dragged it over to Lulu's scythe, setting the "gifts" side-by-side. She rang some of the water out of her hair, then her shirt. "Same questions, same order."

Re: Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:02 am
by ZombiexCreame*
Lulu found herself gawking at Amanda's weapon. She definitely got a good one and it looked a little monstrous compared to hers. A scythe. If the two of them got in a small argument over something minuscule, Amanda would definitely be able to blow Lulu out of the water before she even swung that scythe. A little depressing, but that was how this game worked, she supposed.

Looking around at the pretty green scenery around her, she picked at some livid colored moss on a tree. "So you are playing..Ah. Well. Of course you are. Most everyone is, I guess...", Lulu said, spewing assumptions. She didn't know what was going on. She just relied on the occasional announcements to help her realize what was going on.

"Huh? Me? Yeah, I'm fine. I've managed to avoid everyone so far...And well...I'm not playing. Yet. I haven't really been in that sort of situation yet.", Lulu explained with a nervous chuckle, adjusting her glasses. Despite her cheery exterior(or as cheery as she could act in such a grim situation), she was actually feeling extreme melancholy. Only because of the rain though. The meeting of a non-hostile person definitely cheered her up though.

"Do you think the forest is safe?", Lulu asked Amanda, shifting from one foot to another.

Re: Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:02 am
by JoystickHero*
Amanda shook her head. "I haven't killed anyone. I... I think I might if I have to, but... Well, the only grenades I used were for trying to get used to wielding this thing. Nearly started a forest fire." Not exactly a laughing matter, but Amy chuckled anyways. She needed to unstress. Getting bent out of shape would not help her.

Amanda was glad to hear that Lulu had avoided conflict. She was a good girl, and probably didn't have it in her to kill someone. "I'm sure it's fine." Amy replied, assuring herself as much as Louise. "Even if it's not, there's no one out there who could take on both of us." A chill went down Amanda's back as the cool night wind blew through the trees. Wet clothes, cold wind, at this rate, we'll catch pneumonia. "You wouldn't happen to have any way of starting a fire, would you?"

It was a rhetorical question. Even as she was asking it, Amy was pulling off the dripping tee she wore, ringing the water out of that. Only once her sports bra was completely visible did Amanda realize that Lulu probably wasn't as comfortable with this kind of thing as she was. As far as she knew, Lulu had never gone out for a sport. "We need to get out of these wet clothes." She explained. "We get sick, Danya won't have to kill us."

Re: Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:03 am
by Ciel*
(Anna Kateridge continued from Manhunt)

Anna was finding it rather hard to care about destroying all the cameras in the area. Even though the cameras were taping her every move, it wasn't like it had a choice in the matter. What did those cameras ever do to her? A stupid amount of wasted logic yes, but Anna was not the one to question herself when she came up with an idea. When she thought of something she'd usually go ahead with it regardless... for example, destroying a slim number of cameras on an island filled with them. Who's to say that she was even making a difference? The whole odd-job seemed more like busy work when she really thought about it. She should stop. The jungle seemed to go on forever and all the cameras she destroyed (that number being at a very high 19 now) was being vastly outweighed by the ones that were still in use.

Except for the one she just destroyed.

She didn't like that one.

Anna looked down at her sword and began to ponder. Hmm... I wonder why someone would leave a perfectly good sword lying in the ground? Seems a rather unintelligent thing to do, wouldn't you know? After all if I can easily slice through twenty cameras in less than a few hours then I would say I have a deadly weapon at my side. My word... This is a heavy object. I certainly didn't remember it being this heavy when I picked it up, but it certainly gets the job done. Makes things nice and easy. I like that.

She continued walking, humming to herself as she put the sword back into her bag as she held tightly onto her umbrella. Anna looked rather unusual, what with actually looking perky and happy. One would think she was crazy.

Hmm... I wonder if there's any radios on this island? If it did, then I could put some music on. It would do wonders to this dreary landscape.

... and they would probably be right. But Anna meant well, although the two girls sitting near a tree that she just so happened to pass wouldn't know that. She knew the two girls by name. Amanda and Louise, I believe. Or... is that Lulu? Oh bother, I'm very bad at names and faces. At least I remember Amanda's name... or is that Dolores? Oh dear... Anna pulled out a bright smile, not quite sure what to say to them or how to say something that she had no idea of. About the only thing Anna could really offer the two of them was the object that was placed in her hands. It certainly wasn't big enough to cover the three of them, but Anna could find some use for the camo clothes in her pack.

