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Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:37 am
by Pigeon Army*
((Continued from Amaro))

Leo slowly made his way through the thick growth, batting at the vines haphazardly with his club. Can't go too fast, though...don't want Mr. Carvalho to get the wrong idea...

He surveyed the ground closely - he'd heard rumours of traps in the jungle from one of the many groups that had passed through the quarry when he'd been holed up there, and Leo didn't wish to get snagged on one today. That would be...silly.

Leo stepped into a clearing, and looked up. He could see the moonlight becoming dimmer and dimmer through the canopy. Day was coming, and there still hadn't been any announcement. Must be some interesting developments on Danya's end - it is not like him to keep us waiting.

Not that Leo was complaining. The longer the announcements stayed unannounced, the longer Leo's 'Raven' cover would stay undiscovered, and the longer Leo could twist Boxer to his will. Where is that primitive lug, anyway?

Leo coughed, and put on his 'Raven' voice. "Boxer? Boxer? I've found a place to rest, where are you?"

Re: Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:37 am
by laZardo*

Boxer continued from Amaro))

"I'm here..." came a mildly booming voice from behind a nearby tree. What - or who - stepped out from behind it was its owner, Boxer Carvalho. "Thank God, I didn't get lost again."

For the first time in a while, Boxer actually felt relieved, and not in the sense that he had done so a mile or so back. That one took a while. But really, he was relieved to have actually found a place to stop and rest, and that he wasn't actually lost for once. Yes, there was still the mission to find and kill Darnell, but as long as Darnell wasn't actively hunting Boxer, the titan figured he'd be fine for the time being.

Leo had, of course, convinced the titan that he was actually the person he had just killed prior to Boxer's arrival at the cottage. Boxer, of course, believed it hook line and two smoking barrels. He sat down at the edge of the clearing, facing away from the jungle, and took a deep breath.

"It's been a ride...hasn't it..."

Re: Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:37 am
by Pigeon Army*
"It's been a ride...hasn't it..."

Leo's laughed uneasily and began circling the perimeter of the small clearing. He couldn't see anything that had been dropped by anyone, so it was highly unlikely that he'd be replacing this club anytime soon.

That is, unless I kill Mr. Carvalho.

But there are easier ways to commit suicide.

Leo opened up his daypack and grabbed the tube of crackers. He peered inside - there were quite a few left, but that may have been because he had been focusing on the much more filling and energy-boosting bread and had tried to avoid the dry water-crackers since day one. He put one in his mouth and held out the tube to Boxer.

"Want one?"

Re: Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:37 am
by laZardo*
Boxer had just started scarfing down what was left of his loaf of bread like a caveman ripping a sabertooth's cooked leg apart. A week of wandering had left him with a ravenous appetite that would have just as well driven him to cannibalism were it not for his bizarrely simple-minded moral code, apart from other mental ails.

"Nah...I'm good here..." Boxer replied with his mouth full, "Feel like I could eat a horse..."

An irony, as it was such an animal that Eddie had nicknamed him after. It was a nickname other teammates had refrained from using, though it was one whose meaning the titan linebacker had failed to grasp. Then again...that was part of the reason for his name, too.

"So...Raven..." Boxer began after swallowing his latest chomp, "you lose anyone you know?"

Re: Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:37 am
by Pigeon Army*
The lug rejected Leo's offer of crackers and pulled out his loaf of bread. He began wolfing it down, and Leo shrugged and swallowed the cracker in his mouth. He put a couple more in and ate them, and then sat down on a log near the perimeter of the clearing, with Boxer facing away from him. Must be able to run when the announcements finally come on...or, if he's really slow, do something else...

" lose anyone you know?"

'Raven' stopped studying the canopy and looked down at Boxer, whose back was still turned to him.

"Well, I haven't really been paying that much attention to the announcements," 'Raven' said quietly. "I didn't really have many friends, anyway, so, y'know..."

Leo left 'Raven's' final sentence trailing, deliberately hoping to evoke some sort of tear-welling sympathy in Boxer. Leo realised that wouldn't be easy, but it was worth a shot. He breathed in deeply and sighed.

"Jus' wanna go home."