"... umbrella?" she inquired, in a carefree sort of way.

Re: Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:03 am
by ZombiexCreame*
"It might be a good idea to try to reserve as many grenades as you can until the need arises. I'm sure extra grenades would definitely be a chore to find.", Lulu said, grinning. Her wet hair was nearly plastered to her face and dirt obscured her cheeks and nose. Lulu was normally the type who's favorite sport was showering. Sometimes she'd take two a day. It took everything within her not to go insane because of her filth...

Lulu did feel better with Amanda around. She was right. If anyone decided to come upon them, they could probably take them out, considering the circumstances. As long as their weapon was nothing comparable to a grenade launcher and a war scythe.

When Amanda asked Lulu if she had a way to start a fire, she simply picked up two sticks and handed it to her. Lulu was still under the impression that by rubbing two sticks together, you'd get a monster fire. "Maybe bad idea..the smoke might attract people..", She whispered. When Amanda took off her wet shirt, Lulu lowered her eyes and focused on the dirt.

She heard footsteps. Again?! Okay, so it was her luck that Amanda had come along but what if she wasn't so lucky? What if the next person had a good enough weapon to wipe them both out in one single move. She waited until she saw the girl. Anna, she believed her name was. And she seemed non-hostile as well. Thank goodness. Being modest, she answered her question. "Well, if we took your umbrella, you'd get wet! That would be rude..."

Re: Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:03 am
by JoystickHero*
You bet. Amanda nodded. "I'm saving at least two of these babies for that fat fuck who dragged us all into this game." She knew he was probably listening, that was the whole point of the foul language. "One down his throat, and one up his..." For Louise's sake, Amy didn't finish that sentence. Maybe for her own sake, too. Danya seemed to have quite the bloodlust.

"...might attract people..."

Amanda hadn't thought of the smoke. She had forgotten. Amy slapped the base of her palm against her forehead. They were playing to survive, others might be playing to win. Am I TRYING to get us killed? I- No, don't dwell on it. You made a mistake. Focus on a mistake, you'll make another. Amy looked up to see Lulu's averted gaze. "Sorry to embarrass you, Lu. I'll just dry it off real quick, and get dre-"

Someone was near. How had she not heard them? I'm supposed to be- Focus, dammit! Amanda turned to see... Anna Katheridge. Treasurer of the student council. At least it's not a guy. Amanda wasn't a lesbian, (as far as she knew), she just... didn't like most men. Headstrong brutes. Ironically, this described Amy almost to a T.


"Well, if we took your umbrella, you'd get wet! That would be rude..."

Lulu trusted her. Or, at least acted like she did. "Though if you'd like to share in the cold and the wet, I'm not about to stop you." Amanda rested her foot on the powerful weapon in front of her. "Just out of curiosity's sake, what was your weapon?"

Re: Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:03 am
by ZombiexCreame*
Lulu grinned optimistically up at Amanda. "Maybe you shouldn't hurt him...I mean, it's just his job!", She said, sounding a little cheerful. Unfortunately, Lulu herself didn't quite believe it.

As she began to dry off, she noticed that Amy had averted her gaze to stare at the newcomer, Anna. Lulu vaguely wondered whether Amanda trusted Anna. Maybe not. One could never tell. Lulu honestly couldn't exactly trust everyone, but she knew that there were good intentions in everyone, just as there were bad intentions in everyone. Survival of the Fittest just brought out the bad intentions in people, mostly.

Lulu realized she barely knew what she was talking about. Looking up at the green canopy of trees and an array of black birds nesting in trees, she glanced over at Anna once again. What was her weapon? Maybe something powerful or maybe a joke weapon. Or maybe it was the umbrella. Where did she get the umbrella? Lulu didn't know and at this point, she didn't exactly care.

Sighing, she began to eat some more of her crackers and looked up at the two.

Re: Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:03 am
by Ciel*
Anna simply smiled in a surly fashion, not even taking a glance down at the powerful weapon (she had seen it but never really thought much of it.) She answered Lulu's question first. "Never you mind. I'm already wet as it is. Besides, if you want the truth I didn't have anything else to say..." She looked up at the sky for a brief moment. "... yes, I suppose that's the rub. There really isn't much to talk about other than... well, how many people you've killed. And for me, that number is an exact zero."