Re: Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:37 am
by laZardo*
"We all wanna go home..." Boxer replied, as he oddly got lost in his thoughts. "I don't know if I want to though."

He stared off into the sky and took a deep breath, "I thought my team were my only friends. Them and Eddie. Outside of them everyone thought I was some kind of big breathing slab-a-meat. I didn't like that."

Boxer chuckled and returned his glance to 'Raven' before pulling out the bottle of water and taking a swig. "Then...Darnell killed Eddie. Fuck if the whole team was behind that too." Regardless of whether or not it was paranoia getting to him...there was no doubt that life on the island was. "If I avenge them...I don't know what I'd do from there."

The titan gave a tormented chuckle, "I just hope it'll please Eddie if I have fun doing so."

Re: Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:37 am
by Pigeon Army*
"Then...Darnell killed Eddie. Fuck if the whole team was behind that too. If I avenge them...I don't know what I'd do from there. I just hope it'll please Eddie if I have fun doing so."

So it is Mr. Trinidad-Villa that he is trying to avenge. I should have known. Well...this makes his emotional state easier to play on.

"Jeez," Leo uttered in his 'Raven' voice. " Heavy."

Leo walked slowly around to the other side of the clearing, behind Boxer. He scanned the ground for tripwires, but the lack of light was making it difficult. It had gotten dark quickly, and Leo's false identity had been safeguarded by Danya's lack of announcement today.

God bless your failure, Danya.

Leo shrugged and decided to put an impromptu plan into motion. He gasped sharply, and spun around to Boxer.

"Did you hear that? We need to get out of here. Someone's around..."

Come on, Mr. Carvalho. Let's have some fun.

Re: Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:38 am
by Ciel*
(OOC: I shall be taking over Terrie's rights with permission by Megami. I'll be taking her over for the time being.)

(Terrie continued from The Beginning of The End is The Beginning)

Her mind was racked with a fear and panic that she had never felt before. A fear that she had never wanted to feel again. Her lips trembled, her body quaked. The anxiety from her current circumstances had surrounded her for so long. And yet, unbelievable as it was, she forgot to be afraid. Forgot that her life was about to end. For Terrie Brightwell (Female Student no. 16) the nightmare was back and it was even worse than before, because she was alone. All of her friends from school were dead, save for Elizabeth and Terrie had a sinking feeling that whatever friendship they had in the past wouldn'tÂ…

No. She wasn't going to think that way about anyone, especially Elizabeth. Just because Lenny was a killer didn't necessarily mean that she was behind him one-hundred percent. Besides, Elizabeth was too good natured to hurt anyone. At least Terrie hoped that were true. Then again anything was really possible. Anything.

A week ago Terrie had asked herself "Why does it have to be like this?". Only now she was beginning to truly understand why: because that was life. Life wasn't going to stop for her to get on; she would have to make her own path. But making your own path when you've been letting others make it for you is much harder than it looked. Any minute someone could attack her and no one would be around to save her, and she was incapable of defending herself. Terrie had a gun but she wasn't the greatest shot, having only used it a few times. She couldn't fight. There was nothing to use as a blunt weapon apart from large branches that looked too heavy for Terrie to carry. It was all very hopeless. The odds were against her.

Terrie's legs were trembling more violently than the rest of her body, but that was from walking so far. She felt very tired (a feeling that most of the island could relate to). Extremely tired. Terrie was surprised that she hadn't passed out before. Walking for days without any rest aside for a brief sit down every now and then. Her sanity, her energy, her will, her hope... all of them were gone.

Except for... her friends. They had to be around here. He couldn't have been far. Though it was rather obvious that she wasn't gong to be seeing them, she kept telling herself that they were up ahead and that there was nothing to worry about. Warm tears were pouring down her face, making an even bigger mess of her already ruined mascara. Terrie bit down on her lip, trying to get herself to stop crying.

Don't cry Terrie... Don't cry Terrie... Don't cry Terrie... Don't cry Terrie... Please. It's too late to start crying again...

I need sleep...


The ground is looking very tempting right now...

A figure in the morning rain caught her eye. Her eyes were clogged, yes, but she could make someone out. It had to be Ianto. It just HAD to BE Ianto. Her eyes sparked alight with life, and before she could think ahead of time or stop herself, she waved and yelled.

"Ianto!!! Ianto!!!" When he didn't answer, she simply stepped forward a couple of paces and cried again. "Ianto? Is that you? B-Brad?"

She stepped through into the clearing, taking a very loud gasp of air. She looked up at the two boys standing not too far away. She was still under the impression that these were both Ianto and Brad but her hopes were dashed when she recognized one of the boys to be Boxer Carvalho, who was definitely NOT Ianto. She frowned slightly at the discovery of this. Then she became frightened.

They heard me...

So her first action after remembering that she had attracted the attention of two people (two MEN, both of whom were much bigger than her) was what a scared girl like her was expected to do: she pulled out her gun and aimed it at the two nervously. And she said the first thing anyone could have said after pointing a gun at someone:

"Hi... ummm... how are you guys?"

Terrie smiled. She was scared out of her mind alright, and it was showing.

Re: Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:38 am
by laZardo*
It had already gotten dark quicker than a free-roaming video game, and to Boxer, it appeared 'Raven' was getting scared as he seemed to be searching for something over at the other edge of the clearing. The other boy must certainly have noticed something, as he gasped and suddenly said,

"Did you hear that? We need to get out of here. Someone's around..."

"Dammit. Stay close! Where are you?" Boxer grunted as he headed over to the smaller kid. As much as he was trying to avoid shouting, his could easily be heard by anyone else in the vicinity, if there was indeed someone out there.

Lo and behold, as much as 'Raven' may have been lying or trying to trick Boxer, the titan did not need to be convinced that it was anything but the truth when he heard a girl greeting them from behind...and turned to find said girl there, trembling as she pointed a gun at the two. It took a while for Boxer to gather a response as if she had fired and the shot had scattered his thoughts...

"Hi... ummm... how are you guys?", she asked with a clearly tormented smile.

"I'm fine...but could you...put that gun down, please?" he pleaded sternly...though he may as well have been pissing himself inwardly. He was a gigantic target who could not fight back against a bullet, even if fired by someone who clearly did not appear to be a sharpshooter. "I can help you...I don't want to kill you."

Re: Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:38 am
by Pigeon Army*
"Ianto!!! Ianto!!!"

You cannot be serious. IT WAS NOT MEANT TO BE TRUE, DAMMIT...

Leo turned around and saw a girl come charging through the forest, slowing as she reached the edge of the clearing and saw that those she was calling to were not, today, tomorrow, or any other day of the week, Ianto Murphy.

Terrie Brightwell. On the swim team. Prone to crying. Cannot, for the life of her, think for herself.

It's as if there's a silver platter of potential kills in front of me, and the hor d'oeuvres are all the insignificant ants of Southridge, begging to be eaten.

Of course, Leo wasn't expecting the next development in the Killing Terrie Brightwell saga. That development being her pulling a gun out.

"Hi... ummm... how are you guys?"

Boxer wasn't taking to the girl's introduction all too kindly.

"I'm fine...but could you...put that gun down, please? I can help you...I don't want to kill you."

Leo smirked in the darkness. Boxer and Terrie could barely see each other, let alone him. Everyone was a figure in the darkness, and Leo could easily take Terrie out now. Just get in behind Ms. Brightwell, yank her arm back, grab that lovely-looking gun and put one in the skull for good measure - I could even get Mr. Carvalho if I moved quickly enough.

Or, I could try and play good cop and get the gun off her from the front. There is a likelihood that she will not take too kindly to being snuck up on - yes, good cop seems the easiest way. Such a small and insignificant girl - she'll be better off not seeing it through to the end of this game.

Leo stepped forward and moved towards Terrie, the arm without the club stretched in front of him, the club hidden behind his back. "Hey, Terrie. You don't know me but I know you. Let's just put the gun down, and no-one will get hurt. Okay?"