Anna was a chatterbox. A very odd chatterbox. She turned to look at Amanda for a fleeting moment, giving the girl the same exact smile. She held onto her tiny umbrella(which the organizers of the game left in the bag for reasons unknown to Anna) and spoke again. "What, you believe I'll attack you when your back is turned. I haven't a violent fiber in my entire body: if someone were to ask me to kill them why I wouldn't know what to do."

This was probably not the best thing to have said to someone with a large weapon, even Anna realized that. Not really seeing what the fuss was about, she shrugged and pulled out her sword. "If you must know, I found most of my weapons lying around this very dense forest. This sword, for example. Some fool decided to put it in the muddy ground. The nerve, I say! Who in their right mind would be so wasteful?

"And... I also found this ball and chain thing... it looked awfully strange to me. Two weights connected together by a large rope. I'll get it out, if I must, but I doubt there'd be any use to it at all...." Anna stopped for a moment. "Well... it was useful for destroying the cameras scattered around. I guess it's dangerous in a sense, but to me destroying cameras is a fruitless expenditure. There's just too many of them! I've spent about a few hours destroying them, and I'm not even sure if it was effective or not....

Anna paused again, then looked at her "AND I have a bunch of papers, although I'm not sure if those were meant to be an assigned weapon or not. Certainly doesn't serve any use other than writing down the recently deceased."

Re: Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:03 am
by JoystickHero*
"Well, somebody'd better fire him, then." Amanda smiled, turning back to the newcomer. "I remember that about you." She didn't mention that Anna's utter apathy was just as much of a danger as a psychosis would be. It was only her opinion, anyways. "Just wanted to make sure we had the advantage in case you'd gone... odd." Amy avoided "crazy". It was so much more real now. "The game's done that to people." Amanda hadn't participated yet, but she had seen. Seen things that no one should see. We ever get home, we'll all probably have shell shock...

At the mention of cameras, Amanda bitterly remembered the screams of retribution, brought on by S.A.D.D.'s "plan". "Thanks. I'd rather not be the next one detonated because of someone else's actions." Amy was all for getting off the island, but breaking a terrorist's toys was not the way to go about it. They'd need a lot more finesse than that.

Shoryuken! What the fuck?! The sound didn't repeat, so she did her best to shrug it off. Probably just screwing with us now... "If only we had a bottle. Set a note on the currents, and pray whoever gets it speaks English." Just a hopeful dream. Mind back on the now, Amy. "You refilled your bottle yet? If not, this is probably the cleanest water we're going to have for a while."

It was only now that Amanda noticed Lulu eating, her own exposed stomach complaining loudly, a rare blush appearing on Amy's face. "Care to join us for a meal of delicious Danya-brand rations?" Spirit was important in times like this, and Amy seemed the best-equipped to restore it. She sat down next to Lulu, not minding the wet mud that stained her khakis, and removed the tie from her hair, playfully shooting it at Anna. "Come on over, and take a seat."

Re: Kimmy, Kimmy, Candy Eater

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:03 am
by ZombiexCreame*
Lulu was completely and utterly relieved that this Anna girl was a lot like them. None of them had killed and none of them planned to kill. For now. As Lulu listened to Anna and Amanda speak, she pulled some dried mud off of her flats. It was a shame to see them so dirty. It took a few weeks allowance to buy. (Lulu didn't exactly have a job yet.)

Lulu's scythe already had the obvious answer to Lulu's death count. Also a zero. There wasn't a speck of anything on the blade, not even dirt. It was clean. Of course, there was the possibility that Lulu had cleaned it after a kill, but Lulu didn't seem like the type to kill.

When Lulu listened to Anna's array of weapons, she too was shocked that they had been lying around. Lulu herself wasn't that lucky. But a scythe was good enough, she supposed.

Lulu turned to her food as Amanda invited Anna to sit. She took another swig of water, then turned to the other two girls.

"So...Do we have a plan? Are we just going to stay here..or should we be on the move?", Lulu asked in a quiet, gentle voice. She felt safe in the forest and it would be tough to leave, honestly.