Re: Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:38 am
by Ciel*
One thing was for certain: Terrie could never fire her Beretta. She could try to shoot Leo. For all the life in her she could try, but it would never work out. Her hand began to shake violently, her index finger rubbing against the trigger. She didn't know who the boy was, but she didn't like the way he was drawing closer to her with an innocent smile on his face. His outstretched hand was coming dangerously close to her and in response she stepped away from him, the gun still aimed at his silhouette.

Brad... Ianto... Elizabeth... anyone? Stop the ride, I wanna get off...

She hoped to God that Jamie wasn't watching what was happening. His kid sister was a few seconds away from getting killed. Terrie was trying to imagine what her brother was feeling back at home. He was probably crying alot more than she was, that was for certain. The reason why she was fighting so desperately the whole week had more to do with her family rather than herself. She wished they were here right now, protecting her like they had so long ago. But when she thought of it even more, she was glad none of them were here with her. Nevertheless, Terrie wanted to live for many reasons.

And yet she still believed Leo, and lowered the gun only a smudge.

"Okay..." Terrie said, shaking and quivering. "I'm not going to hurt either of you. I just want..."

Wait... what is holding behind is...

Terrie was scared again. What was he holding behind his back? Was it a gun? Was it a sword that could rip Terrie's head off in one slice? She didn't want to know and yet at the same time she really wanted to know. Her gun was pointed at him again, her face visibly sickened for one reason or another. Terrie could trust just about anyone. She didn't trust this guy, whoever he was.

"What are you holding behind your back?" She jumped once she noticed that Leo was closing in on her again. "Stay away from me. I'm not afraid to shoot you, I-I've gone it before..."

*wheeze* She was scared out of her mind but her hand aimed the gun at Leo's heart. Terrie really wished Ianto, Brad or anyone else was here to save her. She didn't know what she was going to do if this guy did make a move for her gun. Maybe Boxer could save her, but the chances of that ever happening were nearly impossible.

Re: Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:38 am
by Pigeon Army*
"Okay...I'm not going to hurt either of you. I just want..."

There we go. Lower the gun, Ms. Brightwell, it shall all be over soo...

The gun shot back up, pointed squarely at Leo's chest.

Oh, come on. Seriously?

Leo backed up a step, his one hand still outstretched, the club still held behind his back.

"What are you holding behind your back? Stay away from me. I'm not afraid to shoot you, I-I've done it before..."

Leo sighed. Terrie was being very unco-operative for a weak and delicate flower, and he was becoming infuriated by her insistence to protect herself. She was meant to die so he could live, and he would be damned if she was going to try and fight it. Leo dropped his 'Raven' cover. Now was not the time to play soft. He flashed his trademark politician's grin, disingenuous as ever.

"Look, Ms. Brightwell, there does not need to be a bloody end to all of this. We can all just walk away like nothing has happened. So why not just lower the gun and walk away? Surely that would be in everyone's best interests."

Leo stepped forward.

"Then again, your actions speak louder than your words. You have not shot anyone - I should know, I have been paying close attention to the announcements - and nor would you. You lack the drive, the willpower, the strength to pull that trigger. So, Ms. Brightwell. If you refuse to drop the gun, and you refuse to back away, I guess you leave me but one choice."

Almost effortlessly, without a noise, Leo brought the club out from behind him, lunged forward and swung at Terrie's hands.

Re: Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:38 am
by laZardo*
((You skipped me.))

'Raven's' behavior suddenly changed as Boxer watched the smaller boy's silhouette move slowly through the darkness. What was once a timid little boy now seemed like a cold, calculating genius. So schizophrenic...yet it was perhaps to Leo's advantage that Boxer really hardly knew him.

"Raven?! What's gotten into you?"

He watched as 'Raven' lunged toward Terrie with the club. Maybe he was trying to protect Boxer...or was out for his own interest. Either way, it was reckless and it meant almost certain doom, and that

"NO!" Boxer shouted as he lunged toward 'Raven,' hoping to deflect him away from any incoming ammunition. Although he had a linebacker's motion, his linebacker's reflexes were sharply dulled from fatigue...making him slower from the get-go. Of course, in his condition he wasn't that concerned about self-preservation either.

Re: Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:38 am
by Ciel*
((Dude, I had a post written up and then you posted ahead and kinda messed this up. Gah. x_x))

Leo was right in a way, but he wasn't completely correct. Terrie had used the gun a few times but it wasn't enough to make her feel comfortable with it. In fact the aim of her gun wasn't perfect, not to mention that she only knew the general area of Leo. She didn't notice she had the gun pushed close to his chest, though she wouldn't have cared much had she known. Nevertheless, Leo's words were swiping away at the courage Terrie had left.

Then came the club.

The club knocked away the gun as it was intended to do. However as the club collided with the gun, the muscles in her finger pulled back and the gun went off. Accidentally of course - Terrie had no intention of using it unless she had to but the gun going off right then and there was not her fault.

Terrie assumed that the bullet missed and in a quick move to insure her own survival, dove for the ground the second the pistol was knocked out of her hands. She couldn't see the gun on the ground, through the dense jungle grass. She couldn't help the whimpers coming from her mouth. Her eyes were damp with tears of panic, confusion and fear. It couldn't end like this, it just COULDN'T end like this. Her whole life was flashing before her eyes and as this was happening, she came to a realization.

Terrie wanted to live.

This is why she screamed.

"Dear God! Somebody help me! He's trying to kill me! Someone's trying to kill me! Help! Help! Oh my god, somebody, please!"

Terrie hoped that someone could hear her. She didn't care who it was: even if it was a cold blooded murderer she would be fine with that. She wanted someone with at least some courage to save her, to stop Leo before he killed her. It was about the only thing she could do. It was also probably the only smart thing to do.

"Boxer! My god, this guy was trying to kill me!!!! Do something, please!"

Re: Shiawase Desu

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:39 am
by Pigeon Army*
The club collided with the gun. The gun went off, and then flew out of Terrie's hands. It thudded onto the ground, and Terrie dove away, screaming hysterically. Leo spun around and glared into the darkness. He felt a quick gust of wind brush past him, and Leo smiled. Everything was going according to plan. Leo strode over to the gun and leaned over to grab it. He winced as he did so, but still managed to pick up the gun and get his hands around it, pointing it into the darkness.

Everything is going according to plan, he thought smugly, and then he began to talk into the darkness, looking at the dark outlines of Boxer and Terrie.

"Ms. Brightwell, your stupidity...amazes me. Seriously, of all the things you could do, you fire the gun into nothing and dive in the opposite direction of it? Does your mind even function without the guidance of your family? Fantastic. It's going to make you easier for me to deal with.

"And you, Mr. Carvalho. I have never seen such an astounding display of gullibility and blind idiocy as I have in the time spent with you. I honestly cannot believe you are using your time on this island to exact revenge with someone who killed a person you cared nothing for anyway! You and him were not friends - quite the opposite. You two were convenient, nothing more! You are wasting your time on this island blindly seeking revenge, when you have no-one to avenge!

It stuns me..."

Leo's balanced faltered for a second, his head lolling to his left side. He recovered himself, and pointed the gun at Boxer.

"It stuns me that you two have survived so long, when you are the very epitomes of what is wrong with this school and this society! Your moronic tendencies astound me! This is why you must die - you first, Mr. Carvalho, then you, Ms. Brightwell. Because I am smart enough, I am good enough, to...woah..."

Leo fell onto his left knee, becoming increasingly dizzy.

"I am good...good enough...I am good enough to live...and are..."

The gun slipped out of Leo's grasp, and with his other hand, he felt around his stomach. He flinched and groaned as he suddenly felt intense pain in his gut and sticky residue on his finger. He lifted the finger up and peered at the hard-to-make-out liquid on his fingers.

"You shot me."

Leo looked into the darkness, stunned.

"You shot me, Ms. Brightwell. That's...that's...not how...this should work. You are meant to die..."

Leo's eyes widened, and he started laughing bitterly, and choking in between chuckles.

"This is...fucking...cah...ridicu...ridiculous...I'm the one who's meant...meant to..."

Leo slowly fell forward, his cheek colliding with the mud. He stared at Terrie, whose eyes were able to be made out in the darkness.



Leo died, staring into the eyes of the weak, sheepish girl who murdered him.